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"Everyone ready?"

Five looked around all their siblings, getting comfortable with their positions.

"Let's do it-" Luther nods, looking at Five beside him. "Yeah."




"Wait!" Klaus exclaimed, making an interruption as everyone faced him. Klaus tilted his head to the side a bit before running into the farm, for what reason Luther can't tell.

"Fifty bucks if we leave him here," Diego leaned to Five, who only ignored him.

Luther doesn't understand why Klaus needs to rush back the farm to fetch that black fedora as he can very well purchase a new one after they've come back to 2019, but one thing he's learnt from the school of life is that if it doesn't endanger his life, it's none of his business. Klaus ran back, the black fedora securely on his head. Five only shook their head, everyone holding hands as they open the suitcase, letting the suitcase does its work. A blinding bright blue light appears from the suitcase as it engulfs them all, before shrinking back to the suitcase.

"Oh, good God," Luther pants, looking around. It seems that they're all on the so familiar guest room, as opposed to the farm ground they were at a few seconds ago. "Wh- What day is it?"

"Second of April, 2019," Five said as they grabbed the nearest newspaper in front of them, reading it. "Day after the apocalypse."

"Wait-" Allison frowned, her gloved hand out. "So we stopped the apocalypse?"

"My God-" Vanya grinned, looking up at Five from down her wheelchair. "It's over?"

"Did we-" Klaus stretched. "Actually succeed at something?" Vanya and Luther laughed. "That's incredible! Oh!"

"Alright!" Luther held his hand up to high five Diego, but Diego didn't high Five him back, instead clapping to avoid awkwardness. Klaus notices this and hugged him after hugging Vanya. "I don't know about you, but I need a drink."

"I'm in-" Vanya nodded, rolling her wheelchair to join Klaus.

"I should go find Katrina, you go ahead-" Luther nods, clapping awkwardly. "It's been so long."

"I should go find Claire too," Allison nods, joining Luther as she steps back too. "Same, it's been so long."

"Come on Al, Lu," Klaus frowned at them. "Just one drink? Lu, Katrina lives with you. You can see her whenever you want."

"Dad?" Luther turned his head to see Katrina on top of the stairs, wearing a white floral dress, her usual wavy dark blonde bob hair framing her face. "Where were you? You said you'll be back three days ago!"

"Trina!" Luther ran up to where Katrina is, bowing down to repeatedly kiss every inch of her face that he can. "I miss you so much! It's been so long!"

"It's just three days, Dad-" Katrina rolled her eyes, still frowning. Luther hugged her tightly.

"Three days feel so long-" Luther nods, pulling apart. "Are you well?" Luther asked, giving Katrina a look from top to bottom, trying to find if there are any proofs if outward injuries or not. He sees that in her hand lays a red book with golden RH in the middle. "Trina, where did you get that?"

"I found it in your room, Dad," Katrina answered honestly. Luther's relieved look turned to a fearful one as he stared at the book she's holding.

"How much did you read it?"

"Everything." Luther swallowed his saliva. "Including the real story of how I exist."


"How can you hide such a thing from me?" Katrina asked, looking hurt as a tear sheds off her left eye, her voice cracking. Katrina gestured at the rest of the Hargreeves siblings, who are watching in the back. "Do they know?"

"Grandmum, Pogo, and Uncle Diego do," Luther sighed.

"Know what?" Vanya asked.

"I'll tell you later," Diego quickly muttered. "We should leave."

"Nah, I wanna stay."


"I wanna see drama that's not mine!"

"It doesn't matter!" Luther shook his head. "I loved you then and I love you now. Your existence wasn't exactly planned-"

"You didn't even enjoy the experience!" Katrina yelled. Luther looked down, swallowing the feeling of guilt rising his heart. "You didn't even enjoy my presence!"

"In the beginning, I didn't!" Luther sighed, looking away. "Anyway, why are we having this now? Why should we even have this conversation at all?"

"So you never wanted me."

"I do!" Luther held back his tears, holding Katrina's hands to touch his chest, where his fast-beating heart would be. "I want you. When have I ever acted like I don't want you, Katrina? When? What if I ask my siblings now- have I ever said anything that may be interpreted as 'I don't want Katrina'?"

The rest of the siblings shook their heads. Luther looked back at Katrina. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you any sooner."

"Does Granddad- does my father know?"

"Yes," Luther answered, his voice gone steely. "He and I agreed that I'll be your sole parent, that you'll refer to him as your grandfather and he'll never interfere my role as your father in exchange for my complete devotion to the Academy. I hated it here with him but I stayed all these years so you can get every good thing I got without getting the bad things."

"Right, such a good job you did there-" Katrina scoffed. Luther furrowed his brows as Katrina pulled her hands away from his grip.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know that Granddad punished me after we watched Hamilton with Aunt Allison?" Katrina asked. Both Luther and Allison looked down, biting their lips.

"What'd he do?"

"Lift 30 kilograms of weight until my shoulders dislocated." Luther closed his eyes, hearing Katrina reveal what she did at six years old. "Grandmum healed me quick, but that's not it."

"What else?"

"He did some of the things written on this book-" Katrina grit her teeth as she waved the book in her hands, her voice only low enough so that Luther can hear it. Luther closed his eyes again, he can feel tears pricking his eyes. "When you were on that STUPID-" Katrina threw the book across the hall with such hate, causing Luther to visibly flinch. "MISSION!"

"I'M SORRY!" Luther held Katrina's hands who kept pulling herself away. "Katrina!"

"I HATE YOU!" Katrina pulled herself away as she harrumphed down the stairs, away from Luther and away from his siblings as she opened the door, slamming the door behind her.

"Katrina!" Luther ran forth, only to be stopped by Allison and Klaus. "What the hell are you doing?! She's my daughter!"

"Just give her time, Luther."

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