Can't Leave Just Yet/4th of July

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The next day...after everyone has been refreshed from their was time to leave. Even though it pains them that they must, due to Penny, Mecha, and Kage needing to stay at Atlas...they must stay that they can prepare for the battle with Salem again.

But...before Sans and the others could do that...Sans decided to hang out with the others...and this includes with Neon Katt. And needless to say, Sans was not ready for the fact that this excited Neon Katt at just the mere sight of seeing him again, especially after a couple of years of being separated completely every since they fought each other.


Neon Katt shouted out, as she rushed over and tackled him, catching him by surprise, and is a little bit scared of what is about to happen next, as he is worried that she is going to run him straight into a wall and break his spine. Thankfully, that did not happen, but he is still moving with Neon Katt, and her tail is twitching happily of seeing her crush. Her rainbow trail appeared, and Sans can feel Neon Katt's face nuzzling her cheek against his own cheek.


Sans sweatdropped, as he than out to her.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Neon, nice to see you to."

This made Neon Katt squeal in happiness even more, as she nuzzles on Sans' cheek with her own even more so than before.

"Hey, I know that you and your friend want to leave. So, before you do that...can you please come with me on a date?"

Neon Katt spoke out, giving him the cat eyes. Sans blushed, but...knowing how much that Neon Katt missed him, he nodded. Neon Katt was happy, as she squealed out.

"Yes!!! Yes!! Yes!!!!"

Neon Katt began to jump, even though she is wearing Rollerblades. Sans took out his scroll, and typed a text on what he is gonna do before he leaves, and than puts it back in his pocket, before looking at Neon Katt, who than quickly grabbed his hand, and Sans than spreads his wings, taking flight.

"Hopefully you still got the beat, Sans!"

Sans smirked at her.

"I wouldn't dream of it any other way, Neon."

Neon Katt smiled, before she moved with her rollerblades, and Sans began to move with her. The rainbow trail seems to have not changed that much, besides of the fact that there are now more rainbow, instead of one rainbow.

Sans could feel the wind against his face, but he does not seem to be bothered by it. In fact, he seems to be pretty relaxed that he is going out with someone that he has not seen since the Vytal Festival tournament, which had happened only 2 years ago. Just where are Sans and Neon Katt going to? Well, where Neon Katt like to go to, the Rollerskating ring.

A few minutes later...

Neon Katt and Sans are now skating together in the roller skating ring, and needless to say, Neon Katt is having too much fun. She is going fast and passing everyone, and her rainbow trail is somewhat getting in the way, though not that much compared to Sans. Sans, being a naturally good skater himself, uses his own skills in Rollerskating to try and chase after Neon Katt. And while doing this, for a very, very strange reason, he leaves behind a trail of Abyss Crystals, although these are not physically present, as they cannot be touched. Even Sans seems I realize this.

"How is it that I am leaving this behind me even though I am moving? That is supposed to be a Neon Katt thing, not a Sans Gaster thing."

Sans shook his head, clearly not need standing the logic behind all of that, or...he rather decided to not understand it, because such a thing like this is just straight up random. Besides...he is having his own form of fun, so he should at least be able to enjoy this fun while it lasts. As he continues to use his Roller Skates to try and find Neon amongst the crowd of people, suddenly...he turns around, and sees Neon Katt coming from behind. Neon, seeing Sans, extends her hands, and Sans, without any form of hesitation, grabs her hand, and Neon began to drag Sans along with her.

Sans and Neon moved together, skating together, and whenever they moved in a direction the other has not moved to, they would hold onto each other's hands, and look like they are dancing, with Neon Katt even raising a foot up in one such case. Sans nearly leaned backwards, but Neon Katt caught him, and in one swift motion, pulled him forward to kiss him. Sans did not fight it, although Neon Katt separated from him quickly.

"Hehehehehe. This is what I had always wanted!"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well, if I am still alive by the end of it all, maybe we can do this again."

Neon Katt has rainbow stars in her eyes, as she squeaked out.

"Yes please!!!"

Sans smiled, and both Neon Katt and Sans Gatser continue to skate without any sort of interruptions.

About half an hour later...

Sans is sitting on a bench of some kind, looking around, and feeling very happy about himself, due to the fact that...he gets to have fun for the final time. It is what he needed to get him to lift up his spirits again.

"I though I'd be able to see you here, Sans."

Sans turns around to see that Ruby is coming to wherever he is at.

"Ruby. I thought you are with the others?"

Sans questioned her. Ruby shook her head, and spoke out.

"You're more important. You are way more important than anyone else in my group, even my mother and sister, they cannot surpass you in anyway of how much your mean to me."

Sans blinks at Ruby, blushing at what she has said to him.


Ruby nodded, as she gets closer to Sans, with Sans barely bejng able to reach Ruby's own height, even if it is by simply a single inch. Sans and Eyby stared at each other in the eyes for so long, that Sans doesn't realize that Ruby is moving her hands to grab onto Sans' right arm for an unknown reason. Sans only realized it when he felt her touch, and looks to see what it is that Ruby is doing.

Ruby grabbed Sans' hand, and held it to her face, which is blushing a red color, nearly as red as the tips of her hair. The Silver Eyes flowed a little bit, and Sans' turquoise right eye began the glow as well. They are both intoxicated by each other's eyes, which are both very beautiful, and they are both slowly moving closer to each other.

"I love you, Sans. I don't want to lose you."

Ruby spoke out, before grabbing Sans by the face with both of her hands, and kisses him on the lips. Sans...has no words to describe what to say about this one. Ruby's way of kissing...has always been the most innocent. Just simply peck the lips, and be done. But now...this is different. Now she's here to try and explore the new territory that he has now shown her yet. Ruby even hugged Sans at the waist, while also hugging the scarves beneath her arms. Sans was caught by surprise, but than kisses back, and wraps his arms around her neck. They both fight for each other's territory, but Sans, here...he allowed her to win, and Ruby gets to explore every last bit of it. A small string of their liquid held together for a brief moment, before it snapped, separating both ends.

"Heh...when did you become so great at this?"

Ruby smiled.

"I've been practicing."

Sans smiled, before he than spoke out.

"I just remembered. Weiss, I need to see if she's still out there."

Ruby spoke out, as she has her eyes widen.

"Oh, I remember to. I'll have the others come and meet with you at where Weiss is at."

Sans nodded, and Ruby kissed his cheek, before Sans turns around, and spreads his wings, in order to find out where Weiss is.

Luckily for Sans, it was not that hard. As he can sense where her soul is, he was bike to locate her already at a bullhead. Sans lands down on the ground, and looks up, and boy...he gets to see just how beautiful Weiss is, as she no longer has her hair braided, and Weiss noticed Sans, before turning around, happy, as a blush is now present on her pretty face.

Weiss has a smile present on her face, as her hair is let down. And needless to say, she is way, way, way more beautiful looking like this. Her hair is very wavy from the wind, and the fact that the hair is rut in front of the view of the moon, it makes her even more beautiful than ever before. Sans smiled and blushed a turquoise color, as he spoke out.

"Well, you got to say your goodbyes, Weiss?"

Weiss nodded, as she spoke out.

"I did, Sans. Now...let's go to Vacuo. But first...see the fireworks."

Sans smiled the most beautiful smile ever, before Weiss and Sans got closer, held their hands together, before their faces began to close in on each other, and than...after a brief small time of hesitance...their lips finally met, and they kissed. After they separated...they saw a firework fire up into the sky, signaling the holiday for the fourth of July.

Than, the whole group, met up with Weiss and Sans, and the whole group got together with them, and began to celebrate, recollecting on all the happy memories that they have had over the years. Mecha and Penny held their hands together, as they looked at each other and smiled, before they kissed. Papyrus does the same thing with his new wives, Winter and May Zedong, and Sans simply looks up, smiling at the fireworks in the sky. But as he did...he feels a hand touch his own. He looks to see that Cinder is holding onto his hand, and is smiling at him in a very pure way. She than holds his face, caressed his cheeks, before kissing him full on in the lips, wanting every last piece of his mouth.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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