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"Hi, Luther."

Luther lets out a small smile as he puts down his shot glass, turning to face Autumn who's holding a tray with three vodka shots on it.

"Hey, Autumn," Luther greeted. "How's business?"

"Still waiting for the big tippers to show up-" Autumn smirked, raising her brow. Luther chuckled, looking around. His brows furrowed as he looked at his boss, Jack Ruby, being constantly bothered by some weird guy.

"Who's the half-wit bothering Mr Ruby?"

"No idea-" Autumn shook her head. "But he's been putting away vodka gimlets like they're gonna run out of limes."

"Oh, yeah?" Luther chuckled silently, looking at the fool bothering Ruby. Doesn't he know that bothering Ruby is playing with fire? "He's giving you any trouble?"

"Not yet," Autumn sighed. "But he's getting there. I'm more worried about the kid."

Luther furrowed his brows as he diverted his attention to Autumn. "What kid?"

"By the stage," Autumn said, gesturing at the kid she meant with her head. Luther turned his head to look at the kid Autumn refers to, automatically recognising them as Five. "I told him we don't allow minors."

"Oh, yeah?" Luther furrowed his brows, his gaze never leaving the twin he never thought he'll ever see again. "And what'd they- HE- say?"

"He asked what time I was getting off work!" Autumn exclaimed, giggling as she gave Luther an isn't-it-crazy look. "Isn't it crazy?"

"Excuse me," Luther said as he left, chasing Five. Luther took a deep breath in as he stands behind them, bending down to their height.

"She's too young for you." Five turned their head a bit to see Luther, smirking.

"Nice to see you too, Luther."

"What do you want?"

"For you to stop hovering like an ambitious stripper and sit down with me," Five said, gesturing to the empty seat beside them. Luther sighed as he awkwardly took a seat beside his 'little' sibling.

"How long have you been here?" Luther glared at Five, they're going to ask him this now?

"A year," Luther bitterly answered, nodding his head. "Thanks to you."

"I'm sorry, Luther. I know that couldn't have been easy."

"I thought everybody was dead!" Luther whisper-yelled. "No Allison, no Vanya, no Diego, no Klaus, no you. I didn't know if I'll ever see my daughter again! I can't even tell anyone that I have a daughter!"

Luther looked back, seeing that half-wit bothering Ruby more and how aggravated Ruby looks. Luther grunts, standing up. "I gotta go."

"Luther, wait!" Five cuts, holding Luther's arm suddenly. "Look, I get it, okay?" Five shook their head, Luther's gaze softening. "I know what it's like to be stuck in time, thinking this is how you'll live out the rest of your life. On the run, and not knowing if you're ever gonna see the people you love again, and to be in an unfamiliar world."

Five took a deep breath in, clearing their throat. "But Luther, you're not alone. We have to find the others because the world ends again in ten days. I have no idea how to stop it."

Luther's gaze has gone steely cold again, staring down at their estranged twin. Why should he give a shit, what can they promise? How can he know that if he does help them, he'll see Katrina again? How does he know he'll be back in 2019? What if it's even further past- or farther future?

"I don't give a shit-" Luther shrugged himself off, leaving Five behind. But Five didn't comply with Luther's wishes to be left alone, holding his coat tightly, causing Luther to pull Five away from him- and himself away from the crowd.

"The hell is wrong with you, Luther?!" Five grit their teeth, brushing the nonexistent dirt off their blazer. "I just told you that the world's gonna end in ten days."

"Well, you're always saying that-" Luther rolled his eyes as he's about to leave when Five stopped him.

"And so far, I've been right!" Luther took a deep breath in.

"Look, you want to go save the world?" Luther asked, looking at Five. "Knock yourself out, alright? I already got a job."

"Wait-" Five furrowed their brows, frowning. "You work in this shithole?

"Yeah-" Luther nods. "Well, my boss owns the place. I'm his body man."

"What's that?" Five asked. "Like a masseuse or something?"

"Okay, you can make fun all you want," Luther frowned, glaring at Five. "But I take good care of Mr Ruby."

"Wait, Ruby," Five tried to recall. "The Jack Ruby, the gangster who shot Oswald?"

"Yeah, the one and only."

"Well, it finally happened-" Five scoffed. "That gorilla DNA
has taken over your mind. You have such terrible daddy issues that when you can't be a dad, you became a faux-dad."

"Hey, watch it, alright?" Luther cuts, masking his hurt with fury. "Jack's a good friend. If anyone's the dad here, he is to me."

"And you're Number One," Five cuts. "Nummer Eins, remember?"

"There is no Number One-" Luther shook his head, his eyes staring at the dancer on the stage. "Not anymore. Not in 1963. Just like there's no Katrina Luisa Hargreeves." Luther turned to look at Five. "Look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?"

"I get it, alright?" Five sighed. "You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and you got stuck in the past, off contact with your daughter and alone. I'm sorry. I'm asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you."

"It doesn't need me-" Luther shook his head, looking down at Five with regret. "It never did."

"Luther, Honey," Autumn interrupted, still with her tray of vodka shots. "Jack's about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help?"

"Luther, wait!"

"Listen!" Luther held Five's hand on him tightly, stopping them from making any more moves. "You're the genius who said we should jump, right?" Luther grit his teeth. Five tried to pull themself off Luther's grip to no avail. "You're the one who got us stuck here. And you're the one who brought Vanya," Luther said, his head gesturing the door. "So if there is a doomsday coming, she's probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you."

Luther lets Five go aggravatingly, leaving to deal with the half-wit bothering Ruby, touching his shoulders before forcing him to go. Five sighed as they took a vodka shot from a nearby worker.

"Dad should've left him on the moon."

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