An Ironwill and a Good Witch

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Sans and Goel are doing all that they can in order to stand against the horde of Grimm that is attacking them everywhere at once. And seems to be growing worse and worse for them. Because every time they bring one down, 2 more Grimm will pop up. It is clear that they will not stop until they kill them, and Salem is also very determined to try and kill Sans. Of course, how determined she is...that is for Sans to know. Now, though, they need to keep on focusing in the fighting that is happening.

One of the Grimm than began to howl and shake, as if it is having a seizure...before suddenly...



The just spoke. And it sounded so...menacing...the way that it spoke out. It is even giving Sans the creeps. But Sans shook his head, as he and Goel continued on with the fighting. Sans made 2 Abyss Chains, and then, he commanded them to attack as many Grimm as possible, piercing do much that a bunch of them turned into stone. Sans than made a larger Abyss Chain for Apis to ride on. Goel ran up, and jumped right on top of the Abyss Chain, as Goel swung Blush at the enemies, cutting them fine, and shot the Grimm that are far away from him with fire dust bullets.

Sans than jumped into the air, and landed on one of the Grimm, and than began to attack the Grimm that is around the place. Using Telekinesis, he slammed a bunch of the Grimm into walls that are very difficult to break, and broke the spines of the Grimm, which instantly killed them. He than activated his third form, manifested his large sword, and began to swing it around with as much strength into his swings as possible. The sword also has the same purifying effects that the Abyss Chain has, except that it is a little more potent than the Abyss Chains themselves.

Goel than landed next to Sans, the swords gleamed beneath the light of the dull, bright sky above them. Sans and Goel than began to cut down the Grimm with the swords in their hands. They spun around, they swung their swords, they lunged forward and pierced their bodies, they are like a tornado of blades. The blades are just so fast and they are so quick, that it is as though they are everyone at once.

And as they kept on fighting, suddenly...raining icicles than appeared out of nowhere, and Sans used his scarf to act as a shield to both himself and Goel, the Icicles bouncing harmlessly off of the scarf, while the Grimm that is surrounding the group are also pierced by the icicles. Sans looks up to see that Amber has returned to Sans...along with someone that Sans has not seen before. Amber than turns and sees Apis, Sans...believed that this is Adam Taurus.

"Adam Taurus?! No, it can't be!! You're Dead!!!"

Apis than spoke out to Amber.

"I am not Adam Taurus. He is my twin brother. I am Goel."

Amber gawked her head, clearly not expecting a response such as this, as Sans noticed the Lion Faunus, and spoke out loud to him.

"Well. And who might you be?"

The Lion Faunus looks at Sans, and spoke out.

"Me...I am Ethan Lionheart. It is nice to meet you."

He said, as he held his hand out. Sans...although hesitant at first, than moves forward, and shook Ethan's hand. It is surprisingly a gentle shake of his hand, despite the fact that his hands are a little bit larger than Sans' smaller hands.

Sans than looks around, and spoke out to the group.

"Well, we don't have time for an extended greeting. We are in the middle of a war zone. So we need to fight right now."

Everyone nodded, as they turned to the Grimm that is surrounding the group, and raised their hands. Sans' right eye flared a Turqoise glow, and as opened his palm, an Abyss Chain is summoned into his hand, Goel raised his weapon, he half unsheathed Blush from Wilt, which is now in scabbard form. Ethan puts his hand on Stalwart, as he is getting ready to choose some different dust to use for his attack, and Amber's eyes flared, as she held her staff right in front of her.

The Grimm around the group growled, like an animal ready to pounce on their prey, except that these animals...are killing for their master.

With a powerful roar, a Grimm charges at Sans, who than swung his arm, and an Abyss Chain launches itself at the Grimm, piercing it, and turning it into stone, while also turning some of the others into stone. Sans than summoned a Gaster Abyss Blaster, which is aimed at some of the other Grimm, and the Gaster Abyss Blaster fired, attacking and shredding the Grimm into many pieces.

Goel grips Blish the Grimm crouches down, before lunging at Apis, and is now ready to pounce and eat off his head. But Apis pulled the trigger, and than swung his sword...which is now on fire.

The Flame cuts through the flesh of the Grimm like it is a hot knife through butter, and not only that, it also cauterize the wounds, which will prevent Salem from trying to heal and revive the Grimm...until she can find a way around it, which she might be able to do I just a period of one weak.

A Grimm snarled at Ethan, and Ethan growled back at it, with his growl sounding very similar to that of a Lion's growl. The Grimm than howled and charges at Ethan, and Ethan quickly used Stalwart to spin it, and he spun to get the Gravity Dust, which gave him a purple glyph, and than, he spun the opposite direction, and it landed on the gravity dust, which made a yellow glyph. Than, 4 floating orbs of purple electricity appeared in front of Ethan, and the Grimm, before it can reach Ethan, got shocked very badly by the electricity that is floating in front of Ethan, and this actually killed the Grimm. Another Grimm charged at Ethan, but than, Ethan punished the Grimm in the head, making a hole in its face, which killed it instantly.

Amber points her staff at a small group of Grimm that is in front of her, and she launched a powerful blast of fire, which end burned the Grimm to smithereens.

She than uses the other end of her staff, which created a powerful gust of wind, and launched several Grimm unti the air, which than landed right back down on the ground, hard. She than flared her eyes, as she activated her Fall Maiden powers. She looks at the Grimm, and she than made a blast of fire that is way more powerful than the fire dust in her staff. The Grimm were blown to bits, as she than freezes the other pair of Grimm, before she summons wind, picks the Grimm up into the sky, before letting them fall down on top of the other, weaker Grimm, which killed both the frozen and the weaker Grimm.

The group looks around, and see that there is nit much Grimm left around them. There is still a lot of them around the group, however, and they have no idea how many more are going to come here, and how long the entire group can last against the whole assault of the Grimm pack. But as one of the Grimm began to attack...


Sudenly, a loud gunshot was heard, and a Grimm has a bullet whole in its head, which than made the Grimm's head explode. Than, 3 more shots were heard, and 3 more Grimm blew up. Than, all of a sudden, the remaining 5 Grimm were picked up from the ground, and suddenly, with a swift motion, they are now crumpled into a ball of mashed Grimm, before suddenly being lifted up, and than slamming itself down to the ground. Sans and the others looked in shock of what just occurred.

"Okay, what on Remnant just happened?"

As Sans spoke out, a female voice called out to them.

"Looks like you could use some help."

Sans and the others looked up to see that there are 2 people up on a building, one that is a female, and the other a tall male. Both landed down on the ground, and they lights above them revealed the appearances of the 2 people that had just helped them with the Grimm that had surrounded the Group.

"What in the...who are you 2? And why do you look so...familiar."

Sans spoke out, as he sees the appearance of the both that had came to their aid in their fight against the Grimm. One of them is a male that looks just as old as Ethan, while the other, a female, looks as old as Sans.

"Noah Ironwood, and this is my sister, Grace Goodwitch."

Sans, hearing their surnames, spoke out to them.

"Hold on, are you related to James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch?"

Grace nodded, and spoke out.

"We do. They're our parents."

Sans' and Amber's eyes widened, as Sans spoke out,

"Your...parents? So that's why you look so familiar to me."

Sans than face palmed his head, as he spoke out.

"Now I look completely stupid."

Both Noah and Grace chuckled a little bit, as Amber than walks towards the 2 siblings, as she spoke out.

"What are you both doing here?"

Noah turns to Sans.

"Helping out, that is what. My father, James, he actually warned me about Salem at a pretty early age, and wanted to help me prepare for her encounter. So we both trained as harshly as we both could. So did my sister, Grace, who had practiced with her Semblence, telekinesis. So...when I saw that you are actually going out to fight against Salem's forces, I figured me and my sister, Grace, would be of help here."

Sans' eyes widened a bit, before he nodded. But Sans' looks up, he than noticed that...there is more Grimm, and they are above the buildings. Sans clenched his first, and he raised his hand, as he gets ready to attack.

Grace, however, uses her semblance, Telekinesis, to pick up some of the debris on the ground, and launched them as separate projectiles, killing a bunch of the Grimm that are exposing their heads to the group.

Noah walks up to one of the buildings, and saw hat there are more Grimm up there to. Deciding to help clean up the mess from the top to make it easier for the group as a whole, Noah decides to go solo, and try to go to the top personally to kill the Grimm that are on the building. Which is why he had brought something that can help him with the task that he deduced to give to himself.

Noah takes out 2 guns that James Ironwood once held. These guns are called: Due Process. He than points the black gun at the ground, and pulls the trigger.


Noah used the Black half of Due Process to propel himself into the air, and fire a few more shots, before reaching the Grimm, and shooting at it with the White half of Due Process.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The bullets in the white gun are very explosive, so much that the explosion happens in an instant, and it is powerful enough to completely shatter the faces of the Grimm. A Grimm tried to attack Noah from behind, but Noah, using the black half of Due Process, immediately gets out of the way.

As he landed down, another pack of Grimm are shown to be on the building, and they are holding a child hostage...if Grimms even know the concept of the term. But, whatever the case, Noah goes after them.

Noah leaps up onto a rooftop of Ebott's many building, and began to kill more and more of the Grimm, and was able to save the child, and luckily, was not injured very badly. He than puts the kid down, and Amber grabs the kid, as she flies away to get it to wherever Asriel is. Than, a Grimm nearly attacked Noah from behind, but was hit by ice-infused Rock, which freezes the Grimm.

Noah looks to see that Ethan has jumped down behind Noah with Stalwart out, and there are glyphs present above the shield, before the glyphs themselves have disappeared.

"Figured you might need some help."

Ethan spoke out, as Grimm than began to surround the 2 sons of the headmasters who work from different academies. Noah chuckled, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, you can say stuff like that."

Noah and Ethan's eyes blinked...and both of their eyes changed a little bit. Ethan's eyes have turned Red, while Noah's eyes have become dull and flat, almost looking emotionless. Noah has inherited the semblance of his father, James Ironwood, known as Mettle, which strengthens his resolve and helps him carry out through his task. Ethan, on the other hand, has a semblance that he had developed by himself, which is called, Courage, which locks away the emotional concept of fear, allowing Ethan to possess unyielding bravery.

A Grim roars at the duo, and both of them leapt out for the way, before Noah fired a explosive bullet from the white half of Due Process, blowing it up. Ethan than fired a flaming rock using Stalwart, and it exploded in the face of one of the Grimm. Ethan than spoke out to Noah.

"Been a long time since we had last met, huh, Noah?"

Noah nodded, as he spoke out to Ethan in a calm, near-robotic tone.

"Something like that, yeah. Almost like we are acting like out fathers, fighting side by side with each other."

Ethan and Noah looked around, and saw that there are more Grimm that appeared right next to the group. Ethan smiled, as he spoke out.

"Let's say that we can take it up a notch, okay?"

Noah nodded, as he spoke out in the same tone.

"...sure thing."

Holding out both of his hands, Noah began to fire his White Due Process, while Ethan goes back to back and launches electric rocks, after he had spun his weapon, Stalwart. Than...he began to launch flaming rocks at the Grimm that are attacking.

Some of the Grimm even began to go and attack Lionheart up close. Ethan uses Stalwart for defend him from the strikes.

Fighting back to back, these 2 fighters are like a nigh-unstoppable force, as the 2 sons of different headmasters fight alongside each other. One Grimm even got very close, and both Noah and Ethan punched the head of the Grimm together, with Judy enough force to explode its head, and the fists to hit each other, as a powerful shockwave occurred when the punch had happened.

Grace Goodwitch, Goel, and Amber are fighting at a different section of buildings, as there are flying Grimm swarming the sky, as well as some Grimm that are on the ground, which APIs is good with dealing against on his own, while Grace and Amber fight against the Grimm that are in the sky above.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goel began to run and slice and shoot the Grimm that are getting a little to close to the 2 females that are fighting above the sky. He stabbed some in the head, and he than exploded some of the Grimm all by himself with just his gun, Wilt. He than decapitates a Grimm, kicks a very weak Grimm away, before he grabbed onto the tail one a very large one, and swung it at the rest of his buddies, as they are knocked down to the ground.

Grace used her Telekinesis to crumpled the wings of the Grimm, to prevent them from flying. The Grimm fell down to the ground, but that doesn't mean that they are going to stay down for the count. They turned towards the 2 females, and lunged at them. But Amber jumps up into the air, and swung her staff, making a wave of fire appear. A Grimm were caught in the flames, and they were incinerated to ashes. Amber than turns to see that Grace has picked up some debris, and molded it into a large spike,

before throwing the spike at them. Amber than activated her Fall Maiden abilities, in which she made a large sword that is made of flames, before swinging it at the Grimm, taking down a bunch of them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"So what's it like, having a brother?"

Grace than spoke out.

"He isn't bad. He is just way to determined in his goals, to sturbborn to give up. He really inherited that from our father, a well as his father's semblance."

Amber than spoke out.

"Must have been a very exhausting thing to deal with everyday, huh?"

Grace spoke out.

"You're telling me!"

They than turn back to fight back against the Grimm, and Grace used her Telekinesis to life them up into the air, before Amber called down Lightning on top of the Grimm, which instantly killed them. She than flies up into the air, and calls down more lightning into the Grimm that is attacking them.

Looks as though Amber has become a bit more violent than she was ever before. And this is good...because they are going to need her violence, everyone's violence in order to put an end to the situation that they are in.

With Sans...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans is having some serious trouble fighting against some of the he is now on his own, instead of having people with him. Than again, he is the most powerful of the group, and because of this, he is capable of handling an entire army of Grimm completely all on his own.

Handling against Nightmare...on the other hand...that is a story completely different of its own.

He jumped up into the air, and launched his Abyss Chain at many of the Grimm that are attacking him, before he summons a hailing storm of Abyss Crystals, which landed right on top of some of the Grimm, instantly killing them.

Sans than flies up on the air, and used his sword to cut down the Grimm...and he feels himself beginning to become exhausted.

Sans, knowing what this means...immediately makes a portal in the air, and flies away. But than...Nightmare appears...grabbing Sans.

Sans was frightened in that Nightmare had found him. Sans tried all that he can to go and free himself from the grip of Nightmare. But it was of very little use. Nightmare's grip is a little bit strong than even Sans' and Sans had already wasted his energy in fighting against the Grimm that were attacking. If Sans wasn't exhausted...he would have easily escaped. But was of little use. And Nightmare has finally captured the Abyss' future ruler, now right within Nigthmare's grasp.

And all that Sans now nothing more...than the darkness completely swallowing him whole.

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