Promises of a Destiny Beyond

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The darkened corridor of the Vault under Beacon, so black, and unseen. Only flashes of green and vermilion are illuminated in the darkness. More flashes are shown as Ozpin and Cinder Fall clash weapons against each other.
After a clash, Cinder slides back, using her hand to melt the floor below her, and summons ice crystals from the newly-formed substance, hurling them towards Ozpin.

Ozpin deflects them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darts forward and delivers a bunch of strikes at Cinder with his cane, with the last blow launching her back. Cinder then floats mid air by unleashing her Maiden power. Ozpin then slams his cane into the floor, forming a spherical force-field around him. Cinder then unleashes a powerful fire blast, with Ozpin leaping into the attack with the barrier protecting him. As he closes in on her, the entire area flashes white

Back Outside...

there is the docks that is outside of Beacon. Air buses are seen picking up the last few civilians and students. Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck oversee the evacuation.

Port: "That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!"

Oobleck: "A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!"

Weiss Schnee stares at what is in front of her, in disbelief. As both Ruby Rose and Neo comes running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to her leader's presence, and Weiss turns around to greet her.

Weiss: "Ruby! Neo!"

Ruby: "Oh, I found you!"

Weiss: "Ruby, where have you-"

Ruby: "Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?"

Weiss: "Yang, Blake, Ilia, and Trifa are helping getting the innocent people out of the area. Adam Taurus, he is fighting Undyne."

Ruby than looked confused.

"Who is Undyne?"

Weiss than answered.

"Undyne is a general of the Ebott Kingdom. She is know to be very skilled, and is on par with even Adam Taurus himself. Amber is outside, because Sans is preparing to fight Cinder."

Ruby looked in shock.

"What?! He can't do this alone! I had to go and help!"

As she tried to leave, Weiss than put a hand on Ruby's shoulder.

"Don't. He said that he wants to do it alone. He can take care of himself. I know that he can do so."

But Ruby was very worried and spoke out to Weiss.

"B-But what...what if he doesn't make it?"

As she began to worry, Sun than came next to her and spoke out, comfortingly.

"Hey. They're gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale."

Nora: "But Sans and Amber are still missing."

Nora attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

Ruby: "What!?"

Sun: "Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!"

Ren: "We're not... leaving!"

Sun turns and casts a worried look at Blake.

Ruby: "I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back."

Weiss: "No! We will find them."

She than turned to Ren, Jaune, and Pyrrha.

"Watch for Blake and Yang. We'll be back."

Ruby and Weiss run back toward Beacon Academy, while Sun watches them go.

Sun: "You better be! Idiots."

Back at Adam's location...

Adam is having some serious trouble. He never thought that he would be facing someone equal to him in every way. He than tried to stab Undyne, but she moved out fo the way and tried to do the same. Adam blocked it, but was unfortunately sent back.

"What's wrong, Adam? I thought that you were much tougher than you are!"

Adam than looked and snarled at the General before him.

"Shut up! I will not allow you to ruin my plans!!!"

He than charged at Undyne, who simply blocked it. Undyne than dodged left and attack at his leg. Adam moves, but got a cut there. Infuriated, he than jumped forward and tried to attack the neck. Unfortunately, however, Undyne simply bender and Adam went over her. He than looks very frustrated.

"It's no use, Adam. Just give it up."

Adam than cried out.

"Not yet...not while I am this close to my goals!!!!"

He than charged at her again, but Undyne pulled in unexpected move. She grabbed onto his left arm, which holds the sheathe, and attacked it with her spear.



Adam than got saw that his left arm his sliced. He than felt what he never thought he would feel. It was non other than...


Undyne than turned to Adam and spoke out to him. Her voice is like a knife...cutting into his being

"What else can you do?"

Adam, feeling frightened for the first time, ran away. Undyne tolled her eyes, before deciding to help the civilians.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Weiss are on their way back to Beacon campus, when Weiss' Scroll begins ringing.

Weiss: "It's Amber!"

She than answers it, and spoke out.

"Amber! Where are you?!"

Amber this spoke out.

"I am next to the Academy. Sans is going up to face Cinder. The one that that caused this event."

Ruby than shouted out loud.

"What?! Why is he going up to where Cinder is?!"

Amber than spoke out.

"He wants to kill himself. Even though he never liked killing, even he admits that Cinder is to dangerous to even be kept alive. Look, I cannot stay talking right now...Grimm are coming to me. I have to go. Good luck, you two."

The call ended,  and than suddenly, the ground begins to shake, alerting Ruby and Weiss to the danger that approaches them. The Wyvern flies into view, circling Beacon Tower with black ooze dripping from it. It perches on one of the arches stemming from the tower and utters a screech. Ruby than draws Crescent Rose, shifting it into its scythe form in preparation for the Grimm both spawning and forming from within the ooze.

Ruby: "I have a plan."

Weiss than draws out we weapon, Myrtenaster.

"You always do, Ruby."

Meanwhile, at the headmaster office...

At the top of the tower, in Ozpin's office, a large amount of smoke flows out from the elevator, masking the entrance of Cinder Fall. She confidently strides to the window across the room, a smirk on her face. As if sensing her presence, the Wyvern climbs up to the top, peers at her through the window, and screeches.

Cinder than spoke out with a gentle, comforting tone.

"Shhhh... This is your home now."

The Wyvern stares at her and utters a shorter, quieter screech. Cinder backs away from the window and holds her hand out to the side, creating a fireball in her palm. The sound of sparks distracts her, and she looks over her shoulder at the elevator, her fireball dissipating. After a few moments, the sparks come to a stop, and immediately upon the elevator doors' opening, an Abyss Shards came and stabbed the Grimm to death. Cinder turns to see Sans, and he is ready to make sure that Cinder does not get out alive.

" we are, battling."

Cinder than turned to Sans and stood to her full height.

"You May have saved your friends, but who will save you?"

Sans than looked at her and spoke.

"...No one. This battle is between you and me."

Cinder than chucked out at Sans cruelly, before speaking out.

"Why do you keep on defending this inferior beings. You have wanted power as I do, and you should have used it to make yourself feared to everyone."

But Sans than fires back.

"Except, Cinder...that is what you desire. I may want Power, but that is where are similarities end. You only desire power to make people fear you and rule everyone, oppressing them in their lives, pretending to be nothing more than a god to others. But me...I use my power to show them that I am on their side. I want people to see, how I wanted to be excepted by them, and how I am still a human being when seen. My heart will never be as black and corrupted as your own. Now..."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He than brought the Gaster Abyss Blasters out, along with the Abyss Chains.

"...time that we finish this, Cinder. Once and for all."

Cinder than raised her hand, and summoned a fireball above it.

She than throws her fireball at Sans, who than dodged it and counter attacks with an Abyss Chain. She dodged it and destroyed it. She than tried to use her arrow and blow it up from under Sans' feet. But Sans realized what was about to happen and dodged the attack. He than used the Gaster Abyss Blaster and fired at her. She than counter attacked with a blast of fire. She than began to float and rush at Sans, who than does the same. Sans than punched Cinder, sending her back to the ground. But Cinder than used her arrows to try and pierce Sans. But Sans dodged them so narrowly and got out of the way. However, the bombs arrows exploded, and Sans was sent back the explosion. Sans than shook his head, as he saw that Cinder is now hovering. Sans stands up and does the same for his wings. Sans than made a crystal spear and launched it at Cinder. Cinder than made a wall that is made of ice, which blocks the spear.

While Cinder uses fire to hover in the air, Sans hovered as well and summoned some mini blasters. She launched the fire at him, but the Mini Blasters shot them out of mid-flight. Sans than charged her and punched her. The punch was so hard, that Cinder made a crater when she hit the ground. Cinder than stood up and to go more on the offensive.

"I am not as powerful because I was only given similar abilities to the Fall Maiden. But when I get my hands on Amber, I will truly be all powerful, and I will be feared by many of the people in the entirety of Remnant."

Sans does not listen and instead prepare to attack. He summoned a crystal spire and trapped Cinder. But Cinder flied through them. This caused immense damage to the office, as the outside is now showing in the bloom. Cinder than tried to bomb Sans with fireball that can actually do detonation, but Sans, while he got hit, he was able to tank it like it was no real problem at all. The bomb was powerful enough to actually shake the tower. Unamused, he than looked back at Cinder.

"That is it? That is the best attack that you can do? And you claim you are supposed to be feared by many. But me...I am not afraid of you."

Cinder scowled, but smirked a bit, before charging at him. Sans does the same and clashed. The clash was powerful to the point that a shockwave could be seen outside. Cinder than used her ice powers and cut off Sans wings. His wings disappeared and he began to fall down. Cinder than summoned ice spoke for Sans to be skewered in, and used wind like it is telekinesis to pull Sans. But Sans has a trick up his sleeve.

He summoned a plat form, made spikes, and shattered it. Cinder than got a bit irritated and prepared to launch fire at Sans. But Sans was running to her already. As Cinder fires a number of fireballs, Sans jumped and flipped around and between them.

'These fireballs are as fast at the world's fastest bullet. I would have to be careful when she is doing that.'

Sans than jumped and shot a Gaster Abyss Blaster. Cinder than simply leans and attacks back. She summoned a blast of fire and launched at Sans. But Sans jumped out of the way. He than summoned a bunch of Ice Shards at her and launched them at Cinder. She simply used fire to send them back. Sans than backflipped without even seeing where they are even heading to. Sans than ran, and boy...was he fast. Even on ground, his speed is comparable to Ruby's semblance, which is, literally, speed. Sans than shot. he brought out a Gaster Abyss Blaster, and tried to fire at her. But Cinder dodged once again, and fires an arrow at Sans' feet. Sans than jumped into the air, now fully regrowing the wings, and prepared a blast. But Cinder already prepared one.

Sans and Cinder than exchanged blows and attack. Sans than summoned Abyss Shards from above and launch then at Cinder.

But Cinder than counters with her own, and used icicles to knock them off target, and would only pierce the ground instead. Sans than used telekinesis to throw her into the walls and the ceiling, and tried to throw her out of the window. But Cinder than used winds to propel herself back to her position, and she than put up a surprise attack, and prepared to fire a blast of flames that is actually hotter than the hottest fire in Remnant. She than grins and spoke it to Sans.

"It's Over."

She than fired the blast at Sans, who than got hit by it.


Sans than began to fall, and than Cinder began to relish to her 'victory.'

"Yes. Now that he is out of the way, I can now bring the Relic to Salem and be feared by..."

As she relished it, when than noticed something...unexpected happening before her.

Sana's fall is slowing, and the Elemental Orb than began to glow. It than went out of the pocket of Sans, and than began floating above him.

"Huh?! What is this?! What is happening?! I won!! I am feared!! Salem rules the world!! Why are you still alive?!"

The Elemental Orb than rise up above Sans, and than began to fuse with him, just like the previous Elemental Orbs.

Within the area...Sans Gaster Point Of View...

Huh...what is happening? Am I...where I think I am right now? Am I in...the Abyss once more? I than opened my eyes, and saw that I was back in the Abyss again. But the place is bright just like last time, and...Huh? What is that there.

It looks like a combination between a tree, a flower, and an egg. There are these weird blue strings that are connected to the pedals. And the is in the center, and it is made entirely out of crystal I used. The crystal roots...they are all a heart. What is that?


That voice...could it be...I turned to see who it is. Is...Is that...Is that S.G.???

Kaz...he looks different, looking more humanoid than before. He has crystal legs this time, but is not attached. It is simply floating below the other half of it. The same are for the arms. He has a Silver wrist band armor with the crystal on the top, as well as long claws. He has a few going around his chest, as well as a star-shaped home on the stomach. The coattail turns shorter and becomes a bending crystal. He has more longer hair, and now has a helmet that resembles more Knight-like. Because that he does not have feet, he is floating.


He than looked at me and spoke out.

"You have gotten far. More far than any of the past rulers. But you still have one more thing to learn. What you are in...right my home. This tree is what connects the existence of the life that is present. It is the embodiment of the tree of life, the heart to all existence, and is meant to stablaize every aspect of it. But it is also a powerful gift to you. can use a techniques that had not been used since the ancient days...and he will help you in battling the one that has corrupted our gifts of knowledge to the humans we created."

I than looked confused.

"Who is he you refer?"

Than...another voice spoke out to me.


I turned and that...

Outside world...Third Person P.O.V

(The theme will be stronger than you, but it is how I have written it in a Abyss-like version. I am not good with this sort of thing, so I hope I do a good job. The instruments will be a combination of a dubstep music, and a type of ancient music.)

There is a blinding green light, and Cinder closed her eyes to block it out. When it was finished, she looked in shock at what she is seeing.

Sans' appearance had changed again. His wings are now fire-like, and a type of large DNA that spins inside it. His eyes have turned reptilian like and are glowing Turquoise. The appendages have increased to 8 this time, and resemble DNA strands. He no longer the the Turquoise Liquid that he cried out in his previous transformation. He is also holding a weapon in his hands.

He is holding a sword. It was a bit larger than him, but still usable. It has the base looking similar to S.G's face, and the guard had 2 decorations that's similar to Abyss Chains. It also has a gem at the beginning of it. This is sword goes by the name of Crystal Gladius. It has been use by the second successor of the Abyss, during a deadly war. The sword is said to have the power to cut through anything that is filled with only evil inside them. Cinder than scoffed at it.

It is a corrupting night outside.
Humans are fighting, monsters are roaring...
On nights like these, people like you...
Should be freezing in hell.

"Just because you have a big sword, doesn't mean you are all powerful!!"

She than prepared to do something, but Sans? realized what was going to happen. He has a premonition that Cinder is going to blast the floor, which would collapse the tower. Reacting, he charged and attacked Cinder, taking a chunk of aura. She got send back and looked angrily.

Turn around, you. It be a sin.
If I had to go back on the promise that I made for you,
So come out from within.
But you know what? You are a really evil Kin.

" dare you!!!"

She than charged at him, but Sans? can now see into the future. He jumped and slashed down at her, causing her to lose another chunk of aura. Sans than attacked her twice. Cinder than jumped back and got so immensely frustrated at him, that she than used all of her power.

But ones like you do not like my own rules,
And guys like me, it is not easy to be playing for fools.
So let us go, let thy battle get colder,
Let us fight, you corruption Bringer.

"You know you are thinking of playing death for me, very well!!! I will kill you so that I could finally become feared by Everyone!!!"

Go ahead and try to kill me if you are able,
I Guess you know that sparing is off the table.
I can tell you are really sick of trying,
But I think you are enraged that you keep on missing.

She than charged at Sans? once more, but Sans? had a future vision of what is going to happen. She is going to touch him, which would first freeze him. Than after that, she will use fire in her fists and shatter him. So that would mean that she is planning to kill him. As Cinder than charged, Sans leapt up in the air, and Cinder tried to fire icicles directly at Sans to try and Skewer him once more. But Sans than cut them and struck the icicles. He than struck Cinder, but Cinder was not ready to lose, and never will. She than used her powers to make her own sword.

The blade that she has is made entirely out of glass, but has fire that increases both durability and damage. But to Sans?, he thinks of it as nothing, and simply a glass that can just simply be shattered effortlessly.

She than clashed with Sans'? blade and it caused sparks to appear.



While Cinder's blade is more lighter and used more quicker blows, surprise, surprise, Sans? wields it like it was no real problem at all. Sans? Than shoved Cinder back and did a quintuple energy slash. 4 miniature slashes and one gigantic energy slash coming directly to Cinder. Cinder than jumped out of the way, and the blasts hit the wall, which caused a very loud boom.


You are not going to win, we shall battle together,
Fighting in this judgment hall forever.
I know you hate when you try to beat me,
But you will always be there to see me.

I know you a-are made o-o-o-o-o-of LO-O-O-O-OVE, LO-O-O-O-OVE

This loud explosion was so powerful, if it had struck the ground, it would have caused a somewhat of a miniature earthquake. Cinder than leapt towards Sans?, and tried to cut him in half, but Sans? actually expected it due to premonition, and blocked the attack with one of the Abyss Chains.


He than wrapped the other ones around her and than he swung the blade a bit. While it did not make her loose her entire aura, it did put her on the brink of it, which is what Sans? hoped. Sans than swung his blade, which was actually able to cut the sword.


This is where it Starts.
This is where it Ends.
If you want to go end me,
Well you better try again.

But regardless on how I stop you,
You will not give up your attack.
Do you not just like the feeling
Of corruption COURSING through your back?

Flames burst and Cinder was furious. She than summoned a spear and try to attack him. But Sans summoned his own and destroyed the spear effortlessly. Cinder than charged at him with another sword in her hand, both with a rather different appearance.

She than laughs as she believed that Sans has no chance in stopping her. Her eyes now flared with an aura-like Fire.

"Try to cut this one! Now you will fear me!!"

She than went insane and tried to cut him down to size, but Sans? simply clashed with the blade and simply stopped it. Sans than swung the sword with only half of his might, and shattered it once more.


The sword than shattered just like the previous once were shattered, and the explosion is larger. But that was not all. Sans got into striking range and attacked Cinder with his blade, and hit her when he hits the two handler at the same time. This act...took the last of Cinder's aura and desires.


Go ahead and try to hit me if you are able.
You should know by now that sparing is off the table.
Think that you can try to spare me like I am some pawn?
Well, you will never spare my friends, so get DUNKED on!

She coughed blood out, but Sans? wasn't done. He snapped his fingers, and a crystal spike cane out of the ground and had than stabbed Cinder right in the gut.




I know you made my friends all suffer here,
But everything they dream of is why I am here.

She is than lifted into the air, and is finally afraid. As Sans? than flied up into the air, looking furious, she than looked and spoke, stuttering.

"Who...who are you?"

Sans? than spoke.

"Who am I? one of the creators of humanity. one of the creators of the Relics! I am the pure creator of the Elemental Orbs!!!! I AM THE JUDGE THAT YOU HUMANS STILL GAIN YOUR EXISTENCE!!!! I AM THE RIGHTEOUS KARMA THAT PUTS THE END TO ANY EXISTING CORRUPTION!!!!!! I. AM. KYO!!!!!!!!! THE GOD OF EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I am their Savior...
I am their Justice...
I am Evolution...

At those words, Kyo than summoned Gaster Abyss Blaster to Cinder

He puts them around Cinder...and fires at them. destroyed.

I know you a-are made o-o-o-o-of LO-O-O-O-OVE, LO-O-O-O-OVE

(But I think I am stronger than you.)




(But I think I am stronger than you.)


But I think I am stronger than you!

And just like finally...destroyed. There is nothing. She had been reduced to atoms and particles. Nothing has survived the debris that had been blown.


On the ground below, Ruby and Weiss fight off Grimm.

Ruby: We've gotta hurry!

Weiss looks around for a moment, before casting a series of glyphs up the side of the tower.

Weiss: You can do this.

Ruby than runs forward, then uses her Semblance to propel herself up to the first glyph. She then sprints up the wall, the glyphs propelling her forward and keeping her from falling off.

Kyo than looked around for a bit, before relinquishing control over Sans. Sans fainted and dropped to the floor, unconscious. The power was so great, a Nevermore prepared to devour. It came into the room and stalked over sans. Ruby saw that San is about to get eaten. Feeling hopeless, she than closed her eyes, and opened them, revealing like coming out of her eyes, and aiming towards the Grimm.

The light came and hit the creature, turning it into stone, but Amber swooped in and grabbed sans, now escaping. Ruby than faints from this suddenly new ability of hers.

Patch...Branwen, Xiao Long, Rose house...

Ruby is now asleep in an unfamiliar bed, wearing gray pajamas. Birds are tweeting and sunlight is streaming onto the wall behind the bed's headboard. After a few seconds, she wakes up and looks over to see her father asleep in a chair. She sits up and sighs quietly, causing Taiyang to stir awake.


He than gets up and kneels next to her.

"You're awake!"

Ruby: "Ugh... what happened?"

Taiyang: "Your uncle Qrow found you, unconscious. He got you out of there, though, and brought you home safe."

She than looks down, trying to think, before her head snapped back up, as she than remembered something.

"Wait...Yang, Penny, Pyrrha, are they all alright?"

"Yeah. They're alright. They are just shaken up. That's all."

"And Sans. Where is he?"

Taiyang than sighed and spoke.

"I didn't and was unable to find him. But he is still alive with Amber. He even gave me a note for you to have."

He than took out a piece of paper, and she looks at the message.


I know that this seems to be sudden, but I cannot come with you on wherever you are heading to. Me and Amber have survived the attack that had taken place, and Cinder is dead. Unfortunately, however, I need to leave. I manage to get an item from under Beacon before it could collapse. It is useful, yet very dangerous. It has a faint aura that is attracting Grimm, and I do not want to risk you and the others. I have to go and make sure that this Relic is in safe hands, and I need to one last task. This task is something that you cannot do. I am very sorry the I have to leave you and Yang, Ruby. I really am. But I cannot risk you all getting out in danger that I might do. Ruby...I want to thank you for your redemption in the abuse off all the practice dummy times with you and Yang, and had a fun time while it lasts. Unfortunately...this might be our final goodbye. So long, Ruby...

I always loved you...


Ruby than teared up at the nite, realizing that she might not be able to see Sans again. Strangely, the item is colored gold. Ruby than wiped those tears and looked at her father.

" you know where Sans is heading."

Taiyang than shook his head.

"No. I didn't have a note that told me of where he's going."

Ruby than thought of another thing that is really important.

Ruby: "What happened to the school?! And Vale?! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?"

Taiyang: "Things at Vale are under control, but the school... It's... it's not that simple. That thing, whatever it is, doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it. But it's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad, but it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school."

Ruby than tiled her head in a rather confused state.

"I did... what?"

Taiyang: "Hmm?"

Ruby: "You said I did a number on it. What do you mean?"

Taiyang: "I... Look that's not important right now. We can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess."

Qrow: "It's always a mess."

Ruby and Taiyang look to see Qrow suddenly standing in the room, near the door. He finishes off the contents of his flask before continuing.

Qrow: "Mind if we have a minute?"

Taiyang: "What, I can't stay here?!"

Qrow: "Tai. Please."

Taiyang stands up, sighs, and then leans in to kiss Ruby on the forehead.

Taiyang: "I'm glad you're alright. I'll go make us some tea.

He than gets up and walks away.

Taiyang glares at Qrow on the way out, but the latter doesn't appear to care. As Qrow approaches Ruby's bed, he grabs the chair and drags it with him. He then spins it around to face the bed and sits in it with a significant slouch, crossing one leg over the other.

Qrow: "So, how you feeling?"

Ruby: "Um... I kind of hurt... all over."

Qrow chuckled a bit, before finally speaking out.

"That makes sense, after what you did."

She later spoke, while he crossed his arms.

Ruby: "You guys keep saying that! That I did something! What are you talking about?!"

Qrow than uncrossed both arms and legs, before leaning towards Ruby.

What's the last thing you remember?

Ruby: "I ran up the side of the tower, and when I got to the top, I...Sans...I thought that he was going to be eaten."

Qrow: "Yeah...and it was very close.

"...and then everything went white!"

Qrow: "Anything else?"

Ruby: "I remember... my head hurting."

Qrow: "The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?"

Ruby: "I... I don't know. I think it was something about..."

Qrow: "Silver eyes. That's an extremely rare trait."

Ruby: "So?"

Qrow: "You're special, Ruby. And not in the "Daddy loves his special angel" kind of way. You're special the same way your mom was. Remnant's full of legends and stories, some of them true, some made up. But there's one Oz told me from a very long time ago. Back before Huntsmen, before Kingdoms, it was said that those born with silver eyes were destined to lead the life of a warrior. You see, the creatures of Grimm, the most fearsome monsters mankind had ever encountered, were afraid of those silver-eyed warriors. They were the best of the best. It was said that even a single look from one of these fighters could strike a Grimm down. Heh. It's a ridiculous story."

Ruby: "But... you think that I might be..."

"Well, a giant monster is currently frozen on top of Beacon Tower. And you're here, safe in bed."

He chuckles, than gets to his feet and walks over to a window, leaning on the sill and staring outside.

Ruby: "Wait, wait, how did you know what Ozpin said to me... the night we met?"

Qrow: "All those missions I go on... all the times I'm away in some far-off place... it's been for Ozpin. But he's missing now. Something's been set in motion. With Oz gone, I'll have to pick up where he left off."

Ruby: "And what could I do? If I'm so special, then I can help, right?"

Qrow: "You really wanna help? Get some rest. You're in no condition to go anywhere right now. Besides, our enemy's trail leads all the way to Haven. That'd be quite a trip for a pipsqueak like you..

Qrow later gets up and goes to the door, but not before winking at her.

"Later, kiddo."

Ruby sits alone for a while. She looks at the window that Qrow looked out of, then stares at herself in a mirror hanging on the wall across from her bed.

A while later...

Ruby got out of bed. But when she opens the door, she heard a voice.



She looked and before she could react, Ruby got hugged by Penny and Yang! She was surprised, but hugged them both. After a bit, they both separated a little bit.

"Yang, Penny! I'm so glad that you're both okay! But, wait a moment, Penny. I thought you went back to Atlas!"

Penny than shook her head no and spoke out to her.

"I was able to sneak into your boat. Atlas was planning for me to shut down, so I do not get involved. But I decided, to go and be with you, Ruby."

Ruby smiled, but than looked at Yang.

"Yang, where are the others?"

"They are in the house, waiting for you. team JNPR, May, Papyrus, Mecha, and Weiss are here."

She than spoke out.

"I know that Sans and Amber is not here, but where is Blake and the other?"

Yang then looked down and sighed a bit.

"They...they had to leave. Blake was worried that her family might be endanger by the White Fang. Ilia thought the same thing as well. Trifa does not have one, and offered to come and protect them. Leon also joined in with them, as he wants to protect Blake and them. It feels bad that they had to leave...but, I know that they never wanted to leave. But Blake did say that...we would be together again someday."

Ruby nodded, but felt sad that Blake had to leave them as well.

"But Wait a moment. What happened to sans? You said you know what happened to them."

Ruby than looked sad.

"Sans...he...he left us. He said that he had gotten an item from under Beacon before it had crumbled. He says that it is useful, but it is attracting Grimm. He claimed that he can't come with us, as he felt like he would endanger me and the others. He went along with Amber to do what I am not sure is happening. I just hope that whatever they might finish....I hope that I get to see them again."

Ruby than began crying, and both Yang and Penny than hugged her. They both than comfort one another. After a bit, Yang than spoke out.

"Ruby...there is one mor thing that you need to know right now."

She than looked up at Yang, with tears still trickling down.

"What...(Sniff) What is it?"

She than looked a bit sad.

"Because that Beacon is down, We have to travel to Haven academy in foot. And this time, Aunt Summer will be accompanying us to there."

Ruby was surprised about the new information that is giving to her.



Jaune: "Hey."

Ruby: "Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go."

Jaune: "I know. It's the only way we have."

Ren: "We all know."

Ruby: "Are you sure you want to come along?"

Ren: "The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain."

May and Papyrus looked and nodded at each other.

Mecha: "We all have your back, Darling."

Penny than took Mecha by the hand and looked at her.

"We always will."

Weiss than came and spoke out.

"Nothing will change us and you of  who we are all truly."

Pyrrha: "But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it."

Ruby: "Then let's get started."

Summer than came and spoke out.

"Lead the way...sweetie."

???: "A smaller, more honest soul... It's true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary. The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute. Which is why I will focus all of my power... to snuff it out."

As the above is spoken, Taiyang is seen bringing breakfast to Ruby's bedroom, but suddenly drops it when he sees she's not there. The concerned father then runs out of the room, unaware of the note Ruby left behind on her bed. As Taiyang runs past Yang's bedroom, she notices a crow perched on a branch, before watching it fly off

???: "How does it feel, knowing that all of your time and effort has been for nothing? That your guardians have failed you? That everything you have built will be torn down before your very eyes? Your faith in mankind was not misplaced. When banded together, unified by a common enemy, they are a noticeable threat. But divide them, place doubt into their minds, and any semblance of power they once had will wash away."

As the above is spoken, Grimm are seen marching toward the ruins of Beacon. In Vale, Glynda is seen trying to repair a shop with her telekinesis, but fails to hold it together. Elsewhere, Blake is seen running across rooftops. She stops to notice Beacon in the distance before continuing onward. Sans and Amber are seen in a unfamiliar place of woods.

???: "Of course, they will never realize what it is at first. Like you, they will cling to their fleeting hope, their aspirations. But this is merely the first move."

As the person spoken, Ruby is seen looking at a cliff, before turning to the others. Sans than is seen looking at his gem, before looking forward at some unknown thing. Neo is holding her hand, and looked worried, and Emerald is also present with her beloved. Sans gives them a reassuring smile, before continuing forward.

???: "So you send your guardians, your Huntsmen and Huntresses, and when they fail and you turn to your smaller soul, know that you send her to the same pitiful?"

There is castle, an ominous-looking stone stairway lined with dark, purple crystals. up on the top revealing a figure in black overlooking a barren wasteland.

???: "This is the beginning of the end, Ozpin...".

The figure than turns to reveal a white mask with black eye sockets leaking black liquid and looking menacing.

"...and will never unlock the potential that you will have."

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