Advice to the Schnee and an Unwanting Reunion

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Quick Note: The day of it will have to be changed. This is a week and the first time everyone is going to Port's class. Beacon will have people practice and spar after the initiation. Team SPAN and MIET don't need to necessarily, sense they have been training before they went to Beacon and are at very high level's of skill, in both physical and mental training, except for Ilia, who is more use to skill than anything else, and May, since she only uses a rifle and has to coordinate.

Sans P.O.V

Alright, we are finally getting ready to start the first day of Beacon Academy. We had already had to doctorate the room while at night. We are somewhat a bit tired, but it was still worth it.

The room itself looks neat. Some plants in pots, Abyss Crystals dangling on the ceiling, cream colored quilt for Neo? And lastly, a practice dummy in our room for us to use, which was my brother's request.

Both me and my team decide to leave pretty early, and Team MIET also came as well. I guess that had finished decorating their rooms as well. We were rather bored, so we decide to go to Professor Port's class, the first one. Of course, me and my group know that it would mostly be boring, until the ending.

We immediately arrived at the classroom, and port was suprised to see that two of the team in Beacon cane rather early today.

Port: "Good morning, Teams SPAN and MIET. I see you have arrived early today. Please take your seats."

Team SPAN sat at the very front of the right side, and the same for the left for Team MIET. After a 10 minutes in the class, many other Teams cane in and sat in their own respective seats. As kind of expecting, Team RWBY came in last, and that is when they are late in the classroom.

Port:"Ahh, Team RWBY. Try to arrive sooner, like Teams SPAN and MIET over there."

Weiss: "We're very sorry professor. We will arrive sooner next time."

Port: "Very well. I will ignore this occasion, since it is your first day, after all."

Blake: "Thank you, Professor."

Port: "Please take a seat."

As the other teams took a seat, he starts Babbling what I could assume are some made-up stories. Emerald twirls her pencil, Neo is drawing something. Trifa and Ilia are chatting. The rest have fallen asleep. Obviously, his stories are somewhat boring. Ruby is showing a notebook of her team, which Yang laughed at, except Blake and Weiss, who was very annoyed. Me, I just simply watched him, even though it was boring, I figured it would be kind to at least watch and listen to him.


Team RWBY noticed this and turned to Port, who had than resumed his class. It was still going, until professor Port said something that I always believed Hunters and Huntresses to be.

Port: The moral of the story? A true huntsman must be honorable!

Ruby is balancing an apple on a book wih her pencil held only by her finger while making a silly face, completely defying the laws of physics.

Port: A true huntsman must be dependable.

Ruby has yet again fallen asleep in the first class of the year.

Port: A true huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise.

I, myself, however, thought that the last part is inspiring. It is exactly what he always believed what it means to be a Hunter. But they do more than that. They also have to be willing to risk their lives to save the lives of others, as well as being willing to accept that they must help others, regardless of they like them or not.

Port: So, who among you believe themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss:*still angry, raises her hand* I do sir!

Sans: "I do as well."

Both me and Weiss looked at each other. Weiss gave a curious look, but I gave out a confident look.

Port: Very well, come down and face your oponents!

Both nod and Weiss walks out to get changed while I just walks down.

Port: Are you not going to get changed, Mr.Gaster

Sans: "(Chuckled) I don't need to, because..."

I ripped them off to show that I was still wearing my clothes underneath the uniform.

"It was under my school clothes the entire time."

Everyone was a hit surprised, but Port, he shocked that I was able to for my clothes underneath, due to the appearance of my clothes.

Weiss came back and I decide to take the front line.

Port: "Now, young man! Would you prefer a small Grimm, or would you prefer a challenge?"

Sans: "A challenge. Surprise me, why don't you, Professor."

Port: *laughs* I like your spirit, young man!

The professor put up large cages, and out came an Beowulf, larger than any of the ones I had seen in my life. The students we pretty suprised, except team SPAN and MIET.

Yang: P-Professor? Isn't that a little too much?

Port: Do not worry! If anything goes wrong, I'll put them back in their cages. Are you ready, Mr. Gaster?

"Ready as I will ever be."

Blake: "go and get that monster, Sans."

Port removes the chains that restricted the Ursas' movement, and it has ran towards Sans. Sans rushed to it and used his Abyss Shards to keep it in place. Sans flies up a bit and infused his fists with his Aura, which made his arm glow Turqoise. He than punched it at the fight side, the chin, and than down at the head. The Beowulf breaks free and tried to bite him.

Ruby: Come on, Please big brother! You can do it!


Ruby looks down very sad, that I won't accept her praise. Obviously, she deserved it. But I was suprised that Weiss had to join in. I guess she has taken a liking of me or something like that. Anyways, I returned my attention to the fight of that thing.

I immediately used the Abyss Shards in order for me to summon crystal towers for the Beowulf to be trapped inside of. To finish the monstrous beast off completely, I had to used my scarf and turned it into a sharp claw. I stabbed the claw under the Beowulf, hitting the brain, and finally making it dead.

The whole class fell silent, either dumbfounded or scared or praising of me, who is an exceptionally strong student. Professor Port is the first to come back to reality and clapped loudly.

Port: Bravo! Bravo! It appears that we are in the presence of a true Huntsman in training. Now Weiss, I believe you can do the rest for the class.

Timeskip at Weiss' turn.

"Hey, Weiss"

Weiss than turns to see me coming. Blushing, she spoke out to him.

"What is it, Sans."

"I want to say thanks for getting Ruby to shut up. Though, I kind of had it under control."

"Yeah, well, she doesn't deserve to be a leader."

Okay, I was confused.

"What does that have to do with being a leader?"

"Ozpin...he chose wrong. I had been training to become a huntress. I have been studying physically, training mentally, improving my intellect! And Ozpin, he chose a brat over me. She acts like a child that is so immature and kid-like. She doesn't know common sense. Ozpin made a big mistake picking a brat over one, who is mature."

"(Sigh) has been the first week of Beacon Acadmey, and you are suddenly getting Prideful one that?"

Weiss looked at me as if I had offended her.

"What is wrong with Pride?! Is is terrible for even you to use?!"

"Don't get me wrong. I think of it as both good and bad. I do have pride in myself. But I also did it for my friends and family, even if I don't like some of the bad things they do."

"What do you mean?"

"Weiss...there is more to being a hunter than just Pride. Pride can sometimes be to sinful. You take to much Pride in yourself, you began to show Hurbis. With Hubris, you refuse help by those you think inferior, and through refusal, you can get killed. Being blinded by Pride is a terrible thing, as it can get you killed. I know this because someone I know of suffered that consequences, and while he didn't die, he was a unable to move again and was crippled in fighting. Being a hunter isn't just about being Prideful, Honorable, Dependable, Wise, or any of that. It is about making the right decisions. It is about sacrificing your life for the sake of other innocent souls that don't want to be involved in all this violence and is finally also about being willing to accept the help of others people, regardless if you like that person or not, or if they are unfamiliar. But if you can't take that advice, let me give you a different one. Instead of being the best team leader, become the best team mate for your group. Give them to support they need in even the most dire of all situations. And if the leader is out of commission, you can take over as team leader until they recover. Can you do that?"

Weiss looked down with a thoughtful expression, before looking at me with a smile.

"I...guess that makes sense. Thank you for your advice. I'll take my leave."

As she left, I had one last thing to say to her.

"And Weiss, one more thing! A little favor."

She turned around, confused. I than spoke it out.

"Make sure Ruby and Yang don't die in this thing!

This complety caught her by surprise.

"What? Why? Don't you hate them for what they had done to you?"

I do hate them, yes. I just want to settle against them on my own terms, give them the payback they deserve in a lifetime! Okay?!

She blushed, but than shook her head yes. Obviously, she has a crush on me. I could just see it on her face


She than left, and I looked at her, smiling. I fortunatly, this was short-lived when I heard Ozpin through the Voice Speaker.

"Sans Gaster, will you please come to my office?"

I turned to the direction of the elevator and and went up. I was unsure of what is happening. But than I sensed something. And it was not good. The elevator door opens, and I came out.

"Okay, Ozpin What do you-OH YOU SON OF A...HOW COULD YOU???!!!!!"

Right in front of me is my abusive adoptive family. I was so immensely enraged at what I am seeing.

"Sans! There you are!"

Summer than rushed, trying supposedly hug me, but I used Psychokinesis to send her flying away.

"How dare you people come back to me!"

"Summer, How could you do this, so


Ozpin: "Sans, why all this agresssion?"

Sans: "These people were the reason my life became hell. They had abused and tortured me badly."

Raven:*walks to me* Nephew, I...

Me: "Shut up! I refuse to forgive you for what you had done! I had hoped to never see you again after what you had done to me. All these tines I had starved, bruised, beaten, cutted, shotted, and insulted. All for the sake of your own selfish, sadistic pleasure."

Qrow: "Kid, come one, please. We didn't mean to do it."


I than summoned a Gaster Abyss Blaster, Taiyang tired to punched me, but I launched the attack, sending him flying. Ozpin than spoke them to never cone back, and will expel them from the grounds, should they ever come back. He will also expel both Ruby and Yang should they try anything to hurt me. The family somberly agreed and walked away. After that, Ozpin immediately apologized to me, as he had no idea this had happened, and that he should have investigated this sort of thing sooner than expected. I was still angry at him, claiming he will have to find a way to make up for it, and if he does something wrong, I am going to quit. I went back to my dorm and my friend and brother were there, along with Team MIET.

"Sans, What's wrong?"

"the family that adopted and abused me came, because of Ozpin. Thankfully, he took care of the problem, but I am still angry that he did that."

Trifa: "Will you be okay, Sans?"

"I'll live."

As i sat at my bunk bed, Ilia came and hugged me. Trifa did the same, as he put her spider web around me and hugged me close to her. At least I had people comforting me in this thing.

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