A Bull's Rampage and a Lion's Courage

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Sans than stood up...as he looked at the person who claimed to be the brother of Adam Taurus himself. Sans looked...and he took a step back from 'Goel.' But Goel seems to know what Sans is thinking...as he spoke out.

"Do not be alarmed. If you are thinking that I am like my murderous brother, than I can assure, I am not."

Sans...a little bit suspicious, spoke out.

"How can I believe that?"

Goel looks down, and he sighs, before he spoke out.

"I admit that...even I do not take pleasure in the actions that he has done. In fact...even though he and I were tormented by the Schnee Dust Company, we went out separate paths 2 years ago."

Sans looked confused, as he than spoke out to Goel.

"Why didn't you join with Adam Taurus?"

Goel looks down at Sans, before speaking out.

"When I first joined the White Fang...I was so glad that...I get to finally be someone that the Faunus, the slaves, could depend on. I was happy to help, and I was angry of the human's treatment for them, thinking of them as nothing but cattle to be hurt. But than...when my brother started to go more and more aggressive, I began to dislike the Bloodshed that we were making less and less. Because of this...I told my brother that...I was going to leave the White Fang so that I can save the slaves on my own...and it was all just an excuse for me to get away from him, which Adam didn't know."

Sans looks sympathetic, as Goel continues to spoke out.

"But...when I saw my brother tried to kill Sienna...and killed many members of our kind, it's to make the White Fang hostile to anyone that defies Adam's dream...I knew that...Adam has went to far. Because of this...I ran away, as I didn't dare to face him. But than...your friends, Yang and Blake...they killed him, and I was able to retrieve his body back and bury it...because I wanted to honor Adam Taurus for who he once was, rather than what he'd become. So...I took his weapon...and began to use it to help people...so that I can redeem the legacy that my Brother has tainted before. Which is why I want to help you with the purpose that you have...Sans."

Sans' eyes widened...as Goel said his name. But than again...if he had been watching Yang and Blake kill Adam...than it's no surprise that...Goel watched him and Adam fight against each other.

Sans than stepped forward, and spoke out.

"This is not a trick?"

Goel shook his head.

"No...it is not."

Sans than used his telepathy...and sure enough...he saw that it is not a lie. Goel Taurus is telling the truth to Sans himself.

Another thing that Sans noticed...is that Goel Taurus' hair is longer than Adam Taurus, as it covers his ears, and the hair is not swept back, as Adam's hair is swept back. And the horns are noticeably a little bit longer and taller as well by about a couple inches, as well as looking a little more pointier than Adam's horns.

As Sans stopped reading his mind...suddenly...a howl was heard...and a large Grimm was shown standing next to them, about 15 feet away.

And needless to say...it does not look happy at all. In fact...it looks as though it is ready to kill them with hits it's steps alone.

Goel gripped Wilt and Blush, as he gets ready to attack.

"You're strong enough to beat this Megoliath?"

Sans spoke out, as Goel spoke back.

"I have my brother's sword, and I have a semblance that can match my brother's. Who is it that you are talking to, Sans?"

Apis spoke out, sounding rather annoyed. Sans shrugged, as he spoke out to Goel.

"Whatever you say."

Goel Taurus shook his head, before looking at the Megoliath, and ran full speed towards it. He than took the sword out of the sheath...and he instantly sliced the leg of the Grimm so fast, that it looks as though it happened in an instant. Clearly...Goel looks as though he has mimicked the fighting style of Adam Taurus, back when he's alive.

But than...as the Grimm charged at Goel to end his life...Goel did something that was completely unexpected. The tips of his horns grew a few inches longer, looking more pointier, and his hair began to turn into a blood red. And his teeth bared, almost like he is a dog that's growling at the thing that has hurt him first.

He instantly sliced the Grimm...and it looks similar to Adam Taurus' semblance. But than...another effect came into play. When more Grimm showed up, Goel ran full speed towards the Grimm...and punched one of them in the head, which instantly killed the Grimm. And Goel's attitude changed. He is shown to be charging in and snarling like he is an actual animal, and began to rip apart and cut down any enemy that is getting in his way.

He punched a Grimm hard enough to send it flying into a building, with the wall crashing down on top of the Grim, before he used his blade to attack another Grimm, with his Afterimages behind him doing the exact same thing, and the blade hits the Grimm 3 times.

When the Grimm around them are cut down, it was as though a part of black goo was surrounding him. Many white faces of the Grimm surrounded his body, as he looks around. He even kicked a Grimm so high into the air, that it dropped down after it had reached the height of about 50 feet. When it crashed down, it made a very large crater that is in the ground, hard. A Grimm tried to attack Goel from behind, but Goel, without even looking, simply raised his clenched hand and hit the face of the Grimm with the back of his hand, sending it flying into a building, knocking it down.

Goel Taurus' horns than retracted to its original length and color, and the hair color also turned back to normal.

Sans looked on awe at what Goel Taurus had done.

'Okay. I need to admit it. This is very incredible for him to do.'

"What in the...what was that?"

Goel turns around, and spoke out to Alex.

"That was my semblance. When I activate it, I temporarily empower myself with the kinetic energy that I had absorbed, and use it to strength my body and sharpen my blade even more so than before."

Sans than spoke out.

"It almost looked as though you went in a rampage."

Goel looks down, before speaking out.

"Rampage. Huh, I like it. I should name my semblance that."

Sans than walks up to him, but as he did...


Sans and Goel turned to see where the source of the noise is now coming from. And needless to say...where it came from is not very encouraging.

Goel pulled the trigger, and his sword shot out to hit some of the Grimm, knocking them back a little bit, before kicking his sword, and drove it into its large head. He than yanked the sword out of the head of the Grimm, and began to use Wilt's gun form to shoot down the Grimm.

And he was able to shoot them down very fast. It is as though he shot all of them down in just under a second. But he accidentally shot a barrel that is filled with Fire Dust. And when that happened...well...


A massive explosion happened that launched Sans and some of the lesser Grimm back, due to the force of the shockwave.


Sans than turns himself into a ball...and protects himself against any sharp debris that is coming in his way.

Nails and knives bounced off of the scarf that Sans is now protected in, and Sans is still okay. No any sort of wounds have been made on him.

Sans than unraveled the scarf, and stood back up on his feet, and see that an enormous pack of Grimm...each of varying types, are now beginning to surround Goel. Sans, not wanting to let the life of an innocent be killed, decided to do the right thing: go back into the fight, and help out Apis Taurus very quickly.

Sans brushed his sleeves, before he formed his wings, and began to take flight to help Apis in his fight.

He rushed as fast as he could, landed on the ground, and spoke out to him.

"You want some help, Goel?"

Apis turns to look at Sans, before speaking out.

"I don't mind, be my guest!"

Sans nodded, as he began to help. Sans summoned his Gaster Abyss Blaster out of nowhere, and fired them at the Grimm.

The Turqoise beams of magical energy hit the Grimm with all of their might, and severely damaged them to such a degree, they are instantly killed. But than...more and more of the Grimm began to show up, which is why Sans is now taking a much more creative approach. And he started things off by summoning the weapons that he has not used in such a very long time: the Mini-Blasters.

Sans than unleashed the Mini-Blasters, which began to move around and blast down as many Grimm as they can, while Sans than used his Abyss Chains to use their purifying powers to turn them into stone.

Sans, using his semblance, Karmic Retribution, dealt immense damage to the Grimm that is around them. And due to the fact that these Grimm had killed more innocent people than before, they are quickly killed far more faster than the Huntsmen could kill them. Sans than leapt up, and unleashed 4 Gaster Blasters into the faces of the other Grimm that is charging at them. Sans than leapt up into the air, and launched some Crystal into the ground, before they than began to grow, and pierce the Grimm. Now the Grimm are stopped by the Crystal that Sans has made now...Sans is back-to-back with Goel Taurus. Sans' fist are raised in the air, while Goel' Sword, Wilt, is halfway out, and his other hand is gripping tightly onto the scabbard: Blush.

With Amber...

Amber grunts, as she went on her knee, her hands on the ground. She is very tired of the fact that she had fought against so many of the Grimm that had invaded Ebott, that it is literally exhausting her powers and pushing her down to the limit. She than stood up, gripped her staff, and began to use it as a walking stick, as she began to wander around, and see the chaos that has happened.

She holds onto her stomach, as she looks around and sees the many smashed buildings, many people dead, which are not people that are capable of fighting.

"Than perhaps you don't mind me helping, do you, miss?"

Amber turns around to see the source of the voice, only to see that, beside her, is a man that is as old as her, with has a lion tail, has brown eyes, and has tan-colored hair that is covering some parts of his ears, as well as having a piece of clothing that is covering his shoulders and the top part of his arms. On his left wrist is a strange device of some sort.

"I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

Amber spoke out, as the man before her spoke out

"Ahhh...where are my manners? I'm Ethan Lionheart. Nice too meet you."

Amber, hearing the last name, spoke out.

"Lionheart? You wouldn't happen to be related to a Faunus named Leonardo Lionheart, are you?"

Ethan looks a bit surprised, before he spoke out.

"Oh...so, you have heard of my father, huh?"

Amber raised an eyebrow, as she spoke out.

"Lionheart is your father?"

Ethan than scratched the back of his neck, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, he is. And I guess that...you are not very fond of him, by the way your voice is acting towards me."

Amber's eyes twitched a little bit in anger, and she than spoke out with frustration present inside her voice.

"Do you have any idea...any idea, what he had done, back in haven academy?"

Ethan looks down, knowing what she is talking about, before speaking out to Amber in a calm tone.

"I...I know what you are talking about, Amber. About how my own father had helped Salem, due to him being consumed by his own fear and cowardice. And believe me...even I was sad of his my father had fallen into the person he has become."

Ethan turns around, and spoke out with a very sad expression on his face.

"I used to know him as a brave father, and he was a hero in my eyes. He had always fight for what is right, and does not fall down to fear in the past. But...when I had seen what my father has become, being so terrified of the lady that he called...Salem...I knew that...what Leonardo might have done will not be forgiven...unless...someone is there to help his place to try and patch stuff up. And you know what...that's why I am here."

He than looks back into Amber's brown eyes, and spoke out,

"I'm here to help save my father's name. Salem had tried what he can to corrupt it...but I will make sure that she does not corrupt it any further. Which is why I am here now, and why I want to help you, Amber, against this Salem character. You may not trust me at first...but I'll earn it, eventually."

Amber looks at him to see if there is no sense of lying present before her eyes. Surprisingly...no. Amber looks down, thinking about what he has said, before speaking out.

"I really hope that you are promising about this, Ethan."

Ethan nodded, as he understood what she meant. But as he nodded...


Amber and Ethan turned around and saw a pack of Grimm coming towards them, with these Grimm looking like felines. Amber was about to fight them but than...Ethan out a hand in front of Amber, and spoke out to her.

"Stay back, Amber."

Ethan spoke out, before looking back at the Grimm that is charging at the group, and he spoke out to her again.

"...I'll take care of this."

Amber than noticed something off about Ethan's eyes. They are now red. But it was not of rage. It never is. No...it'a different. It's completely red with...courage, and Ethan...he sounds way more braver than before, more fearless than his tone was before. Is this Ethan's semblance?

He than began to walk forward towards the Grimm that is charging at the both of them, and he than activated the device in his wrist, which turns out to be Leonardo's weapon, Stalwart.

He than stepped forward, and than began to use his shield.

Ethan spun his shield on the red dot, making a red glyph, before turning onto a white dot, making a second glyph under the red one.

Than, a rock made of fire appeared out of nowhere, and fired itself into the face of a Grimm, making it's head explode, and instantly killing it.

Than, he turned the shield onto a light, blue dot, making a cyan colored Glyph appear in the air, and than turns it again to make it land on the yellow dot, and a yellow Glyph appears beneath the Cyan Glyph. Than, suddenly, a ball of ice appeared in front of the shield, and it is sparking electricity at a very erratic way. Than, the sphere was launched into the face of the Grimm, and suddenly...



A powerful explosion of electricity appeared out from where the Grimm was, and Amber covered her eyes to see what just happened. The Grimm has been shown to have been blown to bits, as pieces of its body parts are shown to be everywhere on the ground.

Than, another pack of Grimm came charging at Ethan, with there intent to bite his head off. But Ethan did something that no one was ready for. Ethan took a deep breath, and than...all of a sudden...


A loud roar was soon heard coming out of his mouth, causing the Grimm to panic and run away as fast as they could, almost as if fear has not filled their very being, due to how terrible the sound was. It was a roar of a lion, but amplified to 10 times the roar, and it a little bit deeper, and yet, it is much more louder than the average roar of a powerful lion.

Amber was quite surprised at the sight that has happened in front of her, and Ethan spoke out to Amber.

"Is that enough for me to regain your trust."

Amber nodded, and smiled a little bit.

But as that happened...suddenly...a large horde of Grimm came out of nowhere, and began to charge at the group. But...thankfully for Amber, she now has regained her strength, and now...she is ready to tackle them with her full powers as the Fall Maiden.

Amber than activated her Maiden Powers very quickly, rises up into the air, and calls down a lighting storm from the sky. And this massive set of power made the Grimm way more attracted to her than before. Thankfully, though, Ethan was there, and made a Cyan and White Glyph that created a tornado that freezes anyone caught inside of it. This gave Amber a little less opponents to fight against.

She than called down lightning to as many Grimm as she possibly can, and Ethan jumps around all over the place to fight off more Grimm so that Amber can get less tired, and is making fast projectiles to hinder the efforts of the Grimm that's attacking her.

She than froze some leaves, and launched them at the Grimm with the sharpness of the leaves piercing their bodies.

Amber than looks, and sees that more of the Grimm are coming to her. Ethan than jumps down, and spoke out.

"Amber, do you have a friend that we should see if he is okay?"

Amber looks down, and spoke out.

"Yeah, maybe you're right."

Amber flies down next to Ethan, grabs him by the collar, and flies up into the air, and goes to see if Sans is in a dire situation that he himself needs help in.

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