Never Miss a Beat!!!...and Another New Love Interest!!!

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Weiss is seen clashing with Ilia, Who is using the blade mods of her weapon. Ilia has used shapeshifting and turns Weiss's appearance. She is copying her skills, except semblance. Weiss than ducks and rolls under the chameleon Faunus, and tried to strike her from behind, but Ilia simply backflipped.

Trifa and Yang are both fighting, with Trifa using her sword mode as well. Yang than tried to shoot Trifa, but had failed. Trifa simply used her webbing and launch it back at her. Trifa than infused lightning dust into her hands, and launched webbings at Yang, who got electrified by the attack.


Yang lost a bit of health, and lost more when Trifa used fire dust and sent a fire slash at the blond brawler, and lost a bit more of her aura from Trifa, but not as much as Ilia and Trifa, which the both had lost way more. Trifa and Ilia were about to used their strongest blows, but Yang turned it around by dodging her, and punched her to Ilia, who revealed her disguise. The both crashed into each other, and Weiss used fire dust, and exploded them out of the ring.

Port: "And Yang and Weiss wins this round."

On to the next Round...

Russel and Sky are immediately seen running for cover in the mountain biome as several explosions go off behind them.

Russel and Sky dive behind large boulders in the mountain biome and exchange looks of terror. Penny uses her swords and embeds them in the rocks the pair are hiding behind. Ciel gets her attention and taps her watch meaningfully. Using her strings, Penny lifts both the boulders and Russell and Sky high into the air before slamming them both down into the floor violently, knocking them out.

Oobleck: " And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!"

"Thank you for a wonderful time."

And Penny does a bow of respect, while her teammate, Ciel, watches.

Watching from the stands, Ruby Rose sees them start to walk away and excitedly gets up form her seat with the rest of her team to meet them at one of the exits.

Ruby than catches up and spreads her arms as she calls out to her android friend.


Penny turns around and sees Ruby again, and she is very happy to see her.


Penny than lifts up her own arms, tackles her friend into a hug, and than leaves the both of them on the ground. Ruby, however, was very uncomfortable of the way it has happened right now.

"(Grunts) why?"

Penny than jumps up and is very excited to see Ruby. She than turns and gestures to Ciel.

"Ruby, this is my teammate."

Ruby than looks at her teammate, who bows formally.

"Ciel Soleil."

Ruby than raised her hand a a type of greeting.

"Hi! I'm Ru-"

Before she could speak, Ciel than spoke out.

"Ruby Rose. 15. Hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable."

Ruby than is silent, rather surprised that she knows who Ruby really is. She than turns to Penny.

"Sooo... Penny! You two were incredible out there. How do you keep control of all those swords? It's so cool!"

Before she could answer, a familiar voice than spoke out to her.

"Darling! I believe it is best if we move on to our next location."

The group turns to see Mecha, with his Blue hair still the same as before, along with the suit. He is looking at his group Witt a stern expression. Penny than spoke to Mecha.

"Could we have just a minute to talk?"

Mecha than looks at his time, and speaks to her.

"Ehhh...why not? I am really needing to get some oil anyway. My joints are rusty. That is not so fashionable!"

Mecha than walks to his place, with Ciel following him. Penny than turns to Ruby.

Ruby: "So is she... your friend or..."

Penny: "Well, in a way. She's like Blake, but if Blake was ordered to spend time with you."

Ruby: "Oh. So, Weiss."

Penny: "Precisely."

Ruby than looks worried, and spoke this to Penny.

"Does she know about... y'know... beep boop bop, does not compute?"

Penny shakes her head, No.

"Oh no. General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know. There was an incident with a magnet, but I was able to play it off. Mecha, however, knows, since he sensed it, but promised that I would keep it secret. And plus, I like him, since he is like me."

Flashback to the Vytal Festival grounds with Ciel, Mecha, and Penny, who's wearing a large sun hat. The wind picks up and lifts the hat from Mecha's blue hair, revealing the aforementioned magnet on his skull, and Penny had the same thing on her own head, and Penny quickly shoves the headgear back on before Ciel turns back around.

The story causes Ruby and Penny to laugh about it in the present for several seconds.

Penny is still smiling, but now has a rather serious tone in her voice.

"Ruby, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

She looks at the place Ciel and Mecha are at, before whispering in Ruby's ear.

"I want to stay at Beacon."

Ruby looks trouble at the news, unsure if it will work out for her.

"Penny, they'll never let you do that."

Penny than frowns rather unhappily, but than smiled in a rather mischievous manner.

"I know, but I have a plan to help me."

Just than, they all heard Mecha's voice calling to Penny.

"It's been precisely one minute, Penny. Okay?"

Penny looks, beige turning her head back to Ruby again.

"I will talk to you more soon, Ruby."

The three Atlesians leave, but Penny turns to give a wave of farewell to Ruby, who does the same.

Port: "Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!"

Ruby than claps her hands, as she remembers something.

"Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for-"

Now Sans' P.O.V.

Sans: "Well, it look's like it is our turn. This fight should be more interesting."

Amber: "Just remember to keep proper form."

"Hehehehehehehehehe... I won't forget it."

As Amber loosened her legs, I than speaks out loud.

"Well, seeing as their Kingdom, academy and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies."

At that very moment, a rainbow zooms past the two surprised Huntresses-in-training, coming to a stop opposite them, revealing a pigtailed Faunus girl with roller blades and a cat tail swishing around her weapon next to a young man wearing a fedora and sunglasses, holding a trumpet in one hand.

My left eye twitched at the sight of the cat girl.

"...Whatever they are..."

The guy with the sunglasses than points right to me.

"Hey. You're Sans Gaster. Right?"

I was pretty surprised that someone knows me..


He smiled at me, strangely.

"I've heard about what you have done. Really great stuff, even got my father's dust shop open from the Schnees. I oughta thank for that service you did for me. The names Flynt, and this is Neon Katt."

"U-Ummmmm...You're welcome...I guess...and nice to meet you as well."

I than turned to the cat Faunus with roller skates.

"Hey! Why don't you-"

Before I could finish what I am saying, Neon than spoke on copies my sentence.

"Hey! Why don't you?"

She intimidate with my sort of voice, before speaking that to me.

"That's what you sound like!"

"Oh for the love of..."

Neon: "Hey! Where'd you get your hair extensions?"

I looked at her confused, unsure what to say.

"It's not that long."

Neon: Ooh, really?

" that a proble-"

Neon Katt than decided to just cut me off again.

"You should try rollerblading sometime! It's super fun!"

She than starts to spin in place, before turning and facing me directly.

"It'd probably take you a while, though, since you're so... you know, to short!"

I looked down at myself, than looked very angry at her.


The field opens around the four combatants, and up rises the volcanic area, sandy desert, steaming geysers, and ruined buildings.

Port: "Three! Two! One! Begin!"

Right as it starts, Flynt raises the instrument to his lips and blows, issuing forth a sound wave that almost blew both me and Amber away, it if weren't the fact that Amber used wind to knock it back temporarily, giving Amber tile for cover, and for me to go at the coloring cat Faunus. She charged at me with rainbow-colored burst of speed, and we began our fight.

Amber than used her staff, and used an ice barrier with her staff. Flynt than gets hit by a ball of wind made by Amber. She than jumped and tried to jump onto trumpet man. But that guy used his trumpet and sent her back to a dust crystal. Thankfully, she is fine, and is more angrier.

In my position of the ruined city, Neon manages to roll ahead of every blast from the Gaster Abyss Blaster, skating on the railings and making faces at me, which is strange, but I decided to do the same to her. She continues to flip and slide over any terrain in her way, all the while repeating a mantra to herself.

Neon: "Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat!"

She than tried to ram into me, but I kept on flipping and dodging, as well as jumping back, and sang briefly.

"Call me Comical any day. I'll hit you with a pun or 2, okay. I've got a bone to pick with you, today. You're out of control! You've got to go away!"

Neon looked surprised at what I am doing. But it gets better, as I spread my wings, and went up to her speed.

She looked surprised a bit, but than smiled pretty wide and cracks her glow sticks, turning them blue.

She comes forward again, dashing past me. But I realized what has happened, and move really fast, before I got ice trapped. I stopped on the ground, and than she smack me right into my own butt! What in the world?! Why?!! She than slapped her own!

"Now you're bottom-heavy, too!"

I gritted my teeth in frustration, than put a pillar in front of her, while she isn't looking, causing her to get freaked out, and move out of the way.

"And you look like you have seen a spooky ghost."

She looks and actually grins, which surprised me, actually. I thought she was getting angry. She than charges to me, and tried to freeze my feet. But I jump and landed gracefully.

Neon: "You should 'cool' off! Get it? Because you're angry."

I looked surprised, but than I chuckled and spoke out.

"Yeah. That is 'Ice' of you to say that to me."

She than got excited and went to me again. But I impress her by making a large Abyss Chain, and riding it like a skateboard. We both than went into a battle of who's faster.

Papyrus P.O.V


Amber P.O.V

I keep on having trouble with Flynt. He keeps using his trumpet and is so loud, I could barely stand in its presence! Thankfully, I made some protective ear plugs of ice. But this is so irritating and so unexpected! I twirled my staff, and sent in electrical shockwave to him. He gets behind the rock, and the Electricity dissipated. I than used my staff and shoot out large chunks of ice. Flynt looks down and smiles, leaping forward onto his knees and blowing his horn just as a column of flame erupts right in front of him, diverting the fire to melt each of my frozen projectiles. I wanted to use my Fall Maiden Powers right now. But I remember that Cinder is here, and she is expecting for me to blow my cover.

Flynt: "Too bad all that money can't buy you skill."

I grimaced a bit, before slamming my staff to the ground, unleashing a windy shockwave. I aimed it at Flynt, who matches my power with his own blowing, creating a standstill until I uses a mere gesture to form a number of tornadoes around for me to bounce myself on. Although I am unable to use the Maiden's true power, I can use a tiny fraction of its full potential. I quickly bounces off each one, striking Flynt with each attack, until I puts his foot down and starts playing once more. I am still propelling myself around but nothing prepares me for a second Flynt appearing next to the first, and then another, and another after that, each color-coordinated musician joining their waves of noise together to send me forcing down to the ground.

I was surprised, but I used the rock beneath me and lessened the sound, by making them and shaping them into earplugs that fit.

Port: "What is this here?!"

Oobleck: "It appears young Flynt has just activated his Semblance! And quite a remarkable one at that. Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on Flynt Coal's Killer Quartet!"

Sans P.O.V

The 4 Flynts flip their hats around to the audience, then look up at the scoreboard to see me and Amber down to half their Aura levels, but still in the game. However, so is Flynt and his Faunus Teammate.

Both me and Neon are evenly matched, but I was holding back at the battle. I than activated my left eye.

"Ooh! Flashy eyes! Y'know, you're actually kinda pretty when you're angry."

I than chucked and spoke out this, humorously.

"Oh... 'Eye' see what you are saying right in there."

She giggled a bit, and rushed to me once more. But I flied as fast as I could and clashed weapons with her a bit.  

Amber P.O.V

I than used my Semblance, Piercing Perception. This allows me to see any truth. I need to see which one is the real one. When I see a real one, the person would glow orange. But it looks like all of them are. I than shot a shockwave of very powerful electricity at them. They tried to stop it, but he got shocked. This caused his aura to go down a bit more. This also causes the other 4 flynts to come back together and become one again.

Sans P.O.V

"Ready to turn the speed up more, lady?"

She grinned and spoke this to me, while pointing at herself, and giving me a cat smile.

"Never miss a beat."

A grinned and spoke out.

"Heh. Neither do I."

We both raced and tried to hit one another. I tried to land a punch, but she froze my arm. And than Neon Katt tried knocking me out with her nunchaku, but I used it to shatter the ice. It was rather difficult. But I am able to stick with it all the way out.

Amber P.O.V

As I look at Flynt, I realize both me and him are down to 15% of our aura. I have one chance to bring him down, which would also risk me losing to. I than grabbed a piece of the fire dust from a crystal, and I ran to Flynt. He than tried to blow me away with his trumpet. But I used my staff and used ice to counter his trumpet blow. As I got close, the bomb began flickering, before it could activate, I put it inside of the trumpet's front. When he blowed, it had-

Sans P.O.V


"Amber! No!!"

I looked and saw that both Amber and Flynt have been blown up, all the while that I hear the music of the trumpet that Flynt has played, which is rather strange here. Amber has been sent back, and so is Flynt. I looked and saw that both of their auras has went to zero. This is not good. I need to finally end this.

Port: "It appears we have a double knockout on our hands!"

Oobleck: "In fact, it looks as though Miss Amber's Aura has been completely depleted! She sacrificed herself to take out Flynt! Now only Sans Gaster and Neon Katt remain!"

As I looked, Amber is coughing, and than spoke out to me.

"Sans. this...for the team...please."

Flynt to is coughing, and spoke out to Neon Katt.

"Yo...(Cough) (Cough) Neon...Go."

Neon and I nodded, and Neon shook her nunchucks again. This time, turning red. I think I know that that is. She than put it behind her, and flames came out. She than charged towards me, but I used the crystals and made a ramp. She went up and landed on a big stony platform.

I than flied to where she is at, and she is using her eyes nunchaku and froze my wings. I looked and saw that here are fire dust crystals underneath me! I reacted and used my powers to do this.

This caused a miniature explosion, but I am still fine. I looked and saw that she came down from there.

"Well...looks like your plan, 'blew up' in your face."

She giggled and as we are now fighting, I sang this in my own head.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I couldn't find the original lyrics for this version of stronger than you, Sans version, so I bumped down to the use of an animation. Wattpad can sometimes not do thing I want it doing.)

I flew to Neon Katt, who made a wall in front of me, which I flied above. I than shot my crystals at here, which she dodged. That is when a thought occurred to me. If I can get her to trip on a ledge, or something that can make her trip on her face, that I might have a chance to defeat the Faunus. Yep, this is my only chance to win the fight. Now here I go out with my great bad self. I used my crystals and used it to chase her around. She than goes around and is avoid trying to get hit, and made a face at me, but I was grinning. I kept chasing her, as she is avoiding the geyser spouts before her.

Neon: "Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a..."

At that moment, her front wheels catch on a crack in the ground, losing her balance and causing her to shed a few quick tears.

Neon: "...beat?"

As she spoke, she rolled to a rock, where she got by a geyser and is being suspended upwards, and is looking pretty scared now.

I grinned and spoke out.

"Hehehehehe. That is what I am waiting for. Now...time for the grand finale in here!!"

I flied up, Summoned the Gaster Abyss Blastets, the Abyss Chains, and the Abyss Shards. I fired all of them at once, and an explosion came out so much harder than the ones from the ones from the fire crystals. After the smoke has cleared. I checked on Amber, and helped her on her feet.

"Amber? Are you alright now?"

Amber looked at me and spoke out in rather jokingly.

"I think I might not sing for a little while."

I chuckled at that, and looked at the score.

"Looks like I wasn't very proper."

Amber looked and laughed happily.

"No. You are not. Hahahaha."

Neon: WHAT!? We lost? We lost?

Me and Amber looked to see the color being drained from her hair and dress, as she looked distressed and is in a freaked-out state.

"Team FNKI lost? That was... that was..."

Suddenly, as soon as I thought something bad might come and happen here, color returns to the suddenly-overjoyed redhead as her eyes turn into rainbow sparkles for a moment.

"Amazing! Oh my gosh, you guys were super crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime, right Flynt?"

Flynt only groans, but I think he is saying yes. She turns around, comes to me, pick me up, and kiss me in the cheek, with rainbow-colored lipstick that is on my right cheek! Oh my Gods! What is up with people kissing me?!

After putting me down, she picks up Flynt and sprinted out of here, with fireworks from behind her.

I turned and saw Amber looking very jealous at Neon. Can't say I blame her, I was clearly not expecting for that to happen. But anyways. I got Amber to medical attention and get her healed to prepare for the next round ahead of us.

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