The Heroic...and the Monstrous...

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The Wyvern flies past the hijacked Atlesian Airship, as Ruby Rose looks on, with the surrounding Griffons roaming the skies. A Griffon lands on the airship, but Ruby easily cuts it down with Crescent Rose, causing to disintegrate into black particles. But suddenly, she hears a snap, turning to see Roman, who now has his cane up, pointing towards Ruby.

Roman: "Oh, you can not be serious!"

Roman than fires his bullet at Ruby, who dodged it, and used her own bullet and fire back.

Right outside of Beacon's dining hall, Blake Belladonna backs away from the shattered window, staring in horror at her old partner.

Adam: "Running away again? Is that what you've become, my love? A coward?"

Blake: "Why are you doing this?"

Adam: "You and I were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to light the fires of revolution!"

He draws his sword and prepares to stab an Atlas student in the chest.

"Consider this... a spark."

Blake charges into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as she pushes him away from the student, and they stand with their blades locked.

Blake: "I'm... not... running."

Adam: "You... will."

He kicks her away, knocking her onto the floor. A nearby Creep runs toward her, only to be shot by Adam.

Adam: "But not before you suffer for your betrayal, my love."

He smiles and begins walking toward her. Ilia and Trifa are hidden and prepare to strike.

Back outside the Beacon grounds, Velvet Scarlatina groans as she struggles to get up, only to get knocked back down when Coco Adel bumps into her after getting knocked away from a Paladin off-screen. Neon Katt and Reese Chloris dodge and weave between groups of students fighting against the infected Atlesian Knights and Paladins, with Neon freezing one's legs. Yatsuhashi Daichi is seen fighting a Griffon while Flynt Coal uses his trumpet to hold back a Paladin. Weiss Schnee then arrives on the battlefield, but get knocked back another Paladin. Penny and Mecha are blasting them with everything that they all have. Papyrus is using his sword arm and is cutting the Paladins to pieces.

Neptune: "Weiss!"

Yatsuhashi tries to hold back a Paladin's fist with his sword, but he gets knocked back. The Paladin then turns to and starts approaching a distracted Lie Ren.

Nora: "Look out!"

she pushes Ren out of the way of the Paladin's incoming strike, taking the hit instead.

Ren: "Nora! No!"

He reaches out to her, but gets knocked back by the Paladin too.

Coco and Neptune Vasilias fire their weapons at the Paladin, but it is unfazed. Nebula than used her semblance, Starburst, and teleported behind it and shot at the Paladin. However, it only scratched and got a bit berserk. Gwen than used Spinning Dancer, which made her out of sight as long as she dances, and attack the Paladin's vision. Basically, she does a type of invisibility illusion. Octavia than used her Semblance, Flaring Comet, in which her speed is increased to Ruby's level, plus some fire to do additional damage to it. She burned the leg and caused it to stop moving. She even used her semblance to cause a powerful explosion that burned the Paladin and rendered it unable to move its legs. However, it can still turn and shoot people.

Neptune: "Uh, this is bad."

Coco: "Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!"

Velvet's ears perk as she got more excited than before.


But Coco then spoke out.

Coco: Just make them count.

Velvet nods. As she walks up to the Paladins, Weiss notices and spoke in concern for her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Weiss: "What are you doing!? She's going to get hurt!"

Coco: "Just watch."

With her weapon, Velvet begins to replicate Crescent Rose, as she imitates Ruby's overhead spin, landing on top of the Paladin as she dodges its cannon fire. She then replicates Myrtenaster to deflect the Paladin's punch and land a few blows before pushing it back with the Ember Celica imitation.

Once after she lands a few shots, she slides under the Paladin's fist, similar to Blake as she uses the Gambol Shroud copy and uses its string to trip over the mech, before moving to the second Paladin by lopping off its hand, and jabbing it in the head with the cleaver. After backflipping, she than copies another one, and this one is Emerald's weapon. She shoots and later cleaved at the Paladin, while also changing to Amber's weapon. She than stabbed the ground and summoned a very powerful shockwave of wind. The Paladin than tried to shoot at Velvet, but made a copy of Neo's umbrella, blocking the automatic-firing bullets.

Before it can react, it is immediately peppered with imitation bullets, thanks to copying Coco's minigun. As it moves forward, Velvet switches to using Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang as a reference, as she lands another few hits while landing a downward blow from above with a copy of Magnhild, severing a limb.

As the first Paladin attempts to recover, Velvet immediately copies Penny's swords, as she leaps off the second Paladin and slices apart its legs before blasting it at full power.

She than used a copy of the Gaster Abyss Blasters and shot more so. However, the first Paladin sucker punches Velvet.

Velvet: "Aah!"

Coco: "Velvet!"

At this, Coco, Neptune, Nadir, and Reese land suppressing fire.

Furious, Weiss immediately rushes in, as she instinctively uses a summoning glyph, confusing her. When she rushes in between Velvet and the Paladin, she closes her eyes and grits her teeth as she discovers she summoned the arm and sword of the Arma Gigas she fought before, who blocks the Paladin's fist and bisects the machine in half. She takes a brief look at her summoning before being surprised by a camera flash, which was taken by a smiling Velvet.

But before they can take a breath, another advanced Paladin rushes in from the corner and begins to charge at them.

Sun: "You have got to be kidding me!"

Back at the Atlas Airship...

Roman: "Little Red, little Red, you are just determined to be the hero of Vale, aren'tcha?"

Ruby: "What are you doing!? Without these ships, the Grimm will destroy everything!"

Roman: "That's the plan!"

Ruby then swats aside Melodic Cudgel just as he attempts to fire it at her, causing him to move a few feet off-balance, but side-rolled out of the way and fired again. He than jumped to her and clashed weapons with her, with Ruby struggling to maintain her weapon's balance.

Ruby: "But why!? What do you get out of it!?"

Roman: "You're asking the wrong questions, Red! It's not what I have to gain, it's that I can't afford to lose!"

As Ruby charged, Roman jumps out of the way, and kicks her back, causing her to spin a bit.

As Ruby spins midair, the pint-sized powerhouse finishes with a roundhouse to the abdomen, as Roman slams the barrel of Melodic Cudgel to the ground and fires, causing the cane to ricochet and hit Ruby, before catching it and firing the weapon once more over his shoulder. The blast is enough to send Ruby holding on for dear life, with the embedded blade of Crescent Rose the only thing preventing her from falling.

Roman: "I may be a gambling man, but even I know that there are some bets you just don't take."

Roman than points his weapon at Ruby, and right at the head.

Roman: "Like it or not, the people that hired me are going to change the world! You can't stop 'em, I can't stop 'em!"

As Roman continues, Ruby kicks away a Nevermore, and realized a way to get back.

Roman: "You know the old saying, "If you can't beat 'em-""

Ruby than swung and kick Roman in be face. After that, she swung right back to the top of the airship.

Roman: "NO!!"

Ruby: "I don't care what you say! We will stop them and I will stop you! BET ON THAT!!"

As Ruby charges at top speed with the use of her Semblance, Roman grips Melodic Cudgel with both hands, the left hand holding the shaft, as he quickly catches the projectile with the hook end and hurls it at Ruby, knocking her away, before smacking her with the business end of the cane, ramming the weapon in her stomach, and firing another shot, sending her on her back once more.

Roman: "You got spirit, Red. But this is the real world!"

Roman then whacks Ruby with the butt of his cane, sending her back a few feet.

Roman: "The real world is cold!"

Roman lands another coshing, this time on Ruby's legs.

Roman: "The real world doesn't care about spirit!"

Ruby then kicks him in the knee, causing him to lose balance as he prepares a downward strike.

Roman: "You wanna be a hero!? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history!"

He then proceeds to smack Ruby with the butt end of the cane.

Roman: "As for me, I'll do what I do best: lie, steal, cheat, and SURVIVE!"

Just as Roman prepares a final, overhead swing,Ruby than smirked and points up.

"Oh yeah. Not if this one finishes you first."

He looks up, and is horrified that a Griffin came in and swallows him whole, attracted by the negativity of his rant, and left only his feathered hat. The roar sends Ruby back a few feet, before the two charge at each other. Ruby prevails when she kicks the beast in the head, sending it through the hull and causing it to crash. And then, she grabs both the hat and her Crescent Rose, leaps off the falling airship, and propels herself in the air, shooting at the ground as if her weapon was a pogo-stick before Neo comes on and grabs her, floating down to safety. Ruby than looks up and spoke very gratefully.

"Thank you, Neo."

Neopolitan smiles at her, and was able to get down safely, while the airship crashed, exploding.

Back in the city, Glynda Goodwitch uses her riding crop to knock back a few Creeps, while Qrow Branwen slices and blasts at a few infected Knights with his sword. Cardin Winchester giddily knocks back an Ursa with his mace, but then gets held at gunpoint by a few infected Knights. Suddenly, their heads are shot off, surprising Cardin. As the smoke clears, it is revealed that Winter Schnee miraculously survived his crash, her damaged uniform was ripped and burnt, but is still okay, and is not injuries. Winter than pulled her weapon and spoke out.

This area's secure! We need to-

Suddenly, Qrow's expression changes into what appears to be anger. He transforms his sword into a scythe and charges to his right. Raven follows behind him and slashed at a large Griffon, cutting the wings, and the head. Taiyang than came in and punched the living daylights out of an Ursa. Summer used her scythe and cut and shot at the 2 Beowulves. Team STRQ than turned to Winter.

Qrow: "So...What happened, General.

Winter sighed, before speaking out.

Winter: "Someone's done the impossible and gained control of my machines. And that enormous Grimm seems to be fixated on the school."

Glynda, form up the local Huntsmen and establish a safe zone here in Vale. We need to evacuate Beacon. Qrow, I'm leaving that to you and my men. I still need to get to my ship.

The three hear a loud noise and turn to see its source: Winter's ship slowly nosediving into the ground.

Qrow: Well, it won't be much of a walk.

The Atlesian Knights that are still functioning attempt one last time to harm the Huntsmen, before powering down.

In the Beacon courtyard, the students stand prepared to fight the Atlesian Paladin that is charging toward them. However, electricity arcs across it and it suddenly powers down, collapsing and sliding to a stop in front of them.

Sun: "Hm. That went better than expected."

Weiss doubles over, exhausted, leaning on Myrtenaster to keep herself standing.

Yang: "Weiss!"

Weiss turns and sees Yang running up to her.

"You're okay! Have you heard from Ruby?"

Weiss shakes her head.

Yang: "What about Blake?"

Weiss: "She went after an Alpha..."

Weiss than points in the direction that Blake Han ran off into.

and some members of the White Fang.

Yang: You look for Ruby. I'll meet up with Blake.

Yang hurries off in the direction that Weiss pointed, while the heiress gives a thumbs up.

In the Beacon vault, a blue portal than opened, and revealed both Sans and Amber coming out. Amber has her Fall Maiden powers activated.

"Alright, Amber. Now is our chance to get the Relic and Elemental Orb. It is now or never."

Amber nodded and proceed to go towards the door. She than took a deep breath, and put her hand of the door of the vault. When she does that, orange cracks began to appear, and the door began to open. When the door opens, it revealed some sort of...pocket dimension. It resembles a forest of when the fall comes in. The orange leaves float down gently to the ground, and there are 2 items before her. One is a crown. It's the Relic of Choice

The other is a green orb. It was an Elemental Orb. It is pulsing and is attracting to Sans. She than goes to it, and picks it up.

Blake and Adam Battling location...

Both Blake and Adam are clashing blades with one another. Blake struggles while Adam cruelly smiles at the Car Faunus

Adam: "This could've been our day! Can't you see that!?"

Blake: "I never wanted this! I wanted equality! I wanted peace!"

She raises her sword, its blade folding into sickle mode, and shoots at Adam, who blocks both bullets with his sword.

Adam: "What you want is impossible!"

He sheathes his sword and backhands Blake across her face, knocking her over.

Adam: "But I understand because all I want is you, Blake."

She begins to raise her sickle again, only for him to kick it out of her hand, knocking her over once again. Ilia than wrapped her weapon and shocked him. Trifa did the same and used yellow dust coating her webbing, making it more damaging. But Adam ignited the pain, and swung them away from him. He than returns his attention to Blake.

Adam: "And as I set out upon this world and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves, I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love."

Yang: "Blake!"

Yang's voice draws their attention to one of the broken windows. She soon comes into view and shoots a White Fang member, before looking around for her teammate.

Yang: "Blake! Where are you!?"

Adam looks at Blake to see her terrified expression, then returns his gaze to Yang.

Adam: "Starting with her."

Back inside of the Vault...

Amber than comes out, with the Relic of Choice on her head, and the Elemental Orb of the Earth in her other hand. She than gave it to Sans.

"Are you okay, Amber?"

She nodded. But before they can take a single step, and a Arrow came out of nowhere and almost hit Amber. Sans' coat blocked it and looked to see who it is that did it. And his eyes widened at who had fired the arrow.

Back at Blake and Adam's location...

Adam draws his sword and stabs it into Blake's abdomen near her left hip, causing her to shriek in pain. The cry catches Yang's attention.

Yang: "Huh?"

Adam stands upright, pulling his sword from Blake's flesh and turning to face Yang.

Yang: "Get away from her!"

Blake is than Reaching out helplessly, whispering.

"No... please..."

Adam sheathes his sword, smiling. Yang screams, her eyes turning red and a burst of flame erupting from her. She leaps at Adam, drawing her fist back with tears in her eyes. Adam swiftly draws his sword, swinging it through the air at Yang, as his Semblance activates. But before he could hit Yang...


Someone had blocked his sword, which was a spear that is made of what seems to be energy. He looked in shock and saw that a Faunus has intervened the battle. It has blue hair that resembles a fish tail. It is wearing turquoise armor with flood and green gems, along eith green eyes. Her ears are replaced with fish fins. She looked sternly at Adam Taurus.

Back at the Vault...

Sans looks up and saw that Cinder had follows them here. Sans than puts the Elemental Orb inside of his pocket. He than looked at Cinder will glowing Turquoise eyes. Cinder than fires her arrows at Sans, who respond by launching his crystal shards at her.

Back at Adam's Location...

Adam looked at the person that is interfering with the suffering that has had planned.

"Who are you?!"

He spoke angrily at the fish Faunus that has intervened. Her response...
"I am Undyne, captain of Ebott Royal Guard, and you, Adam, will feel my wrath."

Once Beacon Vault...

Sans was shocked that Cinder already appeared. Thankfully, he was prepared for the worst of it and spoke out to the corrupter.

"Stay back!"

Cinder casts a large fireball toward Sans, in which he responds by batting it back at her. Cinder backflipped and fires an icy spike at him. Sans than ducked and summoned a number of Abyss Shards.

Cinder, unfortunately, dodged the attacks, anf hits Sans with a fireball.



Sans than fell limp to the ground. Amber than to Cinder, who than prepared to fight her.

"It looks like I will have to fight her again."

Cinder than fired a blast of electricity at her. But Amber fires a blast of fire at Cinder, which caused both attacks to cancel out. Sans stood up and sees the fight happening. Amber prepares to attack, but Ozpin came out of nowhere and stopped her.

Ozpin: "Take Sans and get out of here! Find Glynda! Schnee! STRQ! Bring them here right away! The tower cannot fall! And make sure the Relics are now in Cinder's hands!"

Amber: "But Ozpin, I can help fight her."

Ozpin than turns and stares at her.

"You will only get Cinder to take your power."

Amber hesitates, But she relents and by her and Sans prepare to escape now. As Ozpin looks at Cinder, her eyes than flared like fire, which is glowing momentarily.

Back at Adam's Location...

Undyne than shoved Adam back, as she is walking toward her, she turned to Blake, Ilia, Trifa, and Yang. She than spoke out to the both of them.

"I want all four of you to get out of here and help many of the civilians. I will take this Corrupted Faunus."

Blake and Yang nodded and ran out of here. Undyne than turned to Adam, who is looking at her very furiously. Both took a stance and charged at one another.

Back at the Beacon Vault...

Cinder: This whole time... right beneath our feet. She was right about you.

Ozpin turns his cane in his grip, staring hard at Cinder. She sighed and shook her head.

"Such arrogance."

They both take a stance as the got ready to fight.

In the elevator, Sans and Amber are preparing to get to Schnee and the others, but Sans...he is not backing out from the promise he made.

'Ozpin...I do not care of what you are saying. I will not back out my promise...In Killing Cinder.'

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