A Night Off

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Domain of Light...

The Domain of Light's army have been improving. There are now enough to take on Salem and her armies at full force. Milady and Dream have all decided to help out here, and Dream infused a bit of his energy into them, along with Milady herself.

But as they continue to do this, they did not notice a black goo hidden behind one of the golden rocks. It was Nightmare, and he than pulled out a black creature, and spoke this out.

Nightmare: "I will be using my Shadow Cricket to make it emit a sound to make the Lighthearts go crazy. They won't know what hits."

He chucked, and placed it down. The Cricket than began to emit a loud sound, causing it to make the Lighthearts go crazy. Amber noticed and spoke did this here.

Amber: "Oh No you don't!"

She than formed ice around it, and the lighthearts stayed in place like a statue.

Back at the Academy again...

In the Atlas Academy training room, Blake Belladonna uses her Semblance and jumps from pillar to pillar while Yang Xiao Long follows and attempts to catch her.

Below Blake and Yang, Winter Schnee sends her Beowolf Summon to attack Weiss Schnee, who creates black glyphs above, below, and to the left and right of it. Weiss then uses the glyphs to throw the Beowolf Summon around, slamming it against the glyphs. She creates a white glyph in front of her and uses it to send the Summon back toward Winter, who creates her own white glyph to stop it. However, Winter suddenly winces in pain and drops to one knee. She then discovers that a small version of Weiss' Arma Gigas Summon snuck up to her and cut her ankle with its sword. The Arma Gigas strikes a pose with its sword on its shoulder, and Winter glares at Weiss, who gives a smug smirk in return and giggles.

Behind Weiss, Jaune Arc is using his shield to deflect a rubber ball, while Nora Valkyrie keeps hitting it toward him with her hammer. Nora activates Magnhild's upgrade, charging herself up with electricity. She swings Magnhild around and sends the ball rocketing toward Jaune, who blocks it and slides backwards several feet before dropping to one knee. The emblem on his shield glows cyan while he blocks, and the ball eventually turns to ash.

Nearby, Oscar Pine is using his Scroll to keep track of Jaune's Aura, which has been reduced to approximately 65%. Jaune sits up and takes a deep breath, his Aura glowing for a moment, and Oscar watches Jaune's Aura increase to approximately 95%.

Oscar: "Nice, your recovery is getting faster."

Nora walks over to Jaune, who gives a cheerful thumbs up. Nora then gives him a heavy pat on the back, still using her Semblance, which knocks him onto the ground, reducing his Aura to approximately 64%.

Kage facepalmed at that, Papyrus had also facepalmed right here.

Papyrus: "She really doesn't know how to control herself, right?"

Kage shrugged at him, before watching the group train again

Ruby Rose zooms past with her Semblance, heading straight toward Lie Ren who is meditating in front of a pillar. She splits into three red blurs, which all go around Ren and the pillar, before merging into one blur and becoming Ruby again.

Oscar: Have you always been able to do that?

Ruby peeks out at him from behind the pillar and then walks over to him.

Ruby: (panting] I don't know. I don't normally think it through that much.

Oscar: You guys are evolving and I still don't have my Semblance.

Ruby: Well, I bet we'll all be jealous when you do.

Ren continues meditating, deep in a state where he has blocked out everyone around him. There is a ringing sound, followed by the sound of the training room door opening, and Ren opens his eyes and looks toward the door.

Winter: "Clover wasn't kidding about it this. You really did give it your all."

Oscar and Ren stand up.

Ruby: Well, we have to with the way things are going.

Winter takes out her Scroll. But while doing that, Kage did a mental contact with his brother.

Kage: 'Sans. How is it going?'

After a little while, Sans response in a frustrated tone.

Sans: 'Not good. Some of the Lighthearted are starting to become really crazy rather mysteriously. I have no idea why.'

Kage than cursed very silently. He have a good guess on who that effect belong to in this situation right here.

Kage: 'Damn it. I should have-Okay, Sans. That must mean that Nightmare is present in the Domain hiding. You must use the Relic of Creation to make a shield that can repel him and whatever he's done to make the Lighthearts go crazy. But be careful. He will try to sense what you are doing. So you must use it in Astral Form. Just make sure he does not catch you using it. Be careful, okay little brother?"

Sans than spoke out.

Sans: 'Will do, my older brother.'

Kage nodded, before ending the connection with his twin brother. He than looks back at the group conversing right here.

Nora starts to say something, but Ren steps forward and interrupts her, earning a look from both her and Jaune.

Ren: "I take it you're here for new mission assignments?"

Clover: "You could say that. The General and I want you to take the rest of the day to recuperate."

Blake: "You're giving us a night off?"

Winter: "Ordering it. After tonight's election, we'll be waking up to a very different Atlas tomorrow. I need you rested and ready for whatever that may bring."

Ruby starts thinking to herself, looking uncertain.

At sunset that day, Team RWBY is in their dorm room. Blake is sitting at one of the small desks with a mirror in front of her, while Ruby and Yang are lying on beds, and Weiss is leaning against the ladder between the bunk beds. Weiss has a live report from the Daily Mantle playing on her Scroll. While Blake puts on mascara, Yang looks over at her.

Newscaster: "We still have hours ahead of us, but as votes come in, it looks more and more certain that Robyn Hill will fill the open council seat."

Weiss closes her Scroll and walks across the room.

Weiss: "There's no way my father could've thought layoffs would do anything but hurt him. So why announce this the day before the election?"

Yang: "Just seems like a power play that backfired to me. Won't matter in a few hours though."

Yang stands up, stretches and walks over to Blake.

Ruby: "Where are you guys going?"

Blake adjusts her hair, and Yang rests her hand on Blake's back, leans down and adjusts her own hair while looking in the mirror. Kage is sharpening his shadow scythe appearing in his hands.

Blake: "Team FNKI invited us out dancing. Yang and I thought it would be good to get our minds off the election."

Pyrrha: "it would be a good experience for us indeed.

Ruby: "I thought you said Team FNKI was annoying."

Yang straightens up.

Yang: "That's the best part about dance clubs. I can't hear you."

Blake giggles. Nora and Ren slide the door open from outside.

Nora: "Ruby, come on!"

Weiss: "I still can't believe you're going to that thing."

Nora: "Just because Winter and Robyn doesn't mean we all have to. From where I'm standing both of them seem to be trying their best to help Atlas. As to who's doing a better job..."

Weiss: "Haaaa...But a victory party?"

Ruby walks past Weiss, shrugging, and stops next to Nora.

Ruby: "Invite's still open if you want in. Penny's gonna be working security."

On the other end of the room, Yang starts laughing. Weiss turns to see Blake trying and failing to dance.

Yang: "Oh my gosh, no. You gotta do it like this."

Blake stops and watches as Yang begins dancing.

Blake: "That's what I'm doing!"

Blake holds her hands out in exasperation, her cat ears folding over, and Yang laughs again. Pyrrha joined in laughing

Jaune and Oscar lean into the doorway, while Weiss watches Blake and Yang with an unamused expression.

Jaune: "Hey, Oscar and I are hitting the movies if anyone wants--"

Weiss: "Yup!"

Oscar gains a very happy expression, and Jaune rubs the back of his head.

Jaune: "Oh, okay."

Later, after the sun has set, Ruby, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren are walking in Mantle, on their way to Robyn's victory party. A truck drives down the street, honking its horn, with people standing in the bed holding signs, which say "HILL IS HERE" and "HILL 4 COUNCIL".

Ren: "I understand Weiss' point though. A victory party does seem a bit premature."

Ruby, Nora and Ren continue on their way down the sidewalk.

Nora: "Aw, let them have one sure thing."

Ruby: "Probably the last sure thing before Amity Tower goes up and every learns about... what we're fighting."

Pyrrha: We spent so much time worrying about how Winter will react to the truth about her, but have any of us considered how we're even going to beat her if we manage to work past that?

Nora: "Jinn said she can't be beaten."

They walk by two people who are sitting beside a heating element, trying to warm up.

Ruby: "She told Oz that he couldn't destroy her."

Pyrrha than looked at Ruby and spoke out.

Pyrrha: "But maybe someone else could?"

Ruby: "I don't know."

Ren: "We should be training right now."

Nora: "We've trained enough! Take some time to—"

Ren: "We don't have time!"

Ruby slows down and watches as Ren and Nora angrily walk on ahead.

A large crowd of people have gathered inside a small auditorium for Robyn's victory party. Wires have been taped up along the walls, and there are Robyn Hill campaign posters decorating the walls. Above the stage is a giant hologram screen showing the live election results. Unknown has 36% of the vote, while Robyn has 64%. A pair of camera drones float around the room, one of which has a "Kick Me" sign taped to the back of it and the other of which has a gift ribbon stuck to it. While Ruby, Nora and Ren enter the building, the vote percentage shifts to 37% for Unknown and 63% for Robyn. Penny makes her way through the crowd and sees her friends.

Penny: "Ruby, Nora, Ren!"

Ruby: "Hey, Penny."

Penny: "I am so glad you made it. It's just Marrow and I tonight, so more friends means more fun. Where are the others?"

Nora and Ren are still in a bad mood.

Nora: "Weiss is out with the boys, and Blake and Yang are off doing their own thing... again."

Ren: "At least they're back to being friends."

Nora: "Friends, huh? Just friends?"

Ruby takes on a somewhat fed up expression and sinks down to the floor, while Ren turns to Nora.

Ren then speaks slowly in confusion.

Ren: "What else would they be?""

Nora: "Two people who've gone through that much? I think there's more going on."

Ren: "Well maybe one of them feels that way but the other might be worried."

Nora: "About what!?"

Ruby rises back up next to Penny, still fed up.

Ren: "It's just, there's a lot of things going on right now."

Nora: "Well, how can they figure things out if they don't talk about it?"

Penny than leaned into Ruby.

Penny: "I believe I may be confused. Who are we talking about again?"

Ruby: "I'm not really sure."

Nora and Ren continue talking while Penny gets communications from Marrow through her ear piece.

Marrow: "Penny, where'd you go?"

Penny starts to leave, and Ruby clings to her arm in a panic.

Ruby: "Please don't leave me."

Ruby and Penny go backstage together to meet up with Marrow.

Marrow: "Oh hey, what-- what're you doing here?"

Ruby: "Just, uh, hangin' out with a friend while she's on the job."

Ruby casually holds out her fist for a fist bump.

Recognizing the gesture, Penny gasps, her eyes wide and shining with excitement. She makes a fist, closes one eye, sticks her tongue out and lines it up. She pulls back her fist and then slams it into Ruby's with a big smile.

There's a dull "ding" noise, and Ruby gains an expression of deadpan shock, her hand throbbing with pain. Penny turns to Marrow with an innocent smile, and Ruby cradles her hand, groaning quietly in pain.

Marrow: "Yeah, real cute. Look, try not to be too much of a distraction. We need to be vigilant in case--"

May Marigold suddenly approaches Marrow, setting the tip of her weapon to the floor.

May: "In case what?"

Marrow: In case someone tries to start trouble.

May: "Oh, funny, that's why we're here. So feel free to take a hike."

Marrow: Listen, the General's trying to help, all right? Just 'cause you can't understand--

Robyn: "What's going on here, Wags?"

Robyn has suddenly entered the backstage area next to Ruby and Penny. She notices Ruby.

Robyn: "Oh, and the pipsqueak is back."

Ruby gives a slight glare, growling a little. Marrow scoffed. She looked, but saw Kage using creepy black eyes at her own.

Robyn realized what she is doing, and corrected herself from that.

Robyn: "Umm...I mean...welcome, Atlas soldiers."

Marrow: "We're concerned about security risks, ma'am. The General doesn't want any surprises tonight."

May smirks in amusement. Joanna Greenleaf is now standing next to her. Robyn walks over to Marrow.

Robyn: "Fine, but stay out of the way."

She then walks over to stand with May and Joanna, the former of whom gasps in surprise and confusion.

Robyn: "If I get elected tonight, we'll all have to learn how to get along."

She looks at May, who rolls her eyes and walks away.

Marrow: "Sure, we won't have any problems, as long as you stay within the law."

Robyn: The law isn't perfect, you know. It's certainly not equal.

Marrow: "Trust me, I'm well aware."

Marrow tilts his dog tail to the side to be more visible to Robyn.

Robyn: "My only goal is that all the citizens of Mantle and Atlas -- and Faunus -- have an equal shot at a good life."

Marrow: "That sounds great. And you're planning to do all that equalizing legally, right?"

Behind them on the stage, Fiona Thyme is fidgeting with a microphone. Joanna is grinning. Robyn looks at Joanna and smirks, causing Joanna to grin more.

Robyn: "Everything I've done is legal."

Marrow: "Of course, one hundred percent."

Fiona taps on the microphone, causing loud feedback, much to the crowd's displeasure.

Fiona: "Ha-ha, well, that worked."

The live election results now show that Robyn's vote percentage is 57%. Joanna walks away, and Marrow groans in annoyance and walks away toward Penny and Ruby. The crowd begins chanting "Robyn".

Marrow: "Scram kid, we've got a job to do."

He gesturing to himself and Penny.

Marrow exits the backstage area, and Ruby hops out and blows a raspberry at him, which Penny giggles at. Ruby and Penny wave to each other, as Ruby walks away into the crowd. Ruby's smile fades when she sees that Nora and Ren are still arguing. The live election results now say that Jacques has 41% of the vote, while Robyn has 59%.

Ren: Can we please just not do this right now?

Ruby: "I should've just gone to the movies."

Ruby turns back around and heads to the front of the crowd. Fiona has begun giving a speech.

Fiona: "I want to thank everyone for going to the polls today. This is Mantle's moment. I know that, like me, you're all thrilled that we chose Robyn as our voice in Atlas. No one has fought harder for Mantle than she has. And..."

She covers her mouth, trying not to cry, and then wipes a tear from her eye with her palm.

Fiona: "I know Robyn will continue that fight on the Council. Will you share a few words?"

She turns to look at Robyn, who is off stage, and the crowd begins chanting Robyn's name again. Robyn walks onto the stage, causing the crowd to cheer. She takes the microphone, and Fiona excitedly talks to her for a few moments, before walking off stage.

Robyn: "I've never been much for public speaking, probably wasn't my best idea ever to go into politics. Thank you so much, everyone, for choosing me. You said you believe in me. But I'm the one who believes in all of you. You've proven to me that as individuals, we are strong. But together, we're unstoppable. So no matter what happens tonight, win or lose, we will continue to fight for our city, because it is this city that brings us together."

The crowd cheers, and upbeat music begins playing. Nora reaches out to touch Ren's arm, but he turns away from her. Robyn walks off stage, smiling and waving to the crowd. She turns her head away from the crowd and looks nervously up at the screen.

Newscaster: "We're in the final minutes now, and it's looking to be a closer race than anticipated."

Robyn stands with her Happy Huntresses.

Joanna: "Don't worry, it's in the bag."

Joanna smiles, and May grins, winks and gives a thumbs up. Robyn smiles faintly but then looks nervously at the screen again. The results change again, showing Jacques with 47% and Robyn with 53%. She looks away, frowning.

Ren is avoiding looking at Nora, who finally speaks up.

Nora: "Haaaa...Ren, what's going on? Why won't you just talk to me?"

Ren: "You know I've... never... been really good with talking."

Nora: "Then screw talking!"

Nora grabs Ren's shirt and pulls him to her, planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes widen and he holds his arms out in surprise, but then he closes his eyes and kisses back. As he wraps his arms around her, she moves her arms behind his neck.

Everything around them fades to a blur. Ruby looks around happily. Penny and Marrow look at each other. The election came, and Robyn has won.

It was a blissful celebration, and everyone got equality now. It is the greatest time that everyone has in life. But not everybody. Salem is watching on the screen here, and she is very angry. She could not find anyone to stop the election happening. Now Ruby's group have a much bigger chance to unite against her even more here. But Sans is watching here, though a Lightheart Crystal Butterfly.

And he wasn't the only one here. Amber is watching, and she is smiling at what's occurred. Amber and Sans looked and kissed with one another at the event that had occurred right here. Milady and Dream looked at each other, and kissed at the same time.

Penny saw Mecha high in the air, and flies upwards.

They both went up to eye level, and they kissed. Papyrus and May Zedong did the same thing seeing it.

Kage is on top of the building, smiling at the event, and seeing that the election was a complete success. Harriet than came along, and spoke out to him here.

Harriet: "So...it looks like Mantle and Atlas will have equality after so long being discriminated."

Kage than spoke out loud.

Kage: "Yes. It is finally happening. After so long of them battling at each other's selves, they can finally get what they deserve."

Kage spoke out in a very happy tone, and yet, it is calm. Harriet looked down and smiled, as she spoke out to Kage.

Harriet: "You know, Kage. We haven't got a chance to date here."

Kage looked, and was embarrassed.

"Oh shoot!! Umm...let'sdoittommorowatthisbtime!!!....YEAH!!!"

He than teleported away, and Harriet giggled at that reaction. She than did a kissing motion, mad a peace sign,

and than sped off, fast. Time to make this interesting.

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