Chapter Twenty Three: Dinner at home

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(Authors note, I am so so so so sorry for not updating in months, excuses at the end. If there's any of you still reading, here goes)

Turns out, Cara had fractured her arm. It was put into a white cast for 4 weeks until me and Andy had to take her back to the doctor to get it checked. Andy still felt a little guilty but so did I, there was really nothing we could do about it.

Andy sat in the living room with Cara sat on her play mat, she kept getting frustrated because she could only use one arm to play with her toys so Andy kept helping her, it made me chuckle.

I walked from the kitchen to the living room and plopped next to Andy, "So, fancy anything to eat?"

He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder, "I was going to take you out to dinner, but we can't now because of looking after Cara" he sighed.

"No worries," I kissed his hair, "It's no problem, there's always another time, love"

He smiled and helped Cara pick up one of her toys, "I'm sorry though"

"It's not your fault" I smiled, "What do you want for dinner then?"

"What ever is easiest, I don't mind." he replied, keeping his attention on Cara, you can tell when she is older he is going to be such a protective dad!

"Not my fault if you hate it" I teased, pushing myself to my feet

"I won't, babe" He chuckled

I walked to the kitched and opened up the freezer. Wow we really didn't have anything healthy so burgers it is.

I grabbed 2 burgers from the freezer and placed the box on the side whilst switching thr stove on and heating up a pan. When it was heated i set both of the burgers into a pan hearing them hiss and they hit the pans surface. After about 10 minutes everything is cooked, burgers, salad and cara's dinner is done.

"Babe, foods up!" I shout from the kitchen.

"Awesome" he shouts back, carrying Cara into the kitchen and slipping her into her high chair next to where I sit.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck gently, "What's for dinner?" He murmured into my neck.

"Hm, burgers and salad." I turned and kissed him briefly.

"Sounds good," he smiled

"Go sit down then" I grinned, pecking his lips as he went to sit at the table.

I brought over 2 plates and set one infront of Andy and one infront of me and sat down.

"Smells great" he grinned, tucking into his food

"You don't smell hal bad yourself" I winked and he chuckled.

I took one bite out of my burger and set it back down and popped open a jar of baby food and started to feed Cara scoop by scoop.

"So," Andy broke the silence, "We're playing a one off show in LA this week, and I think you should check it out."

I dabbed Cara's mouth, "Hm, what's so special about this show then?" I winked,

"Well i'm there, isn't that good enough" He chuckled, taking another bite of his burger, so I took one too.

"Maybe," I said giving Cara another spoon of food, "But seriously, why?"

"It's a special show, you should come. Sammi will be there too and you get on, right?"

I smiled, "Yeah, sure i'll be there. What time?"

"Doors open at 7 I believe but we're on at 9:30"

"I'm down" I smiled

"Sweet" Andy grinned, finishing his meal and i finished mine.

"I'll clean up, do you mind finishing this?" I stood up and handed Andy the jar of food,

"Of course, babe, you do too much around here anyway, i should do more"

I laughed, probably too loud, "You're a rock star, I think you deserve a break when you're home?"

He set the food down on the table and stood up, enveloping me in his embrace, "Being home with you is enough, i couldn't ask for anything else."  He said, kissing my hair and then my lips, making me blush in my cheeks, speading to my nose.

"And you're cute as hell when you blush," He grinned.


Authors note:

Oh my god you guys, i am more than sorry you have no idea. I logged off this account ages ago, thinking no one was reading, and then suddenly it has more than 3,500 reads? How even? Well I am honoured so thank you so much. I will definitely update on a regular basis now that i know people are reading. Comment if you have any ideas you want me encorporate, it would be great. I have officially left school now so expect regular updates. I can't thank you guys enough, it feels amazing to know that people actually like what i am writing. Thank you xx

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