4. i'm actually here

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Chapter four 

i'm actually here

3rd person pov 

xenia got invited to the water by miguel and hawk. she left the house with him after they had gone shopping the day before and found her some clothes. she walked in with miguel and hawk as she saw sam laying with moon and yasmine. 

"hey,babe" hawk called to moon who turned to her and then xenia made eye contact with sam 

"nia?" sam said and she shot up from the chair as she walked over to her completely ignoring miguel and his look of shock 

"hey sam" she said and sam hugged her tightly before she pulled back and looked in her eyes. 

"you're real right? like youre actually here?" sam exclaimed and xenia nodded with a smile and a laugh. 

"i'm actually here" she stated, they both smiled as they pulled away and stared at each other. sam wanted to kiss her or hold her for the rest of her life and never let her go. she had never thought that she would be able to stand so close to the girl and never want to leave her. 

she didn't realize until that moment that she was in love with her and she liked it. she liked the feeling of being in love especially if it was with xenia, she made her feel something that no one else had ever made her feel. 

"hello? we're right here" miguel said and the two girls pulled away from each other as they sat down together. 

"alright come with me" sam said and she led her to the chairs as she sat down next to sam and miguel walked over to them. she saw them being awkward and she couldn't help but feel jealous and bad for them. 

"you're xenia right?" moon asked her 

"yeah" she said 

"wait, you're miguels sister?" yasmine questioned 

"i am" she exclaimed 

"you came back from mexico with him?" she asked and xenia nodded 

"i did" she said

"you're really pretty" moon stated and xenia smiled at her 

"thank you, you are too" she exclaimed and then she turned her head to see a boy being bullied and she nudged sam

"hey isn't that your brother?" xenia asked sam and they all sat up to see kenny kick anthony into the pool as they watched. hawk walked over to them and began to talk to them and then she saw a girl walk over to them 

"karate causes alot of drama doesn't it?" xenia asked and they nodded before she sighed and leaned her head back against the chair. she saw one of the boys from cobra kai staring at her and she scoffed as she looked away. 

"you okay?" moon asked her and she sighed. 

"the staring never gets easier" she told them

"yeah hes a dick" yasmine told her 

"yas!" moon said 

"what its true? kyler is a massive asshole and everyone knows it" she stated and xenia smiled at the girl.

"yeah he looks like it"  and then they saw cobra kai trying to fight the others 

"are you kidding me with this bullshit again? and theres keene, i thought you said he wasn't in cobra kai anymore" hawk said to miguel 

"its what sensei told me" miguel said and they watched miguel and hawk get up. they all watched the groups try to fight and she stared at them 

"this is sickening" xenia stated and sam nodded 

"thats why i left" she told her 

"well i'm proud of you" xenia said and sam stared at her. she hadn't had someone say in so long and she felt like someone finally saw her and who she was. 

"thanks nia" she said and xenia nodded before she saw hawk and tory climb up to the ride and go. the group watched closely before she heard them get kicked out and she looked at sam. they packed up their stuff and left the park 

"lets go anthony" sam said to him as they began to leave the park together. 

"youre xenia right? anthony asked her and she smiled at him 

"i am" she spoke and he leaned forward to look at sam 

"you're right, she is really pretty" he said and she smacked his shoulder making xenia smile and turn her head to her 

"you said i was pretty?" she asked and sam smiled at her as she walked to the car and started it. anthony got in the back as she let xenia get in the front, she saw robby and miguel talking to johnny outside of the car and she decided to not get involved for the sake of being annoyed with her brother 

"i did" she told her and the pair of them stared at each other until anthony cleared his throat 

"can we go home now?" he asked and she nodded as she put the car into drive and drove out of the parking lot, she looked at  xenia for a second as she stared outside of the window and watched reseda pass her eyes 

"i can bring you home" sam offered and xenia turned to her with a smile 

"yeah, i'd like that. thanks" she spoke and sam nodded as she drove them to the apartment and xenia got out with a smile on her face and she turned to sam as she grabbed her bag from the front seat and looked around 

"thanks sam" she said and sam nodded as she watched xenia walk away and she couldn't help but watch until anthony got in the front and she drove them home. but she couldnt help but think of miguel and how she felt bad for liking his sister, for falling for her and she was scared of what he would say.

what would he say? 


when the girlies finally meet 

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