Battle of Beacon

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This is one of the worst nightmares that I could ever possibly have. People...screaming...Grimm...WF...attacking. My friends...all are frightened. My friends are all together, and have no way on how to deal with the situation that is happening now. Mercury, however, escaped from me, but I do not care. All I care making sure that my loved ones are safe and sound either me in my life.

Many of the civilians, running away in panic. Other civilians, along with the Atlas knights, they are all fighting. I have no idea that the problem would be this catastrophic. I need! WE need to fight them.

The rather very large Nevermore than screeches as it continues to weaken the force field that's keeping it from getting in. Me and the others got their weapons out. Mecha with his arm cannon, Penny with her blades, me with my crystals, Ruby with her Crescent Rose, Yang, Ember Celia.

Warning Announcer: Warning: Safety Barriers Failing.

As civilians run past us, me and the others got ready to fight. I looked up, and prepared the Gaster Abyss Blasters to use. Pyrrha wipes her eyes, and prepares to fight as well.

The fields then breaks, and the Grimm went through it.

"Let us do this...NOW!!!"

I than fired my Gaster Abyss Blaster and the Abyss Chains. The Grimm turned to stone and just crumbled a lot. I than flied up in the air and preform my attack.

It rained down on the Grimm, obliterating them very fast.

Penny and Mecha attacked with beams of energy.

Their combined attacks were enough to vaporize the Grimm outright instantly. It could even be heard from miles of the stadium. Mecha then smiled and summoned a bomb into his hand.

He than points at the Nevermore Grimm and spoke out.

"Let us do this, darling!"

He than threw the bomb, which obliterated the Nevermore Grimm, the one that had broken through the shield from before. Penny than blasted a number of them from the sky, and turned to Mecha to see if he is okay. Mecha than gives out a thumbs up to her, which gave her the answer that he is still not injured. Penny smiled, before fighting again.

Leon turned into a Tiger-like creature and began and chow down on the Grimm. He munched, clawed, and cut the Grimm to little pieces. Yang went to his side, and used her weapon to shoot them away to oblivion. Ruby used Crescent Rose and began to shoot and cut them down. She than used her speed to cut them and making big getting rid of them faster than before. Jaune and the others are doing the best that they can. Jaune is blocking and slashing at the Grimm. Nora is electrifying the Grimm and smashing them. Ren is shooting then with his gun and cutting them to injury, as well as using his aura to block any attack. Pyrrha his doing the same thing that Jaune himself is going, except that she is stabbing instead of cutting. As we kept on fighting, I saw that a Nevermore was about to grab Amber, Who is freezing and burning Grimm. Angered, I charged at the Nevermore and tackled it out of the way.

"Do not ever touch her!!! You hear me??!!!!"

As I purified it, another tried to get her again. I was preparing to attack, until something unexpected just happened. Suddenly, the Nevermore gets pinned down by a barrage of rocket lockers, and screeches out in pain before going unconscious. The lockers then open up, revealing the weapons of various students, including Crocea Mors, StormFlower, Magnhild, and Fulcrum. The respective owner of the sword pulls it out from his locker, and is shown alongside Scarlet David gripping his cutlass and flintlock pistol, Sage Ayana with his sword, and Neptune Vasilias with his gun in hand. The camera continues to pan over showing Sun Wukong with Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form, Ren and Nora carrying their respective weapons, and the remaining members of Team CFVY, the members of Team ABRN, as well as Flynt Coal and Neon Katt of Team FNKI, Team NDGO, all gripping their weapons.  The students are then suddenly shaken when the Nevermore starts to get back up. Ren then leaps up into the air and uses the blades of his weapons to slash at the Nevermore. Arslan Altan uses her rope dart to swing down and grab the towering Yatsuhashi from the ground. Sage also leaps up into the air, and Nora runs up to the Nevermore's head and hit it with Magnhild in its hammer form. When Arslan reaches peak height, she lets go of Yatsuhashi, who is then joined by Sage, as the two broadsword wielders slash down and decapitate the Nevermore, causing it to dissipate into black particles. As Arslan lands back on the ground next to her teammates, I looked at Amber.

"Amber...are you hurt or anything here?"

She than shook her head.

"No, Sans. I am not."

Pyrrha than collapsed a bit, and a bit in tears.

"Mecha...I am so..."

"Do not say it."

She than turned to Mecha.

"It was not your fault on what had just happened. Someone had botched the entire thing, and made you do it. Do not blame yourself.

Pyrrha than wipes her eyes, before determination.I nodded and looked at everyone that is present here. We then look over to Ruby, who smiles at the impressive ensemble of students.

Our moment, unfortunately, has been cut short when we notice hippogriff-like Grimm land on top of the colosseum. They fly towards the group of students as Ren calls the Grimm species out by their formal name.

Ren: "Griffons."

Neptune: "Anybody got a plan of attack?"

Ruby: "Sun! I need your Scroll!"

Sun uses his tail to flick his Scroll to Ruby, who catches and uses it to summon her locker, which opens up revealing Crescent Rose inside. However, Ruby is stopped when a Griffon lands on her locker, and roars at her before being scared away at the sound of a gunshot.

Oobleck is here, holding his blunderbuss-axe in hand, with Oobleck holding his weapon in its club form.

Oobleck: "Students! I think it would be best for you to leave."

Ruby: "But we did a-"

Oobleck: "Miss Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it."

I than put my hand on Ruby.

"Ruby, we have a much more important objective than staying here. The Grimm are going to distract us from what is important. Me and Amber, however, have much more important stuff. There is something under Beacon, and me and Amber have to get it. I have called Undyne to help us out on the situation that his happening. Ruby...we must go"

Penny: "Please, Ruby...Come with me. I'm so scared now."

Mecha: "Come on, darling...we must help the people outside."

Ruby looked anxious for a moment, before nodding at us. She grabs Crescent Rose, and twirling it into it's scythe form.

Ruby: "Let's go!"

As all the students leave, Ruby and I both got distracted by the flash of Velvet Scarlatina's camera.

She stops to look at the photograph she took but is interrupted when her leader calls out to her.

Coco: "Velvet! Quit messing around here. Let's go, now!"

We all ran out, but I did a telepathic communication with Amber.

'Cinder is probably waiting for us in the vault. I will give you enough time for you to get both the Relic and the Orb. But when we get out, I will need to bring the Elemental Orb to fight Cinder.'

'But Sans, what if Cinder kills you?'

I shook my head.

'I will not be killed by her. I made a promise to finally end her life. I am going to keep that promise.'

Amber nodded, and than we all continued outside. Cinder...This, here, is where we will finally settle our quarrel...once and for all.

Outside...Third Person View Point...

Civilians continue to run and flee in panic as they reach the docking bays of the colosseum. Atlas Soldiers and Ebott Soldiers are seen directing civilians to calmly step into the Air Buses. A female student is seen breaking down in tears as another person tries to comfort her. Suddenly, White Fang Bullheads are seen dropping off more Grimm at the docking bay. Two Atlesian Knights escorting General Winter Schnee effortlessly cuts down a large number of Ursa present here.

As they proceed forward, the Knights are suddenly brutally ripped apart by a much larger, armored Beowolf variant. The Beowolf then notices Winter Schnee as it charges directly at her. Winter shouts a battle cry and charges at the creature. The Ursa tried to slice her, but she backflipped and cut its back. She than went under it and cuts its belly. Finally, she planted a Glyph from under it, and froze it, before she broke it into multiple pieces.

Ruby: "What's going on!?"

Ruby than came out and went in front of Winter, along with the other students.

Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang's invaded Beacon, and to make matters worse, some... vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm...

She than ducked under and stabbed an Ursa, and cleaved it in half.

"going to take it back."

As Ironwood turns for his ship, he is stopped when asked a question.

Jaune: "What should we do?"

Winter turns with a rather stern expression.

"We go out and fight against the Grimm present here. We'll raise our swords and protect those innocent lives out there. We'll hunt those sinful creatures and send them to the point of no return."

Jaune and the others nodded, before running to the battlefield.

As a squadron of Knights shoot down Grimm, they suddenly stop as their visors and LEDs turn a dark crimson, and turn around, pointing their guns at Glynda Goodwitch and Qrow Branwen as they continue to fight the Grimm, the realization shocking them as they see the Knights now turned against two of their now former masters.

Goodwitch: What!?

On the courtyards of Beacon, Weiss and Blake are nearly caught off-guard by the local Knights also succumbing to the virus and turning towards them, forcing the duo to duck from the volley of fire.

Blake: Look out!

Weiss and Blake manage to dodge incoming fire, but the Knights surround them, forcing the Schnee and the Faunus to draw their weapons. But as they are fighting, Ilia and Trifa came out of nowhere and attacked the virus-infected bots.

The students watch in horror as they see dropship fall from the sky. Ruby decides to run to the bay doors of their Air Bus.

Sun: "Ruby! What are you doing!?"

Ruby then jumps off the Air Bus as it barely takes off, using her Semblance of speed to safely land on the runway after freefalling in the sky. As she runs to the stadium, she finds it nearly empty and full of brown dirt, where she sees a locker. She punches in the code, latches on with Crescent Rose, and immediately takes to the skies, landing on top Roman's stolen airship with a thud.

Roman: "Ugh. Better go see what it is."

He than puts the ship on autopilot, and goes to see what is up.

Back at Beacon, the hacked Knights continue to fire, but they are cut up by flurry of slashes. Weiss is seen taking down a few knights using a combination of Myrtenaster's strikes as well as her using her Glyph Semblance, while Blake fights off a group of White Fang soldiers, before using her Semblance to dodge a dual sword-wielding soldier before getting overwhelmed by more White Fang members, but they are all suddenly knocked back by Weiss. Afterwards, Weiss and Blake stand back-to-back, along with both Ilia and Trifa, but notice a group of human Atlas Soldiers fighting off an Atlesian Paladin, which has also been affected by the virus and turned rogue. The Paladin easily beats down the soldiers.

Weiss: "Come on!"

Before Weiss, Ilia, Trifa, and Blake could assist the soldiers, they notice a Bullhead about to crash land. An armored Beowolf is seen jumping out of it before it could crash with the aircraft. The Beowolf lands on the ground and starts to chase after fleeing civilians. Weiss and the Faunus trio exchange one last look with each other before parting ways.

Weiss: Be safe.

As the two part ways, Blake is seen running just outside the dining hall. However, she stops when the Beowolf from earlier latches onto the side of the building above her. Her attention is then drawn away from the Beowolf when she hears a wounded scream inside the burning interior of the dining hall. She then gives a look of horror when she sees a familiar figure throwing an Atlas soldier. Trifa, Ilia, and Blake use their weapons.

Blake: No... Adam?

Adam than turns and grins very creepily at her.

"Hello, my darling."

All across Beacon Academy, various students battle the many Creatures of Grimm: Jaune is seen slashing at an Ursa, while Neon rollerblades away from a Boarbatusk. Coco opens fire on a Griffon, while Arslan is seen fighting an Ursa Major before it runs off to attack Nora, who fires at it with her grenade launcher. Ren is seen firing his guns at a retreating Beowolf before it drops dead. Nebula and Gwen shoot and threw arrows and knives at the Grimm. Dew summoned a hurricane and lift a couple in the air, and Octavia used her blade and obliterated them with a explosive flaming slash. Reese simply rammed into them, and May went out and shot most of them, fast. Papyrus is cutting and hacking through any of the Grimm, Leon is charging and barreling thought many of the Grimm, and Emerald is using her guns. She is using bullets so that he can give out a lethal hit, and is using the mini scythes to cut and hack them into multiple apart. As they fight, Undyne came out of nowhere and manage to kill a lot of Grimm.

"UNDYNE! Aren't I glad to see you.

Undyne smiles, before charging at the Grimm with a very loud battlecry, along with the army she is leading. She than shot out Spears and pierced a number of Grimm, while the army slashed and cuts the Grimm away.

There, under an archway before going up a building, showing out too see, reveals Cinder Fall and Mercury Black, all relishing the destruction being seen.

Cinder: "Beautiful."

Mercury: "I agree. It is."

She than saw that some of the knights are fighting back the virus. She than used a button and make them fall under it again.

Cinder: "It's horrendous. Focus on the Atlesian Knights."

Mercury: "Oh, I'm getting all of it."

Cinder: "Good. Continue the broadcast until the end."

Suddenly, a tremor rocks the three of them.

Cinder: And do not miss what happens next.

Cinder walks off as Mercury continues filming with an evil grin on his face.

Inside his office, Ozpin watches the battle on three video feeds, one showing some buildings, the middle showing a group of Atlas soldiers struggling a against a Deathstalker on Beacon's main avenue, and the last showing civilians stuck on a rooftop waving for help, while an Ursa slowly crawls up the side of the building. Ozpin then starts to walk away from his desk, grabbing his cane in the process, before proceeding to the elevator. However, he is stopped in his tracks when a sudden tremor shakes the ground.

Back in the city, Glynda and Qrow continue fighting, before they too are shaken by another tremor. Qrow stabs his sword into the ground to keep himself standing.

Goodwitch: No...

Another tremor shakes Jaune as he battles an Ursa Major, with Sage and Scarlet piggyback riding on it with worried expressions on their faces.

Elsewhere, a mountain starts to violently shake and crumble, as various body parts of a monstrous-looking Grimm are revealed, before the mountain completely breaks apart, releasing a titanic Wyvern. The Wyvern roars and flies over the abandoned Mountain Glenn, heading towards Beacon. As it flies, it exudes a black, tar-like substance which drops to the ground in the city of Vale and spawns various Grimm.

Ozpin approaches the window of his office, noticing the Wyvern getting closer. The massive Grimm excretes more of the black substance, which drops to the ground and spawns more Grimm near the base of the CCT. As the Grimm charge forward, the camera pans across the members of Team SSSN and Team JNPR in a lineup as they prepare to battle the incoming enemies, with Jaune and Pyrrha exchanging a smile with each other. Before they could go forward, Pyrrha notices Ozpin standing the entrance of the tower, while Team SSSN runs off to fight off their enemies. Pyrrha then continues battling the Grimm, using magnetism and her skills to cut down and destroy the Grimm that is coming there way, and try killing them.

Nora: "Pyrrha, how are you holding up with fitting?"

Pyrrha turns and smiles warmly. Even when the day is at its very blackest, her smiles bright up the room like the sun is still around in the entire place.

"I'm holding up fine, Nora."

Jaune than spoke out to Pyrrha.

"Well, at least we all get to fight together, and not alone."

As they both continue fighting off the Grimm, behind them at the top of the building, with a familiar figure standing on the rooftop with her weapons in hand. Cinder smiles rather very sinisterly, before jumping off the building.

Sans is running along with Amber. He than opens a portal and spoke out. Sans than has a change of plan of where to right Cinder. Somewhere that is way more open than just simply inside of a little vault.

"Okay, Amber. Be ready to get the Relic and the Orb. We must make this fast before Cinder is here. We get only one shot."

Amber nods her head, and both jumped into the portal.

'All right Cinder. It will soon be out battle. When we meet, I will not stop, and never will stop until you are simply nothing more than a bad memory that can be disposed. You better be ready to my own hands.'

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