Forever Falls part 1 and 2/History of obtaining an Elemental Orb

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Me and Papyrus, and Teams SPAN and MIET are getting packed up for a trip to Forever Fall, which Glynda has announced today. Surprisingly, this is the one place that me and my group hadn't explored. It was ver surprising to say the least. Than again, we were always fighting and convincing White Fang people to even travel to cool places such as this. It would be interesting to go to such a place. Right now, I'm thinking of what Cardin might do if we ever go to Forever Fall.  And the other sad part...Trifa had wrapped me in her web.

Trifa: "So, Sans. What are you thinking of when we are at Forever Fall."

Sans: "I'm thinking of how to humiliate Cardin more, in case he tries to pull a humiliating move right on me."

Trifa smiles. She always hated peoples who discriminated Fanaus for their own selfish amusement. Sans, on the other hand, accepts Fanaus', and only hates Fanaus that kill people for their own selfish purposes.

Trifa: "Sans, I think I should give you something, before you go at Cardin."

"And that is."

Trifa crouched close to me, goes on her knees, and closed the distance between me and her. It is so embarrassing to look at if I wasn't alone.

(Trifa is Muffet kissing)

Yeah... that is how embarrassing this thing is, if I had been seen by anyone at the keyhole of the door.

3rd person point of view...

Ruby is seen in the hall in, wearing only her pajamas. She looks at the door as she sighed a very sad one. Ever since he had left her home, Ruby and her family had been breaking down bit-by-bit. Summer was put in a depressed state, Raven went back to her tribe to find him, Qrow drank more, Taiyang struggled to keep the family together, and Yang kept punching walls to the point her hands began to bleed, while Ruby is plagued by nightmares of her evil self.

'Sans...I'm so sorry. I wish...that I could have helped you...instead of trying to hurt you as I had done. Would you ever...forgive me...and be more"

Ruby than turns away and goes to return to her room, so she could kinda...ease her mind.

Next Forever Fall...

Many of his friends were able to prepare for the time they will stay in Forever Falls. Everyone was preparing to catch some stuff in their Jars, while Sans is thinking of a way to humiliate Cardin, in case he decided to come back. But Sans has to make sure to not go to far.

Emerald is sitting next to him, holding his hand. She was blushing so much at how close she is to him. True, she may have been with him, like a servant of undying loyalty, but the truth all the others, she has fallen head over heels with Sans. He even accept the feelings of the other girls. Emerald never had a chance to get close, even with sans trying to get near her, but the others hogged sans for themselves. This is Emerald hogging Sans now.

Sans noticed it, and used his scarves to pull emerald a bit closer, so he could rest on her shoulder. Surprisingly, despite the scarves' appearance of being warm, the Scarves are in fact, feel somewhat cold. Emerald's face darkened a bit more of a beet-red face. Obviously, she's enjoying this.


As Emerald is so happy that she can get this close to Sans, Weiss and Blake were looking enviously at Emerald.

Weiss: 'Since when does Sans get lucky in being with a pretty girl like her? I'm the one Sans should be with!!'

Blake: 'Sans is mine!! He doesn't belong to anyone else!!'

As they finally reach the Forever Fall, Sans and Emerald stood up, holding hands. Cardin tried to push Sans, but Sans scarves pushed him instead. He than tried to punch Sans, but Sans blocked and Punched him even harder. Cardin immediately stopped when Glynda Goodeitch turns to instruct everyone.

"Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!"

Emerald: "Come on, Sans! Let's have our teams work together to collect!"

Sans: "Right, let's do it."

As Sans and Emerald walked to their friends, Cardin looked at Sans with rage. He is getting tired of being humiliated by Sans. And now, he wants payback at him.

Russel: "Cardin...let's get enough of the sap and throw it at him. Should we?"

Cardin looked at his group and smiled cruelly at them. Oh...this is a chance to get revenge at the Punk.

Sans is seen with his group collecting a large amount of that red sap. Sans, however, knows what Cardin is planning for him, due to his ability to use his Telepathy. He can lower the volume a bit so that he could hear Cardin, but Cardin can't hear him.

Cardin than gets ready to throw the red sap directly at Sans, so that he could be amused in getting the Grimms attention.

"Alright, now to give that little freak a taste of my sap."

Cardin than throws it directly at Sans. But Sans, anticipating this, manipulated his Scarves into making hands and instead caught it. Suprising Cardin. But what was unexpected was the next part.

"This is to gross for a someone with bad hygiene."

He than throws it back at Cardin, who got hit, right in the face. His face was covered with Red Sap, and had accidentally tasted it, which was super gross. He was now furious that sans had filed him yet again.

"This is it! I'm an going to give that little freak a taste at what's coming for him!!!"

Before he could move even an inch, h heard a growl, only to turn and see a massive Ursa staring very hungrily at the brutish bully. The Beowulf roared in his face, and Cardin panicked. His buddies had ran away in fear of being eaten, and Cardin was left to fight this Grimm, all by himself.

Cardin tried to attack it with his mace, but it barely flinch. He was then hit and was sent right in his but. He tried to hit it, but the Ursa slapped it away. The Ursa than clawed Cardin, Damaging his legs. He than tries to crawl away. But the Ursa was in close reach and tried to kill him, only for an Abyss Chain to come in and Petrify the Ursa, shattering it.

Cardin looked and was grabbed collar, as Sans glared at him, with so much hatred.

"Listen here...Cardin. I will not tolerate this thing anymore. If you try any of this to me and my friends again.

Sans than closed his eyes, before opening them, which frightened Cardin if what he is seeing before him.

Sans released his grip and went back to his friends. Cardin was about to stand back up and say something, but Trifa webbed his mouth and his body, so he can't do anything.

Trifa looked at him with immense disgust, before walking away from him.

Trifa and the rest of the team than decide to hang out with Sans a bit more, after they caught enough. CRDL, unfortunately, got an F for shattering one of them, and for losing the rest of them. So now they get to do after a detention.

At Beacon...

Sans is standing on the balcony of Beacon, in the night sky. Trifa and the others had congratulated in humiliating Cardin even more. Sans decided to look at the night sky to calm his mind. There was something strange, when ever he looks at the sky. When he looks up...he sees the face of his father, smiling...telling was alright. As kept looking up, heard a female voice calling out to him, but not one of his teammate or Team MIET's students.


He turns to see Pyrrha in her Pajamas and is holding two mugs in her hands.

"Oh...hello, Pyrrha. We're you going to see the night sky?"

"Yes...I was. Do you mind if I join you seeing it?"

"Sure...there is no problem in having a little company."

Pyrrha than walks next to him, and gives sans the orange mug. Sans took it and drank it up. It was very delicious.


Pyrrha began to speak out.


"I want to say...than you for helping Jaune with his problem."

"So he told you about it, huh?"

"Yes...and you helped him up. I am very appreciated that you did that for him. It was very kind of you to do this for him."

"Anything for a person with trouble, I can do it. Though the same isn't said for Cardin."

Both me and Pyrrha laugh, remembering seeing Cardin all webbed up with Trifa's silk. It was so funny to even look at. Everyone took pictures and send it to many people, and it had spread like wildfire, while also calling Cardin names. For example: "Mindlessly Trapped Brute". Needless to say, Cardin was so embarrassed from that event. That idiotic muscleman even had cried himself immensely to sleep.

"Sans...I have a question for you to answer, and it is very important."

I looked at her.

"Do you believe in destiny?"

I looked at her...suprised. I than spoke out.

"Yes...I do...actually."

I than opened my hand, and revealed the Elemental Orb. One that manipulated the aspects of the air/wind

Pyrrha looked suprised at what she is seeing before her.

"Sans, what is hat thing?"

"An Elemental Orb. I obtained it when I was cornered by the White Fang themselves.

Flashback... age-13, running in the Vale Alleyway

I was trying to fight the White Fang. They had suddenly tired to kill me when I was coming back to my father. They had used fire bullets on me and a mace to pound me, but I was able to get out of there. The leader, Adam Taurus, tried to ram the sword through me. I was able to dodge, with only my clothes scratched.

"Pathetic human. You shall be useful as our slave to Sienna."

"I'd rather turn you into the authorities for your insatiable chaotic nature."

Taurus snarled at me. He tried to cut me in half, but I spread my wings and took flight. I than tired to use my G.A.B to blast them. One of the White Fang members went into hiding. No way that is happening.

(The White blurred is the lieutenant, the one trying to do a sneak attack on Sans there, the Red one is Taurus, the purple's Yuma, and the green is the one with the red hood)

I used an Abyss Chain and launched it at the opposer. He got hit and fell down unconscious. I than summoned crystal spikes and the White Fang got hit. They lost a lot of Aura, due to Karmic Retribution.

Taurus than tried to do an energy slash, but I used a crystal wall to block it. Before I could turn. I got hit in the face with a flame dust-infused bullet. This caused in explosion to knock me out.


I than began to fell, as the people made spikes to pierce me. But as I was falling, a yellow object came flying towards me.

3rd person View...

Adam Taurus looked confused at what he is seeing in front of him.

"What? Is that the best a human child has to show me. Becoming a tree wither one of his scarves. Now that is a more easier way to kill that boy."

He than charged at him. But when he tried that, he suddenly froze. The atmosphere changed. It became mostly black, with some tinge of red. The floor underneath him began to ripple. It's like water.

"What? Why can't I move?! What's going on?!"

Yuma: "Taurus? What are you doing? Get him!"

Lieutenant: "Wait, Yuma! Look! His eyes."

Sans' sclera had become black. He has gray eyes, and a white slotted pupil, almost like a cat. Taurus, for the first time in his life. He was afraid of Sans.

"What...What are you."

Sans spoke, but didn't answer the question. He spoke out in both English and in a unknown language.

✡︎□︎◆︎ ⬧︎⧫︎♋︎❒︎♏︎ ♓︎■︎⧫︎□︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♋︎♌︎⍓︎⬧︎⬧︎📪︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♋︎♌︎⍓︎⬧︎⬧︎ ⬧︎⧫︎♋︎❒︎♏︎⬧︎ ♌︎♋︎♍︎🙵📬︎/ You stare into the Abyss, and the Abyss stares back.

Taurus than began to here screams and cries, as well as the voices of other people that he had taken, all for his sadistic amusement. This sent Taurus spiraling into absolute and pure madness, as Sans began to shed a tear for feeling his pain. His...his very evil sin.

"Stop! What did you do to me. I don't want you alive!! You here me?!!"

Sans didn't listen. Instead, he wiped his tear away and spoke this to Taurus in a echo.

👎︎□︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ⬧︎♏︎♏︎ ■︎□︎⬥︎📪︎ ♋︎♎︎♋︎❍︎ ⧫︎♋︎◆︎❒︎◆︎⬧︎✍︎ ♓︎⧫︎ ⬥︎♋︎⬧︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎❒︎ □︎⬥︎■︎ ⬧︎♏︎●︎♐︎♓︎⬧︎♒︎ ♍︎♒︎□︎♓︎♍︎♏︎ ⧫︎□︎ ♎︎□︎ ⧫︎♒︎□︎⬧︎♏︎ ♋︎⧫︎❒︎□︎♍︎♓︎⧫︎♓︎♏︎⬧︎ ♋︎♍︎⧫︎♓︎□︎■︎⬧︎📬︎ 👌︎◆︎⧫︎ ♌︎⍓︎ ♏︎■︎⬧︎●︎♋︎❖︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ □︎■︎♏︎⬧︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ♎︎□︎■︎❼︎⧫︎ ♎︎♏︎⬧︎♏︎❒︎❖︎♏︎ ♓︎⧫︎📪︎ ♏︎❖︎♏︎■︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ □︎■︎♏︎⬧︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ♎︎□︎■︎❼︎⧫︎ ♒︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎ ♐︎♋︎◆︎■︎◆︎⬧︎❼︎📪︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♍︎♋︎■︎❼︎⧫︎ ♑︎♓︎❖︎♏︎ □︎◆︎⧫︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ❒︎♓︎♑︎♒︎⧫︎ ⧫︎□︎ 🙵♏︎♏︎◻︎ ♋︎⬥︎♋︎⍓︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ◻︎♏︎♋︎♍︎♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ⬥︎♋︎⬧︎ ♎︎❒︎♓︎❖︎♏︎■︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ⧫︎◆︎❒︎■︎ ♓︎⧫︎ ⧫︎□︎ ♍︎♒︎♋︎□︎⬧︎📬︎ ☠︎□︎ ❍︎♋︎⧫︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎ ♒︎□︎⬥︎ ❍︎♋︎■︎⍓︎ ⧫︎♓︎❍︎♏︎⬧︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ⧫︎❒︎⍓︎ ⧫︎□︎ ⬧︎⧫︎□︎◻︎ ♓︎⧫︎📪︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♋︎♌︎⍓︎⬧︎⬧︎ ⬥︎♓︎●︎●︎ ⧫︎♋︎🙵♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♓︎■︎ ♌︎□︎⧫︎♒︎ ❍︎♓︎■︎♎︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ⬧︎□︎◆︎●︎/Do you see now, Adam Taurus? It was your own selfish choice to do those atrocious actions. But by enslaving the ones that don't deserve it, even the ones that don't hate Faunus', you can't give out the right to keep away the peace that was driven and turn it to chaos. No matter how many times you try to stop it, the Abyss will take you in both mind and soul.

Adam Taurus than fell on his knees as he finally lost his mind to absolute and pure madness, as he began to say things that are very scary.

"Heheheheheheh....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! This is insane!!! There is no way you can stop me!! Many people tried and failed!!! I'll kill you!!! I'll kill you!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

He than started to lose his mind so much, that the others member than spoke this out to him.

"Get Adam Taurus out of the boy's sight now. He is now losing it!!"

The others went out of the shock, and carry Taurus out of there. Before they go...however, they looked at the boy one last time. The way he stares at them is frightening. Having so much power, yet so monstrously emotionless and calm to them.

"This isn't over, you monster! The next time we meet, we will make sure that we finish what we started!!"

Yuma carries Taurus and flies away, and the others fled to. Sans, who went out of the transformation, used the last of his power to teleport back to his room, before finally fainting from exhaustion.

Flashback at Beacon

Sans P.O.V

"My dad than told explained to me that the Elemental Orbs are the key to opening the power to people, who is connected by this place called, 'the Abyss'. It is said that those with the powers of the Abyss are able to restore life from the dead, though I am not entirely sure about that, as I haven't seen this display of an impossible abilities with my own eyes. I would have to see it to believe."

Pyrrha was shocked at how I was believing is debating through that encounter, and that i have the power of the Abyss in my veins. But Pyrrha than smiled and out a hand on my shoulder.

"You will be able to do it, Sans. Your father does believe in you."

"Yeah. I know about tha-"

As I was beginning to finish my sentence, Pyrrha suddenly kissed m without warning, and picked me up, hugging like I was a teddy bear. I was surprised, but I went along with it. Looks like...I won't be doing this hunt all by myself. Because this year. I have people that will company me. Father...if you hear this...I will make sure that I will get the Elemental orbs, and I will make you proud. By saving those that have the innocent blood.

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