Beginning of a Promise Part 1

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Flashback...8 Years Ago...Vale...

I was with my Father in the town of Vale. My Father wanted to get some important stuff for his machine, so he went to a mechanist to get the necessary parts. The machine he is making was to heal my right eye back to what it was original I was born with as a child. The one that the family shot.

Right now, we got all the necessary part that's needed. While I was with him, I caught a glimpse of a strange figure. It was strange. I haven't see it until just now.


I was confused. It looked like a girl in shape. But who was that really. It was shadowed in the dark spooky alleyway behind us. The one we had past. My dad heard my voice and spoke out to me.

"Is there something wrong, my son?"

I turned and spoke to my father. I was a bit unsure about telling him, but I think that he deserved to be told of my sighting.

"I thought I saw someone over there."

I spoke, and pointed at where that person was. He looked, and I have no idea what expression he is making. It was shadowed, but than he looked...surprised. I think he noticed them.

"Sans. Come with me. Let us see who is that."

We both went to see in the alley, and when we went there. We saw...

A girl! She was wearing a black dress and skirts, with gray and white square patterns, and is wearing black stockings. He has brown shoes, and has an unbrella. The clothes look dirty on her. She looked rather...rather upset. I have no idea why, but when I look in her eyes...I see...pain. She looked so broken and sad. It is like mine. But...does she share the same pain that I felt? She than looked at us, and is slightly surprised. I came forward a bit, as to not try scaring her.

"Are you...okay?"

The girl shook no. My dad than went to her and crouched down so he could speak her at the same level as where her eyes are leveled. He than spoke in a rather concerning tone.

"What is wrong, little child? Did something bad happen to you?"

She nodded, but she is unable to say it. I have know idea if she can say anything to use at all. Can she?

"Can you speak?"

She shook no, but is shaking a bit. I than thought fast, and grabbed a notebook and pencil with me, and gave it to her.

"Here...try this."

She took and wrote. After a bit, she showed what she wrote to us both. It was just slightly shaky, due to her fearful behavior, but I know the words.

M...My parents have been killed. My voice was destroyed. I...had been a bad place...I...ran away...I...I am so...scared. I want...a new home to live. I...spent so long...on the streets...and home. I have...never got a...home..and am so...scared right now...I do...not I can deal this...

Me and my father than realized that something bad must have happened. Her parents must have been killed in what we believe is some sort of Grimm attack. She must have lost her voice by one of the Grimm, and is sent to somewhere that hurt her. Because of this terrible situation, she must have escape from whatever the place she had been inside of, and has to try and find any food to sustain her life. But I am unable to blame her. After all...I have been in the same level she has. She than started to cry. I came and hugged her. She was surprised, but than...she hugged back to me.

"It...It is okay. I am with you. You know...if can live with me in mine and my father's house."

She looked surprised, but than she hugged me, very happy.

"Thank much..."

I looked at her, and spoke out.

"My name is Sans. What is your name, Miss?"

She than wrote her name.


I smiled, and so did my father.

"Well...Neopolitan...welcome to the Gaster Family."

She smiled, and hugged my dad, tightly. Eh returned the gesture, in a softer manner. After they are done hugging, she went to me, and hugged me. I hugged her back, and use the scarves to hug as well. She looked surprised, but was fine. After that, we turned to the opening and said.

"Come one, Neo...time to go home...your new home now."

She smiled, and we left.

Back to the house...5 hours later in my bedroom...

I was brushing my teeth. Neo had been cooperating with us, and began to like my brother. She even acted excited when she is saying with us. She does, however, like one thing that Father thinks it's not good eating. Apparently, just as her name says it all, she likes to eat Ice Cream Of Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate. Convenient. After done brushing my teeth, I put on my pajamas. I went to my room. But when I opened it, I saw Neo is inside of my room, looking happy.

(Ignore the sign and sweet)

Neo was her to wait me and hugged me excitingly. I was surprise that she had done that to me. I had no idea how to explain it do dad. Well, I really hope that he does not mind us sleeping in the same room. Neo and I went into the bed, and turned the lights off. As I laid in bed, Neo came and hugged me. Was unsure what to say about that at first, but I felt okay. Both me and Neopolitan than drifted...both sleeping peacefully.

Timeskip...6 years later...Unknown City...

I was now taking a walk around the place of Mistral city. Neo had been living with us for quite a long time. She even bought close that match what her name is meaning. And unfortunate for me, I was short, by about 4'11, even without shoes. Neo is about 4'8. She doesn't mind. I was walking around this strange place. It looks like some sort of city slum. There is garbage, bricks, and a lot of items everywhere. I was looking around, when I saw something interesting. It was a female, a year older than me, and had long green hair. She had done some sort of semblance, and stole a man's wallet. I had chased her, and now I'm talking to her.

" you mind telling you did that?"

The lady in front of me acted very cautious, and prepared to pull her guns, but I spoke out...soothingly.

" is okay. I do not have my scroll with me, and I do not have any weapons present. I just want to talk. Trust me...I won't tell."

She looked cautious for a bit, but she lowered her weapons, and puts it back.

"So, tell me, it you don't mind asking. How did you do that from inside of the shop. It is strange to talk to air."

"Tch...I have no idea what you are talking about."

I than used telekinesis, and have the wallet float above the both of us. She was surprised, while me...amused.

"You were saying to me?"

She looked surprised at that.

" did you do that?"

I than spoke out.

"I simply just use some aura to generate telekinesis myself. It took a lot of training to perfect this ability. So tell did you do your power before?"

I spoke to her. She looked down for a bit, before raising her head to finally speak out the answer.

"It is a semblance of mine. I just made him hallucinate in seeing someone, so that I could sneak behind."

I nodded. So she can make people do a personal type of hallucination. That's rare. But there is one thing that I do not understand.

"Do you mind telling me...why did you do this?"

I spoke, she huffed and crossed her arms.

"Why do you care?"

I than spoke out to her.

"Because...regardless of the reason, as long as it is not cruel, than I can help you. You may not trust me, but I can assure you...I mean know harm here. In fact, if I didn't call them, you would have been arrested already. Besides, my scroll is back home."

After a bit of talking, she looked down, before looking away to her left, with a rather unhappy expression present there.

"I...I don't have a home. I was an orphan. I always get hungered, and I never had money to help me. I did Heist, so I don't get hungry again, and so that I could survive in where I am. Do you think it is ridiculous here?"

After she explained to me, I looked down and spoke out to her.

"You remind me of Neo. She was like you, minus the heist. And also the fact, she had suffered damage and went to a bad place that had scarred her, both physically and mentally badly."

I spoke to Emerald. She looked surprised, and spoke out.

"So...What did you do in that situation?"

I spoke out to her.

"I took her to my home, and my father did as well. We gave her a home she never had in the first place, and gave her the sanctuary that she had lost after a long time. To me...this is not funny at all, and ridiculous. To me, this is painful."

Emerald looked surprised at what I had just said to her. After a couple minutes of silence, she spoke, anxiously.

"Than...What are you saying to me?"

I spoke out to her, but I said it with a genuine smile.

"I am offering you to live with me. You won't have to keep stressing yourself like this anymore and won't ever hunger like this again. My father...he will allow you acceptance. He will understand and listen to your reason and what you are saying."

She looked and surprised.

" really allowing me to live with you?"

I nodded. She smiled, and cried joyfully, before running up to me. She than hugged and pick me up from the ground.

"Thank you so much!! It means a lot to me!! Can you tell me your name.

"My name...Sans Gaster."

"Emerald Sustrai. I am so glad that you met me."

Emerald Sustrai than put me down, and I made a portal to take us back to where I am living. The portal is on the ground. I than looked up at Emerald

"Well...ladies first."

She smiled, and jumped into the portal. I did the same. But before I went completely through, I saw a arrow whizzing above my head! Huh?! Where did that come from?! Where ever that arrow came from, it definitely wanted to hit me long dead. Well, I am just glad that I was able to avoid all of that in the nick of time. If I did not, everyone caring for me would be devastated.

Timeskip...5 hours later...9:00...

Right is nighttime. It was very great from before, to say the least. He allowed Emerald to stay, and both Neo got along really quick, though they are both jealous for a unknown reason. Luckily, Dad manage to make arrangements in the house and gave Neo a room. But, whatever the case of it all is, I think they are fine. Right now...I am reading the Tales of the Abyss. It is a rather interesting book to say the least.

The book goes like this:

But when a few millennium later, the Mother of All and the Mother Nature, together, made 3 brothers. One that represents Light. One that represents the Dark. And the last brother represents Evolution. Than, one faithful day, when humanity was made after 1000 years have past, There was a war. There are crystal beings that resemble humans. They fought, and fought, and fought hard. But both the humans and the Faunus are losing ground, and the crystal creature are winning. However, the third brother took a vessel, in the name of Kaz.

Kaz has battled long and hard, high and low, fighting with her newfound power. Ultimately, the crystal creatures have been banished, and both Humans and Faunus...freed, but the battle had costed Kaz's life, due to the overwhelming power of the Evolution. And as punishment for disregarding the rules of The mortals, the God of Evolution was split apart by his kin. But the threat has just begun. The Mother Nature, has suddenly double crossed the Mother of All. Gaia, corrupted by her darkest desire to rule and devolve the Human and Faunus race, tore their souls in half, corrupting them to despair. She than made an entity called Dark Gaia, Who follows her darkest and most twisted desires.

But as she is going in agony, she met a group of Humans and Faunuses. Seeing her in so much Agony. They helped her in open arms, and the Mother of All saw how they both work together, despite that most of the humans hate
Faunuses. Perhaps...Hope has still lived.

But Soul Gaia is different from the original Gaia. He has made a place of his own. He used this place, a dimension, to revive the ones that had been lost within the darkness of corruption, and not kill anyone, not even the world of Remnant. He will only kill those that are far too corrupted to be purely saved, and use their power for the sake of their own selfish twisted desire, such as Gaia. The Mother Nature was enraged and try to destroy the creation she had made. Soul Gaia, however, sacrificed his own life, and revived a being of pure heart.

He has revived Kaz, whom she would now act as the heir of the dimension he lived in. The God of Evolution was also revived, due to the fact that a piece of himself still resides on Kaz. The dimension of the ABYSS, and the new heir of the Abyss has battled Gaia, alongside Eve, the three Gods, and the Humans and Faunus United. Soul Gaia has proven to be immensely powerful to those he chose as a host, using both the power of the Abyss and Evolution itself, and had successfully defeated his own mother. However, even the host knows that he cannot let the Mother of All die. So she, Eve, and her sons sealed Gaia away, but not before Eve gives a tearful passing to her only sister.

"Goodbye...Gaia. Even if we are not on the same side...even if we are both enemies to our own will still...and always will family."

As they parted ways, the vessel of Soul Gaia looked around the world. She was saddened that his mother could do such corrupted damage. It would forever change Remnant, finally giving birth to Chaos. Which is why...she will need a heir. A heir that will finally rid the world of Chaos. She will pass it on to the next generation through blood. He will always give hope to them, and the next inheritor of Soul Gaia will decide how they use their power, and how they will decided the fate of everyone's lives. They had used the Abyss to help others, revive people, spare evil, and give people hopes and dreams...even in the dark. This is how...the Abyss has been created

As I finished reading it, I heard a knock on the door. I put the book somewhere hidden, and shouted out to the door.

"You can come in."

The door opened to reveal Emerald. She is wearing a white shirt, and is covering her waist.

"Hey, Sans. I want to thank you for letting me stay at your house. Do you mind...if I sleep in bed with you?"

I thought about it for a bit, before speaking out.

"Okay. You can do it. I am getting tired anyway. Haven't slept in a bit."

I spoke, while stretching her arms. She than caught me by surprise, by hugging my face into her...yeah...don't ask, and lying down on bed. I tried to push her off, but her grip is to strong for even me. She feels so soft...that I drifted to sleep quickly. I wonder what else is new. Maybe, I should see it for my own eyes.

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