Locating Shade Academy, Another Reunion

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Now it's time to leave. SPAN, JNPR, FLNT, Summer, Qrow, Emerald, and Neo need to go to Vacuo to retrieve the Relic of Destruction. But the hard part about it...is that they have to say goodbye to their friends, who decided to stay behind in order to protect Atlas.

Sans and Kage are face to face with each other, as they spoke out to each other.

"Are you sure you want to stay, Kage? After all, I barely got to know you, and it would be nice if you can come with me also."

Sans spoke out to him, as Kage spoke out.

"Believe me, I want to go. But I cannot, as I have to stay behind and protect Atlas, as I am the most powerful of everyone in the group. And besides..."

He points his thumb behind him, and Sans sees that Kage has...

"Girlfriends too, huh?"

Kage smiled.

"Runs in the family, does it not, Sans?"

Sans and Kage hugged each other, and spoke out to Sans.

"I almost forgot..."

Kage reached into his cloak, and pulled one something. It was a gun...at first, but than...the weapon began to change...into a sword.


Sans spoke out, and Ruby saw it, and she seemingly looks a little bit excited.

"Wow!! This is amazing!! What does it do, Kage?!"

Kage began to chuckle, as he than spoke out to Ruby.

"This is a weapon that I would call, Blue Dusk. And, it can switch to 5 separate dust. It had fire, Ice, Electritity, Earth, and Gravity Dust inside of it. You will know this, when you press the Crystal that is on the guard."

Kage pressed the Crystal, and it turned orange. Than it turned green, than yellow, than a light blue, than dark purple. Sans takes it, and than hugs his brother.

"Thanks, Kage."

"You welcome, Sans."

Sans and Kage separate, and than, Papyrus took the turn to hug Kage, and spoke out.

"Let's see each other again soon...if we both still survive."

Kage nodded.

"The feeling's mutual."

Both of them separated, and Papyrus went into the bullhead. Sans walks with the others inside, and...while he could make a portal to Vacuo, he wants to take a little break from...what he had to deal with before.

The bullhead than began to take off, as it is lifted off of the ground, and than...it began to move to the direction of where Vacuo is at right now, and than...there it goes, moving away.

May, Papyrus, and Winter held their hands together, as their rings shined under the sunlight. Sans smiled at first...but than frowned a little bit, as he intertwined his hands together, clearly still unhappy of what has happened to William. But he than shook his head, and tries the best he can to not think about it.

Sans than looked at the weapon, Blue Dusk, that Kage has given to him. He observes it and looks at every side of it. He looks at it in gun form, than he switches it to sword form. Needless to say, Sans is very interested in the weapon. He began to swing his sword very slowly, and...since everyone is sleeping, does it as quietly as possible. He swung left, he does a downward slash, than he stabbed, than he swung upwards. And than, his last move, it that of a type of stabbing move.

Sans looked at his blade and smiled at how much he can do with it. He than turned it into its pistol form, made a portal that leads him on the roof of the bullhead, and began to shoot. He fired a fire dust bullet, which made a fiery explosion. A lighting dust to make an electrician explosion. An ice dust to make a ice dome, and than, gravity bullets...which nearly sends him off of the bullhead by the insane recoil that it has. Thankfully, Sans was able to make a portal that was able to send him back into the bullhead, and spread his wings so he does not make any noise.

"Okay, that is one hell of a powerful recoil. I really need to be careful with that."

Sans whispered to himself, as he looks at Blue Dusk in his hand. But what Alex does not know, is that someone is listening to him, and she is smiling.

The next day...

The Bullhead is still going as usual. And thankfully...it has an autopilot function installed into the driver seat. Everyone is asleep, and Sans is also asleep...with Weiss cuddling him. She saw him awake, and was able to soothe him to sleep in order to make sure that he has some strength in case they are going to need his help. The light of the bright sun than shines through the cockpit window, and as soon as the sun shines on the group, they all began to awake from their slumber.

Everyone began to stretch, and as soon as the light hits Sans, he looks around at first, before he sees that...he is on Weiss' lap, making him freak out a little bit.

"What in the world-woahhhh!!!!"

Sans shouted, as he swung his arms in circles, before he almost fell to the ground. Thankfully...Weiss used her Glyph to keep him in place, and also to make sure he does not hit his head onto the metal floor. Sans looked a bit panicked, as he than spoke out.

"What the-Weiss?! Why am-"

Weiss smiled, as Sans looked confused...before he finally caught on.

"Don't tell me. Did you just do what I think you just did, Weiss?"

Weiss smiled, confirming Sans' belief. Sans blushed and looks embarrassed, and he facepalms, making Weiss smiled with a blush present on her very beautiful face. Sans shook his head, but than...


The alarms went off, and suddenly, the bullhead began to shake, as they hear a screech.

"What the...did some Grimm just decide to crash onto us?!"

Sans spoke out. Than, a Nevermore appeared at the front of the window, and Winter and Amber activated their maiden powers in order to fight against them. But Sans spoke out.

"It's to dangerous to fight them in such a small place. I've got an idea. I'll make a portal for us to go in!!"

Sans than extended his hand, which glowed, and the blue portal formed right onto the floor, as he spoke out.

"Everyone, jump in!!!"

Everyone immediately does what he said, and they quickly went into the portal, as Sans went in last, as he closed the portal from behind.

The group fell into the blue tunnel of energy, as everyone began to fall down pretty fast. Sans went past the others, as he extended his hand, and a new portal formed, and on the ground again.

Sans went through, and he rocketed up in the air, and launched Abyss Chains towards the Grimm that are about to attack him in the air, and one of the Abyss Chains is fired at towards the ground.

Sans landed on the ground, but than, more Grimm began to surround him, and they are ready at any moment to pounce and rip apart Sans in order to consume him. Sans got out Blue Dusk, and gripped it tightly as he could, and he gets ready to fight. But than...all of a sudden, blue explosions hit the Grimm. Sans looked confused...until he hears a familiar voice.

"Oh my gosh!! It really is you!!!!"

A familiar voice spoke out, sans Sans turns around

"Sans!! This really is you!!!"

Velvet squealed out happily, as she ran and hugged Sans, while picking him up, tightly. Sans smiled, as he pats and rubs her bunny ears.

"Nice to see you to, Velv."

Velvet smiled and kissed Sans right at his left cheek, as Coco comes forward to see Sans.

"I never thought that we would meet again in a million years."

Sans smiled.

"Yeah. And I am not the only one that has arrived."

Than, as more Grimm came, Ruby Rose came out of complete nowhere and sliced the Grimm's head off very quickly.


Velvet shouted out, as Ruby smiled.


Ruby ran forward and hugged Velvet, as Velvet hugged back. Than, the rest of the teams came in and began to help with whatever they have.

The entire group has arrived. And they are ready to defend the academy against the massive horde of Grimm that have just appeared to attack. Weiss used her glyph to summon a megaloiath, and it than began to charge at the many lesser, smaller Grimm that are stampeding towards the academy. She than held her weapon, Myrtenaster, tightly in her hand, as she charge forward, and stabbed some if the Grimm, while also using the dust in her weapon to cause as much damage as she possibly can towards the attackers.

Blake runs forward, as she uses Gambol Shroud to attack against the large army of Grimm. And thankfully, Nora and Cinder are there to help. They smashed, sliced, and shot the Grimm horde as much as they can. Noah and Ethan also joined in with them.

Ruby, Qrow, and Summer rushed forward, as they used their weapons in their scythe forms. Velvety began to take pictures of Summer and Qrow's weapons, both of their scythe forms, but also with Qrow's weapon, Harbinger, especially its War Scythe form and the Tonfa form. Than, she began to take a picture of Goel's Shattered Dreams, along with Wilt and Blush, Cinder's Midnight in bow and dual sword form, Noah's Due Process, Ethan's Stalwart, and Sans' Blue Dusk in both sword and gun form, not to mention Amber, Emerald, and Neo's weapons. She even took a picture of Ruby and Yang's upgraded weapons.

Weiss than began to use her Glyph to summon a bunch of her own copies of the Grimm, each different fit to fight against the ones everyone's facing. The summons and the Grimm fought against each other, as they try to destroy the other one. She rushes forward and sliced, dodged, and stabbed the Grimm, one by one. She used a Glyph to launch herself and stabbed a Grimm in the head, before using another Grimm to defend against another Grimm that is attacking Weiss from behind. She than used another Glyph to launch herself to where Blake is at right now, and the both of them are fighting together, united.


Weiss and Blake shouted, as they attacked simultaneously, as they outmaneuver and attack the opponent as fast as they can. The Grimm tried to fight back, but they are unable to, due to how slow they are right now. A Grimm tried to attack Blake, but she used her semblance, Shadow, along with earth dust to trap it, before stabbing the Grimm, right in the eye. She than used another shadow clone, this time with fire dust, to explode another. She than charged Gambol Shroud into its gun form, and began to shoot them down, at least, the Grimm that are flying in the air. She than changed it to Mini Scythe form, held onto the ribbon strong, and launched it at one Flying Grimm that she has missed, before reeling herself at it, and slicing its wings clean off, sending it falling down, and getting crushed by its own brethren.

Oscar rushed into action, the Long Memory gripped in his hands, as he began to use Long Memory to rapidly hit the Grimm in the area, as they are unable to react to Oscar, who is now under the control of Ozpin taking over him.

Cinder, Goel, Ethan, and Noah began to launch projectiles in order to slow down the Grimm so that the others could kill it. They used arrows and bullets to knock them off balance or to distract them. But if the get close, they'll kill using their melee weapons, except Noah, who only uses Due Process, and Ethan, using Stalwart.

Cinder ran forward as fast as she can, as she began to slice and dice with her weapon's dual sword form, before touching a Grimm barehanded in the face, and using her Semblance, Scorching Caress, to burn it so badly, it killed it. She than heats up her weapons to make cutting through the Grimm much more easier than ever, before she fired an arrow which detonated onto a Grimm. She than stabbed another Grimm on the eyes, causing to struggle, before the Grimm fell down, limp and loss of life in its very body.

Goel runs full speed towards the Grimm. He slices the Grimm's limbs off with Wilt, as fire trailed from the blade, as he uses the same style of fighting that Adam Taurus uses, even if it is very slightly inferior to that of Adam Taurus' way of fighting. But he also incorporates a little bit more strength into his blows than Adam, before firing at the Grimm with Blush, when it is in shotgun form. He than sheathed Wilt inside of Blush, than switches to Shattered Dream, as he began to use the Ice Dust that's infused into the blade, to trap the Grimm's feet in some newly formed ice. He than swung his sword upwards, slicing the Grimm's head in 2, while also launching himself on the air, and began to fight in the air temporarily, before he goes back down to the ground after about 10 seconds. Than, he uses the machine gun mode of Shattered Dream, firing bullets to halt the Grimm for a bit, before he unsheathes Wilt, and began to use the both of them to slice and cut the Grimm through Fire and Ice. It is as though they are 2 souls that were once lost, and now remember that they are together, regardless of how separate they are, and where they are at.

Sans began to test out his new weapon against the Grimm, as he slices using Blue Dusk, without any of the different Dust Modes on. Sans' fighting style with his weapons is similar to Ozpin, but a little different. Instead of relying on a solid defense. He instead relies on evading an enemy, before he counterattacks with something else different. Although he does uses defense, he doesn't defend that much. Not to mention that he uses creativity in his powers, and now, in Blue Dusk, who now uses various dust. Using Blue Dusk, he utilized his own unique fighting style. He utilizes the speed of Ruby, the swiftness of Weiss, the reaction timing of Blake, and the strength of Yang. And thanks to the Evolution Cells that are inside of his body, he is above a range superhuman levels of strength, combined with his Aura, and Sans is a force to be reckoned with. No Grimm had even touched him.

Sans jumped up into the air, as a Grimm tried to slam its claw down on him. But Sans sliced the Grimm's body immensely fast, to the point that it happened in just 2 seconds, and the cuts suddenly appeared onto the body of the Grimm, which than dropped, agonized. He than stabbed it in the head, quickly, killing it. Switching to Fire Dust, he than swung Blue Dusk, unleashing a slash of flames at the Grimm, incinerating them. He than switched to gun form, and began shoot at them, as explosions blew up Grimm. Firing an Abyss Chain at the Grimm in the sky, turning the Grimm to stone, he than switches to lighting dust, and switches Blue Dusk back into its sword form. He than began to unleash a barrage of electric slashes at the Grimm Horde present. Than, he switches to Ice Dust, and switching it back to gun form, fired an ice bullet, freezing a Grimm in place, before switches to Gravity Dust, he changes Blue Dusk back on Sword form. He holds the sword in reverse grip, and than stabbed the Grimm who was about to attack Sans from behind. He than rushed at a small group of the Grimm, and swung Blue Dust, as a Purple energy slash struck the ground that the small group of Grimm are positioned in, as they all began to levitate on the air.

Sans than turns to Weiss and spoke out.

"Weiss. Do you still remember that Time Dilation technique you can do?!"

Weiss turns and nodded.

"Of course I have been, Sans. Why?"

Sans than spoke out.

"I need you and Winter to use it on both me and my brother, Papyrus. Can you both do that?"

Weiss nodded, and Winter, who heard Sans, nodded as well. Sans texts Papyrus to go his position, and Papyrus immediately comes to where Sans is. Sans looks at his brother.

"What is it that you wants from me this time, little brother?"

Sans spoke out.

"I am going to need Weiss and Winter to use their Time Dilation Glyphs on the both of us, so that we can cut the Grimm down faster."

Papyrus nodded.

"Good idea."

"Wait for us!!"

Sans and Papyrus look to see Blake and Ruby coming to Sans, as they stand between him.

Weiss and Winter sighed, rather annoyed that 2 others had to appear to them without any sort of warning present here, but used Time Dilation on the 4 of them anyway. A large glyph appears underneath the 4 of them, as clock hands and gears than began to turn and tick continuously. Than, as soon as the Grimm started coming at the group, and when Sans spread his wings to take flight, the 4 of them immediately moved, too fast to see before anyone could even react to what was gonna happen. It was like a blur of black, red, and 2 white stripes, going around attacking and slicing everything that is in their radius. On the instant, the Grimm were getting decimated and are being sliced into pieces by the fast blurs of destruction.

In one instance, Sans and Ruby held each other by the hand, and Sans, caught in her Semblance, did something unexpected. The Pedal Burst Semblance suddenly has Abyss Crystals gathered to twist and spin, and the 2 of them are like a drill, as they burrows through the larger and much more tougher Grimm, as they died from the drilling that Sans and Ruby had done.

After a couple of minutes, all 4 of them landed onto the ground, the Time Dilation wore off, and Amber and Winter used their powers to decimate the large horde of Grimm. Velvet, after taking the picture and analyzing the techniques of everyone that are both old and new, she than starts to use it by herself. And needless to say, now she is an absolute beast. She first utilizes a Hard-light copy of Midnight, than, she uses a copy of Wilt and Blush, than a copy of Shattered Dream, than of Due Process, and than of Stalwart, of Ruby and Yang's upgraded versions of Crescent Rose and Ember Celica, and than, finally, she used Sans' new weapon, Blue Dusk, as the last one, and thanks to her semblance, Photographic Memory, she is able to copy the fighting styles everyone has.

But...the Grimm...they refuse to stop coming, and Sans...he looks down, before he used Telepathy on Ruby.

'Ruby. If you can use your Silver Eyes, do it right here and now.'

Ruby nodded, and she closed her eyes, she concentrated on the good memories that she has, with Sans as the most important one. And than...when she is done...she opens them.

Ruby immediately activated her Silver Eyes, and destroyed a large amount of Grimm that is coming towards Shade Academy very quickly. This created a blinding light so powerful, that everyone had to close their eyes, and the ground began to shake at the immense power of the Silver Eyes. Summer does the same thing by utilizing her own Silver Eyes to take the remaining Grimm standing.

The Grimm were turned into stone, and they than crumbled. Velvet and Coco looked shocked, but Sans spoke out.

"Is Shade Academy around here?"

Coco and Velvet nodded.

"Yes it is...and now thanks to you...you and the others saved it from complete disaster!"

Velvet spoke out. Sans smiled.

"Well...mind leading the way than, Coco?"

Coco smiled.

"For a fashions person in jewelry like you, anytime."

Coco and Velvet walks towards Shade Academy, and the whole group followed. This is now far more better than it's ever before.

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