Pomp and Circumstances

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As the sun begins setting over the mountains around the abandoned Dust mine, four trucks drive up the road to the mine entrance, and Amity Colosseum floats toward the mine. Two people are lying with binoculars somewhere in the area, one of whom is wearing a pin that resembles the one on Robyn Hill's scarf. Their binoculars bear the same symbol as the pin.

They both gaze up at the colosseum, before the one on the right resumes looking through his binoculars.

Soon after the trucks arrive at the mine entrance, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Summer Rose, Qrow Branwen,Kage Gaster and the Ace-Ops walk outside. Smiling, Marrow Amin looks at Clover Ebi and then attempts to put on a more serious demeanor. Ruby Rose, Jaune Arc and Nora Valkyrie come together to gaze in dramatic admiration of the Ace-Ops, while Lie Ren, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long watch the three with wide eyes. Nora than spoke in a high-pitched voice

Nora: "Aaaah!"

Jaune rushes over to Clover's side.

Jaune: "You guys were incredible!"

He switches to being in front of Clover and begins energetically gesturing as he talks.

Jaune: "Oh, the way you took down that Geist without needing to plan your tactics out, you just knew exactly what to do!"

Clover: "Well, Ace-Ops are hand picked to perfectly compliment one another. So we can focus on our assets and leave our liabilities behind."

Marrow walks over with a confident smile.

Marrow: "Some of us are all asset, zero liability."

He poses with a salute and a grin, looking at Jaune. Elm Ederne scoffs, catching Marrow's attention. He moves over to her, leaning in to confront her.

Marrow: "Wha-- Yeah? Think I've got some liabilities, Elm?"

Elm: "Your brains, for one."

Clover, Elm and Harriet Bree laugh, and Marrow groans and pouts. The former three walk away.

Vine: "You did ask."

Vine walks away, and Nora approaches Elm with wide eyes and a smile. Elm looks at her.

Nora: "Hi. Do you need a new best friend? Our pair name can be..."

She began to finish, as she moved closer. Nora's eyes spark with pink electricity, and she lifts her hammer into the air with both hands. She is suddenly standing on an empty plane with a green tinted sky, with Elm standing nearby. Pink lightning strikes, while green and pink gradient text appears. She than spoke in a dramatic voice


Kage than made a shadow hammer, and pounds her head, making her stiff.

Harriet watches this with a sigh, and Ruby runs over to her.

Ruby: "Perfect complementary teamwork. Oh, yeah, I want to have my friends' backs just like that."

Harriet than raised an eyebrow.

Harriet: "Friends?"

Elm: "Hahahaha...This isn't the schoolyard, kid."

Kage: "Yes, we are already eager of that other there."

Behind Elm, Nora is still posed with her hammer in the air.

Nora: "Thunder Thighs..."

Ren walks over, lifts the currently stiff Nora under his arm, and walks away.

Elm than looks at Kage and blushes at his face. His face is similar to Sans. And Ruby and her team said, he looks like a handsome prince. But while Sans looks like a one with a very light heart, Kage looks like a gloomy and very dark, serious person. Elm kisses Kage's check, before jumping away from below, as he speaks out.

"Kage: "What in the...hey! Who did..."

Ruby's teammates join her.

Yang: "But, I mean, when you go through so much with someone, it kind of changes things, doesn't it?"

Harriet: "We get along well enough, sure. I count on them to keep me alive. They do the same. But that's the job. We don't confuse the two."

She turns and walks away, leaving Team RWBY to look on sadly.

Clover: "Speaking of the job..."

Further down the way, Winter Schnee is talking on a communicator. He gives a brief order to a soldier, who walks away.

Clover: Duty ever beckons. You all hang back a second.

He than gesture to Jaune and Qrow.

The Ace-Ops walk over to Winter. Ruby watches with a sad sigh, then looks away, thinking. She then gets an idea, smiles and hurries over to her teammates.

Ruby: "What do you guys want to do when we get back to Atlas? Sightseeing? (gasp) Oh, what should we visit first?"

Blake: "(yawns) How about our beds?"

Blake walks away.

Ruby: "Oh, come on, guys! This is a great time to go exploring! We haven't done that in so long!"

Weiss: "Ruby, we just explored a whole continent on foot before flying to this one."

Weiss walks away.

Ruby: "Well, yeah, but... it was only the boring parts."

Yang crossed her arms with a unhappy look.

Yang: "We almost died."

Ruby: "Ppt."

Ruby waves her hands at Yang with an awkward chuckle, and Yang walks away. Ruby then frowns and sighs sadly.

Summer: "Hey. Heads up."

Summer points his thumb over at Winter, who is talking to Clover while the other Ace-Ops walk away.

Winter: "Can I get the team leaders over here? There's something I'd like to discuss with you. You too, Qrow."

Ruby, Jaune and Summer walk over to Ironwood. Winter spoke to clover

Winter: "I need you on the ground, but be subtle. If people see too many Huntsmen milling around, they'll get nervous."

Clover salutes, nods and begins walking away.

Winter: "And Clover?"

Clover stops and looks back. In the background, Marrow is in front of an open airship, talking to a military Huntsman, while miming punching imaginary targets and waving his arms.

Winter: "Don't take Marrow."

Clover looks over at Marrow, then looks at Ironwood, smiling and chuckling with a nod. Marrow recreates his pose from when he froze a pair of Centinels and then turns around and mimes shooting something. Clover heads in Marrow's direction, and Ironwood turns to Qrow, Jaune and Ruby.

Qrow: "New problems in Mantle?"

Winter: "Haaaaa...More of the same, unfortunately."

Winter withdraws and deploys her Scroll, using it to generate a hologram screen in the air in front of her. The left side of the screen displays an Atlas Military Police mugshot of Forest, while the right side displays a photograph of Forest's corpse in an alleyway somewhere in midtown Mantle.

Winter: "Someone in Mantle is taking out public leaders who speak out against Atlas. Specifically, people who speak out against me. It didn't look like a pattern at first. But this is the third murder of its kind in the last week."

Jaune than stepped forward.

Jaime: "Wait a minute. That's the guy that rode with us after we were arrested."

Ruby: "He died?"

Summer: "Your opposition in Mantle dropping dead isn't exactly a good look for you, huh?"

Winter deactivates the hologram screen and puts his Scroll away.

Summer: "Not really worried about my public image, but it is causing unrest. I think someone's trying to frame me and, by extension, Atlas. And it's working."

Jaune: "Well, if it wasn't for the embargo making everybody so mad, people probably wouldn't be so quick to blame you for everything else."

Summer frowns and looks at Jaune, who awkwardly clears his throat and stands at attention.

Jaune: "M-Ma'am."

Winter than rubbed the bridge of her nose with his fingers.

Winter: "No. No, you're right. Things in Mantle have been... hard to manage lately. I'm not blind to its issues. In fact, that's what I want to talk to you about."

He turns and looks up at Amity Colosseum.

Winter: "With the launch of this mobile communications tower and tensions down in Mantle, I think there's a lot of good your teams can do here."

Winter's communicator beeps, and she puts her fingers to it, listening.

Winter: "What? Already? Here? No, it's fine. Let him land. I'll deal with him myself."

Summer and Ruby look each other, and then at Ironwood.

Winter: "More Mantle problems?"

Winter watches an airship fly by on its way to the landing pad.

Winter: "No. This one's an Atlas problem."

She than runs up to it. But as Kage is watching, he than gets in telepathic contact with his twin little brother.

Kage: "Sans, can you hear me?"

Back with Sans and Amber...

Sans and Amber are working the best they can on the Lighthearts. Sans heard and spoke back.

"I can hear you, Kage."

Than, a shining light in their minds, and they spear somewhere else, their inner world. The inner world is blue like the abyss, but instead of Water, it is crystals. The sky is black, symbolizing Kage, and the Crystals represent that Sans is talking now.

They both communicated each other through the glass before them.

Kage: "Man...it is really tough trying to contact you. I thought it was not going to be the case. But anyways, where are you now?"

Sans: "I am at the Domain of Light, finally."

Kage: "That is good. We need a lot of arms that we can have here."

Sans: "But there is one problem. Salem has recruited someone who is called 'Nightmare.'

Kage: "Nightmare? That is not good. Sans, Nightmare will be stealthy in invading the Domain of Light. You have to use Telepathy at all times so that he does not hear any important information from you. It might also get worse if he is helping Salem with the Grimm. You must make the army stronger to. I hope you can do this thing here, Sans. Because of something bad happens, it will be the end here."

Sans nodded, before the inner world began to shift around.

Sans: "Huh? What is happening?"

Kage: "Salem...she is sensing our conversion and is trying to break in. We need to cut of the connection to where we are."

And the severing it happens, Sans and Kage began to flow above and below each other.

Kage: "I'll see if there is another way for me to contact you. Don't worry. I will see you again.

Sans nodded, before waving by, with Kage dong the same.

Sans: "I hope to see you soon here, Brother."

Kage: "I hope the same, Brother."

Both brothers high-five, before the world made inside's gone.

Back in the outside...

As Kage looked, Ruby, Blake and Yang look at Weiss with concern, while she exhales and drops her strong and confident facade. The ship flies away, and a truck arrives on the platform. Once the truck comes to a stop, Winter opens the passenger side door and peeks out at the ship.

Weiss than looks at Winter with a joking smile.

Weiss: "Oh, now you show up, Winter. You just missed brother."

Winter: "I wouldn't say I missed hi--"

From the sky, Penny Polendina comes crashing down, landing on one knee, along with Mecha. The force from her landing sends Team RWBY flying with a small scream, while Winter steadies herself against the shockwave.

Penny straightens up and throws her hands into the air, the word "CONGRATULATIONS!" appearing above her head as a green hologram, with bright green hologram confetti spawning from it with a party horn sound. Mecha does the same, and has a disco ball that is suspended above his head

Penny: "Surprise!"

Mecha: Darlings~!

They looks around with a giant grin as the hologram flickers. When they notices Team RWBY on the ground, their grin and the hologram both fade. The disco fades as well

Penny: "Uh, did we not start yet?"

Mecha: Oh my! I hope that we didn't miss anything!

Winter puts her fingertips to her forehead in exasperation.

Winter: "Haaaa...Apparently, we haven't."

Nearby, Jaune and Nora laugh, while Ruby stands up with a look of confusion. Mecha than laughed and held Penny's hand

Ruby: "Start what?"

After the sun finishes setting, RWBY, JNPR, Papyrus, May, Qrow, Winter, Penny, Mecha and Winter! gather in the center of Amity Colosseum's arena. RWBY and JNPR stand lined up, with Winter, Mecha, and Penny standing across from them and Qrow standing off to the side. The arena lights are on and pointing at the center of the stage where everyone is standing.

Winter: "It goes without saying that this arena holds a significance to all of us. It's only fitting that we should be able to reconvene here. Now. When the world needs to be brought together more than ever. The road you traveled from our first meeting hasn't been easy."

While she talks, Winter begins walking along in front of RWBY and JNPR. Penny, who is holding a tablet-sized Scroll, excitedly bounces up and down next to Winter, who places a hand on Penny's shoulder to hold her still.

Winter: "You fought for your school and your friends at Beacon. You fought for the world and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You faced down terrors people can't even fathom. That's not the behavior of students. It's the behavior... of Huntsmen and Huntresses."

She looks over at Mecha and Penny, who happily begins humming and walking past JNPR and RWBY, stopping in front of each person to tap on her Scroll. With each tap, her Scroll emits a beep and someone else's Scroll buzzes. Ren's Scroll is the first to buzz, and he removes it from his pocket and opens it, checking the screen. It displays his student license, which displays a photograph of him in his new outfit with his emblem in the top left corner and a barcode below the photo. The Vale symbol is in the background behind the license information. The license says:

Name: Ren, Lie
LN: 63700 - 16778 - 13563
Place of Issue: Vale
Authority: Beacon Academy
Restrictions: Class C

The screen blinks, and the license suddenly changes. The Kingdom of Atlas symbol is now in the background behind the information. The new license says:

Name: Ren, Lie
LN: 63700 - 16778 - 13563
Place of Issue: Atlas
Authority: Atlas Academy
Restrictions: Class C

Ren: "Wait... what is this?"

Everyone else checks their Scrolls as Penny continues tapping hers.

Winter: "You are being granted your Huntsman licenses, today."

Penny finishes using her Scroll to grant everyone their licenses and walks away with a big grin. Her Scroll displays the Atlas Huntsman License Registry.

Winter: "I know this is coming a little ahead of schedule, but Brothers know you deserve it. I only regret that I couldn't do something a little more ceremonious for the occasion."

Ruby stares in awe at her license.

Ruby: "I--"  

She glanced at her friends.

Ruby: "We... we're honored, General Winter. But you really don't have to do th--"

Winter: "Please. With the threat of Salem still out there and tensions rising in our kingdom, I certainly could use more trustworthy fighters by my side."

As winter walks away from them, Team RWBY look at each other. Yang and Weiss' faint smiles fade, and Blake's cat ears droop. Kage just looked indifferent.

Winter: "I should be so lucky to have all of you."

She stops for a moment, then looks at Team RWBY and smiles.

Winter: "It's okay. It's a big moment. And what better way than to celebrate here? When this tower is ready and communications are back up and running, we'll tell the world about Salem and face down whatever comes at us after that, together."

RWBY and JNPR stand in silence.

Winter: "Haaa...That's... just about all the pomp I have in me.

She spoke, as she awkwardly adjusting her tie.

Winter: "If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to running this operation. Um...Well, then. Enjoy the cake."

As Winter walks away, Penny and Mecha pops up with a hand raised in the air.

Penny than spoke in a encouraging tone.

Penny: "Your speech outros are improving, Ma'am!"

Mecha: Indeed it is, Hun!

Mecha and Penny turned and kissed each other in the lips, showcasing their love together. RWBY and JNPR look at their licenses.

Yang: "After everything we've been through, I almost forgot this is what I wanted in the first place."

Blake: "When Beacon fell, I didn't think this would even be possible."

Weiss: "It almost feels trivial now."

Pyrrha: "It's as though the Fall of Beacon never happened."

Qrow: "Geez, guys, lighten up a little. Enjoy yourselves for a change. You've earned it."

Nora: "Finally! Someone said it. Let's kill some cake, huh?"

Nora moves forward, throwing a fist in the air.

Nora: "Because I can eat two slices before Ren even eats one. Who says I can't? Who says it, huh!?"

Papyrus than pounds in her head with his normal arm.

Papyrus: "You like to get overreactive, don't you."

May: "Don't rush us this much here."

Ren: "Nora, nobody is arguing with you about this."

A short while later, all of the teens except Ruby gather around a cake. Ruby instead sits nearby in the bleachers.

Penny uses six of her swords to cut the cake into even slices. Weiss and Ren stand together, eating their personal slices, and Nora moves over to them with a stack of six slices. Ren and Weiss stare in surprise as Nora eats an entire slice in one bite.

Yang shows off her upgraded weapon to Penny, who looks at it in awe. Yang then offers to shake Penny's hand with the weapon itself, a sneaky grin on her face. Penny happily takes her hand, only for the weapon to detach, causing Penny to gasp in surprise. Yang and Nora laugh, and after a moment, Penny laughs, too. Papyrus and May each share a slice with each other.

Blake stands alone, eating her cake in calm silence. Suddenly, Yang swiftly moves up beside Blake, putting her arm around her and holding up her Scroll with the camera function on. Blake looks at Yang with wide eyes and a confused smile, and when the Scroll's camera begins rapidly clicking, she turns her head and grins at it with a small, awkward laugh.

Ruby watches as Yang continues to take selfies with Blake, Nora talks with Penny, and Jaune talks with Weiss and Ren. Mecha and Penny looked at each other, and they both kissed

Qrow: "Big day for you, huh, kiddo?"

He walks over and sits next to Ruby.

Ruby: "It's... definitely a lot to take in."

Qrow: "Which part? The finally getting to Atlas part, getting your license part, or the not quite disclosing everything to Winter part? Or... all of the above?"

Ruby: "Hahahaha....All of the above. I'm trying to do what I think is best, I really can't tell if what's best is what's right, or if I'm no different from Oz."

Qrow: "Ruby, Oz only trusted himself with the whole truth. You're trusting others, but you're making sure they prove themselves first. I think that's a pretty big difference."

Ruby: "I hope so."

She withdraws her Scroll and looks at her license.

Ruby: "This says I'm a Huntress now. But I don't feel like I know much more than I did at Beacon."

Qrow: "Hehehehe...That feeling never goes away. Your mom, Summer, would be proud of you."

She smiles at him, but that smile soon fades Summer bust is in and give Ruby a very tight hug.

Summer: "Oh my Gods, Ruby! I'm so proud of you!!"

Ruby than began to panic.

Ruby: "Ahhhh....Mom, please! Settle!"

As both Ruby and Summer did a type of hug fight, Kage began to laugh, as Sans is seeing everything in his astral form.

Sans: "Man, Summer really is a bit crazy about Ruby, Huh?"

Kage: "Yep, they are."

Sans and Kage looked at each other for a moment, before Sans than spoke to Kage.

Sans: "Kage, that reminds me. Does Ozpin know of the Abyss still, when as Ozma?"

Kage looked down a bit, before speaking out to Sans.

Kage: "It is still likely. Obviously, I would not like Kyo showing Ozma that place. It is the worst idea."

Suddenly, Kyo than appeared to.

Kyo: "You know...I always hoped that Ozma would be truth completely and find a way to stop it. But I was wrong. Sans, YOU are the one to stop all of this from happening."

Kage: "And with your power...We can finally win here."

Sans smiled, before him and Kyo retreated from the telepathy. Kage than turns back to the group, as Qrow spoke.

Qrow: "Pressed on, I think. Like you. She was always the best of us."

He pulls Ruby over to rest her head against his shoulder, smiling.

Qrow: "Bit of a brat, though. But hey, I like brats."

Ruby playfully elbows him in the ribs and laughs. Summer than leaned and kissed her daughter on the head.

Yang: "Hey, Ruby! Come check this out!"

Yang points behind herself with her thumb. Ruby zooms over to the group, who are staring at something.

Ruby: "(gasp) Oh my gosh, is that a mission board? It's an app now!?"

She zooms over to the mission board, pointing at different missions.

Ruby: "Can we ride a Megoliath? Stop an underground crime ring? Do I get to go..."

She turns away, puts on her hood, and turns back to Penny, doing a dramatic expression. She than spoke in a fake accent

Ruby: "...undercover?"

Ruby flares her cloak out, knocking the hood off her head, and begins shaking Penny up and down.

Penny: "Maaaybeee!"

Marrow's voice comes from nearby, and Ruby stops shaking Penny.

Marrow: "Hey, do you guys smell that?"

He walks in with Elm and Vine, dramatically sniffing the air.

Marrow: "Smells like... fresh meat."

Vine: "That's odd. I don't smell meat."

Ren: "Neither do I."

Marrow: "Agh...You know what? Nevermind."

Elm: "Let me get this straight. You've only been official for an hour now and you're already looking for Huntsman work?"

Weiss than holds up a finger.

Weiss: "To be fair, we've been official for a whole..."

Weiss withdraws her Scroll and checks the time. It is 8:42.

Weiss: "Fifty-seven minutes."

Nora playfully rolls her eyes at Weiss.

Vine: "I'd like to remind you all that the real mission here is ensuring the successful launch of the communications tower."

Ren: "True, but we can also keep training and improving by helping where we can."

Elm than happily sighed, and does a fist pump.

Elm: "The enthusiasm of youths!"

She looks at Kage and does a kiss motion along with Harriet, making him blush.

Marrow: "Well, it's hard to argue with that. Okay, let me show you how it works."

Marrow walks over to the mission board, scrolls up on it and selects an Escort mission.

Marrow: "Ooh, here's an important one. Who wants to volunteer?"

He turns to look, and RWBY and JNPR all raise their hands, calling out "Yes!" and "Alright!"

Marrow: "We need someone to escort children to pre-primary school down in Mantle. There's not actually any danger, but the parents fret, and that attracts Grimm."

Everyone but Jaune drops their hands down.

Marrow: "Perfect! Thanks...Juan... Jwan... Jim?""

Jaune: "Close enough, I guess. Hehehehehe...Wow, my first Huntsman mission."

Elm slides over and knocks Marrow aside with her palm, causing him to scream.

Elm: "Next!"

She quickly swipes down on the mission board, causing the missions to scroll by rapidly. She slaps one of the missions, bringing up a Search and Destroy mission with an image depicting a rotating 3D model of a Sabyr.

Elm: "A massive Sabyr is loose in the Mantle sewers! We need two brave warriors to flush it out!"

Everyone but Jaune raises their hands, gasping excitedly, and Jaune looks around, bewildered.

Jaune: "Wha-- But-- Why didn't I get a choice for that one?"

His friends begin laughing at him. Harriet comes in and kissed Kage on the cheek, with Mage turning around before seeing who did it.

Kage: "Hey, her back here."

Kage than flied and rushed to chase after Harriet quickly. This is a funny love that is seen right there.

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