Fight to The Last Breath

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Sans began to twitch for an unknown reason...and...he has a disturbing smile on his face, as blood continued to leak out of his mouth.


Papyrus spoke out, as Ruby than spoke out as well.

"Big Brother? What's wrong?"

Sans didn't speak. Salem than tried to attack Sans with her magic. Both than...suddenly...her magic was canceled out. And Sans didn't even fight back yet.

Than, when Sans raised his head...they see his eyes. They are black, with a small shadow connecting the black eyes just at the bridge of his nose. And than...Something else happened. His begins to lines...cracks...first...2 coming down his face, and onto both of his eyes. And cracks coming down his left eye. He now looks very similar to William Daedalus Gaster.

Everyone was horrified at what is happening to Sans. But Salem...she is simply confused. She does not understand what is going on. Than...she sees something. The silhouette of a can't be...

"W.D. Gaster?"

Salem spoke out. Papyrus' eyes widened when he had heard that, as he spoke out.

"No way..."

Papyrus than turned to what Salem called, W.D.Gaster. He looks and stares, as he spoke out only one word to him.


Gaster turns around using Sans' head, and smiled. Not creepily. was a genuine...kind smile.

"Hello...Papyrus. My son."

Papyrus held his hands to his face, his tear...are threatening to go down, and Emerald, Neo, Amber, and Cinder are about to do the same, before running to Gaster, and hugging him.

"I can't believe's really you!!"

"You're back!!!"

"I...I never thought I would be able to see you again , Gaster!"

"How are you back?!"

Gaster hugs back, and then all of them let go, as Gaster spoke.

"All of you have made me proud. I could never ask more of this. You have done well in the war that you have gotten yourselves into...but is my turn to face against Salem."

Cinder spoke out.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

W.D.Gaster nodded.

"Absolutely, Cinder Fall."

Papyrus than spoke out.

"Please be careful...okay?"

Gaster looks at Papyrus, and nodded.

"I will, my son. I can promise you that."

Papyrus smiled, and hugged his father again one last time, and Gaster than turned to the others, and spoke out again

"But before I begin my fight against her..."

He snapped his fingers...and everyone suddenly if time suddenly went down to a stop, except for Blake, who Gaster did not effect for some reason. Blake looks around...confused at what is going on now. Than...he reappeared right in front of Blake Belladonna...who is caught off guard by Gaster suddenly reappearing before her eyes. first...she looked a little bit horrified at Gaster's they began to look a little...static-like. But than...Gaster spoke out...and while it is a combination between Sans and Gaster's voice...they sound so...gentle...for some unknown reason.

"You must be Blake Belladonna, yes?"

Blake nodded, and it a bit nervous. Gaster than puts his hand on Blake Belladonna's shoulder...and it...surprisingly made her feel way more calmer than before.

"I wanted to say...thank you."

Blake looked very off guard by what Gaster has said, and than out to Gaster, confused.

"Thank me? Thank me for what?"

Gaster looks down...before looking back up and smiling at Blake.

"2 years back...while you were still attending Beacon...when you ran away after revealing you were formerly with the White Fang...I had seen you confront Sans when he was in his transformation, both when his own sadness and despair took control of his very mind and body, when he revealed to you how other Humans and Faunus alike have discriminated him and hurt him very severely and that he had one claimed that...he'll forever be alone on Remnant, compared to both of the races discriminating each other. I had seen...I had witnessed...and I had heard you giving Sans the encouragement of words that he had never had listened to in his entire life, and the caressing affection he needed from a Faunus such as you. That is something that I have never been able to give him before. I owe it to you for giving him what I was unable to accomplish myself."

Blake was wide-eyed...but she remembers that...and the first time she has comforted someone who had been discriminated by Faunus and Humans alike. She remembers that part very well, and it always remained one of her touching moments that she could give anyone. Blake smiled, her checks turning a little bit she spoke out.

"I just figured that...I could be with someone who I can relate to."

Gaster smiled, as he spoke out.

"Doesn't change the fact that I am grateful. And is thanks to Son is now feeling much more braver, and is accepting his powers more. The power of Evolution. The gift of Eve, who Sans has inherited from her, who is also his mother. I am forever in your debt for this. Which I why I will return the fighting Salem."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gaster teleports back to his original position, returns everything back to normal, turns around, and began to walks towards Salem, who is now ready to fight with her magic.

"So...we meet I face to face for the first time, William Daedalus Gaster."

Gaster nodded, as he readied his arms, and Abyss Crystals appeared hovering above him.

"Yes. It has been a long time. And I...I will be the one you will fight against. Not my sons. Not anyone else. Just me."

As soon as that happened...suddenly...they put into an empty room of some kind, resembling a hallway of sorts that is meant for a family that is of royalty. Whatever this place is, it mist be very important for Gaster to bring her here.

Gaster smiled menacingly...and this one is way lore disturbing than when he smiled at Blake. There is no teeth, just a black hole replacing them. And the eyes...they are looking rather similar to static, and they switch from one eye to another eye. His eyes almost look like 2 Television screens flickering on and off.

And than...when he began to fight against was not even a contest. Salem was than on the ceiling, and she has no idea what just happened. A Gaster Abyss Blaster than shot at her from behind. And this was a bit more painful than she expected. She than tried to jump away, but suddenly, gravity flipped itself once again, and she is now on one of the walls of the hall. She slammed down onto a pillar, and had some difficulty standing up, but was able to manage. Salem looks up at Gaster, who is smiling on the ground still.

"I must have caught me off guard..."

Salem than held out her hands, as magic began to dance around her form.

"But will not kill an immortal being such as me."

Gaster however simply smirked at he revealed a little trick of his own.

"Gaster Abyss Blaster V1!!"

He than fired the Gaster Abyss Blaster V.1 at Salem, who got struck by it. She was sent flying back, before she began to take flight. But Gaster suddenly appeared right in front of her, and landed a solid punch in the face, before throwing her onto the end of the hallway.

Than...he summoned Abyss Shards above himself, which creaked when they are formed, before they are launched at Salem, who attempted to dodge. Unfortunately, gravity flipped again, and she got hit still even when she tried to get away from the Abyss Shards.

Than...reality began to change again, and the hall now looks corrupted, with platforms now all over the place. Even worse, Gaster is still on the ground, which is now completely upside down. Salem than ran up on the platform amd tried to grab onto Gaster. But Gaster moved out of the way, and looks at Salem, who is now looking a little bit frustrated. Salem than fired a blast of magic at Gaster, who is too close to dodge the magical blast.

But when Gaster got hit...the attack simply phased through Sans' body, as if it is intangible. But he did kind of cough blood, and cliched a little bit, as that happened. But this does not seem to bother Gaster, and he instead, kept on fighting. He than took flight in the air, and fired a series of Abyss Chains at Salem, which she is forced to dodge away from. But than, Gaster appears behind Salem, and used telekinesis to send her flying into a wall, hard.

Salem was surprised at what had just happened...until...she finally decided to go all out with the magical powers that she possesses. But it is not going to be easy, as Gaster, being a descendant of Salem herself, can also access magic. Not to mention the Abyss powers being of magical origins. And because of the void, he now gains a new set of powers not possible.

Salem fired a barrage of magic towards Gaster, who than teleported behind her, and punched her with enough force to send her flying back to a window...which began to crack. Gaster than tackled Salem, shattering the window, which also sends them back to the Ever After, where the others are still trying to recover.

Salem began to breath very calmly, as to try and ease her nerves, before looking up at Gaster, and spoke out.

"I must are very powerful. Whatever it is that you went had clearly gave you powers that not even I can be thought imaginable. But even I can sense it. And you do as well."

Gaster's eye widened, as he spoke out.

" do not mean..."

Salem she spoke out.

"Your is slowly killing Sans."


Everyone's eyes and mouth were widened in shock, as Salem than spoke out.

"Your time in the is slowly corroding Sans. Even though Sans' Evolution abilities are doing what it can to stop and heal, not even they can fight against it forever. But that won't be a worry..."

Penny than came down, and charged at Salem, and Mecha shouted out.

"Penny!!! Wait!!!!"

Penny tried to strike Salem with her swords, but she acted like they do not exist, and grabbed her by the neck.

"I shall be taking the Winter Maiden's power, and use it to finish off Sans, once and for all."

Salem sounded confident...but than...Gaster...began to laugh.


Salem was Gaster spoke out.

"Ohhhh...Salem. Have you not realized it?"

Salem looked confused...and looked back at Penny...until she realized something.

"What the ...the Winter Maiden's powers. They're gone!!!"

Gaster than spoke out.

"Gone...but not destroyed."

Salem than looked...and she saw a mist of wind wielding around a pair of legs. She than took a good look at it, as Penny escaped her now loose grip. Salem looked in see who it is that has become the new Winter Maiden...and it was someone that Salem did not expect.

It was Winter Schnee...and she is now a Winter Maiden!!

But that is impossible! Penny didn't die! So how did Winter Schnee become the Winter Maiden?!

Salem looks at Gaster, who smiled and spoke out.

"It was able to alter reality to extent such as this. Thanks to that, I have transferred the Winter Maiden's power from Penny Polendina to Winter Schnee. Now Winter Schnee gets the Maiden Power herself."

Salem snarled at Gaster, and than tried to lunge at him. But Gaster simply teleported out of the way, and Winter than took her own turn to attack.

Winter than fired a beam of ice at Salem, who was now frozen by the attack, and Gaster than threw Salem away, which also cracked the ice that freed her, but is now about to fall down right into the void.

"Dr. Gaster...whatever it is that you are planning, do it now, and fast. The void can't stall Salem forever."

Gaster than flied a little far away, the most he can, before he took summoned a portal, and took out the Relic of Creation. He than closed his eyes, as he does not need Ambrosius to create a new body. Sans can bypass the limit, allowing him to create a body with just a thought. Luckily, he has studied every human body parts and organs. He than opened up...and his soul is forcefully yanked out of Sans' body, and the large gash healed, Sans began to wake up, but as he looked...a powerful shockwave has thrown Sans back, onto where the other members of his group are at.

Sans landed down on the he looks up to see the bright light disappearing. And than...he sees...a black show materialized out of nowhere, and Sans looked up...too see someone he never thought that he would be able to see again after a few years.


Sans blinked in shock he spoke out.

" that you?"

Gaster he looks down at Sans.

"Hello, son."

Sans held his tears leaks out of his eyes, before he jumps and hugged him.

"I can't believe it!!! It-it really is you!!!"

Sans shouted overjoyed to see his father, who he loved so freaky, compared to anyone else that he is close to, as he is the first person to ever accept him for who he is, and he done the very best he can to try and help his son. And it makes him so...happy.

Sans felt his Father hug his son, his hand tracing circles on his back. Papyrus he sees the scene before him unfold, and it made him very happy to see that his brother had become way more happier, just like back when he was a kid, and Gaster...had not fallen down into the void from the machine that he had made.

"It's okay, Sans. I've returned again. You do not have to worry a single bit about me anymore."

Sans than looked at Gaster, and spoke out.

"It just...I've missed you."

Gaster nodded, as he kissed Sans in the forehead, before he puts him down. Than...he saw Ruby and Yang come forward to them.

"So you must be Sans' adoptive sisters, Ruby and Yang...correct?"

Ruby and Yang flinched at his slight glare that he is making, clearly realizing that Gaster had found out about the past abuse...that the Rose family had put Sans through.

"It seems that by the way you are looking at know that I have heard wha you have done to my son. And..."

Gaster than calms down, and he looks rather...relieved, as he spoke out.

"Normally...I'd be completely enraged with you both capturing and tormenting Sans, my youngest son while I was still away, and if it was 2 years in the past...I would have killed you where you all stood. But...when Sans forgive you...and you had proved it by helping him in some of the White Fang operations and when Beacon was destroyed, 2 years made me...grateful...that you had redeemed yourselves and helped him. For that..,I thank you."

Ruby and Yang looked and smiled, as Gaster smiled back. Than, Weiss came forward to she spoke out.

"I can't believe that...Gaster...would turn you into the Winter Maiden. Do you feel...different?"

Winter shook her she smiled.

"No. Only I feel more powerful. And...I think I have gotten used to my powers. Gaster...he really is the most sympathetic scientist I've seen."

Weiss smiled, as she hugged Winter, who than hugged back.

"I'm just glad you haven't changed for the worst, Winter."

Winter nodded, before looking at Gaster, and waking up to him.

"Weiss Schnee. It is very pleasant to meet you."

Weiss smiled, as Gaster crouched down, and Weiss spoke out.

"You know...I have heard of all the accomplishments that you have done, Dr. Gaster. All the things you had done for the sake of helping others, and...I also looked up to you for helping everyone, regardless of their race, and what people they are."

Gaster smiled, as he spoke out.

"You do not need to look up to me, Weiss. I did it because I cared, and that is enough. have grown, both as a fighter, and as a person. You have improved your Semblance, and more have improved yourself, by seeing what Humans and Faunus are like at the very core of their being, and see the evil and the good in both species. And more importantly...Sans has always said that you are a person with the potential to be very capable of anything that you can do, if you had just tried. I have even seen him mentor you to an extent. I am very proud that my son is helping someone such as you, and more importantly...I am very proud of you, for developing into the fine woman you have become, Weiss Schnee."

Weiss eyes widened, but than closed her eyes and blushed, as he ruffled with her hair.

'I can now see where Sans gets this from.'

As Gaster looks around...

"William Daedalus Gaster."

Gaster turned to Oscar...but than...he noticed his eyes glowing, and his hands on top of the Long Memory.


He walked towards him and crouched down.

"It has been a long time since we had last met, hasn't it?"

Ozpin nodded, as Gaster spoke out.

"Obviously...I am not too happy with the fact that you had lied to some of your students, who clearly looked up to you. But...I guess now you have changed, right?"

Ozpin looked down, and than he spoke.

"It is because...I am reminded of a tale that I have once heard about."

Gaster nodded, as he spoke out.

"With a small girl who tried to run away from the messes that she had made, only to make it worse, as the problem had grew overtime with no one left to stop and fix it."

Ozpin he spoke out.

"I did...and it...made me realize...that I should have trusted them with the information more. You were right, Gaster. You can never hold back the truth forever."

Gaster nodded, and spoke out.

"Than you can see why I decided to leave the inner circle that you had made. But...I am glad...the you finally decided to fix things...just this one, Ozpin."

Ozpin nodded, as he than looks back...and sensed that another presence is coming from the bottom. This means one thing...Salem is now returning.

"Sans...Papyrus...with me. Now."

Salem than landed on the ground...and is looking very furious. But than...he saw well as instantly that he is in control of Oscar.


Ozma glared, as he spoke out.


Both looks at each Salem spoke out.

"I see you are still holding onto the belief that humanity can still be united, even after so many years."

Ozma than spoke out.

"I was inspired by the death of my 4 daughters...the ones the you had killed."

Salem than shouted out to him.


Ozma than spoke back.

"No. It was your blind hunger for power that lead to them being killed by your hands, Salem."

Salem snarled...before taking a deep breath, and and calming down.

"I'll deal with you you later. But for now...I'll deal with William Daedalus Gaster and his family."

Gaster and his sons glares intensely at Gaster spoke out.

"Let's take it to our territory first."

Holding his hand up, a portal opened up, and...the Relic of Creation appeared above the father and the 2 sons, and they are transported to what seems to be a copy of there are no people present there. And is just enough room to battle against Salem.

Salem she clenched her magical whips began to dance around her arms.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster grouped they get ready to fight off against the Queen of the Grimm herself. And now...this time...both sides are playing for keeps.

Papyrus made his first move, as he rushes forward, and strikes with his Sword Arm.

Salem attempted to jump back, but was than stabbed by an Abyss Spire that had grown completely out of nowhere. She grabbed onto the spoke, and pulls herself off of the spike, and looks to see that Gaster is already moving towards her, and fires another Gaster Abyss Blaster V1 on her, as she is blasted back into a building, crashing into it, as rocks and debris fell right on top of her. Gaster than teleported to Salem again, before unleashing some water form the Abyss on her. A dark blue water materialized out of nowhere, and struck Salem hard enough to send her out of the building once again. Gaster then spreads his wings, and charges at her, before grabbing her by the neck, and ramming her into the walls of the buildings, before throwing her down to the ground, the pavement scattering in a lot of chunks of rock. Gaster than made more Abyss Shards, and launched them at Salem, who was pierced badly by the shards. She still, unfortunately regenerated. But this is still a very painful agony for her to experience.

And this is Sans that is going to fight against her right now.

Sans summoned a Gaster Abyss Blaster right in front of her own face, and she now has a face filled with Crystal Shards, and had most of her skin gone. Thankfully, though, she forced the shards off of her, and launched a magical attack at Sans, who dodged it, before going in front of Salem and kicking her in the face. He than changed his scarves into claws, and began to cut her down, making her bleed black blood all over the pavement of the pocket dimension replica of Ebott.

Papyrus than began to run around Salem, and cut her badly, as he used his sword to slice and dice her arms and legs off, as well as her head. But these body parts kept on regenerating. Salem than struck Papyrus with an Magic sphere, which exploded and sends Papyrus crashing into a wall. Papyrus than began to heal fast. Sans than jumped towards Salem, and struck her in the chest with a Crystal Spear, which he has formed, before kicking her back. But Salem than looked and sees that Gaster has made his own Abyss Chains, and launched them at her. Salem got out of the way, and used Magic to prevent herself from getting hit by the Chains. Once they are all cleared, she than made her move.

Salem attempted to launch herself at Gaster, but than...she is frozen in mid-air again. It only took her a second to figure it Sans is holding his hand out, with both of his Eyes now changed. Both pupils black, but with the right eye being of Evolution, while the Left for the telekinesis and the Gaster Abyss Blasters. And right now...the power is used for Telekinesis. Gaster smiled, as Sans was able to stop her before she even had a chance to even strike Gaster's face. Gaster than spoke out to her

"You may be stronger than me...but tell me this..."

He than opened his, and his eyes are only a entity black void, as he than spoke out those sentence in both English, and in his own language, which is spoken in hands.

"HOW FAR DO YOU PLAN ON GOING TO HELL?/☟︎⚐︎🕈︎ ☞︎✌︎☼︎ 👎︎⚐︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 🏱︎☹︎✌︎☠︎ ⚐︎☠︎ ☝︎⚐︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ ❄︎⚐︎ ☟︎☜︎☹︎☹︎✍︎✂︎

Sans than moves his arm to the left, as Salem is suddenly thrown to that direction, and she hits a wall, which seems to cause her pain, as it hurts her back. She than went down onto the ground, arms and legs touching the stony road underneath, and she began to stand up. She than destroys a nearby building, sending it crashing in front of them, and attempt to flee so that she can find an area where she can attack all 3 of them at once. The that Papyrus does not let Salem go away this easily. He ran as fasts as he can, and even jumped over a piece of building, before using his magic to summon glowing blue spikes, stopping Salem in her tracks, and they are way more taller than of how high she can go, if she were to use a tornado to fly upwards to try and escape it. Clearly, Papyrus is making sure that she does not escape from him and his family that easily, and is going to try whatever he can to keep her from leaving this place.

Realizing that trying to find a spot to attack them is not going to happen, she than turns to Papyrus, and began to strike at him. He dodged, but nearly struck his scarf, and only a few small pieces went off. Salem than made an attempt to strike Papyrus by punching him with her enhanced strength.

But Papyrus did something else, and used his crystal arm to punch Salem's still-flesh fist, and as both of their punches clashed very suddenly, Papyrus shattered the bones that are inside of Salem's hand, braking her hand a little severely. Unfortunately for Papyrus, however...she still regenerated from the damage Papyrus has done, which is still not very good.

She than made a shockwave to send him back. Salem looked even more enraged...but than noticed something. Sans and Gaster...are in opposite alleyways, which Salem is in between of. They than extended their arms, and fired the Gaster Abyss Blasters, as well as the Abyss Chains, in order to try and knock Salem down, as killing Salem is impossible, due to the curse that she still has.

Salem than made a shield of magic, but it is beginning to crack, and Salem than unleashed an ungodly howl, catching both Son and Father by surprise, as they are knocked back by the force of the immensely powerful shockwave.

The shockwave was powerful enough to send Papyrus into a wall...and Salem quickly got him.

"I'll have fun killing you first."

She than fired a powerful magical blast at Papyrus' legs, due to him being a very fast runner.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Papyrus screamed in immense agony, but this only made Sans react. He appears next to Salem...and before Salem found react, Sans blasts Salem with immense force, sending her out of the pocket dimension...which than shattered. Sans, Papyrus, Gaster, and Salem...were taken back to the Ever After. Salem is just starting to stand up.


Jaune Arc shouted, as she went to him, and began to use his Aura Amp to try and heal his legs. But Jaune has used his Semblance so many times, that it is now working way more slower. Sans puts down his hood...looking horrified for his brother...before looking back at Salem. His eyes, which are were before completely void of any color, and was black, now glows again, as the Evolution Eye and his left eye returned to him once again, ready to fight against Salem again. He formed his wings...and flies up in the air, before speaking to Salem.

"Listen here, Salem...all of us are tired of fighting each other for the sake of Remannt's fate, and many of us are tired from the constant wars that you have brought all over the entire world."

He than held out his right hand, and spoke out to Salem again.

"Let's put an end to this, right here...right now."

Narrowing his eyes...Sans snapped his fingers, and then...6 Gaster Abyss Blasters and 4 mini Abyss Blasters appeared, and behind both of the blasters that Sans had summoned, is an unlimited amount of Abyss Chains and Abyss Shards manifested, and look like they are ready to kill Salem permanently.

Ruby and Yang looked in awe at what they are seeing before them, as Yang spoke out with excitement present in her voice.

"Now that is how you make an entrance!!!!"

"Go sans, go!!"

Ruby screamed out, as she pumped her fist into the air.

Sans than smiled a little bit, but regains his frown almost immediately, before he launched them at Salem, and Salem barely had enough time to bring out her shield. But even those break, and she is still attacked by the onslaught of the Abyss weapons that Sans has with him.

Salem tried to stand her ground against the assault of the Abyss, but it was very little, as Sans was able to finally and nearly pushed her back. But than, Salem noticed that Papyrus is trying to recover, with Jaune there trying to speed up the recover that he has.

Salem than used the wind to push Sans back, and rushes towards Papyrus, and her arm is covered in the claw of a Grimm.


Amber shouted out, and Jaune noticed.

"It's to late!! We're gonna die!!"

Salem went in close, and both Papyrus and Jaune closed their eyes, and was afraid of getting killed by Salem.


Jaune and Papyrus waited...but...there was no pain beyond comprehension. Both than took a risk to look...and than...they saw...Gaster...and he has been the exact spot when he was first stabbed. Blood drips off the claws.


Papyrus and Sans shouted Salem smiled.

"Pathetic...using his own body as a shield. But he will be the first to fall into the void."

She backs away, and raised Gaster in the air, before throwing him. But Gaster had enough strength to barely stand...and he is already at the edge of the bridge.

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Cinder, Amber, Emerald, Neo...everyone is horrified, at what is about to happen to Gaster next.


Sans croaked he is now seeing his own father die...and for once...he is now completely awake to see what is gonna happen.

Gaster took a step back, due to the force of his own life leaving him, and he can't stop. But...before he is about to die...he than spoke out one last thing to him children.

" you...Sans, Papyrus. My...sons."

Gaster's eyes he began to fall down off of the edge of the bridge, and into the void. a panic, formed his wings, and flies as fast as he can to him. He got close, but Salem than used her magic to cut off his wings, forcing Sans to run.

"Dad, NO!!!!!"

Sans screamed out to his he than went off the ledge of the Bridge. Sans went on his knees, and held onto the ledge, as he extended his other hand to try and grab his father by the shirt or anything that he can be allowed to grab. But was too late.





Papyrus, Cinder, and Emerald shouted out. But...there was nothing anyone can do. Sans screamed out, horrified...and his father vanished into the he extended his hand out...while his father had vanished into the void below. His the dimension that nobody can hear.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gaster...he has fallen down to his death once again. his own machine, when that monster had invaded the lab and stabbed him from behind the back. And the void that's within this very dimension. This is the second time it happened. But what makes it even that Sans is awake to witness it this time.

Sans...he looked wide eyed and Papyrus landed on his knees...and held his mouth with his left hand, while the right hand gripped the right part of his leggings, almost to the point that...He is going to rip off the piece of leggings with just his Crystal arm's grip alone. Winter than came down, ran right next to Papyrus and hugged him in order to comfort him in seeing the death of his own father for a second time. Papyrus was shaking from the fact that...his father...he is gone once again...and this time...there's no coming back from the dead again. He is now gone forever.

Sans was shocked...and in disbelief. All that time for Gaster to come back...and was all for nothing. He still got ripped away from his life, regardless of what he tried to do, and how much he loved his father...he cannot be brought back from the dead.

Sans stood up...his eyes are now as black as the tears are silently leaking out of his eyes...and he looks at Salem in her eyes, with are demonic in appearance. Her eyes filled with malignant intent, and her smile of corruption was shown on her face. Sans...though back...against all of the good memories that he had with Gaster...all the times he had been there for him...all the times he had saved his life...and own father...has been ripped away from Sans once again. All of his efforts to keep his father alive...all for nothing.

Salem looks...and sees that Sans isn't moving. Salem...smirking, raised her arms...and fires a ball of energy at Sans. Gaster noticed it...and shouts out to him.


But Papyrus' words were...blurry and faint, almost like they have been muffled by a wall of some kind. Sans is still looking down at the ground. And than...his fists have clenched, and one of his scarves blocks the magical shot.


Salem looked in Sans' now looks up at her. Salem tilts her she does not understand what is going on in Sans' mind. It is almost as though he stopped thinking.

Papyrus also is looking very concerned, and he takes a look at Sans' eyes. And...they look so...scary. Like a deep dark void is going to swallow all souls into himself, and almost like Sans is devoid of life itself.

"Big brother? Are you...still with us? Sans?"

Ruby spoke out, rather scared for Sans. But Sans did not speak...and instead...he just walked towards Salem, his steps...they did not look like his usual steps. They look...tired and sulky, almost as if he is in a trance of some kind. And yet...they carry a very menacing air of rage and darkness which is swirling around him.

"Sans, snap of out it! What's gotten into you?"

Weiss spoke out, as she sees that there is something wrong. Salem, has a different thought.

"What does he think he's doing? Did he forget about what I am able to do, and what I have?"

But Sans does not seemed to be he finally stopped walking...and looks in front of Salem. Than...he spoke out one...single...word.


The way he is sounding so...calm. And is filled with something that is so dark, cold, deep, and chilling, as much as the Abyss itself. A rage that is submerged in the dark shadows beneath creation's entirety.

Salem looked confused about why Sans simply said the word, Approach.

'Approach? Does he think he stand a chance against me, the Queen of the Grimm?'

Salem snorted in annoyance, as she spoke out.

"Your father died fighting me. What chance do you have, Sans Gaster?"

Salem than teleported right behind of Sans, and had a magical orb on her hand, ready to strike.

"Sans, what are you doing?! Get out of there!!"

Yang spoke out, and Salem...attempted to strike Sans. failed. His scarf caught Salem's hand...which surprised her, before Sans looks behind him, 4 Mini Blasters appear from behind, and blasted Salem in the face.

Salem was knocked back, she looks irritated before snarling, and than touched the ground. Sans looks, and sees that Grimm arms have appeared from the ground, and are trying to grab him. But Sans, using one hand, summons an Abyss Chain, and spun it around, and all of this happened in just a split second, as the dark essence of the Grimm dripped to the floor. And he does this, without batting an eye even once.

Sans, not wasting any time, wrapped arother Abyss Chain, this one extended, and spun her onto many Golden Bridges, before slamming her down to the ground, a loud crash has happened.

Salem than looks up as her healing kicked in, and saw Sans' face close up. Tears are still coming down, his eyes have very horrified expression with a closed mouth, but they betray the feeling that Sans has. The HATE, that Sans feels to Salem.

Salem looks uneasy...but than...sees that Abyss Shards are in the air, and are locked on to Salem's position. Salem, not wasting time, flees, ad the Abyss Shards attack and stab the ground. Sans's eyelids half cover the darkened eyes that he has, but now he seems to look a bit more colder than ever before.

"Sans...he's so furious."

Lie spoke out, observing the right. The pedals around Sans, in his vision...they are a blood red color, as if the rage that Sans has felt has filled up so much that it is leaking out. Nora looks very unsure and unease about Sans, and is actually a little bit scared, along with the others. Jaune than spoke out

"What's he gonna do to Salem?"

Salem was able to successfully dodge all of the Abyss Shards and even blocked the last remaining ones...but Sans still was not done with Salem just yet. In fact...he simply did a little warm up. But now...he is going to go all out. He clenched his fists...looking briefly annoyed for a second, before holding his head, as if in pain, and than...

"Ghhhhhhhh...aaaaaaaaah...aaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAAAAAARRRGHHHHHHH!!!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!/✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎"

The sound was similar to a strangled cry of rage and grief, as it unleashed a powerful shockwave enough to push Salem back. Sans, without thinking, charged at Salem, with everything he has. His Abyss Chains, the Gaster Abyss Blasters, the Mini Blasters, and the Abyss Shards, all of them appeared, and he is now going to use it to make Salem suffer as much as he can.

There were no words to say to her, no jokes to be said. No happy memories to be remembered. The feelings that were within Sans is replaced with something else: Fury, Horror, Grief, Hate, Despair. His screams echoed into the Ever After, his tears leaked out like the rain is storming with Rage and Sadness. Now...Sans feels like he has nothing left to lose. Now...his world gone. And now Salem...she'll pay, dearly. She is going to pay for taking away the father that he has loved so much, in compared to the other people he had cared for, and he is not going to stop...until Salem suffered so bad, she will curl up in fear.

Sans, using his powers from the Abyss, unleashed a relentless assault of Abyss Chains, Abyss Shards, Mini Blasters, and the Gaster Abyss Blasters, which he is using as much as he can. He does not care about tiring out, nor does he care which weapon he is using is the most effective one to use against Salem. He just wants her to pay dearly for what she has done to him. Salem has no time to react, and she than was overpowered by the very person that she had sworn to kill. Sans is not giving her the time to fight back. There are no jokes being said, no reasoning in his pale ears, no more time to speak out an insult, or more over...he does not feel like it. Blood squirted out, flesh was sliced, wounds were stabbed, eyes are impaled, screams echoed in the Ever After. Sans is not just a half human, filled with Evolution. He is a being of pure rage and despair, that will forever grow inside of his still youthful soul. His glare of hate and rages pierces through like the a powerful spear of darkness.

The Gaster Abyss Blasters and the Mini Abyss Blasters burn like the fires that ignite in the depths of hell. The Abyss Chains are so sharp, that even a small paper cut had enough force to make it feel as painful as a amputation. The Abyss Shards are so sharp at their ends, that a stab is the most powerful stab yet, and not even the sharpest sword can match against the shard's stabbing power.

Salem was not ready for the onslaught of Sans Gaster. Sans, he is attacking with so much speed and furious ferocity that it is too late to react to the dangerous situation that she had gotten herself into right now. Salem tried to fight back with her magic, but Sans...he is not going to give her time to recover in the fight. Sans is so relentless in revenge, and is so emotionally broken, that one of his powers had activated on its own. Turquoise liquid came out of his eyes, the left eye became that of evolution, his scarves turned Turquoise as well in a liquified way, and 8 tendrils appear from within the now evolution liquid scarves.

Sans than activated his Second Form, as tendrils began to grow from the scarves which have become liquid once again, like it did back 2 years in Beacon, where he had gotten the Blue Elemental Orb, in which the White Fang were present. The emotional breakdown that Sans had when his father had to be killed a second time, is enough for Sans to automatically activate the second transformation.

"HOW COULD YOU???!!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR KILLING MY FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"/✂︎☟︎⚐︎🕈︎ 👍︎⚐︎🕆︎☹︎👎︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎✍︎✍︎✍︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎ 🏱︎✌︎✡︎ ☞︎⚐︎☼︎ 😐︎✋︎☹︎☹︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ 💣︎✡︎ ☞︎✌︎❄︎☟︎☜︎☼︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✂︎

Sans roared out, as the turquoise liquid flies up in the air, due to the immense power that he possesses overflowing all over his body. His mouth grows, like it's a readied Gaster Abyss Blaster.

Sans fired a lot of tendrils at Salem, who than tried to get out of the way. But...unfortunately for Salem...she was instantly caught by them. And even that they have a paralyzed her entire body. Than..,the Turquoise scarves than solidified a little bit, as he than pierced them into Salem's bodies, squirting blood everywhere.

"YOU WILL PAY!!! YOU. WILL. PAY...FOR KILLING MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!"/✂︎✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎ 🏱︎✌︎✡︎✏︎✏︎✏︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎📬︎ 🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎📬︎ 🏱︎✌︎✡︎📬︎📬︎📬︎☞︎⚐︎☼︎ 😐︎✋︎☹︎☹︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ 💣︎✡︎ 👎︎✌︎👎︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✂︎

Salem tried to move out with as much strength as she can muster...but Sans is not going to allow it to happen. He than unleashed more Gaster Abyss Blasters, and fired them at full power. Salem gets hit by them, and for the first time of her life...she is screaming in pure agony.

Salem always wondered...what is it stare into the wrath of the Abyss, to witness it's rage in full action, unrestrained, and burning coldly into her very flesh. Now...she gets to have the answer to the question...only...she now regrets wanting to see the answer herself. The wrath...born from the deepest, darkest, and coldest pits of the ungodly.

She than landed do the ground, but her was slowing down. The Abyss must have been negating her ability heal. Sans, however, does not notice it, and instead, unleashes everything that he has got at Salem, and blasted Salem into smithereens. Salem's cries of agony and FEAR...are all heard from the blast, Sans kept on holding and holding and holding...until...a voice finally screams out amongst the shrieks of agony.


Sans eyes he looks behind him...and sees Blake...looking horrified. Not at Sans...but at what he is doing. Her cat ears dropped the sight of Sans' wrath.

Sans' eyes widened, as he realizes that Sans...he is scaring everyone. Ruby, Yang, Emerald, Neo, Weiss, everyone of his friends...and even his brother...they are all now being frightened of him. looking down, his teeth clenched...but it's changing into a sad he tries to hold back tears. cannot be held back anymore. He lowered his arm, and collapsed to the ground...and he began to sob, loudly, as Salem's body is now revealed. Most of her skin is gone, with only the backside still having most of the skin still present. Some parts of her muscle tissue is shown, and her rib cages are also exposed to the world, while her face is shown to have an exposed skull. Salem fell...but a portal is opened beneath herself, and she fell in.

But Blake, now looks concerned at Sans, and began to jog toward him, and...she can hear him, sobbing, and crying out for his father.

"Dad!! I am so sorry, I could not save you!! Please, come ba-a-a-ack!!"

Sans cried, as Blake crouch down to Sans's height. Blake than touch Sans' shoulder. Sans was going to then around, but realizing that it is Blake, he turns away, so she does not look at his face. But Blake is not going to let him suffer like this. So, forcefully turning him around, she hugs him and held onto him as tightly as she can hug him.

"Sans. Please. It's over. Don't blame yourself. What happened isn't your fault."

He continues to he strangled out words.

"I just...I just want my father back to me!! AAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Blake held onto him tightly, as she spoke out.

"I know...Sans. I know you do. But you aren't the only one. Papyrus' the same. You are not alone in this. I'm with you. Your friends...are with you."

Sans continued to sob, as he held onto Blake tightly. Blake doesn't let go, and Cinder joined in on comforting Sans. Cinder than spoke out to Sans.

"We're here for you, Sans. You are not in this alone. All of us are here for you."

This seemed to lessen Sans' crying...but it does not stop it. Ruby than ran towards Sans and hugged him as tightly as she can to help Cinder and Blake comfort Sans on the death of his father. Yang goes to Sans as well, grabbed his head, and reveals his face to her, and she gets the chance to see Sans' face, tears leaking from untold sadness, and Sans tries the best to not sob. But he is shaken in the way that he breaths. Gently...Yang stroked his face, removing the tears, and continues to do so. But the damage was done. Sans...has lost his own father once again. This time...this is but...the point...of no return.

THE FINAL DEATH OF WILLIAM...DAEDALUS...GASTER...WILL FOREVER BE FROZEN...DEEP INTO THE DARKEST OF HIS MEMORIES./❄︎☟︎☜︎ ☞︎✋︎☠︎✌︎☹︎ 👎︎☜︎✌︎❄︎☟︎ ⚐︎☞︎ 🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎✋︎✌︎💣︎📬︎📬︎📬︎👎︎✌︎☜︎👎︎✌︎☹︎🕆︎💧︎📬︎📬︎📬︎☝︎✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎☼︎📬︎📬︎📬︎🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎ ☞︎⚐︎☼︎☜︎✞︎☜︎☼︎ 👌︎☜︎ ☞︎☼︎⚐︎☪︎☜︎☠︎📬︎📬︎📬︎👎︎☜︎☜︎🏱︎ ✋︎☠︎❄︎⚐︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ 👎︎✌︎☼︎😐︎☜︎💧︎❄︎ ⚐︎☞︎ ☟︎✋︎💧︎ 💣︎☜︎💣︎⚐︎☼︎✋︎☜︎💧︎📬︎

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