A Wanted Reuinion

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Ruby and Neo are scared for their lives. Salem is now right in front of them. They are both literally hanging at the edge of their lives, and they have no real way to save themselves from what Salem is about to do to them. Salem smirked, which is rather disturbing...as she spoke out to them.

"You both never stood a chance against me. None of you stood a chance...against my power."

Salem than extended her hand, and magic began to generate from her fingertips.

"This time...you will not escape from your fate: Death."

"RUBY!!! NO!!!!"

Yang shouted, as she runs to save Ruby. But Salem made Grimm arms appear, and hold Yang in place, so she can witness her sister's death in front of her. Yang tries whatever she can to break free from the Grimm arms that are holding her. But it is no use. Despite all of that, she still tries to break free to save her sister and Neo.


In fact...most of them are trapped by the black Grimm arms that have appeared, except for Papyrus and Winter, who are weakened, but is still recovering, and both Blake and Weiss. And needless to say, the both of them are in juts as much despair as everyone that is present...to see them killed.

"Damn you, Salem!!! You won't get away with this!!!"

Blake shouted out, while she glared and began to cry, as she wished to do something, but Salem can hold her back, and there is nothing she can do to stop it. Ruby and Neo...they are going to die from Salem's magical attack. Weiss...she can't help but feel so helpless, against a being that is beyond her power, and now...their friends...they are going to die. She balls her hands into firsts, and could almost feel the blood from her hands ready to leak out of the palms that she is squeezing with her fingers.

As the expression on Salem's face darkened slightly, she looks at the group, and a sinister smirk becomes present on her pale veiny face, as she gets ready to fire the magic that will put an end to the Silver Eyed Warrior and her friend. But than...suddenly...out from behind Salem, a strange, turquoise glow is shown brightening behind her, and the brightness of the glow seems to be growing exponentially. Salem stopped smiling, and began to turn behind herself. Neo and Ruby Rose than began to notice the glow also, as well as the other members of the group does notice the person that has suddenly appeared to them now. They all looked up...and their eyes widened...and everyone's mouth smiled widely, as they is filled with joy. Their great friend...and the brother, Sans...he has finally returned to everyone.

Sans smiled, as his hood slightly reveals his eyes, with are now in their usual battle mode, one side Turquoise and vein-like, and the other switching between blue and Turquoise.

"Get...dunked on."

Salem barely had time to react, as the Gaster Abyss Blaster blasts Salem with so much force that it sends her flying away. The Gaster Abyss Blaster vanishes, and Sans jumps off, as he grabbed Neo, and pulled both her and Ruby out.

"Heya, everyone!! You missed me?"

Everyone immediately got out of their shock...and they are very overjoyed...to see Sans.


Everyone shouted, sounding very happy. Ruby, not wasting any time, ran up to Sans first, and before Sans could realize what is about to happen, she quickly tackles him, and kisses him square on the lips, and hugging him very tightly. And...suprisingly...Sans is now more taller than before. Now he almost Ruby Rose's height, and is now 5'0. Ruby finally stops kissing Sans, and has an overjoyed smile on her face.

"I'm so happy to see you, Sans!! It's been so long!!!"

Ruby squealed, as she nuzzles his cheek together with her own, clearly way to overjoyed to see him. Sans nodded, as he hugged her back, as Papyrus comes in and hugs Sans.

"So glad you are okay, little brother."

Sans chuckles.

"Yeah, nice to see you to, Pappy."

Sans than jumps back down, and Yang rushed over, and embraced Sans as well, while hugging him inside her...soft cushion, as she spoke.

"Sans!! I never thought I would see you again!! I thought you would leave permanently!!"

Sans turns around, and spoke out to Yang.

"Yang...I see that you never stopped being in a 'Grimm' situation."

Everyone blinked, but Yang...she was frozen at first...but than...she began to laugh. Everyone else facepalmed.

"Aaaaghhhh!!! Even now, your puns are terrible!!"

Papyrus shouted, and Yang just simply spoke back.

"Terrible?! I love it!!!"

Sans than felt another pair of hands, and it is touching his torso. These hands belong to Neo, and Emerald is hugging Sans as well.

"Sans...you have no idea how good it is that you are here."

Both girls let go, and Sans chuckled very awkwardly, haven't forgotten that Yang loved puns as much as Sans did, which always cheered Yang up when she's down, and the fact that Neo and Emerald are all devoted to him for being kind to them. Than...he felt another pair of hands slithering his form. It was Blake's hands.

Blake's face is red, as she is so happy that Sans has finally returned to her. She is the only one that can really relate to Sans in anyway, due to the fact that, like Sans, Blake has faced discrimination, but Sans...he had his worse when compared to Blake's situation. And when...Sans left...she felt like she had no strength to fight, and only kept going because some of her and Sans' friends were with her to keep on going. But even that is not enough to keep her going that much. But...now that Sans is back...she now feels like she can go against the whole world. Her ear twitched happily, as she sees the boy that she had loved return to her arms once again.

"Sans...I...nothing can explain how happy I am...to see you in front of me. Without you...I felt...so incomplete, it felt like a piece of me's missing. I...I missed you...so much. I just wish that...I told you how."

Sans turns to her and smiled.

"You don't need to miss me anymore, Blake. I'm back with you all, and that's all that matters, and besides..."

He than touched the sides of her hair, and began this rub the together.

"Why'd you cut your hair short? I liked their hair when it was long. I suits you, and it is cute."

Blake smiled, as she blushed and touched her hair, with Sans' hand on her hair.

She than touched Sans' head. She remembered the feeling is his head. It was silky and smooth, and it made her feel so calm to even touch it. She grabbed the back of his head, and brought it close to touch both of their lips together, for the first time in a couple of years. She missed the feeling of kissing Sans, because Sans' was the feelings of acceptances, both for each other, and it was something she wanted to catch up on. Well...now...she finally gets to catch up with him once again. Sans even stroked her cat tears.


Blake began to purr in the kiss, which she greatly enjoys, and Sans and Blake finally separated from each other, looking at each other into the eyes. It looks as though they are staring into each other's souls, knowing how the other feels.

Weiss than comes in, and hugs sans from behind.

"Sans...I found never thank you enough for saving our lives. I thought Ruby and Neo will die."

Sans than stroked Weiss' face, as he spoke out.

"Well...that won't happen on my watch, and besides...you have grown in your knowledge since experiencing some stuff that people weren't supposed to see, and yet...you went through them without stop. You're a good person, Weiss."

Weiss smiled and kissed him in the cheek, before Sans turns around to his brother, Papyrus.

As Weiss lets go, Papyrus than spoke out.

"Oh...and Sans...there is something you should know."

Sans gawked his head...and saw May Zedong and Winter Schnee come towards them. They hold their hands up. Sans' eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"You're engaged to them!! I'm so proud of you, Pappy!!!"

Papyrus smiled, but soon...


Salem came out from nowhere, and landed back down on the ground, and she does not look very happy.  She glared down at Sans, who is still smiling. But behind that smile, lies a hidden rage, for nearly getting Ruby and Neo killed.

"Sans Gaster. I never though that you of all people will show up to face me. I will make sure you pay for using your power on me."

Sans still smiled, as he spoke out.

"Than I guess it is lucky that I do not have to do this all on my own, Salem."

He snapped his fingers, a portal opens, and the other members of his groups came down. Amber, Noah, Ethan, Grace, Cinder, and Goel. They all came down to the ground, their weapons ready, and they look like they are about to slaughter anyone before them. Salem and looked at Cinder, and was shocked to see her alive...and it did not take her long to realize what Sans had done.

'So she spared her of the trauma she had to take. Sans...you will pay.'

Blake's eyes widened, as he noticed Goel.

"Goel? Is that you?"

Goel turned around, and smiled.

"Hello, Blake. It has been a long time since we last met, hasn't it?"

Blake looked shocked, but than smiled, and looked relieved.

"It's good to see you haven't changed."

Goel smiled, as Sans spoke out.

"We can talk about how you know each other later. Right now...Salem...you...you are going to pay...for all the suffering you caused to all of the innocent lives that are out all over Remnant."

Sans than opened his wings, and took flight, as he now charges at Salem. The others charged in, and began to fight against Salem as well.

The group that Sans leads...it is much more tougher than she thought it was.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans...she knew all along...that he was different from any opponent that she had faced against. She had faced against Ozpin, and he was a match for her, and Hazel was able to challenge her in a one on one fight against her, but Sans...he is far different than any of the others that she had fought against. He is very creative, continuously growing and evolving, and despite his power, chose to protect Remnant instead of ruling Remnant.

But the power of EVOLUTION...that is a power which is so new to her...and seeing what Sans is capable of...even she is not sure if she can take him down by herself. She can take the other members of his group down...but Sans...he is an entirely different story to tell. Still, though. He tires like everyone else, and she will make sure he is down. And besides...he has not reached his full potential yet.

Sans, Goel, and Noah are the first to attack. Sans launches his Abyss Chains at Salem, which harmed her immensely. Goel kept using Wilt to cut her badly, and make it hard to regenerate everything, while Noah used some precise explosive shots of Due Process White to shoot and explode certain parts of Salem's body.

Sans, Goel, and Noah immediately jumped back, as Salem nearly used her Magical Explosion on them, in order to push them off of her pale back, and having a strange electrical effect around her.

Thankfully, Sans protected them with his wings, and everyone else were able to jump away to avoid the blast, as everyone is freed from the Grimm arms that she had made.

Sans shrunk his wings back to normal size, and shouted out.


Sans, Goel, and Ironwood than began to shoot, slice, and strike at Salem with precise and powerful attacks.

But Salem isn't down for the count. In fact, she is not going down this easily by this group they Sans has made.

Salem unleashed another Magical Blast towards Noah, who jumped out of the way, and shot an explosive round towards Salem. She was hit pretty hard by the explosion, but that did nothing to stop her.

Goel than took out another weapon. It resembles a Blue Assault Rifle at first, and when he fired it, parts of her body seem to turn frozen solid, meaning that the Assault Rifle shoots out Ice Dust. Than, Goel than clicked on a button, and the assault rifle turns into a longsword, with the metal part being Cyan like the Ice Dust. This is Goel's original weapon of choice, called Shattered Dreams, which was created in order to act as a counter against Adam's Wilt and Blush.

Gripping Shattered Dreams with his left hand, and Wilt in the right hand, he took a stance, before launching himself into the air, and began to spin in her direction, Shattered Dreams spinning like the point of the drill, and Wilt acting like the sides of the drill. He than struck her, and drilled with into her body, and shot out through the other side. But even that didn't do much, as Salem simply regenerated much of the damage.

Salem than tried to lunge herself at Goel in order to kill him, but...she suddenly stopped in mid-air, and it was not because she wanted to. She looks at herself...and sees that she is glowing...meaning that Sans has stopped her from reaching Goel Taurus. Goel than formed a smile on his face as Sans raised his hand high up, and Salem is than launched up, before crashing into a golden bridge. She fell down, as her body heals itself.

Than, Ethan, Cinder, and Amber came forward, and decided that...it is their turn to help out. Stalwart activated, Cinder's hand glowed, and Amber's eyes flared, as she activated her powers as the Fall Maiden.

"Fire Blast!!!"

Ethan, Amber, and Cinder shouted out, as Cinder used Scorching Caress to detonate the ground, Ethan used Stalwart to make a flaming rock, and Amber, with her Fall Maiden power, made a fireball and launched it at Salem.

The 3 of them have launched a powerful fire-based attack to Salem, which caused a massive explosion that is powerful enough to severely damage Salem. But not even that is enough to out a stop to her, as she is still alive, with only half of her torso and bottom part of her body gone. But these regenerated without issue.

Than, Salem launched a magical blast at the 3 that shot fire at her, and all of them got out of the way. But a magical explosion made them slide a bit. Cinder, however, slides way greater than Amber and Ethan, and realizes that she needs to prevent herself from going off the edge of the dimension they are in. So...in order to save herself...she used her Semblance.

Cinder slid onto the floor, Scorching Caress slowing her down. And thankfully, the bridge was able to repair itself from the melting touch that Cinder had. Cinder than charged at Salem again, and she was able to dodge Salem's magical blasts which were fired in her direction. Cinder than got close enough to touch Salem's Grimm-like face, and Scorch it very, very painfully.


Salem shrieked out in agony, as she than unleashed a magical blast that forced Cinder off of her. Grace was able to catch her, before she went off of the edge, and later sets her down. She than turned around, and used her telekinesis on some pretty sharp debris, making a spike from said debris, before launching them at Salem, which than pierced Salem straight into the gut. Salem than unleashed a magical blast that destroyed the debris, and than launched a magical blast at Grace. Amber, however, got in the way, and made a wall of ice that deflected the magical beam back at Salem, hurting her instead. She than picked up Salem with her telekinesis, and sent her flying into another golden bridge. Sans than formed his wings, and flies as fast as he can, and was able to reach Salem.

Sans, not wanting to take the risk and let it happen, launched his Gaster Abyss Blasters at Salem, and used just enough to annihilate a human body. He fires, and strikes at her with immense force.

The smoke clears...and Sans stopped his attack. At first...there is nothing but ashes. But than...the ashes began to reform by making a twister, than...it began to change shape, before remaking Salem, and she still looks undamaged, like she has not been attacked by the group in the first place.

Sans looked surprised that she can still regenerate from all of that. Than again...she is cursed with the ability to live forever. In other words, immortality. So it really should not be a very surprising thing for Sans Gaster to see.

Salem than looks and sees that Sans is looking a little bit frustrated at the fact that nothing seems to slow her down. But even so, that does not mean that he is going to give up the fight that easily against the Queen Grimm.

Sans closed his eyes...as he thought about how much it has lead him to coming back to Atlas. How he had gotten 2 relics himself...how he had to fight tooth and nails to save Ebott...to he was forced to go back in time to save Cinder in order to save himself from Nightmare, and here...he is now already fighting against the Queen of the Grimm herself, just to save his loved one.

Sans than opened his eyes, before he unleashed his Abyss Chains and the Gaster Abyss Blaster, as he unleashed everything that he has on Salem, who is also ready to fight back against Sans. But Sans does not do that just yet.

Sans than made a crystal hammer, and began to hit Salem in the chest, and than, in the back of her head, and than...finally...her legs.


Salem's legs than began in an awkward angle, and some of the bones stick out of her legs. Nora noticed, and shouted out in excitement and approval with what Sans had done to Salem's legs.


Sans than hits Salem at the back, and knocked her dangerously close to the edge. Sans than dissipated his hammer, and launched the Abyss Chains at Salem, who barley got out of the way. But than, he fired his Gaster Abyss Blasters, which shredded Salem.

Sans than looks to see Amber, Papyrus, and Neo at his side, and spoke out.

"Team SPAN is back together again."

Papyrus than hugs both Amber, and Sans together, as Neo hugs Sans at the torso.

They than looked at Salem regenerating, and Sans smiled.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Let's give her a bad time."

Everyone nodded, as Amber and Papurus shouted out.


Amber than froze Salem's feet, holding her in place, and Papyrus's comes in close and strikes Salem a number of times, before Salem swats Papyrus away.

"Raining Death!!"

Sans and Amber shouted, as Sans summoned Abyss Shards and Icicles, as they fire it at Salem, who is than stabbed in the torso and head. But as that happened...


Suddenly...Ruby and Blake came out of complete nowhere, and attack Salem at opposite ends, making it difficult for Salem to attack them both.


Suddenly, Weiss came out of nowhere, and froze the ground, while Yang jumps up in the air, and punches the ground, creating a mist that acts as a smokescreen to block Salem's vision of where the 2 teams are. She looks around..but than...suddenly...

"Burning Passion!!!!"

Suddenly...Wilt came out of nowhere, and struck Salem in the hip, which was actually very painful for her. Suddenly...Cinder came out of nowhere and sliced Midnight at Salem's neck, which is heated by her Scorching Caress. This caused a lot of pain to Salem, her wounds are now cauterized, making it a little longer to heal such wounds.

The Smoke Screen vanished, and in front of Salem, is teams RWBY, SPAN, and now...the newly created team, FLNT (Flint) Consisting of Cinder Fall, Ethan Lionheart, Noah Ironwood, and Apis Taurus.

"I'm going to be honest...I never thought that you would be there to help my team."

Ruby than spoke out.

"I don't want you to do this on your own, Big Brother. Besides...not when we are now have just reunited."

Sans smirked.


Cinder Fall than spoke out.

"Besides...you saved my life as a child, Sans. I owe my life to you."

Sans smiled, and spoke out.

"Nice. Now, let's take her down!"

SPAN, RWBY, and FLNT charged at her, and needless to say, Salem was not ready for the assault of many huntsmen and huntresses at once. All of them...they used every attack that they found think of, and team FLNT have already thought of their attack names.

"Ice flower!!!"
"Abyssal Knight!!!"
"Cold Dance!!!"
"Royal Fork!!!"

Neo and Amber starts Royal Fork by stabbed Salem in the torso, as Neo than made an illusion, where Salem punched it, and Neo shattered like glass, and the real one stabbed her in the back of her head, as Amber than launched flames at Salem, sending her back.

"Grounded Sky!!!" (Based on the Titan Atlas holding the sky)

Noah and Ethan rushed forward to initiate the attack 'Grounded Sky', as Ethan used Stalwart to start with a Gravity Dust, which made a purple glyph, than spun towards the ice dust, making a ice sphere with purple energy. The sphere is launched, turned it self into a gravity bomb, launching Salem in the air. As Salem tried to get down, Noah appeared right on top of Salem, and used Due Process Black, and fired a Gravity Bullet, forcing her down to the ground, making her crash onto the bridge.

"Rapture!!!" (Named after the end of times in the Bible.)

Goel and Ethan than charged as they start their attack 'Rapture', as Ethan made a barrage of flaming rocks, and fired them at Salem. Using Wilt, Goel cuts the rocks into pieces, so that there would be more scattering explosive rocks. All of them hit Salem, creating miniature explosions, before Goel jumps in the air, and sliced Wilt onto the ground, before running back to the group, and using Blush to shoot Salem in the eye, creating another fiery explosion.

"Dawn and Dusk!!!" (Based on the Day and Night cycle.)

Cinder and Noah than ran forward to start this attack called 'Dawn and Dusk', as Cinder exploded the ground beneath Salem with Scorching Caress, sending Salem into the air again, although, this time, Salem gets it by multiple explosive bullets in Due Process White, before Cinder than used Midnight in now form, and fired an explosive arrow on Salem's back, which is facing the ground. Launching Salem into the air further, Noah jumped the highest jump he could possibly make, and fired both halves of Due Process, sending her crashing to the ground.

But when they landed...Salem is healing again...and this time...there is only one way that can do this.


Sans spoke out, as Ruby turns around to look at Sans.

"Remember that powerful combo you did with all of your teammates when you went against at my team back at Beacon? The Cannonball technique?"

Ruby's eyes widened, as she realizes what Sans is planning. Papyrus than spoke out

"Wait...are you saying that we..."

Sans smiled.

"Using our most powerful combos? Yeah, that is the plan."

Ruby smiled, and Papyrus is also impressed, and Cinder spoke out.

"Well...than you are lucky that we have a powerful combo of our own as well, Sams."

Sans looked surprised, as he spoke out.

"You already did?"

Goel than spoke out.

"Of course we did. And it is a pretty destructive one."

Amber blinked, as she spoke out.

"I'm surprised you manage to make on one hits a short amount of time."

Blake than spoke out.

"Must have taken a lot of clear heads and similarities to make it work."

Weiss smirks, as Yang spoke out, as she punches a fist onto the palm of her hand.

"Alright. Now we get to mess Salem up!!"

Weiss than readies her sword, and Neo does the same when she unsheathes her umbrella.

"Let's not keep the excitement waiting, shall we?"

Ruby Rose spoke out.

"Yes!!! Let's do it!!"

Sans looked surprised, but the smiled, as he spoke out.

"Alright than..."

Sans looks at Salem, who now opened her eye. But when she did, the group is already charging at her. Than...they shouted out the names of their most powerful combos.

RWBY (Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long) : "Cannonball!!!"

SPAN (Sans Gaster, Papyrus Baskerville, Amber, Neopolitan): "Phenomenon!!!"

FLNT (Cinder Fall, Ethan Lionheart, Noah Ironwood, Goel Taurus): "Berserker!!!"

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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Team RWBY ran forward towards Salem, who than prepares to fire magic, but than, both Yang and Weiss used Freezerburn to make a smokescreen again, but they can still see Salem a little clearer than she sees them. Than, Weiss used a Combination of Ice and Earth Dust, she made a pillar that made it very durable to make the catapult. Using Grambol Shroud, Blake wrapped it around the pillar, and Weiss used her Glyph to hold Grambol Shroud's string in place, as Ruby lands on the string of Grambol Shroud.

Yang than goes behind the Glyph, and...cracking her knuckles, she punched the glyph, which shatter, and launched Ruby straight into Salem. She curled into a ball, and spun her scythe, slicing Salem very badly, and causing massive damage to her. Ruby jumps back, as SPAN made their move.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Team SPAN rushed at Salem, who than launched magic at them. But when they hit, they shattered like glass. She then blink, however, the real ones hit her and attacked with everything they got. Sans, Papyrus, Amber, and Neo used their weapons to cut, or summon their magic to damage them, outright, they all summoned a barrage of magic and slashed. Salem was hit so many times, that the attack seemed like it was happening in an instant. Sans and Amber decide to finish it off. Sans summoned his Abyss Shards and Gaster Blasters, while Amber Summoned Fire and Ice Leaves. They than summoned a blinding explosion, which knocked Salem very far away. But than...it is now FLNT's turns.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

True to the name of their attack, they are like relentless and violent warriors that ignore anything else, other than the enemy. Not even pain can bother them. They used some of their most powerful moves, as Goel used both Shattering Dream and both Wilt and Blush to cut open as fast as he can, as well as shooting Salem very painfully, Cinder using her Semblance in combination with Midnight to superheat the blade, Noah using Due Process White to shoot in eyes and mouth, and Ethan using the most powerful combinations he can think of with Stalwart. Eventually, Noah fired at the ground, launching Salem into the air, before taking out the cannon component, puts both halves of Due Process into the insert mechanism, before charging it up, and getting ready to fire.

When Cinders puts a hand on the cannon, it heated the cannon to the point of increasing the damage of the blast. Goel fired a bullet from Blush in shotgun form, and Ethan fired a rock that is combined with the power of fire and electricity, before pulling the trigger, and shooting a green beam of energy. Apis and Ethan's projectiles are pushed by the green energy, and struck Salem, causing massive damage to her.

Everyone began to pant...as they saw the smoke, and both Ethan and Noah looked at each other, and gave each other a thumbs up.

"Did...did we win?"

Weiss spoke out, as Sans spoke out.

"I...I don't know."

Than...Noah saw something...a magic blast, heading towards Ethan. Thinking quickly...Noah jumped in front of Ethan, to be hit by the blast, which than destroyed Noah's Aura.


This caught everyone present by surprise, as they see Noah falling down, and Ethan caught him. He's alive, but badly injured, and his Aura is now completely drained.

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This caught everyone by surprise, as they see Noah falling down, and Ethan caught him. He's alive, but badly injured, and his Aura is now completely drained.

"Did you honestly thought that it spoke finish me off?"

Salem's voice spoke out, as they see her fall down, but with half of her body trying to regenerate, succeeding for about 10 seconds.

"It will take a lot more than that to kill me."

She than summoned a scorpion Grimm tail to swing at Ruby. Yang hugs Ruby, as she tries to take the impact.


But it didn't came. Ruby and Yang looked...only to see Sans in the way, and he has a large gash in his chest, blood leaking out of the large wound that is spread across the top part of his own torso.


Salem smirked, as she spoke out.

"Yes...a fatal wound."

Papyrus than ran up to Sans.

"Sans!! Do not even die on-"

But as he tried to grab him...suddenly...he phased through Papyrus.


Papyrus looked back...and saw that Sans is beginning to have this weird effect around him. It looks like he is glitching, like a computer. But how is that possible? Well...for the truth is...

Inside of Sans' mind...

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Sans...is leaning against a tree of some kind.

This tree has always been the one he had rested on if he is ever a bit stressed out of when something goes wrong, or if the problem he had been involved in has been solved.

"Is this...it..."

He than looks down...and sees a large gash on his chest.

"Is this...how I die? No...I don't want to die. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Papyrus, Amber, Cidner, Neo, Emerald...all of them...they need me. I cannot die yet:"

He than tried to stands up. But for some unknown reason...he is not standing up. He struggles to stand up, and even tries to force himself up with telekinesis, and it was very difficult for him to make his wings..since his scarves...they feel very heavy for him to form, even though they are usually light. But as he is doing all of this...suddenly...a voice spoke out from the void...one he had no heard about a few years.

"...let me take care of this one for you...son."

Sans' eyes widened...as he looked behind him, and sees a familiar figure approaching Sans. Sans only muttered out one word to the person that is coming to his direction.


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