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"Pogo, can I play in the park? Please?"

Katrina and Pogo are in the living room, it's been approximately two years since Katrina last sees her father, just before he leaves to the moon. Sure, Katrina had a hard time as she cried and cried, but as time goes on, his departure becomes manageable. Still, she misses him dearly. He promised he'll send her letters every month!

"Have you done your homework, Katrina?" Pogo asked. Katrina nodded, tying her shoulder-length dark blonde hair.

"They're in my room, I've done them all. Basic Maths, English, German, and Music. I can control my abilities better, now! You won't be able to tell!" Katrina said. "Please let me play in the park! Grandmum would love to accompany me!"

"Don't yell, we wouldn't want your grandfather to know, would we?" Katrina nodded. "Very well, you deserve a company your age. Have Grace with you, I ask you not to do too much. You may go for two hours only."

"Thanks, Pogo-" Katrina nodded, standing up her seat. Grace came out.

"Let's go." Katrina nodded, following Grace who's leading the way out the manor, feeling the bright warm sunshine against her white delicate skin. Grace leads the way, turning right at the intersection before going a couple of metres forth, then turning left before stopping. Katrina widened her eyes as she grinned, seeing the swings, slides, monkey bars, and a merry-go-round on square dirt.

"Why don't I ever go here before?" Katrina asked, entering the park.

"Your dad and his siblings seldom left the manor, they're all only allowed to leave if it's for missions or if it's their free time," Grace answered. "Your grandfather gets angry if he knows."

"Is that why Dad's siblings run away?"

"Well, one of the reasons." Katrina nodded, listening to Grace. "Why don't you go and ride that swing? That seems fun, doesn't it?"

"I don't know how to ride a swing-" Katrina shook her head.

"Just take a seat there, and push yourself back and forth, like that kid-" Grace points to a nearby kid, also riding one of the swings.

"Grandmum, can you just watch me from afar?" Katrina requested.

"I'll be ten metres away, is that ok with you?"

Katrina nodded gleefully, Grace walking away as Katrina ran to use the swing next to the kid, sitting on the swing and pushing herself off, following the other kid's lead.

"Hey!" Katrina looked to the side of her swing, seeing a kid outside the swing calling the kid on the swing next to her. "Jaye, we made a deal! It's my turn on the swing!"

"It's not!"

"It is!"



"You can ride mine," Katrina declared, stopping and getting off the swing. Jaye and the other kid stared at Katrina, confusion in their eyes.

"No, it's fine," the other kid said to Katrina. "Jaye is just too selfish to give turns. We agreed on ten minutes!"

"You can have mine!" Katrina exclaimed. "I don't mind. I'd love to try the slide."

"I've never seen you around here before, are you new?" Jaye asked. Katrina moved her head around.

"Not exactly. I've been homeschooled my entire life and barely let out."

"Woah, really?" The other person widened their eyes. Katrina nods, humming. "Lesedi! Luan! Mary!" Katrina jumped a little bit, just in time as three other people come. The other kid points to themself. "Hi. I'm Camilla, either she/her or they/them, they're Jaye," she points to the brunet in the swing, "she's Lesedi and xe is Luan, twins," they point to twins with cornrows, "and that's Mary, she/her," they point to a hijabi.

"Who are you?" Jaye asked.

"I'm Katrina, she/her."

"How does it feel like being homeschooled?" Mary asked. "Who teaches you? What do you learn?"

"The family friend, Pogo teaches me," Katrina revealed. "I learn English, German, Ancient Greek, Physics, Business, Basic Maths, Geography, Law, and Music."

"Woah, Ancient Greek!"


"Can you speak in some Ancient Greek now, Katrina?" Lesedi asked. "So exciting!"


"What does that mean?"

"It means 'what'."

"This is your first time out?"

"Without very tight supervision."

"What do you know about the world, Katrina?" Luan asked. "So you've never been out before?"

"I have once, but with my dad and aunt-" Katrina nodded. "I know about the fact that-"

"Not that, actual cool stuff!" Luan interrupted. "Like the celebrities!"

"My aunt is Allison Hargreeves," Katrina revealed. Luan and Lesedi widened their eyes in surprise, Mary's and Camilla's jaws dropped and Jaye's grin widened.

"Allison Hargreeves, the Broadway performer and actress?" Katrina nodded. "Woah."

"Wait, so your parent is an Umbrella Academy member?" Camilla asked. Katrina nodded. "Which one?"

"I'm not supposed to say," Katrina smiled awkwardly.


"I'm not supposed to say about my parentage at all-" Katrina shook her head. "Anyway, Aunt Allison took me out to the Hamilton musical once where she played as Angelica Schuyler."

"Oh yes!" Jaye clapped their hands together. "I love Hamilton!"


"My favourite Angelica is Renée Elise Goldsberry," Jaye continued, gripping the swing. "Who's yours?"

"She's gonna answer her aunt," Mary nudged at Camilla's side, who laughed with her.

"It's not my aunt!" Katrina exclaimed. "I don't even like my aunt's Angelica! She's so, uhh, boring and emotionless!"

"Really?" Jaye furrowed their brows. "Who's your favourite Angelica? You don't have to say your aunt's Angelica is boring to seem cool, you know. I think Allison Hargreeves' Angelica is neat."

"I like Karen Olivo's Angelica," Katrina answered. "She sounds so natural, it's like the role is made for her."

"I like Karen Olivo's Angelica too!" Lesedi jumped in. "I like everyone. They all do so well, I like how diverse the musical is."


"I wanna be a Broadway performer when I grow up," Luan said wistfully. "I'm a huge musical nerd. My favourite musical Les Misérables. Kinda old, but I still like it."

"It will NEVER die!"

"I love Éponine!" Camilla chuckled. "Her story is so tragic!"

"I like how Enjolras is so dedicated to revolutionising France!" Jaye added. "I find Marius kinda annoying, though. Like, there's a revolution going on and you only care about Cosette?"

"No, Marius cares about the revolution too, or else he wouldn't've come back," Katrina corrected. "People can be in love and still care about the cause they're fighting for."

"Who's your favourite Marius, Katrina?" Lesedi asked. "Mine is Michael Ball."

"Mine too!" Katrina gleefully squealed. "I like his vibrato!"

"Katrina, let's go home, dear," Grace suddenly interrupted.

"Same time tomorrow here, ok? We'll watch some musicals together."

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