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"Everything alright, Master Luther?"

Luther was in Reginald's study, rummaging through Reginald's things. His drawers, his table, his shelves, none. Luther can't find anything.

"Where are they?" Luther asked, feeling more desperate as time goes on. "The boxes, the reports, the samples? All the correspondence I sent down from the moon?"

"I, uh, I'm not sure-" Pogo shook his head. "Your father was a very private person, I don't know-"

"Stop it, Pogo!" Luther shouts. "You know everything our dad did. I lost four years of time with my daughter for him, I deserve to know what did I spend all those years for."

Pogo sighed defeatedly, looking up to Luther's gigantic body before pointing down the wooden floor, one so outlandish from the rest. Luther furrowed his brows as he kneeled, inserting his finger in the small chip before lifting the board. On top, he sees his most recent report, with the writing A Poem About The Moon + A Poem For Katrina displayed in front and the note PLEASE SEND MORE FOOD!!! written in capital letters and underlined still completely sealed.

"What?" Luther opened the package, a couple of moon rocks falling out. "He never even looked at them. Why not?" He looked up Pogo, barely containing his composure together. "Why not?!"

"Your father was many things-" Pogo sighed, starting to speak his answer. "Forthright was not one of them. After your accident, he wanted to give you purpose, Master Luther. He felt that this was the only way."

"What? Shanghaiing me on the moon for four years?" Luther asked, shaking his head as he started to cry. "I wasn't a good enough Number One? That's what it was? I couldn't cut it? So he sent me away?"

"No!" Pogo started wobbling forth, his walking cane at hand. "No, that's not-"

"What about my daughter?" Luther cuts. Pogo stopped. "With every report, I attach poems for her, 48 of them. Did she get them?"

"Master Luther-"

"Just give me an answer!" Luther demanded, shaking his head. He knew the answer already from how distant she became ever since he's returned here, but he wants to hear it. "Did she get any of my poems?"

"No, Master Luther."

"Please leave me alone," Luther decided, opening more of the packages, his heart breaking as he sees the creaseless of his reports and his poems.


"Now, please!" Luther begged, no longer caring as he cries freely. Pogo sighed defeatedly, walking out of Reginald's study. "Go away, Pogo! Get out!"

Pogo walked away.

Luther stands up, his face still tear-stained. Not that he bothers cleaning them, more still come anyway. Reginald has a liquor cabinet, where he keeps all his drinks. It's where he keeps his whiskeys and vodkas and all that, the drinks Luther always hated seeing his siblings drink and the drinks he always hated being forced down his throat. Oh well, everyone's a little bit of a hypocrite.

"Luther!" Luther can hear Klaus yelled from behind him. "Luther, you need to tie me up so I can-" Klaus lets out a chuckle. "Are you drinking? Holy shit! I thought you said you'll never be drunk again! And you busted into Dad's liquor cabinet! He's gonna be so pissed."

"Get him," Luther commanded, looking at Klaus with bloodshot eyes. "Dad. Do it, now."

"I told you already, alright?" Klaus sighed, shaking their head. "I- I can't!"

"You little shit!" Luther yelled, choking Klaus. Klaus repeatedly hit Luther's hand that's on their throat.

"Please-" Klaus' lips turned blue, and Luther lets them go, having a coughing fit on the floor. "Of course I tried! Alright? God knows I've tried, but he is as he was in life, he's a stubborn prick!"

"He needs to answer to me for what he did," Luther rasped, leaning on one of the posts. "For sending me up there. I sacrificed everything for him,
my entire life. I never left this house. I agreed on never having friends. And for what? For nothing.

"Oh, no, no, no, no-" Klaus frantically shook their head. "It's for something. It's for your daughter, it's something! Just relax, okay? Just- Just relax." Luther puts up the mouth of the whiskey bottle his lips, which Klaus pushes down. "That's enough of that. Come on. Chin up there, Big Guy. Why don't we find the others? I'm sure Katrina's around here somewhere, or Allison or Diego-"

"I don't want Trina-" Luther shook his head. "I don't want her to see me like this. To see her dad such a fucked up failure." Luther closed his eyes, ignoring Klaus who is frantically shaking their head. "Besides, I- You know, I'd just hold Allison and Diego and Five back. What they're doing is too important."

"What are you talking about?" Klaus chuckled, furrowing their brows. "You're our Nummer Eins, remember? 'O, Captain! My Captain!' Remember?"

"You know, Diego was right," Luther sobbed. Klaus looked down. "Dad sent me up to the moon because he couldn't stand
the sight of this. Of what he did to me." Luther shook his head. "Of what I've become."

"Damn it, Dad was such an arsehole right to the end," Klaus cursed before turning back to Luther. "You know, if there's anything else that I can do, or-"

"I wanna be like you." Luther cuts. Klaus widened their eyes as they repeatedly shook their head, realisation dawning to their mind. "I wanna do whatever it is that you-"

"No, no, no, no."

"Yeah. I do. Yeah."

"You don't." Klaus shook their head, still headstrong. "No. Absolutely not."

"Come on, Klaus," Luther begged. "You always seem so carefree, and I just need it. I- I wanna be Nummer Vier."

"Trust me. Trust me-" Klaus made a begging motion, clasping their hands together. "You don't want that."

"I do."

"You don't want that-" Klaus shook their head sharply. Luther squints his eyes, how dare Klaus tells him what he doesn't want in life! They've been drunk themself for thirteen years old, such a hypocrite! "What you need is just- just lay down, sleep it off. You'll feel better in the morning. Okay?"

"Fine-" Luther glared, standing up from his seat. "I'll go by myself!"

"What? No!" Klaus exclaimed, watching as Luther stands up. Klaus also stood up, about to push Luther back down the sofa. "No! Luther, I can't let you-"

Luther threw them off with such ease, nothing else but someplace in mind. When he was younger, he once caught Klaus running away to a rave, and if he's lucky, it's still there. He just needs to find it.

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