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"Let's eat, Trina."

Katrina nodded, closing her book and placing it on her study, walking to the door where Luther was leaning to the post. Katrina took a deep breath in, letting herself ask the question she so desperately wanted to ask him since a few months ago.

"Why don't I have two parents, Dad?" Katrina asked. Luther frowned, looking down to see Katrina in the eyes, who's only looking forth. "All my friends at the park have two parents. Jaye has a mum and a dad, Luan and Lesedi have two mums, Mary has two dads, and Camilla has a mum and a ren. Why don't I have two parents too?"

"Technically, I only have one parent."

"You grew up with two parents."

"Remember when I told you about aromanticism and asexuality?" Luther asked. Katrina nods, humming. "I'm aromantic asexual."

"Camilla's parents are divorced and they and her mum raise Camilla together," Katrina reasoned. Luther lets out a shaky breath. "Why don't I have two parents too? Don't you care about my growth?"

"There are just some questions I can't answer, ok?" Luther said, holding her hands. "Of course I care about your growth, but there are some things I can't provide, I can't answer why you don't have two parents."

"Why not?" Katrina asked, lifting her head to see Luther in the eyes, her tone accusatory. Luther sighed in defeat. "Why can't you answer it? Why can't I have two parents as my friends do?"


"Not everyone has two parents, Katrina," Diego cuts, causing her to shift her attention from Luther to Diego. Luther mouthed a 'thank you' to Diego, which he gave a curtly nod. "My friend, Eudora, only has one dad. No other parent, and she's fine."

"What happened to her other parent?"

"I don't know," Diego shook his head, resting his hands on his knees to get down to her eye level. "But she grew up fine. She doesn't care that she doesn't have two parents, she's happy that she has one dad that loves her with all his heart."

Katrina looks down, pressing her lips together. "But don't it get lonely?"

"She has her grandparents, her friends, her aunts and uncles-" Diego nodded. "Just like you. You have your dad who loves you with all his heart, you have your uncles and aunts and nibling who loves you too."

"But Jaye said that every kid should have two parents, kids with only one parent usually be bad people like Charles Manson," Katrina fought. Diego grits his teeth whilst Luther looked away. "Will I be bad too?"

"Do you know that my friend who has one dad is a police officer?" Diego asked. Katrina nodded in understanding. "People with one parent may be bad people, but people with two parents can be bad people too. BTK has two parents, but he's a bad person anyway."

"Oh." Diego held Katrina's shoulders, squeezing it lightly.

"We all have the capabilities of being bad people, Kat," Diego said. Katrina nodded, looking down. "It's our choice if we want to be bad or not, no one is born bad."

"Yes, Uncle Diego."

"Here's your food, Trina," Luther said, sliding a plate of macaroni and cheese and a spoon to her. Luther gives her a hug from behind, Katrina hugging him back. "I love you."

"Love you too, Dad." Luther went to Diego, hugging him also.

"Thank you," Luther whispering in his ear. Diego nodded.

"We need to talk after this," Luther sighed as he nodded, pulling away from Diego. Luther walks again to the kitchen, taking out another plate.

"I made a pot full," Luther said, pointing to the pot on the stove. "If you want, you know where the bowl is."

"Nah, I ate already-" Diego shook his head, sitting on the chair near the table too. "But thanks."

"I'm done, Dad," Katrina declared, getting up. "I'm going to my room."

At that, Katrina left the kitchen, no more words exchanged. Luther took a deep breath in, watching as his little daughter leave the kitchen, leaving him. He's been thinking about what she said, what does she want? Should he make a robot to be her mother, like Reginald did?

"We need to talk about this, you know?"

"I know," Luther shortly answered, biting his tongue.

"Who's her other parent?"

Luther sighed, giving Diego a look. Diego can only move his head to the side, lifting one of his brows. "I'll tell you, just don't judge when you hear, ok?"

"I promise."

"It's Dad," Luther revealed through his gritted teeth.

"Wait, Dad?" Diego frowned, looking at Luther with bewilderment. Luther nodded. "How?"

"It's one of his punishments to me," Luther answered, keeping his voice barely hearable. "You were right in the memorial service."

"Shit!" Diego exclaimed, his hands on his mouth in disbelief. Luther hissed at him, looking around to see no one. "Wh-Who knows?"

"Mum and Pogo," Luther answered, keeping his voice low. Though not very clear, Diego can hear his voice getting more steely. "Now, you."

"Wh-Why d-didn't you leave?" Diego asked, disbelief evident in his eyes. Luther pressed his lips in a thin line. "Th-This house is b-bad for you!"

"I can't-" Luther shook his head, not once looking up as his voice grew smaller and smaller. Diego's gaze on him softened. "Dad gave her everything I knew I couldn't if I had left. She needs good food, good house, she needs good clothes, she needs good education. I couldn't give them all if I left."

"D-Dad gave her th-that?"

"Yeah-" Luther nodded, looking at Diego. "Dad gave Katrina everything she needs to grow up. He gave her food, clothes, house, education, she inherits part of my powers and he trains them well."

"Does she-"

"Know?" Luther finished. Diego nods. "No. She asked about her other parent and I said it was an accidental pregnancy, it's partly true. You see her reaction to why she doesn't have two parents, can you imagine her reaction if she knows that her grandfather is her father?"

"You c-can't evade th-this forev-ver!"

"I'll tell her that I don't know who he is, she'll take my word," Luther said, shaking his head. "If she knew the truth, she might flip. I'm not sure I can handle watching her flip."

"Maybe I sh-should take her t-to see Do-Dora-" Diego leaned back. "She doesn't know who her mum is, maybe sh-she can help."

"Thanks-" Luther nodded. Diego smiled, his single hand patting Luther's arm.

"Don't mention it."

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