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"Did something happen?"

Today is the memorial service day of Reginald Hargreeves. The Hargreeves siblings with Katrina, Pogo, and Grace gathered up in the courtyard, where Luther knows was Reginald's favourite spot. Luther closed his eyes, he hated going to the courtyard more and more, still remembering what happened at the exact spot that he's standing over.

"Dad died," Allison reminded her. "Remember?"

"Oh," Grace frowned, looking down. "Yes, of course."

"Is Mum okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine," Diego answered quickly. "She just needs to rest-" Diego shrugged. "You know, recharge."

Pogo entered, gripping his walking stick before he looks at Luther, giving him a small nod. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy."

Katrina lets go of her hold at Luther, letting him take a few steps forth. He opens an urn filled with Reginald's ashes, sighing sadly before dumping the contents out lamely. Luther looks around his daughter and siblings awkwardly, who just looked away. "Probably would have been better with some wind."

No one made any acknowledgements to what he said. Very well.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asked, looking at the siblings. Again, no one said anything. Pogo sighed. "Very well." Pogo coughed before he took a deep breath in. "In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"He was a monster," Diego cuts, looking at the ashes, hate in his eyes. Klaus laughed, cigarette smoke leaving his mouth. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him."

"Diego," Allison cuts, looking at him with softness in her eyes, but Diego didn't care.

"My name is Number Two. You know why?" Diego asked, moving forward. "Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mum do it."

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Grace cuts, smiling at her children.

"No, it's okay, Mum," Vanya quickly answered.

"Oh, okay."

"Look, you wanna pay your respects?" Diego shrugged, looking around. "Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"You should stop talking now." Luther glanced at Diego, annoyance in his eyes.

Diego scoffed, turning to face Luther as he moved forward. "You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."

"I am warning you."

"After everything he did to you?" Diego smirked. "He used you as his toy, he made you bake his bun in your oven. And when he couldn't have his fun with you anymore, he had to ship you a million miles away."


"Diego, stop talking," Luther hissed.

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego hits Luther's chest, and Luther starts punching him. Diego dodged his hand and instead punched him.

"Boys, stop this at once!" Pogo shouts, but none listened to him as they were too busy fighting each other. Pogo only shook his head as he gripped on his cane, leaving the courtyard first.

"Come on, Big Boy!" Diego shouts at Luther, and Luther ran to him. Diego mounts his back, punching it repeatedly.

"Stop it!" Vanya shouts.

"Hit him!" Klaus made a punching motion as he grinned, looking at the fight that's happening before him. "Hit him!"

"Dad! Uncle Diego!" Katrina yelled. She was about to stomp forward before Allison stopped her. "Stop fighting! Stop!"

"Get off me!" Diego yelled as Luther lifts him, the smaller boy punching the bigger one repeatedly.

"We don't have time for this." Five grit their lips as they began to leave the courtyard.

"Come here, Big Boy!" Diego shouted as he stands before Ben's statue. Luther ran at Diego, about to punch him as Diego immediately moved away, Luther instead punching the statue off.

"Oh-" Allison raised her brow, letting Katrina go as Katrina immediately ran towards her father. "And there goes Ben's statue." Shaking her head, Allison decided to follow Five as she entered the manor too. Diego reached his pocket to take out a knife, and Vanya widened her eyes as she sees what Diego's about to do.

"Diego, no!" Vanya shouted, but it's no use. Diego has already thrown the knife as Luther instinctively pushed Katrina away, the knife slicing Luther's arm. Luther grunts as he held his cut arm, gasping at the burning sensation it leaves as it becomes contact with his rain-soaked hand, panting as he walked away, Katrina trailing behind him as they rushed to the infirmary.

"Just sit on the bed, Dad," Katrina advised, hurrying to the first-aid kit and handing it to Luther, who's still covering his wound very tightly.

"Thanks, Trina-" Luther smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Katrina knew how much her father still loves each of his family members- even if they hate him so much. "Can you leave- and watch out the door, make sure no one can enter?" Katrina nods, moving away as she leaves the room, leaving the older man alone.

Luther sighed, she still doesn't know what has he become that fateful night. Luther took off his coat, his jacket, and then his turtleneck to reveal his very hairy skin, sanitising it with alcohol-soaked cotton before wrapping it with bandaids. Luther closed his eyes as he wore his turtleneck, jacket, and coat again before opening them again. "You can come in now, Trina!"

"Hey, Dad," Katrina said, closing the door behind her. Luther gave a small smile at her.


"Was Uncle Diego right?" Luther blinked a few times, looking at Katrina's falling facial expression. "Was Granddad my dad?"

Luther analysed Katrina's face, can he trust her not to lash out if he says the truth? From what it seems, no. Katrina looks so close to crying, she's always so desperate in knowing who her other parent is. Luther knew he had to lie, she's not ready to know this yet. Not yet. "No."

"So who's my other parent?"

"I don't know," Luther lied, faking a shrug to sound more convincing. "I was nineteen, and umm, it was one night. I sneaked away from the manor to a rave, had too many drugs and woke up without clothes on me."

"How did Granddad react?"

"He didn't care," Luther shrugged. It's not completely a lie, he didn't care. "He adjusted my timetable to accommodate my pregnancy and paternal leave."

"I want to know who my other parent is." Luther held her shoulder, squeezing it.

"Trust me, you don't."

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