15. what the actual hell?

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Chapter Fifteen

what the actual hell?

3rd person pov

Xenia decided to go to the dojo the next day but she didn't get involved yet again, she stood off on the side and watched the others. She watched sam and tory interact with each other and she smiled at the girls. She heard demetri and hawk talking about college and she heard that hawk hadn't applied to MIT and demetri was pissed off about it. She hadn't told the others about college as she told sam and miguel so she stood there and listened, hawk turned to her and asked but she froze up and shook her head 

" II haven't applied to anywhere because I am going to college in Mexico I looked at the colleges there there's not that many sure there are other colleges here but I need to go back home and grab my other brother to get him away from my dad. I want to be able to study there and learn more about myself because even when I was with my dad I never got to learn anything because he kept me locked up in my room treating me as some sort of machine and nothing else. I haven't told anyone else besides you guys so please don't tell anyone because I haven't even told my mom or Johnny or anybody else you guys know but I don't know how to tell anyone else without them freaking out about it" she stated and hawk stared at her 

" So have you applied to the colleges there? have you Gotten accepted?" he asked and she nodded her head 

" Yeah I applied to a random college you know explained how I grew up in Mexico but never really got out of my zone and they loved the fact that II left Mexico to come to America but want to go back and and they find it this story that they want to show people no matter where you're from or where you go your home will always be your home and I don't really know how my story connects that but that's what they think and I got accepted, I haven't started packing or anything just because I don't know what to bring but I think after we get back from Barcelona that's what I'm going to do I think that's what I have to do" she told him and he nodded as did the others and miguel hugged his sister with a smile and she smiled into the hug 

" I think its really cool that you're deciding to go back you know it's not easy for everyone but you're deciding to do it and that takes some courage" Hawk said and with that they all got called to see daniel and johnny 

 then daniel walked out of the dojo and looked at the others

"the sekai taikai needs our final roster in three days and now that we know whos going, its time for us to name our male and female captains. the captains are not just the leaders of the team, theyre the ones that will be fighting in the finals if we can make it that far" daniel told them

"plus, they get to fight on live tv. who knows what comes after that? wheaties boxes, cop-socky, flicks, zz top videos, skys the limit" johnny said

"you'll all get the glory if we win, but yes the captains will be in the spotlight. they need to represent the best that miyagi do has to offer and sensai lawrence and i want to assure you that the decision will be completely unbiased" he told them

"thats right, in two days, sam will face tory for the female captain spot, robby and miguel will fight for male captain" johnny said

"we all know you fought plenty of times before but now that we're on the same side, this is still the best way for us to see who's progressed the most" daniel said and they all seperated as they started to train and the captains went together as they trained. they all went home and went to bed only to return to the dojo the next day. The next day, xenia showed up the dojo with miguel and robby as they got out of the car and walked inside, xenia couldn't find tory and she was confused but she heard sam and she turned to her 

"youre gonna do amazing and no matter what happens, im so so proud of you" she stated and sam smiled as she kissed the girl and xenia kissed back before they seperated and miguel walked over to his sister and turned to her 

"got any motivational words for me?" he asked and she laughed as she hugged her brother and then nodded. 

" I know how bad you want this but remember that out there you two are on the same team and no matter what happens you are an amazing person and you are amazing at karate. Even if you don't get the captain that doesn't matter because you're still you and people are gonna see that. I am so insanely proud of you for even being able to go against Robby for this so get out there and do your best but don't wear yourself out" she stated and he nodded as he got onto the sparing deck with robby and they stared to go against each other. Xenia stood next to sam as she held the girls hand and they watched but in the end, robby won and miguel walked off the deck and over to xenia 

"you did your best out there and im so proud of you" she told him and he smiled before it was sam against tory, they got the deck together and started to spare but it looked like tory was off her game and xenia shared a look with robby and miguel before amanda got a call and they had to stop the fight. They started to yell and tory finally admitted that her mom died causing daniel to call off the fight but johnny wanted her to fight 

"you want this to be over? its over" tory said and she started to walk out as robby tried to stop her but it didn't work and she just kept walking. Xenia watched the girl leave and then she turned to the others, she felt bad for tory and she deserved to fight. Soon enough, it was announced that sam was the captain for the girls and robby was the captain for the boys, since tory couldn't be there to fight, hawk would be replacing and all seemed to be in order. 

the next saturday, the group of them including xenia got on the plane to barcelona and as they all stood in the line together looking at the other dojos, xenia stood off on the side as the supportive/backup teammate. In came cobra kai but there was a spot in the middle, however it soon got filled

"what the actual hell?" xenia said from the side as she watched tory walk in and stand in the open spot on cobra kais side. what the fuck had changed? 


double update because i felt terrible and thats also the ending of ysv until s6 part 2

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