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"Luther, I want to give you this."

After Allison, Luther, and Katrina left the theatre back to the manor, Katrina immediately ran back inside, presumably to search more about Solea Pfeiffer when Luther and Allison stood outside the manor. Allison hands Luther two white marble cards with the gold writings Wedding Invitation: Patrick Hendrickson & Allison Hargreeves in cursive.

"You're marrying Patrick?"

"Yeah, end of this month-" Allison nodded. "I hope you can come, Lu."

"Of course I will, Al," Luther smiled, holding Allison's hand. "I'm happy for you."

"I'm sorry I rumoured you-"

"It was years ago, Al," Luther cuts her. "It was just a kiss-"

"It wasn't just a kiss, Luther," Allison corrected. Luther looked away, biting down his lips. "You and I know how messed up it was."

"I forgive you-" Luther shook his head. "Just don't do the same thing with Patrick."


"Bye." Luther stepped inside the manor as Allison leaves to see Pogo, waiting for him by the door.

"Your father is waiting for you in his study," Pogo declared. Luther inwardly cursed. "He's punishing your daughter."

"How?" Luther asked, dread filling his heart. Pogo shook his head, keeping his mouth shut. "How?!"

"Your father is waiting for you in his study.

Luther wasted no time as he ran up Reginald's study, closing his door with a bang. Even Reginald jumped a little at how hard Luther's bang was. "You're punishing Katrina?! She's my daughter!"

"There's a mission, an illegal chemical weapon trade, coordinates in this paper." Reginald hands a piece of paper on his study. "You need to put a stop to the business by all means necessary. I'll take off Katrina's punishment once you're successful."

"You better be," Luther growls, snatching the piece of paper from his study, still openly bitter towards Reginald. Reginald nods. "What did you do to her?"

"Do this mission well, Number One," Reginald ordered, crossing his fingers. "I'll never punish her again."

"I have a name, Dad," Luther hissed before getting out of the study, searching the coordinates on the maps app of his phone. There it is.

He went to the garage, taking the key to his motorcycle and started the machines. Luther wore his helmet and the leather jacket near his motorcycle and turned the gas, following the coordinates given. Luther turned off the machine to his motorcycle a few buildings of the supposed building, putting down the helmet before walking down the road to the supposed building.

Luther reached the supposed building, remembering that it's on the seventh floor. Ground, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. That's the floor he'll have to be in. He entered the building, using the emergency stairs. Luther pushed down the door level as soon as he's reached the seventh floor, entering the room and hiding behind the walls.

He can hear some people talk, that must be them. He couldn't go anywhere, he may be spotted. Luther looked around to see the electrical wiring. He can use them to his advantage, Reginald told him to end this factory, right? He can play with the cables, cause electrical damage which will leave sparks and if no one noticed, he'll burn this building down.

Luther grabbed the nearest couple of liquids he can see, reading what each of the bottles is, cyanogen chloride, ethyldichlorasine, and sarin, pocketing them for in case if he needs it. He crept into the electrical wiring, switching the wrong input with the wrong output to get some sparks, grabbing the nearest object he can find- a wooden block- and letting the sparks hit the block, burning it before dropping it to the wall, burning it also.

Luther backed up, the fire started running around like wildfire. Luther quickly hurried out, only to be met with a janitor.

"I've never seen you-"

"What's up, Jerry?" Luther faked a smile.

"My name isn't Jerry." Luther closed his eyes as he grit his teeth.

"Right! John, my man!"

"My name isn't John too, it doesn't begin with a J." Luther closed his eyes again, feeling stupider and stupider with each second past.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Big Boss complains about the light out, don't you realise?" Luther chuckled hearing that.

"Oh yeah, the lights are out, I think Big Boss wants you to clean that puke over there, though." Luther points to the ground far away.

"What puke?"

"There!" Luther hits the janitor's head to the wall with ease. Luther hides the unconscious body near one of the boxes, the burning scent from the electrical outlet filling the room.

"Stop right there!"

Luther looked around to see eight people, all guns directed at him. Luther knew he can take down all of them at once, but not with guns. Luther looks around for anything to help him escape. Damn it, nothing as far as his eyes can see. Luther puts his hands on his head, surrendering. Will he survive this? Hopefully.

"Bring him to the Big Boss!" One of them who caught Luther yelled. Luther didn't say anything, knowing better than to attack eight armed people when he's unarmed. No, he needs to carefully craft this.

Luther remembers the three chemicals he brought, which are cyanogen chloride, ethyldichlorasine, and sarin. Cyanogen chloride is a blood agent to prevent oxygen from reaching cells, ethyldichlorasine is a choking agent to trigger fluids to build up in the lungs, and sarin is a nerve agent to affect the transmission of impulses through the nervous system, the deadliest compound between the three.

"You little shit."

"Huh? What'd you say?" One of them said. Luther can see that everyone is too distracted with what he said to pay attention to his hands, good.

Luther grabbed two bottles from his pocket and immediately smashed them to the burning electrical outlet, immediately fleeing from the scene. The cyanogen chloride corrodes the door and reaches the electrical outlet, along with ethyldichlorasine making it explode, releasing some gas. Luther had a hand on his face, trying to keep the gas out of his face. He pressed the little button he always carries in his pocket, a distress signal to the Academy. Hopefully, his dad will save him.

The hot air choked him, the hot air burning against his flesh. He can see his skin changing colour from the usual cream-colour to alarmingly red everywhere. The air covers him more, the alarm blaring in his ears, and the emergency stairs are very close, now. No, Luther has no power to go on any longer as he dropped limp, his body against the door to the emergency stairs.

He hopes that somehow, he will survive this.

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