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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.

Luther sighed as he listened to Pogo's lecture, his hand slipping to touch his growing belly. Grace told him that if he wants to abort it, the pill wouldn't be so reliable and that she recommends vacuum. He told her that he's keeping it. He always knew that he wants to be a parent (the only reason why he hasn't gotten a bottom surgery), but never really expected it to be this soon or the child to be his father's.

Will the child grow up to be somehow like Reginald? The child has Reginald's genes, will they be passed down the child? Luther hopes not, he couldn't handle a Reginald 2.0. Reginald wouldn't care, right? He'll just leave the whole raising the child to Luther, right? He wouldn't even make it a big deal, especially if he knows that Luther plans on not putting him as the child's father. No, the child would be his and his only. He'll have to stop working out so much, he's not even sure he'll be a good dad.

"You may rest now, Master Luther," Pogo announced. Without any more words exchanged, Pogo left his room. Luther stood up from his study, closing the door before rubbing his belly again. If he's going to keep it, he'll have to tell his father that he's pregnant. Only, Reginald will quickly catch on and realise that the baby is his also, not that he'll do anything. Reginald is as heartless as he gets, nineteen years of growing up with him prove just as much.

Luther turned his head to the side, seeing the shelf where he hides the test results and the USG photo. If Luther is going to keep the baby, his father should know. Luther opens his shelf, taking out the tests and the USG photo and pocketing them. Luther took a deep breath in, preparing his brave face as he opened the doorknob of his room, leaving it, heading to Reginald's study. He'll tell his father now, why he couldn't go to missions. He'll open up about everything, the paternity of the baby, how far along is he, how hard can that be?

"Dad?" Luther called, creeping on his study. Reginald is sitting there, still writing on his study and not looking up to his son at all. Luther entered the study room, keeping the door open for if he needs to run away.

"Dad, I got something to say." Luther declared. Reginald didn't look up to see him at all. Luther coughed, he'll just drop the bomb now. "I don't think I can go to missions anymore, Dad," Luther continued. Reginald looked up to see Luther in the eyes.

"Why not?"

"I'm pregnant," Luther answered. Reginald raised his brow. "I'm on my eleventh week. Here-" Luther took out the pregnancy tests and the USG photo he was hiding in his pockets and placed them on Reginald's table. "Here's the USG photo and the positive tests."

"Who knows?"

"Mum and Diego," Luther answered, taking back the sticks and the picture. "I told Mum and Diego crept into my room when he asked for your signature."

"Who knows about the parentage?"

"Only Mum does," Luther confirmed. "Dad, I want to keep it."

"Huh!" Reginald scoffed. Luther pressed his lips in a thin line, balling his hands that's on his side. "And I assume you don't want to write me down as the foetus' father?"

"No, Dad-" Luther shook his head. "I'll be the only parent. You won't be listed as the baby's father."


"Can I stay, Dad?" Luther asked. Reginald only smirked. "I know I probably should move out, but can I stay here? I need help with my pregnancy and continuing my transition later and you can certainly help me, and you can help making sure the baby grows up in a stable household."

"Other people usually move out when they want to start a family."

"Please, Dad," Luther begged. "The baby won't know about its true parentage, it'll refer you as its grandfather. I'll even continue working for the Academy."

"Agree," Reginald declared, looking around. "Yes, this is a manor. There are plenty of empty rooms for the foetus. Grace and Pogo will be more than happy to help you should you need it, Number One. The foetus should have superpowers, yes."

"Don't do anything to the baby," Luther begged. "It's just ordinary, it's not going to be born of a miraculous birth. It won't have any power. There's nothing to learn about."

"There's always going to be something to learn about with you, Number One," Reginald fought. "It has your superhuman DNA, but my human DNA. Therefore, theoretically, the child will be half-superhuman. To what extent will the child inherit your power, I would love to know."

"It's just a kid, Dad," Luther fought. "A kid shouldn't be experimented on."

"The child will be fine." Luther sighed, there's no room for argument with Reginald. "During the pregnancy and a month after giving birth, you will not go to missions and your training lightened. But afterwards, you'll work for me as usual. For your new training, tomorrow Grace will give you a new timetable."

"Can I sign up for parenting classes and find a psychologist?" Luther asked. "I want to provide my best to the child and I'll need help."

"No, Grace and Pogo will help you with everything you need, you don't need external help," Reginald decided. "Is that to be understood, Number One?"

"You don't need to call me by my number anymore, Dad."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm the only one left," Luther answered. Reginald scoffed again, and at that he left the study to his room, placing the tests and the USG photo on the table near his bed before laying down his bed. There'll be another life in the Academy, one that he'll love forever.

Grace was right. If he wants to have this kid, he needs to fix his temper. No more throwing shitfits, no more anger bursts, no more punching the walls, no more ignoring people when he's angry, no. He needs to change. But Reginald doesn't allow him to have external help, he'll have to settle with Grace, not that he doesn't enjoy spending more time with Grace. She probably won't be able to help him as best as a qualified psychologist can since she's a robot and therefore lacks the capability to really empathise, which is a crucial ability in the field of psychology, but you work with what you got.

There's no room for debate, he will work on improving himself.

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