Ebott's Battle Begins

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The war...it is almost ready to start. The Grimm are just outside, as a shield made of magic has been made. The people of Ebott, they had studied enough magic to fight against the Grimm army that is ready to consume them to death.

The City of Ebott...the only place where its residents know the existence and the art of magic...they have honed their skills enough to finally take on the armies of Salem, and her brand new second-in-command, Nightmare.

Nightmare is now waiting for the shield to be lowered, so that he can finally call the command to have the Grimm charge in and start to attack the city, and try to get to Sans, so that it will make it easy for himself to finally win for Salem. As Sans has been the biggest thorn on Salem's side, as well as the most powerful opponent that she will ever have to face soon, Nightmare had decided to deal with sans all by himself, and with the added benefit of getting the Relics for Salem.

But Sans knows that Nightmare would make an attempt to face off against him in order to get him out of Salem's way. Which is why he brought the Relics to the Pocket Dimension with the house in it. The White Sand in the beach were still immensely beautiful.

He has not forgotten when he found that he has access to this place, which he uses in case he needed a replacement for his home, and needless to say...it is an enjoyable home to be inside of. And he even takes his lovers inside of this place when he feels like they need to be comfortable, and that they need some alone time with him to feel better. Sans sighed...as he looked down and smiled down at the sands of the dimension he had once lived in.

"It always was the best place to be in. Hopefully...this isn't the last time that I get to see it for the test of my life."

Sans spoke out, before he went out of the portal, and is now back into Ebott City, before he began to close it behind him, and is now back inside of his old house, which is still clean, due to the fact that Amber and Sans had cleaned the entire thing together, although they did make a little more messes. As he looked down and sighed, he looks out the window of his old house, and saw the Grimm are waiting outside, patiently, like a predator waiting to take the prey by surprise.

Sans sighed, although his time, in a much more sad manner than before.

"I wished I was back in my old life instead of...this. I loved being normal. Now...I don't know if I'll ever get the chance once it's all said and done."

As he looked around, he noticed that Amber isn't there with him right now. It didn't take him long to know where she is now.

"Guess I better go and see her now."

Sans than opened up his wings, and began to fly to where she is.

It was very fast, by the way he is moving, as when he flies, he is far more faster than before. Before, when he flies, he is as fast as Ruby. But now, he has become way more faster than he was before in the past. Now thanks to that, he can now cover a lot more ground than ever. Sans' looks around to see if there are more problems to be sorted out. When he sees that there are none, Sans than closed his eyes, as he focused into sensing where her soul is so that he can inform her of the battle that's about to happen.

He than opened his eyes, as he turns around, and goes to the west.

He than continues to fly for a couple of minutes, before he looks down, and sees that he is at what seem to be a garden.

But as he began to fly there...he sensed something.

A strange red presence is now following him, and the presence...it reminds him of Adam Taurus. But that can't be right. Adam Taurus is dead.

In the garden of Ebott City, there is a certain Fall Maiden, who is laying against the trunk of a tree. That certain Fall Maiden, is none other than Amber.

Amber is shown to be under the tree with the leaves of autumn floating down.

Amber decided that...before she goes to war, she wants to see the beautiful trees. And she always loves the trees. They always meant a lot to her, whenever she is under them. It reminds her so much of the beauty that she has once seen in her entire life, before the war had even started.

As she looks up back at the tree that she is under, she closed her eyes...and reflected on her life that has happened, after so long. The journey with her life, starting with becoming a Fall Maiden, to meeting Sans, to falling in love with Sans, to finding the relics, and now...to the position they're in now. And Sans, all of this time, has never left her side. And Amber has never left Sans' side as well.

As Amber closed her eyes again, another voice spoke out. And it is one that she is very familiar with.


Amber looks to see Sans coming towards her, with a serious expression now present on his very pale face.

He than walks to her, as his scarves are being blown by the powerful winds that are appearing around here.

Sans looks at her, as he spoke out.

"...it's time."

Amber looks up, and stands up, as she sips her last bit of hot chocolate, as she spoke out.

"Well...at least it was a little peaceful while it has lasted."

Sans looks down, a little unhappy that he is doing this, but knows that the battle they're about to be in, is more important. Amber than holds Sans' hand into her own, as she spoke out.

"Let's go to the frontlines, shall we, Sans?"

Sans nodded, as Amber used the wind to propel herself upward, and began to fly with Sans at her side.

Sans than touched down to the ground, as he looks up at the shield. The shield is now beginning  to crack, as the Grimm kept hitting their heads against the Force Field that Sans has made with the Creation Relic. In fact, the entity, Ambrosius who is in the staff...he was a charming fellow to Sans.

And with Sans holding it, Sans could bypass the limitations of the Staff, into not be restricting it to simply one effect, while sacrificing the other effect that it has given to another thing. And more importantly...does not need to give the spirit blue prints.

Speaking of Relics...Sans than decided to see what the future is going to look like, and there is only one way for him to know what the future is like.

Getting the Relic of Choice out of the pocket dimension, he than puts it on his head, to see what is about to happen. The large Red Gem the looks a little bit like an eye than began to glow brightly, as Sans than used it's powers to look to see the future's appearance. In the future...he will be fighting off a large wave of Grimm, as large as the ones back in Beacon. And in the fight...he will meet up with someone, although...he cannot tell who that is, as the person is obscured in shadows...and yet...the way it looks...the person...seems to be...strangely familiar. And not only that...3 other people are going to be seen, but he cannot see their appearance.

He than takes off his crown...and looks around...and than...he began to hear unfamiliar, yet familiar...voices that are coming inside of his own head.

Sans could hear them. He can hear the thoughts of the people of Ebott inside of his own mind. His telepathy is acting on its own, as it allows Sans to know what the citizens are feeling. Some of them are scared, while others are brave and ready to fight off against the army. And yet, all fo them carry the same message, that Sans himself has messaged himself: They all want this entire situation to be over, so that they can get back to the lives that they had normally been given before.

Sans, using his telepathy, than spoke out to the citizens with his telepathic abilities

"Everyone...listen very carefully. Once the forcefield is brought down...the Grimm are going to charge in and fight. If you don't want to fight, than I suggest you flee, and make sure that your families are safe. If you don't want to flee, than stay in the area and fight."

Everyone heard what Sans has said out loud to them...and...only a few people had flee to find their families and be with them in order to keep them safe out of harm's way. The rest...on the other hand...the rest of the citizens have their weapons ready, their magic ready, and they are snow about to fight against the Grimm with everything that they have got. Their training has got them this far, and now...they are going to use it to fight off against the Grimm. Sans will also use his magic...to fight off against Nightmare, who is somewhere in the wave of Grimm.

Sans than opened a portal, and puts the Relic of Creation inside of the portal, before speaking out to everyone.

"Everyone...on the count to 3, I am going to lower the portal, and be ready, as the Grimm are going to come inside as fasts as they can. The Grimm will be a lot more tougher. So now...please prepare."

Amber sat next to Sans, her staff in her hand, as she spoke out.

"Well...it was not to be with you and love you while it has lasted, Sans."

Sans nodded, as he turned around and spoke out.

"Yes, the feeling is mutual. But now...we need to focus on what is going to happen to us in the present. The more we wait, the more that Nightmare is going to plan something bad for us."

Amber nodded, as Sans than spoke out.

"On the count to 3...the Forcefield is going to lowered."

The citizens readied their weapons, as Sans spoke out.


Eyes narrowed...


Fingers completely tightly around their weapons.


He than snapped his fingers, and the shield is completely destroyed as of it is made of nothing but glass. The moment this happened...the soldiers charged in before the Grimm did. The Grimm also charged, but now, due to everyone training in the use of their powers...they are far more ready to take on the Grimm.

Sans and Amber were behind, but only because they held hands with each other, but slowly, they looked at each other, and their mouths touched each other, one last kiss of good luck and good love, before letting go, activating their powers, and than, all of them went into the fight to save Ebott City.

Sans and Amber than activated their powers, and they immediately charged into the fight. And the soldiers of those with magic, and even the dreemurrs went into the fight together.

The armies of both sides...it is as though it was a wave of light and darkness, clashing together to fight for the sake of victory. One side wants to keep the relics safe, to protect the world, while the other side wants to take the relic to conquer and rule the entire world.

Both sides immediately collided, and they began to fight against each other. Roaring, shouting, clawing, slicing, scratching, biting, shooting, both sides are giving everything that they have in order to dominate the other side. The Grimm attacks and munches on the body of people, while the people of Ebott used their magic to kill the Grimm, and combined with their training as warriors and huntsman, they now have a solid ground against the Grimm, way more so than the average huntsman. And thanks to that, they now have a great, fighting chance against the Grimm that Nightmare is leading. And from the way it looks like...it seems as though both sides of the battle are even.

Undyne used her spears to stab and skewer the Grimm with all of her strengths and skills. A Grimm tried to bite her in the shoulder, but as she is wearing armor, she is protected. She than grabbed the  Grimm by the head, and flung it as this buddies, knocking them down like they are nothing more than large bowling pins. She than grabbed onto a large Boulder, picks it up with all of her might, and than throws it at the Grimm, squishing them underneath the weight of the Large Boulder.


Undyne looks to see that a faunus child is trapped underneath a metal bar that is very heavy, and there is a Grimm that is about to come and eat them. Undyne, not waiting around, than rushes forward to the child, and stabs the grim in the head, saving the Child from her fate. Undyne than bends down, grabs the large heavy bar, and throws it away, before picking up the kid.

"Hey, you alright, kid?"

The child shook her head, no, and Undyne than spoke.

"Don't worry. I'll bring you to someone who can keep you safe. Just hang on tight, okay?"

The kid nodded, and Undyne than ran as fast as she can to find the only person than can keep a child safe.

Toriel and her husband, Asgore are doing all that they can to kill the Grimm, and keep them from attacking the kids that at oriel is keeping safe. Asriel is inside the location of where the children are at, and acted as their bodyguard to protect them from if the Grimm ever comes. Using her magic, she created a wall of flames from the ground, and prevented the Grimm from getting anymore closer. And so far...they have no tired out from the fight yet.

"Asgore, do you think it is wise to bring Asriel to protect the children?"

Toriel spoke out, as Asgore spoke out to Toriel.

"I do. After all, we did train him in as many fighting techniques as we all could, we made his training simple, yet hard, easy, yet strict, and had become braver. If there is anyone that can hold off against the Grimm, and the only one perfect enough to fight against them, it is him.

Asgore than stabbed a Grimm with his trident, instantly killing the Grimm. Another Grimm tries to attack Asgore, but he used the handle to protect himself, and the Grimm ended up biting the handle. Asgore than launched a powerful fireball at the Grimm, and it exploded right in its face.

"Your highness!!!"

Toriel and Asgore turned to see Undyne carrying a small child in her hands, which is that of a faunus. Toriel looked in shock, as she spoke out.

"Undyne? Why is there a child still outside?"

Undyne panted, as she spoke out.

"It was stuck under a large piece of metal. A Grimm nearly tried to eat the child. Thankfully, it got the kid out, but she is too injured to walk on her own."

Toriel nodded, and spoke out.

"You need to bring the child to Asriel. He is there, protecting the other children."

Undyne nodded, and began to run as fast as she can to Asriel. Toriel and Asgore than used their magic to make flames, and keep on attacking the Grimm that is invading Ebott City. Asgore pierced some of the Grimm with his horns, before taking his head off of them, and fights with his trident once again.

In another part of Ebott, Amber is facing off against a large horde of Grimm on her own. Due to the fact that she has mastered her powers as a Fall Maiden, she is now ready to take on the large armies that stand in her way. When some of the Grimm charged at her, Amber than used her power in a way that's completely unexpected.

Amber than made a twister of flames, as she walks forward, and burns so many Grimm that are trying to take her to Salem's hands. The Grimm tried to get close to Amber, but the fire blistered their skin so badly, that it is as though they are being cooked to be eaten by the human and Faunus alike. And clearly...it is scary if that were to happen, that Faunus and Human's are the ones that eat...if it weren't for the scary possibility of what happens if they did.

She than disperses the tornado, and than used her power to summon lightning from the sky, and strike down the Grimm that are flying. The lightning struck the bird-like Grimm, and they are instantly killed by the dangerous strike.

Using the wind currents, Amber than flies up into the air, and began to attack the birds that weren't struck down by the lightning strikes. She than used her fire dust to unleashed a twister of flames to burn the Grimm badly, while she used her Wind Dust to create a tornado that does not touch the ground, and grabbed the remaining flying Grimm, before making icicles to pierce the bodies of the flying Grimm. Amber than spoke out to herself.

"I really hope Sans is doing fine on his end. This is getting way more dangerous by every second ther's passing between us all."

Sans, on his end, is facing off against the Grimm with everything that he has. He unleashes a bunch of Abyss Chains at the Grimm, and many of them became stone when they're hit with it, due to it's evil purifying properties. Sans than made Mini-Blasters to deal with the weaker Grimm to keep them busy, while he rains down Abyss Crystals, like he is raining death.

He than fired a Gaster Blaster at a large number of Grimm, stones are lodged inside of their bodies, and than, he used his scarves to fly in the air, and launch more crystals down on the Grimm.

Sans closed his eyes...as he tries to sense where Nightmare is. He finds his position..,b it he also noticed another presence.

And it wasn't just that. It was the same presence that he had sensed from before. And that is not all.

Sans held onto his head, as he suddenly feels a massive headache, and he feels like that, sooner or later, his head is about to split open, and his brains is about to explode, almost as though it is about to become a bomb soon.

As he looks down...suddenly...a black tentacle nearly grabbed Sans by the leg, and Sans used his Abyss Chain to split it apart.

"Nightmare...he must have spotted me!!"

Sans shouted out, as he began flying away as fast as possible. But as he did...another tentacle wrapped around Sans' torso, and slammed him down to the ground.

"Oof!!! Aaaaahhhh..."

Sans moaned...and his vision is blurry. He than sees a number of Grimm coming towards him, before looking down at Sans. Sans looked enraged...as the Grimm than attempted to go for a bite to the head. Than...all of a sudden...


A sword cut through the Grimm and the tentacle...as the Grimm around Sans disintegrated, almost like they are made out of nothing more than dust. Sans stood up...and saw that someone had taken care of the Grimm that is around Sand.

When Sans looked to see who that person is...he is met with a complete and utter shock. And it was not someone that he had expected to see.

"What the...Adam?"

Sans spoke out, as he is unable to believe the sight that is right in front of him. The person turns around...and shook his head.

"I'm not Adam. You know of him?"

The voice...it sounds similar to Adam Taurus...except that...it sounds way more composed, far more calmer...and...strangely...sounds lot more gentler. Sans, hesitantly nodded, as he spoke out.

"I do...and it was not pleasant for the both of us to meet. But...Who in the name of the gods are you, anyway? And why do you look like Adam Taurus?"

The person looks down...before he speaks out to Sans.

"My name...is Goel. And I...

...I am Adam's Brother."

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