The Lesssons are Learned...A Talk from Raven

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Emerald and Ilia are facing off against Coco and her teammate, Yatsuhashi. Emerald really has the urge to use her semblance of the duo that she is facing right now, but knows that the people in front of her is another one of Sans's friends. So she decided to hold back this power for now, as to not make Sans angry for the semblance today.

Emerald and Ilia both attacked Yatsuhashi and Coco by surprise, taking quite a bit of aura from both Beacon duos. Yatsuhashi than tried to cut both Emerald and Ilia. But the both of them dodged. Ilia than takes we weapon out, and went sword mode. She jumped over him, and hit his head, taking a bit of Aura from him. Yatsuhashi than retaliated by using his other arm, and slammed her to the ground, causing a crater, before throwing her away. She lost a bit of her aura taken as well, though lost more that Yatsuhashi. She shakes her head and look at him, irritated.

"Okay...That was unfair of you to do that act."

Ilia later fumed towards the muscleman in front of her. She than stood up, and camoflauged. He turns around, but is unable to find her. Suddenly, he got hit through a number of electric shots, making him lose 15% aura. He turns and saw that Ilia's weapon is now in a gun type of mode. He charges at her again, but Ilia used her whip mode and swung from him, making him split the rock in 2 evenly clean halves. She than went behind a rock and used her Semblance: Shapeshifting. This semblance amiplifies her Faunus trait of camouflaging, and changes her appearance to anything that she is next to, let it make her opponent, or even a large boulder, or even a different type of Grimm, like a Beowulf, while carrying the same density and trait of anything, including copying her opppoent's fighting style. But she uses her Semblance to change into a rock, and plan a surprise attack.

Yatsuhashi than went to where Ilia is, but couldn't find her. As he is looking, a rock than began to move behind him, kind of at a snail's pace, but is as twice as fast. Yatsuhashi looked, but thought he saw nothing that is unusual. When he looked back, the rock turns to Ilia, and struck him hard from behind. She took out a chunk of the muscle man's aura, causing him to fall forward. Than, Ilia goes on to him and overboard in fighting.

Emerald is now fighting Coco. She is using her scythes and guns to fight her.

"Let's see how much bullets you can handle."

Coco smirked. She than activated her mini gun , and fired very fast. Emerald used her guns to deflect some of the bullets, but is not getting all of it. Emerald than used a rock behind her, and duck down for protective cover. After that, when the Mini gun is cooling down, Emerald took the chance, and used her guns, taking a large chunk out of Coco's aura. She than got sent back, and landed right onto her butt.

"Ghhh...What the heck?"

She looked and see that Emerald is coming to her. Her Scythes are spinning.

Emerald than used her scythe and struck her with them about 3 times. Taking a chunk of Coco's aura. Ilia than came out of nowhere and attacked Coco.

"Ilia? What are you doing here?"

Tired, she spoke out to her teammate.

"Her big friend is so strong, I had to catch him by surprise. Thankfully, I was able to put him down for real this time."

Yatsuhashi is seen out of bound. He is beaten by the electrical attacks of Ilia's whip. His aura is down to red, and is unconscious.

"Emerald. Do you mind that I can deal with Coco?"

"I guess that I am getting tired, and 2 against one would not be fair. Okay, give it a shot."

Emerald stepped back, and Ilia went forward. Ilia put her weapon to its firearm mode. She than shot a electrical bullet towards Coco. Coco used her mini gun to defend. She than activated her mini gun and try to shoot at Ilia. Ilia than switched he weapon to Whip mode, and reeled herself to a tree. The bullets hit the ground, and Ilia went on front of Coco. Then, Coco tried to fire at Ilia, but Ilia dodged all of the bullets, and went in front of Coco. As the Fashionest is caught off guard, Ilia extends he whip and prepares to finish off Coco.


She than struck Coco with her whip, causing her to lose all of the Aura that she has kept remaining and make it burn down to red. The horn than is heard from far.

"Emerald Sustrai and Ilia Amitola have won the fight."

Port later spoke out loud. The crowd cheered. Ilia and Emerald than helped Coco and Yatsuhashi up.

"You are pretty good for a friend of Sans."

Coco spoke out to the Duo. Ilia smiles and posed.

"Ehhh...I just have my really great set of charms."

Emerald than spoke to Coco.

"Think we can fight some other time?"

Coco looked and smiled at the green hair.

"Yeah. Let's do it someday."

Coco and Yatsuhashi shook both Emerald and Ilia's hands, before both of them went out of the stadium, very happy That there is no tension.

In an elegant twilit pavilion area of ivy-covered pillars, rounded archways, and lion-decorated fountains, Weiss Schnee and her elder sister Winter are sitting at a simple table with a plate full of croissants and strawberries. Winter is sipping from her teacup as Weiss repeats the news she was just told.

Weiss: You're... leaving?

Winter than sets her cup down, so that she could speak to Weiss in a proper manner.

"Yes. I was merely needed to oversee the transport of additional units to Vale. Our last shipment was lost to an ambush. I believe you had a run-in with its cargo, actually. It's fortunate those Paladins were in the prototype stage; otherwise your team may not have fared so well. (as Weiss sighs and looks down dejectedly, she grabs her sister's hand reassuringly) Weiss, you've done... well, out here, on your own. You should be proud. I'll be honest, it was quite amusing seeing Father's face the day you left for Beacon, Even when behind jail bars!"

Weiss than straightens her arms, as she spoke proudly about herself.

"I can't wait to show mother what I learned!"

Winter: Oh? Then what do you think you've learned?

Weiss: "What do you mean? I'm getting better and better with my glyphs! I've even started Time Dilation!"

"Winter than staring intently at her younger sibling."

"And what of your Summoning?"

Weiss actually flinch at what she said, but than gained a sad expression.

Weiss: I...

Weiss than sighs and looks away.

"You know I can't."

Winter: Don't be ridiculous. Every Schnee has the ability to summon. We have for generations.

Weiss is than splaying her hands as she exasperatedly cries.

"I've tried! It's just... it's the one thing I've been having trouble with!"

Winter: "We Schnees are unique. Unlike many, our Semblance is hereditary. But that doesn't mean it will come easily."

Winter than lifts her hand to summon a small, elaborate glyph over her palm.

"Your Semblance is like a muscle. The more you practice with it, the stronger it will become. But if you only focus on one aspect of it..."

The glyph expands suddenly in a bright flash, causing Weiss to turn away before looking back up in awe at the white-and-blue Beowolf now at her sister's side.

"If you fail to test the limits of what you think is possible, then you'll never truly grow."

Weiss than looks down. As she looked at the Beowulf, Weiss smiles at this display of power she hopes to achieve, and also remembers something important.

'It is almost as in Sans...'

Flashback...Weiss Point Of View...Courtyard of Beacon...8 Hours ago...

DANG IT!!! I failed to create another one again!! Why must it be so difficult to make a Summoning?!

"Darn it all!!"

I threw my Rapier to the wall, where it pierce it hard. I stomped the ground, and sat down very upset. A I was fuming on it, I heard a familiar voice.

"Looks like things aren't going well for you today, Weiss."

I turned to see...Sans! He is leaning against the pole, and later is waking to me.

"What is getting you upset here, Weiss?"

I huffed and turned to him.

"As a Schnee, we can use our Glyphs to make a summoning, that resembles a type of Grimm! I am trying to make a summoning, but it is all failing!! I have no idea why I can't manage a summoning!!! This is just so...ridiculous!!"

I was breathing deeply! I was very upset that I can't preform a simple Summoning! But as I was Fuming, Sans than spoke to me.

"Weiss...let me tell you something."

He than sat down next to me, looking serious.

"I have had trouble like this thing before. When I had used my crystals as a 12 year old, I had tried to make things very simplicities to even manage. Every time I do that, it always breaks apart before me. I was so angry, that I had no idea what I was doing wrong. But after I calm down, I began to think of what is making them collapse. It than realized...that I was having a frustrated head at that time. It was ruining my concentration. Also, I was using my head only...but not the other parts. So I tried it. I kept a focused mind, and use my other part to do it. And it worked. I was able to make what I thought was to complete for me to complete."

"Sans...What are you saying?"

Sans than turns to me with a rather arrested look on his face.

"Do not just use your mind in this sort of thing. Use your heart in what you do as well. Your mind may give out concentration, but even that is not enough. Your heart...on the other hand, gives you motivation. Your heart gives you the determination to keep on trying and completing what you had not finished, allowing you to keep moving. Use both Mind and Heart in union, give concentration and motivation with your desires."

He stood up and walked away, leaving me to think what he said to me.

Flashback current time...

I had not understand what he meant by that, but now...I do understand it. Sans...thank you again...for helping me with my problem.

Sans Beacon Courtyard....

Sans is now outside training with Trifa and Neo. After seeing Cinder, he knew that he and his team have to get more stronger and more skilled than ever before. Right now, he is sparring with Trifa. He tried to kick Trifa in the stomach, but Trifa dodged the attack and stick to a tree. She than leapt to him, but Sans jumped out of the way, resulting in Trifa in only touching the ground.

"Good job. Just a bit more, and I think you are ready to fight again."

As they prepare to spar more, a voice spoke out.

"Sans? Can we speak, please?"

He turns to see Amber approaching him. She looked...worried. There's something wrong about her.


Trifa just nodded yes. I turned and went to Amber, to see what's up. When we went to the dorm, me and Amber sat next to the bed.

"So...What is it that you want to talk about, Amber?"

Amber looked at me with a really, really worried expression. Obviously, it must be serious.

"It is about Cinder Fall. I have overheard her plan. And you are right about her. She is planning to make an attack on Beacon."

My eyes widened. I knew they are planning an attack! It just had to be told here.

"Cinder will most likely send Mercury and Adam to go attack the academy, and possibly more people here. We need to train harder and more smarter than before. And most importantly...we need to get the Relic from within the Beacon Academy Vault."

???: "Which is why I have something to help you, Sans."

I turned to see a portal appear, and someone is coming out. If this is who I think it is...someone came out of the portal, and I was right. It is my Aunt Raven.

The sight of her is making me sick inside myself.

Third Person...back with Weiss...

Weiss points her Myrtenaster at the ground, creating a rotating glyph made of blade symbols with Winter behind her, appraising the effort.

Winter: Excellent form! Now think to your fallen foes! The ones who forced you to push past where you were, and become who you are now. Think of them, and watch as they come to your side.

As Weiss kept straining herself, her Glyph almost flickers to nothing. But than she remembers at what Sans says.

'Use both Mind and Heart in union, give concentration and motivation with your desires.'

Weiss than calms down a bit, and looked deep into herself. She thought of her sister first. Than she though of her friends. She thought of Ruby, Blake, Yang, and the others. The last one is the most important friends of all...Sans.

As she thinks of this, miniature blades began to form, and scattered with precise accuracy! Winter was proud that she was able to bring Summoned from her Glyphs at last.

"Okay, Weiss. That is enough. You did well for now. It was not great, but it is a good start. How did you do that, anyway? You are normally stressed."

Weiss turned to her sister and spoke out to her.

"Let's say a friend of my helped me through it."

Weiss attempts once more to create a summoning glyph, gritting her teeth until Winter places a consoling hand on her shoulder. This caused the glyph to vanish.

Winter: Emotions can grant you strength. But you must never let them overpower you. It sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. You can Either go back home with Mother to quit being a huntress and get your money back, or you could continue to explore Remnant, discovering more about the world and honestly, more about yourself.

Winter than looks at the time, and saw that she need to her back to Atlas.

"It is time for me to leave now, Weiss."

she gives her sister a hug, which is returned. After a minute, they separate from themselves.

It was really good to see you, Winter.

Winter: (smiling sadly) Until next time, sister.

The two Schnees walk out of the pavilion and go in opposite directions, neither of them noticing the caterpillar coming across a miniature, brightened version of a familiar-looking broadsword before disappearing into icy sparkles.

Third Person View Point...

As Winter walks, she encounters Papyrus, Who is training with his sword arm.

"Well, hello Papyrus."

Papyrus turns to see Winter looking at him.

"Winter. I guess you are going back to Atlas right now, yes?"

Winter nodded her head and got something from her pocket.

"I know that I don't have much time, so I got this for you to have, I hope you like what you will have today."

She takes it out, and puts it on Papyrus's hand. As he prepares to see it, Winter than pulls and locks lips with Papyrus's mouth. The kiss was brief, before finally leaving. After Winter leaves, Sans looks at his hand, and sees a necklace, which has a locket on it. He opens and sees a picture of both him and Winter on their first date. He smiles, as tears came out of his eyes, and looks at the bulkhead.

"Winter...thank you so much today, even when it's so brief."

Team SPAN dorm...Sans P.O.V

"You have got a lot of nerve coming back to me, after all the times you cut me, and tortured me, along with the others."

I spoke out to the person in front of me. My abusive Aunt, I can't believe she appeared like that. I had hoped to never see her again for the rest of my entire life. Raven looked...sad, obviously acknowledging that I am very angry.

"I know what I did is wrong. But I want to take it back. I want to help Remnant survive. It has been my concern for both Remnant and you."

I crossed my arms and spoke in a steely voice.

"Indeed. The Branwen Tribe have been know to theft and leaving their weakest ones behind. You always say that the strong live, while the weak dies, which is something that only a monster would really do. But I say that the strong protect the helpless, and the weak one are the ones that fall to evil. So tell me this, Raven. why should I believe in what you...You...of all people have to say?"

I demanded to her menacingly. She than took something from out of a leather pouch. She than handed it to me. It was golden and silver bar, with a blue jewel at the end of the containiner. I was very confused

"Because of this."

She than pressed the button, and the container suddenly extended. That is when I saw the appearance of the weapon that I am holding on my hands.

It was a Relic! It was a spear type. If I remember this, it was meant to create what the user desires to make, and contains Ambrosius, who is capable of creating anything, except for something to resurrect those that's dead. But the drawbacks, is that the user must be thoroughly detailed, such as using blueprints or schematics, in order to receive what they desire, as Ambrosius will give you exactly what you state.

"You gave me a Relic. But why?"

She looks at me, and is calmly smiling.

"Courtesy of the Winter Maiden. I did what I thought was right back than. And that is what I am doing now."

She came close, I hesitated, but let her on. She kissed me in the forehead, and summoned a portal to get out now. I looked at where her portal and Raven once stood. Amber than came close to me, looking at the Relic.

"Do you think she is on our side this time?"

She spoke to me. I gripped on the spear, which crackles with the powers inside.

"Only one way to find out. Right here, right now."

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