Jaudinence 1 & 2. Dealing with a Faunus Hater and Team RWBY VS Team SPAN

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Sans P.O.V

Me and Team SPAN had been training this past weak and we have made some improvements. Emerald and Ilia have been learning to use their ranged weapons effectively. Neo is using both offensive and defensive fairly great. Trifa has great martial arts. Papyrus has better swordsmanship. May has greater aiming, even while running on her 2 feet. Amber had much greater control with her Fall Maiden Powers, as she can now use Ice Shards, instead of frozen leaves to launch as projectiles. Me, I had a perfect balance is Physical, Mental, and Magical abilities. I pushed a tree without much effort. I was able to sense where a person is, due to my enhanced senses. I can now make a wall and form spikes, just by pushing my hand and the flat surface of the crystal.

Of course, I was volunteered to give that Cardin fool a piece of my mind. It was during lunch today, and my team, along with MIET, we having a usual conversation with one another. As well as a talk with JNPR. And Cardin pulled on this Rabbit Faunus as though it was his own amusement. The result...me, using the Abyss Chain, Ilia, her whip, and Trifa, her spider silk, we used our weapons on to him, and send him right outside with a painful back crash. His aura unfortunately healed it, but it was amusing to even see and hear him scared.


"So, my brother has run into this guy that was a criminal. He was trying to beat him, but he had won the fight, and Papyrus had to stay in hospital for a month. His money had been stolen, and I was pretty angry at the event that had transpired.

Nora: "So, What did you legitimately do in that situation?"

"I tracked the guy down and went to find him. When I found out where he is, I paid him a visit, and broke his everything."


Sans "Even that to."

As Nora was excited, I looked and saw that the student, Cardin, was bullying Velvet. Obviously, people are afraid of him, but not me. Ilia and Trifa also saw it, and were angry themselves.

Velvet: "Ow! That hurts! Cardin, Please, stop..."

Cardin "Hahaha...I told you they were real.

Russell "What a freak!"

I responded by making an extendable Abyss Chain, Ilia with her whip, and Trifa with her spider silk. We launched them at Cardin, and yanked him to the back wall behind us.

(Ignore the G.A.B)


He went through the wall, making a Cardin-Sized hole. Russell was shocked and fainted. I then spoke out to Velvet.

"Your welcome!"

Velvet, very shy, spoke out this to me.

"Th-Thank you."

She went back to her friends, but I noticed that the one with Glasses is staring at me with interest. I don't know if I should be scared or very flattered.

Flashback over...

Now I am in a duel class that is run by Glynda Goodwitch, the first one I am in. I decide to fight Cardin and give out an example to him. Cardin thought that he can get his revenge on me, but I am way more tougher than I Let on by myself. As the old saying goes, you should never judge a book by its cover/appearance.

"Okay, you little freak, I am getting payback at you!!"

"Well, this freak will now break your everything. C'mon."

Nora: "Come on sans! Go break his legs!!"

Pyrrha, Emerald, and Amber: "you can do it, Sans!"

Blake, Ilia, and Trifa: "Give him the payback he deserves, Sans."

Weiss: "Give him humiliation, Sans."

Velvet: "D-Do it for me, Sans!"

Papyrus: "You can do it, Brother."

Sans: "(Chuckles) So, Cardin. Do tell me this ...Do you wanna have a bad time."

Cardin's farce had become red with rage at the time I had humiliated him, and with some of my friends encouraging me. I then got into a fighting stance, and he charged at me with his mace. I jumped out of the way and kicked him in the stomach, after I flipped away. I than turned my scarves into wings and slashed at his aura, rapidly reducing the his aura to the yellow zone already.

"Give it up, Cardin, you are halfway beaten."

"Like I ever will, you bird Frea-"

I responded with a couple of punching jabs in the chest and kicked him just enough to make a crack appear on the metallic floor. Cardin tried to get back up, but I landed on him with a hard stomp. This knocked him out cold. And his aura reached to 0. I also heard a crack, I think. I broke his arm. Eh, Whatever, doesn't matter. I than went up and was congratulated by my friends.

Glynda: "And the winner is Sans Gaster. Students, as you can see, Mr. Winchester's  Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Cardin is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match. Mr. Winchster, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we? Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!"

Sans: "good luck in after-school class."

Everyone applauded and laughed at Cardin, who was very humiliated, and I thought that I was done with my problem already. But Karma (not my semblance, of you are actually wondering) decided to bite me at the tongue, when I heard the voices of those I never wanted to hear again.

"Hold it, Professor Goodwitch."

I looked and saw Team RWBY, with Yang and Ruby at the front. This is not good. It means Ruby and Yang May have convinced them to fight, though I know that Blake and Weiss aren't doing it on their free will, as they are forced to do it.

RWBY flashback...

Yang: "Ruby, we can use Goodwitch' class to get him to forgive us."

Ruby: "But, Yang, you saw how powerful he was when he dealt with the flying Grimm. What makes you think we can take him?"

"We can take him, baby sister! He must have a limit to how much of his power he can use. We just need to wear him down for our magic to actually work."

???: "it won't."

Yang and Ruby turned to see Blake and Weiss at the door, obviously disapproved at their plan.

Weiss: "You saw how he had beaten when we last saw him and his group. What makes you think that we can defeat him and his team?"

Blake: "And also, what makes you think you deserve his forgiveness? The pain is still here in him, badly."

Yang than grabbed on her team mate's shoulder, as she looked at him with a pleading look.

"Please, Blake, I need him back. It was my most regretful decision to do it! I need him back, please!"

Blake: "And outright ruin his life even further? I don't even think so."

Yang than pulled of a dirty trick by using her book and explosing it to people. Blake tried to take it back, but Yang claims that if she doesn't want it to happen, she has to do it. Defeated, she decided to battle Sans. Weiss decided to come along, as she to is afraid that Yang might have something to expose to her that is very embarrassing and is not risking it. This is not good for Blake and Weiss.

Flashback ended...

Sans P.O.V

Great. I now have to face Blake and Weiss, who are being forced, as I sense it is not their intention. I sense that they wish they didn't have to do this. But one of their members, most likely Ruby and Yang, have forced them into this. I really hope I don't damage them that much.

"Professor Goodwitch, can me and my team face against Sans' team?"

Ruby spoke.

"Sans, do you accept."

I looked and saw that if I don't do something about it, Blake and Weiss are in for something they don't like. Making up my mind, I answered.

"Very well. I accept this challenge. However, there are a couple of changes in the rules."

Goodwitch: "Which is?"

Sans: "Teams SPAN and RWBY are allowed to use Team attacks. Me and the other members of Team SPAN will limit our abilities to make the fight fair, and we will only unleash during the team attack."

Goodwitch: "Very well! These rules are allowed in this circumstance."

10 minutes later...

My team and team RWBY are facing off against one another. Before this match could start, I said something to WB.

"Weiss, Blake...Sorry I have to fight you like this."

Weiss: "I know, Sans. I know."

Blake: "Just is what needs to be done, Sans."

I nodded my head, and face against Ruby. Papryus faces against Yang. Weiss against Amber, and Neo against Blake.


3rd person view

Sans immediately flies to Ruby and both have and Ruby vanished in blue and red blurs. Weiss and Amber locked blades, with Weiss being at a disadvantage. Neo and Blake were clashing blades of their own. Neo jumps on top of Grambol Shroud, and kicked Blake in the face, dropping her aura by only 10 percent.

Yang and Papyrus are clashing in their own fight. Yang tried to fire her bullets, but Papyrus cuts them in half. Yang used Ember Celia to block Papyrus's sword arm.

"Yang, do you think that after what you and your family had done to my brother, you deserve to be forgiven by him?!"

"I just wanted him back in my life! Is that so much to ask?!"

"It is so much to ask, when you had tried to destroy his entire life! When he came to me, he had never recovered, and tried to hide this thing! But you people...you, your sister, and your family had ruin his life entirely."

"I never meant to do it. I was to young!"

"Young?! You were young enough to know what you are doing is wrong!! You were young enough to judge yourself by your own actions!! You were young enough to be independent to see the world around you and look at how cruel it is outside. Saying you were to young, that is nothing but a poor excuse to really make!!"

Yang got angry and tried to punch a hole in Papyrus. Papyrus dodges and slashed her at the back, knocking her aura to 15 percent.

"I won't lose!! I will get my brother back home!!!"

"Come and give it up!!"

Sans and Ruby were moving at blinding speeds. To Sans, time has slowed down to a crawl. He is aware of everything that is happening around him. He saw Ruby jump and about to slash him, which is why Sans made a crystal spear for him to use. Both him and Ruby locked weapons with one another, as they struggle to disarm one's weapon.

"Please Sans! I don't want to harm you even further!"

"You never will have an accepted apology! You had taken my life away for far to long. It is time to take it back!"

"Sans, I never wanted to do this! I'm so sorry! Please! Give me one more chance!"

"Your chance is nothing but a lie to lower my guard and for you to give me more pain and suffering! I will never forgive you!"

He than used telekinesis to push her away, allowing him and his team to back off. His team did lose a bit of health, but the other lost a bit more than the other.

Weiss and Yang: Freezerburn!

Weiss freezes the ground whilst Yang jumps into the air and proceeds to punch the frozen ground whilst firing Ember Celica. There they made a cover, which allows for them to try a sneak attack. Papyrus got hit by Weiss a number of times and losses 30 percent of his aura. Neo, on the other hand, kicked Yang a number of times, with her aura being reduced to 35 percent.

Weiss and Blake: Checkmate!

Both Weiss and Blake proceed to attack Papyrus and Amber simultaneously seeking to outmaneuver and overwhelm them. However, Papyrus and Amber has tricks of their own.

Papyrus and Amber: "Frostbite!"

Amber froze their feet in place and her and Papyrus jacked at their aura, rapidly reducing it down. However, because their are icy mists so cold, it slowed them down. After the 9th slash, the ice shattered and the both Amber and Papyrus were sent back, but not before Yang suprised Amber with a few shots of her own. Normally, she would block bullets, but not explosive ones. She was down to 40 percent of her aura.

Ruby and Blake: "Ladybug"

Using their speed, Ruby and Blake attacked Sans and Amber from opposite sides in alternating sliding maneuvers.

Sans is the one that is speaking here with Neo at his side: Cold Dance

Sans held hands and when they are hit, they shattered like glass. Sans and Neo attacked them with dancing styles, and ended with throwing Neo in the Air, where she spun and cutted their aura down to size. Neo almost got hit, but Sans took the hit for her, and had his aura reduced to 45 percent.

Yang: "Give it up Sans! You can't win!"

Sans: "You of all people should know, I never quit!"

Yang: (Snarled) "So be it."

RWBY: "Cannonball!!"

Weiss and Blake form the catapult, Yang provides a boost, and Ruby acts as a ball by using her Semblance to increase her speed ten times to target Team SPAN. They got hit, and Ruby backflipped.

Yang: "Yes, we got em!"

Ruby: "Yay, we did it!"

Blake: "Wait! It's not over."

Ruby and Yang turned, only to see that they are still alive, and Neo's umbrella was right in front of the area where Ruby had hit, with a blue shield!

Ruby: "How?! How did you get untouched by the attack?!"

Sans: "Neo was able to use her umbrella as a shield, as well as used some of the hard-light dust. Thank the Gods it has a very power one to defend against you people."

Neo later did a mock-now towards Ruby and Yang.

(Ignore Roman)

"Now...it is our turn."

SPAN: "Phenomenon!"

Team SPAN rushed at Team RWBY, but when they hit, they shattered like glass. Then they blink, however, the real ones hit them and attacked with everything they got. Sans, Papyrus, Amber, and Neo used their weapons to cut, or summon their magic to damage them, outright, they all summoned a barrage of magic and slashed. Weiss and Blake were let go, after their auras dropped to red. Ruby and Yang, however, was not. After their auras were dropped to 25 percent, Sans and Amber decide to finish it off. Sans summoned his Abyss Shards and Gaster Blasters, while Amber Summoned Fire and Ice Leaves.

Amber and Sans launched it, and summoned a blinding explosion. Ruby and Yang were on the ground, and really need to be treated. Everyone was amazed at the impressive display of power that they had demonstrated

"A-And Team SPAN wins."

Team SPAN than hugged one another, and Neo and Amber decide to kiss Sans on the cheek, something his very embarrassed at, but is fine at having.

Ozpin: "I must say, this is one of the most greatest fights I have ever seen. Tommorow, I would like to question about how you were able to be this skilled in fighting."

SPAN: "Alright, it's understood

(Can't find Amber)

Everyone later goes back to their dorm after a long time in the classroom. It was the end of class and not enough time for more, so they went back. When Sans laid on his bed, something soft was on his arm. He turns and sees Neo hugging his arm in her 'cushions', and both her eyes had become vanilla white, causing Sans to blushes, and for Neo to than kiss him on the lips.

Sans than put his hands on her smooth, exposed hips. Neo moaned at the touch that Sans was giving her. This is the greatest time Sans had with his team.

Next day... Professor Oobleck's Class.

Sans P.O.V

Right now, I was in Professor Oobleck's class. He is way more interesting to say the least. He talks about the actual history of what happened in Remnant. This time, it is about the battle between Humans and Faunus'. Though Cardin wasn't doing well. I broke his favorite arm.

Oobleck: "Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution--more popularly known as the Faunus War. Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie. (zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk) Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day! Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

Some of the silhouetted students raise their hands. Velvet, after a moment, does the same.

Oobleck: "Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" (takes another sip of his coffee) "I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?"

I than see Weiss raise her hand.

Weiss: "The battle at Fort Castle!"

Oobleck: "Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

Cardin tried to hit Juane in the head with a paper-ball, but I use telekinesis to put it on the floor. To save Jaune's skin, I raised my hand.

"Yes, Mr. Gaster?"

"The Faunus' have the ability to see in the dark better than even most humans in history. Because of this, it would be easy to attack humans who are foolish and are very inexperienced to even come across their territory, (my eyes than turned to Cardin) especially to those that are foolish to hate Faunus' in the first place, which would mean underestimating them."

Oobleck: "That is correct! (Cardin growled at me, but did nothing) General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured."

Oobleck: (as Cardin gets up from his seat, fist clenched) "Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat." (when Jaune was able to stop himself from laughing at him, which, thankfully, Oobleck didn't notice.) "You can see me after class for additional readings." (takes yet another sip of his coffee).

Jaune's head: "Sans...I owe you for saving my life. Maybe...I should talk about my secret, if Cardin isn't here."

Cardin: "Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...."

Oobleck: (zooming away) "Now! Moving on!"


After Oobleck was done with Class, everyone was going to a room, where Ozpin and everyone else would ask me some questions about the match I did with RWBY.

So me and the other members of Team SPAN had to go into a room in the line to answer the questions of those interested.

Sans: "So, who questions first?"

Random person#1: what are your weapons?

Sans: "Me...I simply use my scarves. Papyrus has his sword arm, which I had made for him after losing his arm, Amber has a staff with fire and wind dust crystals, and Neo simply kicks people, but does have an umbrella that acts a shield for defending and sword for fighting. What is the next question that people want to say?"

Random Person#2: "How did you all meet?"

Sans: "Papyrus and I are brothers, so it is obvious that it wasn't a meeting. Neo is a childhood friend I had since I was younger. I saved amber when she was 17, after my idiot adopted uncle tried to sell her to a bad person, Emerald, I convinced her to stay at my place. May and Ilia, it was somewhat random.

Cardin: "Here's a question, you bird freak!!"

I turned to see Cardin in the arena with a broken arm. Dang it, I knew I saw something white on Cardin.

"How the hell did you beat me?!"

"Me beating you...that was your fault that his thing had happened. I won not because threw skill simply. It was because of how 'Cocky' and 'Arrogant' you are. You are also Ignorant in believing that I was a weak little boy that was unable to fight. But as people usually say: looks can be deceiving. So me winning, that is your fault for underestimating me of what I am, and what I can do."

Cardin growled, but didn't say anything. He just turned to the door and walked away.

Random Person#5: How were you able to fight against Team RWBY. They look like one of the best team in Beacon!"

"Team RWBY May have been powerful, but they still possessed weaknesses of their own. Yang only relies on strength and punching, so I had Papyrus, since he was a perfect balance in physical and mental strength. Amber was much more destructive to use her fire to blast through shields, or wear them down at least. Nero was both at using sword and feet, which Blake herself can't do. Me...I was both fast, strong, and more creative in using my abilities. I was able to give Neo a signal in when to use her shield at their attack."

Weiss: "Is there someone you work with?"

"No, I own an accessory shop, that's all. I did, however, used to work with my dad, though. He's a very cool scientist.

Lady with sun glasses and orange strand of hair: "Are your Accessories fashionable?"

Sans: "...well, that is only if the person wants it to be fashionable. They can say what they want it to look like, and I'll do it. But it can also enhance the person's Strength, Speed, Aura, and Semblance."

The girl smiled and bent down, and lowers her glasses with her left finger, showing me her chocolate brown eyes. She blinked seductively at me. Gods dang it, freaking Remnant.

"Make one for me, and let's see how fashionable and powerful it make me."

I made one and it was fashionable as it could get. She wore it on her wrist, and stomped the ground, creating a shaking, and a crater."

"Wow. Hehehe...I think I might have a crush on you."

I blushed, but shook my head.

"Wow...I am absolutely flattered."

"I'm Coco Adel. I should thank you for helping Velvet. It was ...sweet

She flirted to me, which embarrassed me.

After questions, I went of the room, but not before Coco kissed me on the cheek, which made me fluster. I am just lucky that I am along at that time. Otherwise, it would have been a disaster for me to handle. My friends went outside for training. I was about to enter my room, when I heard a male's voice.

"Sans...do you mind if I talk to you."

I turned to see Jaune. Using my senses to make sure that nobody else is here, I allowed him to talk to me in my dorm.

I told him what was up and he told me a secret. He told me that he purely didn't sign up for this sort of thing, he just faked doing it. He even claimed that he didn't deserve to be in this acadmy, but I told him he did. By going to the academy, it means he would go though any way to get inside, which proved how much willpower he has. I even said that if he wanted to live up to being a hunter, than he has to practice doing it on either his own, or with someone in his group, or with my brother.

And he did just that, he got both Pyrrha and Papyrus to train him. Eventually, I think he would be a better fiighter than before.

Next day...

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