Beginning of a Promise Part 2

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Flashback...A Year Ago...Ebott...

Right now...I am 14 years old, but I will be 15 by the time of next day. Yes...tomorrow is my birthday. Normally, it was only my dad and Papyrus, but with my new friends here. It should be fun...I mean like...what is the worst to happen? Well, the number of people in Ebott City rejecting me. That is the worse to happen. But what I didn't know...another would be the worst above of them all.

A week before my birthday, I have been having strange dreams. No, that is mild. I have been having really bad nightmares! It keeps getting progressively worse, but in all of the nightmares I experience, it involved my father getting killed by some unknown creature, which Papyrus than later kills, but my father fall inside of the core, his creation. My dad, brother, Neo, and Emerald probably thought that it is no big deal, but Amber does not think it is just some little nightmare. She claimed that she had a similar experience before we even met. She claimed that if this is a vision of what might happen afterwords, than I better be ready. I took her words by heart, and prepare for it.

But now...I am having another one of those nightmares, and this one is different.



I was running...on water. I have no idea...what is happening to me right now...this just...frightening. And I keep on hearing voices

"No...No more..."

I kept on moving for a minute...before I stopped running. It was so terrible. I do not know what to say about the entire experience.

"Huff...Huff...Huff...Why...Why are you doing this?! What do you want me to see my father fall? This is not real!!"

I than had tears in my eyes, and shouted in the air.

"Why do you keep showing this vision to me?! Just...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!"

As I spoke, I felt a presence rise from within the water, right behind where I stand. This was...horrifying. I turned to see who it is. It was wearing a dark cloak, with scarves similar to mine. I cannot see his face. But his eyes...they are glowing Turquoise, but it is also...bleeding.

I opened my eyes...with my left eye now activated.


It was the most horrific experience of my life. As usual, my brother came to me, and saw that I was now very upset. It took me a bit to calm me down now. was so...terrifying. Right is morning...I think it is now. I went down the stairs to see Papyrus...but...he is not wearing the Royal Guard clothes I made before. He is in his lab coat.

"Morning, Pap. How are...those are not the clothes that you usual wear."

Papyrus looked, and knows about that.

"Good morning, Sans. I know. It's very surprising, but I'm helping dad with his work for a few days. Do not worry about my royal guard duties. I have already notified Undyne."

Papyrus than walked to me, and very concerned.

"Of course...I'm worried about you, little brother. I cannot let you go to work while you having these terrible nonstop nightmares."

I was surprised. He never spoke about my nightmares before. In fact, this is the first time, really.

"Bro...Papyrus, Why? Are you worried about me?"

Papyrus than took a deep breath, before exhaling, and speaking to me.

"I just wanted to help you and to make sure that this Dream Premonition doesn't become a reality. As long as I'm around, nothing bad is going to happened to dad. I promise, both you and dad." 

The hearing of him saying that, it brought a tear to my eye. But I wiped it, and smiled at him, happy that he is caring for me.

"Thanks pap. You're the best older brother I could have.!"

Papyrus smiles a bit, and chucked.

"Heheh. I am glad to help you. This is the best I can to reassure you. Now, don't think about work and enjoy your day off without concern."

I smiled a bit. But not in the usual happy smile. More like a I-am-going-you-make-a-humorous-pun smile. I than put out a picture of the well and spoke this out.

"Alright, bro. I guess you know me pretty WELL."

Papyrus than turned into a oh-my-gods-not-again expression. I can kind of see the electricity around his head.


I than decided to mess him up a bit more and spoke this, and held up another picture.

"Give me a BREAK, bro. Admit it, it was an EEHCELLENT pun."

The moment before I knew it, he is already out, but not before saying this to me aloud.


He spoke as he stomped away. I chucked and waved to my older brother.

"Kay Kay, Bro. Good day to you too as well."

I spoke. I than heard giggling, and saw Emerald holding her mouth to try to not laugh out loud. Neo is doing a similar gesture.

"Hahahahahahaha! Wow, Sans! You really know how to make your own older brother so angry! That reaction is just so priceless for us!"

Emerald spoke out to me. I chuckled a bit. And spoke out.

"Yeah...well I have had this talent for a while."

I turned, and felt a bit worried.

' 'The worst foe lie within ourselves.' What does that mean? Does it have to do with the premonitions I am having?'

As I thought, I put my hand over my heart, feeling strange, as my right eye is glowing Turquoise, while my left eye is glowing dark blue.

After a bit, I smelled something.

"Smells like something's burning...! Oh Fudge, the eggs!!"

I than used telekinesis to turn off the stove, and put the eggs and pan in the sink. It turned the water on, and steam than came out like it's crazy. Emerald than came to me, and looked rather worried here.

"Woah...that was so close. The eggs are ROASTED right now. Not a chance anyone has the stomach eating them."

Neo than pulled her sign out, the mechanical type sign.

"What should we eat, Sans?"

Before I could speak, I heard the door open.

"Hello, Sans. I see you're awake."

I turned to see Amber.

She is wearing a different piece of clothing right now. I got to say, she looks so beautiful in there. She even has some stuff. She than stopped and sniffed a bit.

"Sans...What is that I am smelling now?"

I than realized what she is referring to and spoke.

"Ohhh...that was the eggs. They had gotten burnt, and I am cooling the pan."

She nodded in understanding. I than went to the cabinet, and took a sandwich out. I than eat the sandwich, while the others ate their own food.

As we do, I began thinking of what I had seen in that new part of the dream. 'The worst foe lies within us.' What does that mean. It is confusing and scary. Amber must have noticed my face being so worried there, because she sat next to me, and looking very concerned.

"Sans...are you okay? You look like you were staring into space a minute ago." 

She spoke, concerned for me. I cannot blame her. When she realized that I was experiencing the same nightmares over the week, she would often come to comfort me, along with my older brother, Papyrus. I sighed, and leaned in her ear, so that Emerald and Neo cannot hear us.

"I had the same nightmare again...but, the ending is much more different then before. I was running on water, and keep on hearing voices, some telling me 'turn back to what you are seeing.' 'Embrace who you really are.' 'You cannot run from the truth for your entire life.' I kept going on, until I stopped, yelling at whoever is making these voices, I wanted for them to stop. Than...a figure rose behind me, and...he was so scary. He had a dark-blue cloak, with the scarves that look like my wings. His eyes and Turqoise and bleeding. The thing that he has said to me: 'The worst foe is within us.'

Amber looked surprised that another part of the dream has came out of nowhere. She than spoke to me.

"Maybe it is some sort of warning for you to heed."

I than looked down.


But as I close my eyes, the being is behind me, and spoke out, sternly.

I snapped my eyes open, obviously in a big surprise. I did not expect a warning to appear right now. As I thought about it, I heard my scroll ringing. I looked and saw that Undyne is now calling me. I than activate the Scroll, and I spoke to her.

"Sup, Undyne? How are you? You're lucky that I'm awake."

She than spoke out to me.

"Hey, little Sans. I tried to call you three times already. We you asleep all this time? Wow, those nightmares must be very serious than."

Undyne is a friend of mine. She is a type of Fish Faunus that can make Spears of Energy. She is one of the few people to actually accept me for who I am, when all the others don't. She is Captain of the Royal Guard, and is a girlfriend to Undyne...wait, I should not have said that. But...back on the topic now.

"Did you get the notification from my brother?"

Than, Undyne spoke out to me.

"Yes, of course. And he also told me to bring some food. I'm heading to your house, right now."

Hold on. If I remembered correctly, there supposed a snow storm today. I hope that nothing bad happens to her.

"Wait. Isn't there supposed to be a snowstorm today?"

Undyne just chuckled, and spoke to me.

"How long did you sleep, shorty? The snowstorm was over hours ago. It did say it woke only lad a short time."

Yeah...Undyne can call me short, but at least she is my friend. She just says it, as long as it's not insulting.

"Anyway, I'll be at your house in 5 minutes. You better be ready to let me in. It's freezing today."

That is strange. She doesn't feel that cold at all. She is a Fish Faunus. They are resistant to anything that is at freezing temperatures.

"Also, I'm sorry I won't be at birthday tommorow. I don't mean to be mean or anything."

As she spoke, I grabbed my jacket, and my wings start to go through it. She than continued.

"It is because tommorow is the great assembly for the Royal Guard. I don't know how long it's going to take. It's been scheduled for a long time, and I can't miss that. It's very important, since I'm head of the Royal Guard. That's why I want to spend little time with you for today."

As she spoke, I put my jacket on. The wings than just went right through the hood, to match my fluffy coat's design.

"It's okay, Undyne. I'm not mad at you. By the way, you said you're cold? I thought the cold didn't bother you."

"It's not the same cold. It's just...never mind. I'm at the door. Can you please open it for me?"

I used telekinesis to the door, and opened the door, reveling Undyne in her black tank top, jeans, and her hair that resembles a fish tail. She has green eyes, and has ears that resemble fish fins. She can still hear through the fins themselves, if you're actually wondering.

"Thank you, Sans, and Happy Early Birthday, Shorty. I have a surprise for you, and I'm sure you're going to like."

"Thanks, Undyne. And what do you mean, it's 'not' the same cold that you feel?"

Undyne turned around with a playful smirk on her face.

"Come on, Sans. I mean 'the cold' as in the temperature. Not the 'cold shoulder' or that something bad is going to happen."

I just looked at her, with one eyebrow raised. Undyne has just waved her face at me.

Don't give me that face! A-Anyway, for your birthday gift, I cooked your favorite food."

She than took it out, and I was shocked as that she brought.

"Sushi! I know you can't resist this!"

I than put my hands in front of my chest, and my eyes sparkled, like a little child.

"You know how to make me happy, Don't you?"

Undyne than put a hand on her right cheek and snorted just a little bit.

"Pfff, adorable."

I than made a grumpy face when she said that. Obviously, I don't like that.

"Come to think of it, I've just noticed something."

She than pulled a pencil out, and turned to me.

"It has been 5 years, and you still haven't grown a bit. It's like you're still a 7 year old. I know you're still a short guy, but..."

My scarves kind of puffed a bit, and I had an annoyed face.

"But what? What are you trying to say..."

She than draw 4 lines, and held the pencils above me by a few inches.

"Normally, you'd be this tall, but I think you're going to be stuck at a Garden Gnome's height for the rest of your life."

Now I was angry, because my other friends are laughing. I prepared to slug her, but the others came to me and held me back from getting her. And I began to flap my arms really fast, as my wings began to puff up at its fullest.


Undyne just laughed a bit.

'Pffff Fufufufu. I don't know if I should laugh, but his reaction is too funny.'

About Half an hour later...

I was on the couch with his arms crossed, obviously not happy. Well, now I can experience how Papyrus feels when I myself annoy him. But looking at myself, I saw that Undyne is right, I did not change. Undyne than apologized, and brought me a book. It's a Photo Album that my family had. I haven't seen it in a long time. Me, Undyne, and my friends are looking at the Photo Album now.

Amber: "Wow. You look...adorable."

Emerald: "Woah. You were really this cute as a baby?"

Neo: You must have been a cute infant back than.

I blushed at how they described me as, and I decided to make it more funny.

"Awwww, I remember that my first word was 'bruh'? And since than, I couldn't stop saying it, until I got tired of it."

Undyne than snorted a bit, and I wonder what was funny.

"That's not true, I was there. You're first word was 'mommy'. Don't try to make yourself look cool by saying you said bruh. Also, 'bruh' is not a real word. So it doesn't count."

I poured a bit, but I did not continue it on. As I looked around, I saw the female again. She has white hair, black eyes, and is wearing a prior dress. I have no idea who that is.

"This woman...I've seen her in photographs in my dad's office. He's never told me who she is, but dad said that woman is out mother. That was the last time I saw that album. Papyrus
was pretty upset after he saw the photo."

Third Person Point Of View...

Undyne: (Is this a joke? Gaster, you idiot, how much longer are you going to keep them ignorant? What a moron! That's it, I can't hide this any longer!) "Sans, I know that woman is. She is around before Papyrus is born."

Sans was surprised at what she said, but Undyne continued her thoughts with...

"Her name is Elizabeth Baskerville. But she always preferred lily. She is possibly the kindest, most sweetest person I have ever met and seen in a long time. She always like to see beautiful places, like waterfalls, the sky, and even a land that is filled with flowers. I was a very stubborn kid at the time when I was 3 years old, always wanting to meet her. My pops always told me to be kind and delicate to her, since she is using telekinesis to pick herself up from the ground, since she is unable to walk. Lily was friendly to every person around her, and is impossible to act mean to her, even if that person is the meanest one existing. I told the king once if I could bring some of the flowers from his garden. He didn't mind, and I brought them for her. She was so happy that someone is generous to her. The king, to, is also happy that someone is doing a favor for a person that is hurt and handicapped."

Sans was surprised that there was a person like that, always kind, even if that person is mean. Amber, Neo, and Emerald felt admires that someone like her can still help others, even disabled. But there was one thing that I am unsure of.

"Lily had paralysis? How did that happen, anyway."

Undyne sighed a bit. Sans and the others have a feeling that whatever happened is not very good.

" parents would tell me stories, but I wasn't sure that papyrus could handle the cruel reality about his mother. *sigh* it's's just sad and unfair about what happened to lily. Do you know what I hate more than just Faunus Haters?"

She than clenched her fists, than suddenly, shouted out angrily.

"Her own family abandoned her, and left her to DIE!!!"

Point in time...a few decades ago...Undyne speaks for the other people...

before the Masquerade of the Village of Ebott , the Dreemurr king was not the only place of Royalty. There was the Baskerville family. Back than, they used to be respectful and kind, always helping others when needed, and never blinded by greedy desires. But than, the next head of the family became arrogant and pretentious. They had claimed a moral higher ground, and believe that they could do what they want, just because that they just do so.

The only one that had never fallen from their grace and acted in the same manner as the Baskerville family was, was Lily Baskerville herself. She was the only member of the family who did not forget who her family once were and their standards. However, because she is different from the rest, she is not accepted as a family member, and is shunned away.

But than, one day...something has changed. Lily's family claimed that their lineage is beginning to thin out, and that they need someone to pass on their legacy. The only person that could be of any count was you dad, William Daedalus Gaster. The Baskerville than tried to force your mother into marrying your dad. But what they didn't that they already know each other as little kids. They were not as lovers, but as rather old friends. This is what they had felt towards each other.

Even though they were not related, they are like siblings. Lily than found herself angry at the family doing this, and refused to play around with them any longer. So, for the first time in her entire life, she stood up to her family, claiming aloud that she is not going to be forced to marry her only childhood friend. Because of this, she claims that they are no longer doing what is 'best' for her. However, the problem has just begun to cave in.

The Baskerville family refused to go and give up and let Lily to just go. Than, after a few days...the situation took its toll.

The person, simply going by the name of Eve, who was at that person watching over the land for the people, decided to leave. The Faunuses and the Humans begged her to not leave. They weren't forcing her. She claimed that after she settles an argument with her sister, who's name is unknown to all of us, it is when she will returns to us.

My mother, Muriel, realized that the tone she is filled with...sadness. What caused our watcher to became saddened? No one known for sure. My father wanted to go back under the see, but mother decided to stay behind with king Dreemurr, as she felt that something bad was about to happen soon. And see was quite right.

Suddenly, the a group of rouge White Fang members came out of nowhere and declared war on all of us. The king wanted to know what, but they refused to answer. Than, the king realized that he had no choice but to fight, and save as many innocent as much as he can. And so... it came out an all out Masquerade.

Many of the rouge White Fang members attacked lily. The family did nothing to save her, claiming she was worthless. As the family left her behind, my mother, Muriel, save her life, and took her to hospital. Muriel killed a large number of White Fang, and chard down the Baskerville family for trying to betray them.

...but when she found them, she saw their bodies...all of them were already executed...and Gaster stood over her...carrying Lily in his arms. The Lily that Mother saves, was a fake. The family tried to dispose their daughter theirselves, but while Gaster saved her, she felt the same pain as the fake had also sustained.

Gaster has executed the entire family. The Village Of Ebott has won, and the remaining White Fang members have been executed immediately. Lily was still alive, but had suffered so much damage in the spinal column, that she can no longer walk. This attack had left her legs fatally wounded, and her aura was just as severe. Lily...fell right into depression.

But with the help of Gaster, the Dreemurr family, and some of Gaster's closest friends, they were able to get out from the depression again. Gaster has become the world's first royal scientist, and gave Lily a wheelchair for her to ride in. He even upgraded it to levitate, so that she would not have used magic. But as the years passed, Gaster tried to find the cure, but could not get even a single clue to ridding the paralysis. Lily fell into depression once more at the time. After a few years, Lily wondered, was it all worth it? She felt she only put Gaster under pressure. She felt like she had weight the  responsibilities on just Gaster himself.

One day... Lily decided that enough is enough. She waited for far to long for a cure to be made. She than wrote to Gaster about her final decision, and about her feelings towards him.

(Replace monster with aura and Human/Faunus. And also, her soul will be freed, but the body stays behind.)

Farewell, my beloved one,


Gaster found out about it far to late, and had to rush to where lily was. The clues she left is a glass of water, and a flower. The only place she would visit is the eternal waterfalls, which is the only place hat she loves to visit. She left behind her scarf, her body, and the orb that is made of aura. It was called an Aura egg. Gaster had been shattered from the inside. He felt that she was responsible for her love's death, but she left a small hope for Gaster, which led him to make 2 decisions: make a new life and a child to raise, or pretend Lily had never existed.

But, as you should know, Gaster is a person that refused to turn back on the people he cared deep for, and felt that turning his back on Lily, he person that he always looked out for, is nothing but an insult to her. He would be more worse than the shameful traitorous Baskerville family, who had tainted their bloodline. After hours of thought, he came to his finally decision. He than decide to transfer his aura, leaving a small piece behind, and used it on the egg, to see if it would create life. And it work. When Lily's aura inside of the Aura egg merged with Gaster's own aura, it had created a child. The next day...a new life has appeared. After a month, a baby human is born, with no sickness, perfectly healthy, and has no complications. It has become the most cherishing moment in Gaster's entire life. On that day, Papyrus Baskerville has been born.

Present Gaster's laboratory...

Gaster is now facing his eldest son, Papyrus Gaster. William knee that Papyrus is getting tired of waiting for his answers, so he decided that he would confess right now.

"Father, I want to know what is going on right now. I am getting tired of guessing time and time again, and trying to figure it out on my own."

Gaster sat down and took a deep breath. He dreaded for this moment, and finally decide to finally be truthful.

"Papyrus...I know you did not come to work for me. You had come to speak to me. I am very sorry that I was not honest from the start, with both you and Sans. You are grown ups now, and I think it is time we have a discussion."

Gaster then took a deep breath, before finally facing his son, with both eyes locked.

"I remember Sans' right eye formerly bending Turqoise, but now both are White-blue. His aura is partially turqoise, and partially white-blue. But your's are totally white. Do you know why Humans and Faunuses all fear him?"

Papyrus looked surprised. They...actually fear him for some reason?

"The Turqoise color is from the power of Cellular Evolution, or Evo Cell for short. It's not a type of Aura, Semblance, or Magic. They are living organisms harmoniously coexisting with a living host, giving them the power to evolve.

That is very surprising, is that both of them have different auras, as well as Sans having strange cells that is inside of his aura.

"Father...I do not understand. How is this possible? Aren't we humans only having pure-colored aura and not magic? That is impossible-"

But Gaster stopped him and spoke out.

"Papyrus, let me finish. They say that humans possesses both aura and magic, but I do not believe that this thing is the case itself. It is more like, there are many ways for a being to sustain one's self. Sans didn't get his Evo Cells from nowhere. He was born with the Evo Cells."

Papyrus than looked down, before looking up, shocked, at what he is pricing together.

"Father, you said that mine is completely white, and Sans is partially Turqoise. Does that man...?"

Gaster looked at him with an arrested look on his face.

"You are starting to understand now, Papyrus. The truth is..."

Gaster closed his eyes, and took one last deep breath, before finally speaking out. What he would say will forever affect both brother's lives.

"I am the father of both of you, but you both are born from 2 different mothers. The first is Elizabeth Baskerville, Who is a part of a Royale Family. Sans' mother is...

Papyrus's eyes had widened in immense shock. He than stood up and slammed the table with his hands with his own face filled with immense rage/disbelief.


Gaster has expected this type of reaction, so he tried to explain his intention of keeping it secret.

"Papyrus, please understand that I did everything to protect all of you-"

But Papyrus only got more enraged than before, and chewed him out on it.


Papyrus than looked down, and took a deep breath. He never felt so emotinonal in his entire life. His father told them to be honest, but his own father having to lie all this time, it was something that enraged Papyrus badly. He than looked at his own father with an understanding, but disappointed expression.

"Father, I feel disappointed in you. I feel like you let us all down, and I have every single right to be really angry. But at the same time, I understand that you don't want to hurt us. more lies. I want to know what happened to my mother, and Sans has the right to know as well.

Gaster than felt his eye tear up, but held it back, and remained composed.

"I promise. No more lies. This will take time, but when our conversation is over, and after Sans' birthday has passed, we will tell him to.

Gaster looked down, as he felt his left eye beginning to tear up just a tiny bit.

"This is my chance to redeem myself. I hope I am not to late."

Deep within laboratory....

Inside of the laboratory, there are a number of claw marks on the walls. The being that made them is floating down the hallway. It is covered in shadow, but had long claws, hair, and wide white eyes. It is currently singing... a Birthday song.

Sans P.O.V.

Undyne has finally left the house. To be honest, I felt bad for Papyrus, not knowing who his mother was, or what's happened to her. But the strange thing is, Lily is my step-mother. Which lead me to wonder...who's my mother. As I thought of it, Amber put a hand my shoulder. She looked at me with concern.

"It is going to be okay, Sans. We'll find you about your mother."

"Yeah, Sans. We're there for you."

Every single step forward.

I nodded, before sensing that something is
wrong. The has become more darker.

"Huh? What's happening. This is not a thunder storm, it is not night. What in Remnant's going on right now

I got a phone call, and it was from Papyrus. I than put on the green button to call him.

"Papyrus. What is happening in Ebott Village. Everything's gone dark..."

Papyrus than spoken out, his voice worried and rather urgent.

"*Static**Static**Static*Sans, can you hear me? *Static* Something has happened to the core! *Static**Static*I don't know what caused it to break! *Static**Static**Static*You were right, Sans! Your premonitin's becoming a reality! *Static**Static* we need your help! I don't think dad can repair it on his own."

"Hang on, Pappy. I will come here as soon as I can."

I than prepare to take off, but note before I told my friends to be on guard, in case something happens. But as I began to take off, I heard people speak bad about me.

It took about 10 minutes for me to get to the lab, and I saw what was happening. The lab is in ruins. I went through the front door and saw the lab is in ruins. Claw marks all over the place, and a lot of equipment down. I than turned to see a figure.

The shdowy figure stood still. But as I approach it, I was suddenly thrown back by an unseen force, sending me off of the bridge.

"Ugh...the hurt."

Papyrus than came to me, and put his hands on my shoulders roughly.

Sans?! What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to stay home!"

This confused me rather greatly.

"What do you mean? You're the one that told me that you needed my assistance."

Papyrus was confused right now.

"What do you mean, Sans?"

I took out my scroll, and showed him the call.

"See. I'm not lying. You called not to long ago."

Papyrus's eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's...impossible! It can't be true. I swear in our father's head I didn't call...where's my scroll?! I remember bringing it with me! This can't be happening!!"

This entire situation is so confusing now.

"Maybe you forgot it at home?"

But Papyrus looking hotly a me.

"Sans, I've never lost my scroll in my entire life! I'm Malays carful with it. *Sigh* I don't understand and I'm sure it was with me."

As he spoke, I looked up and saw a bridge about to fall on him. Acting quickly, I pushed him away, hard.

Third Person Point Of View...

Papyrus looked and saw that sans had been hurt from the impact of the bridge.


Papyrus ran and got the bridge from under him. He shook sans, as Sans struggles to stay away. Papyrus has tears in his eyes.

"Sans! Please, answer me! Wake up, sans!"

Sans is breathing, but he can't speak.

"I'm sorry...please, don't die on me...wake up, sans...please!"

Gaster looked at his 2 sons, mostly at the youngest. Gaster finally realized that Sans had been giving out warnings to Gaster about what has happened, yet, he treated it like it is a simple dream. This is the consequence of his ignorant actions. He tears up, as he spoke.

"It's my fault...I should've listened to him...I failed..."


Papyrus turned to see that his father had been stabbed by a creature that is seen in the shadows.


Papyrus than pierced with so much bones, he killed the creature. But he is running to save his dad.

Papyrus tried to save him, but Gaster spoke with a weak smile.

"It is already to late for me, Papyrus."

Papyrus tried to use telekinesis, but because he is not focused and calm, it refused to work for him.

"Dad...please no!!! Don't leave us!!!"

But before Gaster died, he spoke with one final sentence.

"Forgive me Papyrus, Sans. I will always be with you two...never forget...

His father fell down, while papyrus calls out to him.

"Father!!! Father!!!!FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As Sans looked with the remained form of conscious that he has, he spoke out quietly.

"This can't be happening.

What's going to happen to the both of us?..."

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