Fall/Deception Redirection

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Sans P.O.V

Ozpin had called me into coming to him. I admit right there, I was rather confused st why he wanted me right now, but I assume that whatever it is, it must be rather important to him now. As I went up the elevator, I encountered Ozpin, Who is siting at his desk.

"Well, it has actually become no surprise that they've chosen you and Pyhrra to move on to the final round of the tournament. Both of your performances was rather...exemplary."

I shrugged and grinned slightly.

"Well...my reputation proceeds me, especially when the females are there what's onto me now."

Ozpin chuckled a bit, before he composed himself once again. He than leaned against the column, with his arms crossed.

"Personally, I actually think it is the other way around."

I looked and see Qrow here, and activated my eye to him, where he flinched and raised his hands up.

"Why are you here, Qrow?"

He than spoke out, quietly.

"Easy, Kid. It has been a rather dire situation that Ozpin had to call me."

I growled at Qrow, but I drop it for now. I than turned to Ozpin, as he is drinking coffee.

"Dire situation my face, Qrow. So...What is this about, Professor Ozpin? And it better be a good reason here."

I spoke, as a sat right in front of Ozpin, who looks at me calmly.

"Tell me something, Mr.Gaster, What is your favored Fairy Tale?"

I closed my eyes, as I remembered about dad telling me of 2 Fairy Tales. One of the Maidens. The other...rather something very private. I opened my eyes and spoke out to him.

"My favorite ones are the maidens, the Story of the Seasons."

He than leans to me, and looks at me sternly.

"And what about the story of the Seasons, Sans Gaster?"

I looked down, I do know if the Seasons Story.

"I remember...my father use to tell me stories about it for many years. It has been locked up in my memories, and it's kept. It is about a man that has been locked inside of his house, refusing to go out in the outside world, when there are 4 maidens that came to him. The first Maiden, which is of the Winter, understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate. The second, which is of the Spring, brings him fruits and flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third one, which represents the Summer, warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. And the fourth and final sister, which is of the Fall, begs him to look at all that he has, and be thankful."

I always remembered that story, and is one of my most favorite ones I've heard. Of course, I know that it is more than just a simple story. One of my girlfriends, Amber, is the Fall Maiden, and the powers that she has...is real. I paused for a bit, before I now continued on.

"In return for their kindness, the man grants the maidens incredible powers, so that they may continue to help others all over the world. They graciously accept, and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnant, until the end of days."

Ozpin than looked at me with intrigue, before speaking out to me.

"Would you believe me if I told you that one's been around since I was a boy?"

I was confused. What did the professor mean by that the story has been around since he'a a child? Is the professor an immortal being of some kind?

"What do you mean by, around since you were...GHHHH!!"

I put my hand over my heart. My heart...it is getting so...hot. What is happening right now? And why does it feel...familiar.

"Is something the matter, Gaster?"

I looked up at him, and spoke very sternly back.

"I am fine, Professor Ozpin."

Ozpin looked concerned, before speaking seriously to me.

"Well, would you believe me if I told you it was true?"

I cocked my head to the right.

"What do you mean of that?"

He than spoke to me again, clearly.

"What if I told you that there were four maidens existing in this world, that could wield such tremendous power, without Dust?"

I than realized where he is catching on.

"Actually...I do."

Ozpin looked a bit surprised at me.

"You believed in the Maidens? How do you believe it?"

I than spoke out to him.

"Because Amber is a Fall Maiden. And there I no hiding it from me, Ozpin. I know that there is a Relic underneath the academy, inside of a Vault, and I want to see what the vault looks like."

Timeskip to 10 minutes later...

Me, Ozpin, Qrow, and Glynda are inside of the Elevator. After I told him of the Maiden's Vault, I had been allowed to see it. Of course, I had to do it with the person that I had the most, along with Professor Glynda Goodwitch. At least Glynda will keep Qrow from doing anything stupid.

You allow wonder at what Qrow did to me. He forced me to drink his alcohol from his flask, which would have been fatal, if I hadn't spat it out. Needless to say, I had hated what he has done to me as a kid.

The door finally opened, and we are inside of where the Fall Maiden Vault is.

The room itself looks neat. It has smooth floor and looks like something that is from the ancient times themselves. As I walk around, I saw a rather stony doorway. I realized what this is.

"This thing...it is where they Relic of knowledge resides."

I spoke, as I touch the door. It was rather sad to see that there is such a cruel fate, one that is for Remnant.

"Yes...it is where it resides. How do you even know of its existence, anyway?"

I turned and spoke to him.

I have been studying books for quite a long time, seeing where the Relics have been placed, and he vaults themselves. Obviously, the academies are placed above the vaults. If I am correct, it is meant to protect the Relics, and only a Maiden of the correct vault have the ability to open them."

Ozpin than looked at me sternly.

"I know that is not all, Sans."

I looked rather confused.

"Why do you mean, Ozpin. I am pretty sure that is all, right?"

He than spoke deathly calm.

"The books don't reveal it, easily."

I than spoke out to him.

"I know that. I just used a map to see and deduced where the Relics are at."

He than spoke, a bit more angry.

"That is also not all. Where did you know of it?! Tell me, Sans."

I was getting rather worried, and I tried to speak.

"I don't know what...GHHHHH....AGGGGHHH...GRRRHHHH!!!"

I felt that pain, again, and my scarves are glowing Turquoise. What is...happening yo me...right now?"

Third Person Point Of View...

As the others looked, they saw that Sans is holding his chest, somehow in pain, before standing a bit limp. He than had his face shadowed.

"Kid...you okay?"


Everyone looked worried. But when he revealed his eyes, they are now Turquoise in a rather reptilian manner.

Qrow and Glynda approached him in concern.

"Kid...What is wrong wi-"

As he was about to finish, Sans? snapped his fingers, and froze both Qrow and Glynda in time. He than looked back at Ozpin, who is looking rather genuinely surprised.

"Sans. How did you do..."

Before he could finish, he spoke out...only, it is not Sans' voice speaking out.

"It has been rather a long time since we last met a millennium ago...Ozma."

Ozpin, or rather, Ozma, look shocked as Sans easily recognized him.

"What?! How did you..."

"Do you not recognize me, Ozma? It is me...Kyo."

Ozma looked shocked.

"Kyo? It can't be!! I saw you-"

Split apart by my brothers? I was...but Sans has our mother's cells. It is what allows me to be reborn inside of his soul."

Kyo explained to Ozma, Who is looking rather anxious now.

"Wh...Why are you here, Kyo?!"

Ozma spoke out, before Kyo darkened his look, and act threatening to Ozma.

"I came to warn you...to not threaten Sans anymore. He has no knowledge of his powers, and is just beginning to understand on who he is. He just doesn't know what he is, nor does he know of the destiny ahead of him. He plays in important role in events yet to come. If you threaten him again...I will come for you...and end the rest of your existence. Heed my warning...or die."

As he spoke, a glow came out of him, and Sans disappeared, and Kyo relinquished control, but not before removing the time spell he planted from both Qrow and Glynda.

"What the...What just happened?"

They look at Ozpin...who is looking way more worried.

"Ozpin...are you okay, sir?"

Glynda spoke to her boss. Ozpin turns around and reassures to her.

"I am fine...Glynda. Just had a...little reunion..."

Later...in the stadium...

With the sound of a rapid heartbeat, the scene cuts to a smirking Cinder Fall as she sits in one of the Amity Colosseum's seats along with the rest of the cheering crowd, their screams being drowned out by the announcements.

Port: "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!"

In the center of the battlefield's stage, Sans is looking confidentially, facing forward, Who is looking to slug someone. They both have one point in mind...to beat one another to get each other out of the fighting stadium. a few new faces mixed in with Sun Wukong, Penny Polendina, Mercury Black, and the troubled Pyrrha at the other end of the line.

Sans Gaster Point Of View...

'Cinder must sent her minion to get me out of the game, so that she could cause havoc. Luckily, I told Emerald about it, and Mecha, in case that this would happen.'

I telepathically communicated with Emerald, saying that I would loose on purpose, and she could use her semblance to get Cinder's Henchman to painfully injury me, looking like I was hurt for no apparent reason. Mecha is planning to take my place in seeing something bad, and intervene. Emerald was reluctant at doing the job at first, but when is assure her that I would heal more faster than she could realize, she complied, and stick to it.

Port: "Barty, why don't you explain the rules?"

Oobleck: Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place!

Port: Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!

Oobleck: Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!

The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes. The "random selection" is watched by the owner of the Crow Bar, a group of Human and Faunus kids, the visitors and workers at the Cross Continental Transmit System, before it gets back from the worldwide audience glimpses to reveal the first showdown.

Port: "Sans Gaster going against Mercury Black!"

Ruby: "Go punch the daylight out of him, brother!!"

Cinder, still smiling, gets up from her place and begins walking out, eyes on the battlefield.

Port: "Would all other combatants please leave the stage!"

Third Person Point Of View

The rest of the lineup does so, and I started walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two.

"Don't hold your breath, dude!"

Mercury smiled darkly.

"You would not wish that."

Both combatants face the crowds one last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, mercury rises arms raised defensively while Sans put his hands on his pocket, looking cool.

Port: "Three! Two! One! Begin!"

In that instant, Sans landed a punched to him in the face, which caused him to skid back. He than rubbed his cheek with his hand. Then, he looked at me, with a rather angered expression on his cocky face.

"Tch...you just got lucky."

Mercury than does a jump and tried to kick me in the face. I took a chance to use my left scarf, and block it. When that happened, I used the crystals, and formed it around my hand, making turn into a gauntlet, for both my gauntlet, and Mercury's feet collided, making a powerful shockwave. However, my purpose it to make Mercury disqualify from the match, before he could disqualify me . I have Emerald to help me in the fight.

Mercury than tried to fire a shot with his boot. I got hit, taking some aura away. But I used a blunt crystal and hit him in the shoulder, we're taking away the same aura's amount. Use both fight fist-to-fist for a moment, before I charged with a weak energy charge, and ram into him. He took a considerable amount of damage.

Smirking, Mercury later dodges a barrage of rounds from my crystal shards while closing the distance, jumping into a downward axe kick blocked by me. But before I could to anything, he than kicked me in the face. However, I punched him in the head. Now, we are both evenly have lost the same aura amount.

After I regained my firing, I than flied to where mercury is standing, attempts to launch several charged jabs at Mercury, who continues to block with his arms, before we both exchange a spinning back high kick. Mercury then forces me back by striking the back of my knee with a low side kick, before forcing my away with a front flip that sets up his Capoeira-style macao kick.

I than counter attacked by launching crystals at very fast speeds, causing him to lose the same amount.

I than put up a surprise move, by doing a clap with my own bare hands, and without the scarves themselves, all while unleashing a powerful shockwave and a really loud sound. As he held his ears, he was knocked back from the force of that clap. I than punch the ground, causing him to fall on his buy. He lost a bit of aura, but not much. He got back up. Looking more angrier then before. Mercury uses the momentum to perform a breakdance air twist, balance himself on one hand, and land two more chapeu de couro kicks to me, where I used my scarves and block all the strikes. attacks. He then launches a spinning back high kick, with his right leg that pivots into an axe kick with the instep, cracking the pavement as I rolled under him.

Mercury then launches a back kick, before dodging a spinning attack by me. Of course, I was holding back, mostly. Both of our auras have been drained evenly the same. I than did a spinning back high kick as he sets up his next offensive combo.

The spinning high back kick, followed by a regular spinning back kick and spinning jump back kick, forces me on the defensive, propelling himself upward as I regained my footing of where I am. He then recovers from his perfect split landing breakdancing into a windmill flair and rushes in, only to see his roundhouse blocked with her arm before he suffers an uppercut into her left elbow strike, followed by her right jab.

After he falls flat on the ground, he finds himself shocked as he is forced to backflip away from the following salvo of rounds fired from her jabs, until one round nearly sends him off the arena, forcing him to propel himself back up the stage.

The silver-haired fighter then immediately launches a lightning-fast flurry of kicks, starting off with a triple turn kick at the legs, followed by two roundhouses and a front kick at my sides and arms. I counter attacked, and made him go down by the same amount. He then performs a spinning low back kick to force me back. before landing both a high and regular roundhouse at her arms. I the jumps over him, and kicked him from behind his gray head.

I was forced back with Mercury's jumping side kick before I backflipped from his Dust round through a spinning axe kick. Smirking, Mercury then begins firing roundhouses in the air, with his adversary closing in. Mercury is still able to block a right jab, before responding first with his own jab followed by a front kick leading to an axe kick, before sending her flying with a high side kick, and finally knocking me down by finishing his combo with a 540-degree bolley roundhouse. However, I than turned it all around, by spinning and kicking at his chin, before punching him in the chest.

I than looked and saw that both of our auras are down by about 15%. This is the chance I have been waiting for. I than telepathically called to Emerald.

'Wait for my signal, Emerald.'

She than responded back to me.

'I will, but will you recover from the injury?'

I than chuckled in my mind and said this.

' I have had multiple close calls with almost being killed, right than and right there evenly. Besides, as long as it is the shoulder, I should be fine.'

Emerald is bothered, but I know she gets it. I than looked and spoke aloud.

"This is it. Our Aura's have been drained to 15%. This battle will decided who will lose here."

"Tch...would've had it anyway."

We than charged at each other once more. He punched me in the face, but I kicked him in the legs. I than punched him a bit in the face, before kicking him back. I than got hit by a punch in the stomach, but I kicked him in the face, which staggers him back. I looked and saw that both auras are down to 5%. This is the moment!

'Alright, Emerald! Do it now!!'

I than looked and saw that his face looked like he has seen a ghost, before getting angry shooting me in the shoulder. Response.........





(This is the position he is in, and is not in his Evo Cell Form.)

The bullet from Mercury Black went through my aura, breaking my shoulder blade, and now I was bleeding. The audience gasped, as Emerald called out worriedly.


As she came to me, soldiers came out of nowhere, and pointed their guns at Mercury. Cinder looked shocked at what had just happened.

"Mercury Black! Stand down!!"

Mercury looked shocked and spoke out.

"Huh! What?! why?!"

He looked at the screen and saw that he attacked me. He looked and I could hear his thoughts.

'Damn it!! Sans had baited me in a trap!! Now I won't be able to frame him myself! Why didn't Cinder's device work?!'

As I thought of his voice...I looked back at my life...there are...flashbacks...that I am seeing now...and time...starts...slowing down...what is...happening to me?

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