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"Just one more push, Luther. Come on!"

Luther can feel more sweat dripping down his already-sweaty face, damn. Who knew that giving birth would be this hard? It's been what, half the day? The kid just won't come out! Luther took a deep breath in as he prepared for one last push, screaming as he did so, holding the dented metal rod Grace gave him earlier. Luther knew he's done in giving birth, he can feel the vacancy of something odd in his vagina.

"Mum?" Luther breathed out, feeling another pain on his vagina. "What's happening? Mum? Why am I-"

"It's just after birth, Honey," Grace confirmed, slapping the baby's arse. The baby. Luther's baby. "You need to birth out the placenta, it's nothing."

Luther can feel the pain leaving him, just in time as he hears the sweet cry of his baby. Grace used some tissues and cleaned the baby, walking closer to Luther, showing him the crying baby. "Is that-"

"That's her-" Grace nodded. Luther smiled, leaning his head to the wall of the infirmary. "Have your arms shaping like a cradle, I've shown you." Luther complied to Grace's commands, Grace passing the baby to Luther. Luther doesn't say anything, watching the crying baby with complete awe.

"She's going to need some milk, I'll grab her bottle," Grace said, leaving him alone. Luther can feel tears leaving his eyes, not that he minds. She's something worth crying over.

"Here you go, Sweetie," Grace said, handing Luther the bottle.

"Thanks, Mum-" Luther accepts it, his eyes never off the baby. "How does she know-"

"Just put the nipple over her mouth, she'll know what to do," Grace answered. Luther did what she said, placing the nipple over the baby's mouth. It works, the baby straight drinking from the bottle.

"How do I know that she's full?"

"She'll stop drinking."

Luther nods, never taking his eyes away from his daughter. His daughter. Luther is no longer only responsible for himself, now. He's also responsible for another life. This little girl's life. Luther wonders, how can a baby be this tiny? Was he this small when he was born? What about his powers? What if Reginald is right and she does inherit his powers in any way? Luther hopes not, he doesn't think he could handle it if Reginald experiments on his daughter like he experiments on him.

"Will she inherit my powers?" Luther asked. Grace turned around to face him. "I have super strength and super durability, and she's born from me. Will she have it too?"

"If I'm to be honest, I don't know," Grace revealed. "She has your genes, but she has Reginald's too, and Reginald is ordinary. Let's just hope that his ordinary genes dominate yours and she won't inherit your powers."

Luther nodded, rocking the baby back and forth as she pushed away the bottle, letting out a small sound that had Luther's heart breaking before she sleeps soundly. "Is what you say correct? Does she have Tay-Sachs?"

"I don't know," Grace answered. "I don't know if she'll have Tay-Sachs disease. NIPT is very trustable, but there's a 20% chance of error. I can check it, though. I can run a blood test on her, check her beta-hexosaminidase A enzyme activity. If it's the normal rate, it's negative."

"Let's hope that it's normal, then-" Luther nods, his hand caressing her head. Luther lifts the baby, kissing her head very softly.

"Will I be like Dad?" Luther asked, looking up to see Grace in the eyes, the first time he broke eye contact with his daughter. "Will I hurt her?"

"You won't, not intentionally-" Grace shook her head. "I know just how dedicated are you in never hurting her, you've shown just as much with me. But it all comes back to you, will you?"

"No-" Luther shook his head. "Not if I can help it."

"Then you won't. I'll help you," Grace promised. "I have to go, Luther. Sir Reginald advised me to let him know."

"Mum, wait!" But Grace doesn't return. Luther sighed, closing his eyes as he held his daughter closer to his bare chest. Grace told him that skin-to-skin contact is crucial, and he's not fighting it.

Her skin feels so gentle, as compared to his scarred, rough skin. Luther ran his thumb in a circular motion on her hand. Luther closed his eyes, remembering the rough missions Reginald had them go through, that causes all his siblings to slowly move out with hate in their hearts.

"You will never be in pain."

"Fascinating," Reginald stormed in, Pogo and Grace trailing behind him. Luther swallowed some saliva as he sat up, clutching on the baby even tighter. "Does she have any powers?"

"For now, no," Grace answered. Reginald stood next to Luther and the baby, looking at the baby with such fascination in his eyes. "But there might be in the future, might there not be too."

"Dad, please don't," Luther plead. Reginald looked up to see his face, his brows furrowed. "She's just a baby. She isn't a test subject."

"You are never 'just a kid', Number One-" Reginald shook his head. "Neither is she. Though she was born of normal pregnancy, her father is not a normal human. There will be something to test on her."

"She's my daughter, Dad," Luther declared. "I'm her father. I'm responsible for her and I make the decision."

"She carries my genes, and I say we run tests on her." Luther took a deep breath in as he shook his head.

"Dad, you said you don't want to be put down as the child's father," Luther fought. "That makes me the sole parent. That makes her my sole responsibility."

"I won't do much, I'll find out if she does inherit your abilities," Reginald decided. Luther sighed, damn him being so hard-headed. "Rest, Number One. Grace, Pogo, prepare the nursery room."

"Can her crib just be in my room?" Luther interjected. Reginald, Grace, and Pogo turned their heads to face him and Luther swallowed his saliva, damn he feels so exposed now. "The other rooms aren't ready, right? I don't mind sharing my room with her. Just put her crib in my room."

"Very well." Reginald left the infirmary, no more words exchanged. Pogo left too.

"Mum?" Luther called, seeing as Grace was about to leave. Grace turned her back to face her son.


"I think I want to name her Katrina Luisa," Luther revealed. Grace nodded, a widespread grin on her face.

"That's a beautiful name, Dear."

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