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clanks of turning gears found over the headmaster's office, with Professor Ozpin himself walking back to his desk and pouring himself a drink from his teapot as he watches the Vytal Festival Tournament's roulette system deciding the next match.

Oobleck: "Alright, it's now time to begin the randomization process for our next fight!"

Port: "It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina, from Atlas! And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos, from Beacon!"

Ozpin seats himself behind his desk and takes a sip from his cup as he stares at the "randomized" fight to be.

Down in the arena of Amity Colosseum, Pyrrha is looking happy that she are facing against her new opponent. Penny than puts her hands on her hips in excitement.

"Sal-u-tations, Pyrrha Nikos! It's an honor to finally meet you!"

Pyrrha looked embarrassed, but than she replied back.

"Ummm...nice to meet you as well. I hope that I don't hurt you."

Pyrrha than looked troubled, as she can't stop forgetting what Sans has said about Cinder and Mercury. She believed that they might act on something, which would including botching the entire match. Penny just giggled a bit, and spoke out to the champion.

"This is going to be so much fun!"

Back in the entrance to where the match is active...Sans Point Of View..

Ruby and I are still facing off against Mercury. He was looking like he wants to tear me apart with his own bare hands. But I am not believing he can.

" were aware of our plan?!"

Mercury snarled out. I than spoke out, coldly.

"I do. You are planning to use that device on Pyrrha, so that you can make her destroy Penny, as she is machine. But if that were to fail, you would have Cinder shoot an arrow that can negate aura, and kill both Penny and Pyrrha while they are fighting. But you know what...I also know of that other other of yours as well."

Ruby looked worried, and Mercury was rather angrier than before.

"What you mean?"

Oobleck: "Fighters, are you ready?"

I than spoke out the answer, one that is frightening.

"You are planning to frighten the audience to the point that a lot of Grimm would appear and attack Vale. You would use that to your advantage and destroy Beacon. plan is not going to be completely successful."

I spoke to Mercury, who looks like he is ready to blow his head off.

"Not all of your teammates will survives, and I was prepared for this. Teams RWBY, JNPR, MIET, and my Team already know of your plan. We had been preparing for this sort of thing, and it will pay off. You may succeed in destroying Beacon. But you will never succeed in getting rid of us."

Mercury finally had enough and charged at me, but I caught his leg, and snapped it in half, which I entirely out of hard metal. While it was not as tough as Papy's arm, it was rather very durable nonetheless.




Mercury than held his damaged leg, but I kicked him in the head so hard, he got sent to the wall, which made a rather deep crater. Before he could fall down, I used telekinesis, and used a crystal rib cage to trap him on he wall. Ruby was shown immensely terrified.

"Sans...What you that true...with Penny...Pyrrha??"

I turned and spoke seriously to her.

"Yes...I am serious. Cinder will always have a backup plan for this. Which is why...I had put Mecha and Leon both in charge of this countering."

Back at the Vytal Stadium... Third Person Point Of View...

Penny beams widely in anticipation, and Pyrrha has the same expression that is present on her face. And she wield her equipment in her hands. 

Oobleck: "3...2...1...BEGIN!!!"

Penny than begins the fight by summoning her swords and launching them towards Pyrrha Nikos, who rushes in, stopping only for a half second thanks to a blade blocking her path, before continuing her charge.


Penny then tugs on the strings to recall the blades, which she then uses to continually block Pyrrha's strikes with Miló and Akoúo̱.

After Pyrrha is pushed back, she backflips before performing a second charge, this time leaping on one of the swords before landing a downward strike on Penny.

However, Penny's near impregnable defense forces Pyrrha back again, which makes her flip backwards in midair before landing to block the next few blows from Penny's swords.


After being forced back again, Pyrrha decides to use her shield, momentarily deforming her weapons with her Semblance due to stress before regaining control and going on the offensive.

Pyrrha finally lands a few hits on Penny, after deflecting each of her swords, before knocking her opponent back in midair.

This time, Penny converts her swords to cannons, unleashing a barrage of beams that Pyrrha dodges. Pyrrha proceeds to backflip from one rifle beam, duck under one sword attack, turn, and parry another blade, before flipping twice to evade two beam blasts.

As Penny is recalling and reforming her weapons, Pyrrha spots an opportunity and charges forward, knocking Penny backward and taking a moment to relax. However, Penny is still in the fight.

Pyrrha is subsequently shocked to see Penny instantly recover and propel herself using her rifles, before jumping and kicking Pyrrha in the head with added force from her weapons' beams, sending Pyrrha tumbling on the ground.

Once Pyrrha leaves herself in a standing position, Penny knocks away her weapons. Pyrrha tries using her Semblance to retrieve her sword, however Penny knocks it away and recalls her blade, splitting it into eight as she prepares to finish the fight.

As they are both fighting, Pyrrha's vision than began to suddenly get somewhat foggy.

"Huh? Why going on now?"

She than looked at Penny, Who than brought out 8 swords. But suddenly, 100 swords than appeared out of nowhere.

"What in the..!"

She panicked and, forgetting about that there is a device that made her hallucinate like Emerald's Semblance, almost tried to wrap it around Penny, but than Mecha, who had been expecting it, saved her, and the sword, while still wrapping around Penny, the wires had now loosened, shoves Penny down, and he got hit in the arm.



Mecha's left arm had been cut clean off. His arm had wires sticking out, with sparks coming out. The crowd got immensely terrified at the sight. But what they did not would be their worst mistake. In an Atlas laboratory, a balding white-bearded man watches the live footage on the news, his hand gripping the armrest of his chair tightly. The crowds are still terrified by the sight, and miles away in Mountain Glenn, Grimm of all kinds turn toward the Colosseum, and begin to charge. Mercury was furious that he did not get Pyrrha to kill Penny. But as they people are panicking, Sans and Ruby went into the stadium.

"Mecha...oh my Gods! I never thought that the damage is this bad now. Here...let me fix it."

Sans picked up Mecha's arm, and began to repair it, as well as reattaching it back right into mecha's shoulder. But as he repairs it, the screen than turned to static. Someone hijacked he broadcast. Oobleck, confused at what is happening right now, shouted to the Broadcast Operator.

Oobleck: "Broadcast, what are you doing? Kill the feed!"

But the Broadcast Operator then spoke back a bombshell on Oobleck!

Broadcast Op: "Something's wrong! We don't have control of the cameras! We can't even stop the broadcast!"

Oobleck was now shocked at what is happening right now!

Oobleck: "What!? How is that possible!?"

In answer, the background behind the two teachers changes to the video feed of the sight before them, tinted an ominous bright red with a black queen chess piece hovering over the scene. They turn back to the arena as a familiar voice rings out throughout the Colosseum and the rest of the world watching these events.

"This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians, but are, in reality, nothing more than men. Our Academies' Headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both."

Sans and Ruby looked shocked, until they both spoke one name that fits it.


Cinder than continued to voice out her speech to everyone.

"They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent mechanical robot? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference."

Back in the fairgrounds, a gaping Weiss Schnee and glaring Blake Belladonna watch the hacked screen of the Shopkeep's stall.

Cinder: "And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither."

The two teammates share a look before the last member of RWBY, Yang Xiao Long, is seen hunching over her windowsill listening to the speech before she straightens and turns as Zwei barks behind her.

Cinder: "Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the Tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong. But I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves."

Ozpin watches the screen intently, cane at his side and Atlesian Airships hovering beyond his window. Amid the silence over the Colosseum as they absorb the revolutionary words, no one notices Emerald exit the stadium.

Cinder: "As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is... equally undesirable. Our Kingdoms are on the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark."

Two blue Atlas Soldiers watch the message on their Scroll, not noticing the wave of Grimm coming out of the mist shrouded treeline until they turn and open fire the best they can, with Cinder's voice still stirring up trouble from her position with a malevolent smile.

Cinder: "So I ask you: When the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust?"

Cinder: "So I ask you: When the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust?"

In the Colosseum, the screens cut from red and black to complete static.

Oobleck: "The feeds are all jammed! We can't get a message out!"

Port: "Will somebody tell me what in the world is happening!?"

The question is answered with the sound of a wailing alarm throughout the structure, with humans and Faunus and even a Henchman holding a tub of popcorn looking up in alarm at the orange flashing screens reading "CAUTION".

Warning Announcer: "Alert. Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level: Nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner."

The crowds begin to flee, wild and screaming, through the exit tunnels, while Winter enters the announcers' box and grabs the microphone from between Port and Oobleck.

Winter: "Ladies and gentlemen, i warn you all. There is a Grimm attack happening, and is happening by a very large number. Brace yourselves for a really bloody fight! Those that don't fight, get to somewhere that is safe, while you also remain calm!"

Many of the Atlas soldiers than got their guns out, and prepared to fight. The people that are able to fight prepared their weapons and prepare to battle outside. The ones that can't fight took heed of her words and went out calmly, but some of them still panic.

With that said, a Giant Nevermore appears atop the arena's domed force field, giving a series of deafening screeches as it claws and pecks at the defense with its beak. Sun than went next to Coco, along with the others.

Sun: "A Nevermore!?"

Coco was shocked and spoke.

"How did it get past the Kingdom's defenses!?"

Ren than spoke out the most obvious answer.

"It wasn't alone."

In the headmaster's office, Ozpin is gripping his cane tight, watching the city come under attack with a horrified expression. Qrow and Glynda than ran in. Summer, Taiyang, and Raven joined to.


Ozpin than spoke, commandingly.

"Get to the city!"

Summer than was horrified and spoke out.


Ozpin than lost his patience and shouted rather angrily to them.


Qrow, Glynda, Summer, Taiyang, and Raven all exchange a look before going back the way they came. Meanwhile, Mountain Glenn is almost silent, as every monster lurking there from Beowolves to Boarbatusks, Ursai and Nevermores, and even lumbering Goliaths with wide red eyes rush forward.

Winter than came into Ozpins office and spoke out.

"Ozpin, I prepared the army. They should be arriving there."

Ozpin than looked back at the carnage happening outside.

"Good. We need to combat this."

His fleet of ships are being attacked by even more giant Nevermores though to minimal effect, Soldiers scrambling to enter commands inside the bridge around their commanding officer.

Atlas Ship Captain: "Dammit! This is Blue Four! Blues Two and Three, fall into defensive position!"

Blue Three: "Roger! Blue Three, in position!"

Atlas "Ship Captain: Blue Two, what's your status? Blue Two, come in! Someone answer me, dammit!"

He doesn't know that the bridge of the last ship is wrecked, computers sparking and men down as a pair of high boots walk through the destruction. Dressed in an Atlas uniform and holding both a bow and arrow with really dark hair with a red dress that is scary, Cinder opens the door of a familiar-looking cell with a devious grin.

Roman: "Well... it's about time..."

Cut to outside the Airships, where the furthest craft suddenly turns towards its allies and fires several bright red lasers at the engine of the one closest to it. The aircraft is barely able to send out "We're hit! What's going-" before the flaming ship crashes into another in a series of explosions and sends both of them tumbling toward the waters below.

Roman is than laughing manically at the controls as Cinder watches from the sides.

"Woo-hoohahahaha! Oohh, it is good to be back!"

Finally, at Beacon's cliffside landing platforms, three Bullheads arrive, the middle one opening its hatch to reveal four members of the White Fang, and their leader.

Adam: "Bring them to their knees!"

Another Bullhead opens its door, this time with several creatures of Grimm inside. A growling Ursa jumps from it and lands on Academy grounds. The foreboding area darkens as the Ursa's roar echoes, leaving only the burning red eyes of the monster.

Sans than finished repairing Mecha's left arm. Papyrus took out his scroll, and spoke out to a friend he had not spoke a long time ago. Mecha than ran to Penny and comfort her, who is terrified for the first time. Leon came in and did the same to Pyrrha herself. After a couple of minutes, someone finally answered his scroll.

"Are you there?"

"Papyrus! What is happening?!"

"Beacon is about to get attacked by Grimm and White Fang. Cinder is planning the attack. I need you to get your group and stop them from killing people."

"Okay...i'm on my way!"

"Okay... just be careful, Pappy!!"

The Scroll than turned off, and Papyrus spoke this out...rather somberly.



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