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The Tournament has been put on hold. Due to the actions of Mercury, he and his friend, Cinder, they had been disqualified and kicked out from the tournament. Too bad. I got to say, it is amusing for them to get kicked out very harshly, by good ol' Winter Schnee. Teams RWBY, JNPR,, Papyrus, Amber, Neo, and MIET are present in the room with me. I told them of the situation at hand, and of what might happen. Needless to say, RWBY and JNPR are very shocked at what I brought up on them.

" are saying that Cinder is actually planning to use Grimm to go attack Beacon?!"

Jaune said in big disbelief.

"Yes. I did know of this, but I have no idea how big of an attack this would come out."

Ren looked a bit frustrated that I had hid all of this, but than questioned.

"Why are you telling us? You could have told us when we are out of the Tournament!"

I remained calm, and spoke out to them.

"Like I said, I have no idea how big the attack at Beacon would be. I decided to tell you all, so that we could in fact be ready for the fight, should it come. And also, the time out that we have now will give us enough time to prepare and trained for it. I do not want to risk my friends getting killed."

The others looked down, obviously upset. But they also know that I was unsure if I should tell them, to not get them involved. Of course, I actually never wanted them to get involved, but I feel like they should know, so that they could survive from the attack itself. Ruby than spoke out to me.

"Should we tell Coco and Velvet about this?"

I shook my head.

"No. They can get out of the situation on their own. And also, if I remember correctly, should Beacon be destroyed, they plan to go to Haven."

Then Yang spoke out to me.

"Why did you get Emerald to trick Mercury into shooting you?"

Oh yeah, I forgot I told them that.

"Mercury and Cinder tried to do the same to me. They had this device that is similar to Emeralds hallucinations. But I somehow did not feel it. But Emerald was able to trick Mercury into seeing someone else...someone hated by Mercury...someone he killed. But anyway, I think we had enough talk for now. We need to prepare for the attack that might come soon. Do not worry, though, if they try to attack the tournament, I put Mecha in charge, in case that the attack decides to come."

The others than left, but Blake stayed behind, rather curiously.

" something wrong?"

Blake than looked worried at me, and spoke out to me.

"Sans...will Adam Taurus come to attack Beacon as well?"

I than looked down, before speaking out.

"That is a possibility, but I am prepared. I have assigned Papyrus to battle Adam, Incase he attacks."

Blake than looked down, before suddenly hugging me rather tightly. I was caught by surprise, before I than hugged back.


She than looked at me.

" were always the greatest person that I have ever met in life. I really hope that I never fail you and our other friends in the future."

I smiled and the others smiled at her as well.

"You won't, Blake. You won't."

She than kissed me on the lips, before walking out. I than stood up, and Amber spoke to me, Concerned.

"Sans...What do we do?"

He turns and saw both his Team and Team MIET. They all looked concerned about what they should do now.

"I think we should train more harder than before. If Cinder is in fact preparing to go and attack Vale, than we have to prepare. We must train harder and think harder than ever before. I do not think that even disqualification could stop Cinder."

The others nodded their head, and we all stood up and went outside. We all prepare to train much more harder than before, and prepare for Cinder to launch it.

Timeskip...outside of Vytal Stadium...

Me and Amber are sparring for a bit. Amber and I are now in a place where we will not have to worry about Cinder.

Of course, I do tell her to only use just a little amount of power. I really don't want to attract the person that could most likely take us surprisingly. Amber understands, and we all spar to prepare for Cinder. Me and Amber flied, and we clashed weapons. Amber's Staff, and me using my scarves.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Amber than tried to attack me from above my head, but I blocked it with a scarf from my right. I than flipped off me, and launched a crystal rock. She bats it back, and I backflipped out off it. I than made a crystal blade on my right arm, which is not actually sharp, and I struck her staff.

Thankfully I didn't scratch it. I backflipped a bit, and we both used our full strength to go and fight against Amber, my powerful girlfriend. When we clashed, it caused a shockwave to appear powerfully. I jumped and shot out, and Abyss Shards to her, even though the Shards are just really that dull.

It than shot it towards her, but than she retaliate back, by using frozen leave surprisingly.

When she shot them at the crystal, they all bounced and hit the ground, shattered. As we continued, I than used my speed, and than vanished right behind my Maiden. But as I try attacking, she puts up a surprise move and copied my technique. I was so surprised that she hit my with wind, Which had pushed me back, and I got rather bruised. As I looked, I than charged at her, but she summoned a...'windshield?' No, seriously, a shield made of wind?! What in the world is that really?! I could say a pun about a car's front window, but I feel that would be just a ridiculous exaggeration.

I got hit, and I got pushed back again. What in the world?! I got up, and did a crystal bar, which hit her in the right arm. She was surprised, but grinned a bit. But as we have clashed, I than began to...remember something. My father used to tell me stories. Stories that the Maidens are connected to the Abyss. And then I remember the time that he had fallen down. I could not stop remembering. I could still here and feel the tear of my own heart, crying for father. But I ignored it, and fought against her, and prevailing. It has been rather intense, but as I still sparred, I than sensed Cinder coming. I grabbed Amber, and vanished. to wall...afternoon...

Me and Amber are now looking at a fall tree. They remind me of Amber, and Amber must have felt the same thing I thought. But I closed my eyes, and I...I could not stop thinking of Soul Gaia.

He is trying to help me and advising me to collect all of the Elemental orbs. But...I noticed something.

There are 4 Orbs, 4 Relics, and 4 season Maidens. All 4 of them...connected. What is the connection? Why are they made? What happens to Kaz if I get all of those things? And the most important, what is my purpose with those things? I have no real idea. Maybe they are all connected to Kyo and the twin Gods themselves? It is possible, since they did make the Relics. I would not be surprised that Kyo was the one who aided in their creation of those 4 powers. Than again, he had been split apart by his brothers. So I would not think he had aided their creations. But than...Even if I do get them will I battle Salem...anyway?

I decided that I should not think so hard like that. It is not helping. I closed my eyes, and than I saw a vision. It was of Cinder and me attacking. In the Fall Maiden's Safe. And another vision of the battle. All of the people contesting are battling the Grimm, and Yang is fighting Adam! But before they could clash, someone intervened, but I could not see it, because of a light flashing. I opened my eyes. That is clearly unexpected. But now I know where to battle. I looked at my hand, and I clench my fist. I than looked up at the sky with a glare. Amber did not notice, only looking at her staff. But I was thinking of the time when I fight Cinder. When we meet again, I will finally be the one that finishes her off, and she will be the one...That will die by my own my greatest.


At the cliffside docking bays down the main alleyway and under the floating Amity Colosseum, Ruby walks up to the end of the line waiting to get in the transport up to the arena. She turns her head to see Brawnz Ni and Nolan Porfirio talking outside the line, and beyond that, Sun Wukong walking away, Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang over his shoulder, with a familiar rabbit Faunus snapping photos of him. Ruby steps out of line and approaches her from behind as she continues taking pictures with her camera until she notices who's behind her. Velvet turns around to see Ruby behind her. Happily, she greeted Ruby.

"Ruby, how you going?"

Ruby than raised her hand in greeting.

Hi, Velvet! What're you up to?

Velvet than rolls her eyes happily.

"Oh, you know. Just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?"

she offers her camera to Ruby, looking extremely delighted. Ruby immediately notices that Velvet didn't even get all of Sun in her picture, cutting out his head and feet.

Ruby: That's... better.

She than gave the camera back to Velvet. But Velvet looked rather sulky.

"I can't believe that Mercury would do something like that."

Ruby than looked rather steamed.

"Yeah. What Mercury did is so mean. I can't take it."

" least we agree on one thing."

"Yeah...but did you notice something strange about Sans?"

Velvet looked confused at her.

"What do you mean by that, Ruby?"

She turned to Velvet.

"His eyes...they aren't blue. They looked like they're glowing Turquoise."

She looked a bit surprised at hearing that.


Ruby nodded her head.

"Yeah...and the strange thing that even though he was in pain...he looked like he was in some sort of trance."

Velvet than put s finger on her chin.

"That is rather strange. We might know about it."

After that, Ruby turns her head away in thought, only to look back at Velvet after a quick flash startles her!

Velvet than lowers the camera from her face, smiling apologetically.

"Oh! Sorry!"

Ruby looked surprised, but than grinned a bit sheepishly. She than walked back to the colosseum. Sans, to, is waking to there.

Back in the Colosseum, people are back in the stands cheering and ready for entertainment as Ruby descends down the steps to an open seat. Despite everything that's happened, she's smiling widely, looking around at the assembled crowds... until her stupefied eyes see a familiar, glaring face on the other side of the arena.


As if sensing he's being watched, Mercury leans to see Ruby, before smiling maliciously at her.

Oobleck: "All right, it's now time to begin the randomization process for our next fight!"

The sound of the roulette is heard faintly, but what makes Ruby stop in her tracks is the sight of another unexpected "friend" stepping out from a nearby tunnel, completely unhinged and definitely not going home.

Port: "It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas..."

Ruby than has her attention go from the broadcast to the fraud.

"What are you doing?"

Port: "And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!"

Ruby than dips her head in thought until she realizes the awful truth.


Mercury than puts a hand to his chin.

"Ooh, polarity versus metal. That could be bad."

Ruby glares at her new opponent, reaching back to grab Crescent Rose, only to remember she doesn't have it on her. Mercury simply grins maliciously and sets himself up in a fighting pose.

Outside, the arena's center is lifting back into the air, and an oblivious Penny is grinning wildly, with her fellow redhead Nora cheering excitedly from the stands, even getting Ren to let out a reluctant "Yaaay..." Ruby looked worried, until Sans put a hand on her shoulder. Mercury looked in shock to see Sans present here. Ruby looked and and Sans spoke out to her.

"Do not worry, Ruby. I already have a plan preventing it."

Mercury was shocked at what he just heard. He than got immensely enraged at hearing that Sans has it covered! Sans looked and grinned cockily, which made Mercury even more enraged than he is before.

"Give me your worst shot..."

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