Fall and Evolve

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Ebott was getting ready for battle. Salem has sent Nightmare to try and attack the Kingdom, so that they are not a threat.

This is due to the fact that, unlike the rest of the part of Remnant, Ebott is the only place where magic still exist. Hence, it is why people in Ebott are very hidden. Thankfully, however, Sans was able to make Ebott float, just like Atlas. But due to his Evolving psychology, he was able to bypass the limitation of only one purpose at a time, and was able to summon a shield around the kingdom's entirety.

But Nightmare and his army will try to break into the shield very soon. So, to get ready, Undyne than instructed everyone at the kingdom of Ebott to train in the art of magic. While everyone does not like it, they knew that they have to fight, or else they will lose their homes completely.

Many of them use their magic to try and increase the damaging properties of their attack. Others, like the Dreemurrs, use magic for elemental attacks.

Some even try to use the Magic in creative ways, similar to how Undyne uses magic to make her spears, and even infuse them in machines, Like Mecha and Mettaton.

As everyone began to train, Sans also decided that Amber and Sans need to spar a little as well, while he is well aware of the power that he possesses, even he is unsure if he is skilled enough to take on Nightmare. The only hope he has will have to revolve around his first form, but he has no idea if it will work, or if it will only temporarily stop him. But he knows he needs to be prepare from when Nightmare comes.

Sans and Amber than go outside to Sparda by the permission of Undyne, since Sans needed to see if she is truly trained enough to tackle against Nightmare and his forces. As Sans took a stance, and prepares to use his powers, Amber than activates her Fall Maiden powers, as she prepares to fight Sans, the person that she loves.

The flame-like aura appeared from her eyes once more, as she glares and is prepared to battle against Sans.

"Well, Amber? Are you ready?"

Sans spoke, as he prepares to tackles against the Fall Maiden. Amber nodded, while answering.

"Yes, Sans. I am ready."

Amber than began to levitate in the air, as she prepares to fight against Sans.

Sans than made his first move, and began to physically fight with his fists. Amber does the same, and used her fist as well. Both Sans and Amber clashed together.

Sans than does an uppercut, but Amber blocks and does a right hook. Amber than tries to axe kick Sans, as he than gets out of the way of it. Sans than gets back, and does a flying kick, as he tries to hit Amber. But The Fall Maiden than changed the battle, and summoned an ice shield, which also stopped to blow from Sans.

Amber than summoned a bow made of heated glass, and than summoned an arrow to. She than fired at Sans, who gets out of the way. The arrow then exploded!

Sans got out of the way, and summoned Abyss projectiles towards her location, but Amber used leaves, froze them together, and defend herself against the Abyss Shards, protecting her life. But that is all Sans had needed, as he summoned an Abyss Gaster Blaster to attack. But Amber than used a blast of fire, and countered against the blast, which also stopped the shards that are inside of the Blaster.

Amber than took flight, as Sans does the same. Sans than summoned the Gladius in his hand

It was still the same as before, with the Abyss Chains still hanging on the base of it. Amber than summoned a sword made of heated glass, which resembles the large one that Cinder has tried to use, as a last resort to Finish the ruler of the Abyss off. But this one is actually stronger, due to Amber being the true Fall Maiden, and Cinder only obtained an artificial version of it.

Both blades clashed, as a miniature explosion appeared from the both of them locking blades. And the explosions still come. Sans than ducked under and tried to strike her from behind. But Amber made a shield out of the same material at the sword is. And it got more unexpected. As Sans struck the shield...


The Shield has explode!!! And it has sent Snas back, and has his aura damaged!! Thankfully, it has not been weakened by the sudden trap.

"Wow, Amber is getting more clever than ever before."

Than, Amber made a bomb with fire, Incase inside of an orb made of ice. She threw it, and the grande exploded, sending spits of fire in every direction, and preparing to burn Sans' Aura away. Thankfully, Sans made a shield made of crystal. He didn't use his scarves, because it would only burn it. Sans than used the Mini Blaster, but Amber also made mini fireballs, which move in a similar way the mini blasters move.

"Man, Amber is really much of copy-cater. I really need to ask her in being..."

Before he could finish, a Icicle covered in...fire?


It appeared out of nowhere, and tired to strike Sans. But Sans was able to catch it with his bare hands. Big mistake. The Icicle began to chew away of his aura at a fast rate. So Sans has to throw it in the air, and destroyed it with the Gaster Blaster.

"Okay...that was very clever."

As he spoke this, Amber appeared out of nowhere, and planted many hot-glass land-mines everywhere on the ground. Sans accidentally stepped on one, and it exploded. It than caused multiple explosions, that damaged Sans' aura halfway from empty.

But Sans is still fine, and is not giving up. He than summoned multiple crystals spears and attacked Amber. Amber was surprised and moved out of the way, but an Abyss Bomb appears and exploded next to her, sending her flying down to the ground.

Her aura is also halfway gone. So for the remainder of the fight, both of them will stick to blade on blade combat, but not without using their weapon's abilities.

Sans and Amber clashes blades together, and each channeled their power into it to increase their strikes. Amber tried to swipe at the feet, but Sans jumped and tried to aim for the head. But Amber blocked it. Amber than made an electrical current that shocked Sans very badly, and made him stunned a little. Amber than kicks him away. But Sans quickly began to move again, and flied to her position very fast. Amber than summoned a vortex of flames, which blocked Sans from reaching her.

"Wow...that's unfair."

Sans than decide to do a little trick of his own. He than went into the air, and began to spin, creations his own vortex.

Sans than moved the vortex, and began to clash with it. As the 2 tornado attack one another, both of them began to dissipate, as they are both cancelling each other out of the picture.

After a little while, dust and debris than obscure the entire scene. There was no movement, and people would have worried at who was still standing. But after a little while, the dust finally settled, and both Sans and Amber are shown to be exhausted, but they are still fine.

Both of them than ran at each other, and Sans did 5 slashes. 4 from the chains, and one from the main blade. But Amber was able to summon wind as fast as a tornado, and redirected the attack back. Sans however, was able to cut it down to aids, by Summoning the Abyss Gaster Blaster, and not only destroyed his own stack, but also got through the powerful wind. But Amber than back-flipped away from the powerful blast. She than tried to attack Sans, and Sans tried to do the same, but Amber was so tired, that she collapsed and fell on top of Sans, who was not as exhausted as Amber herself. But Sans was able to carry her physically, which would have been difficult of a person his build and weight. But due to the power of evolution, he is stronger than the average man. He than went back into the house, and laid her down on the couch to rest.

After a little bit, Sans and Amber have finally taken a break for the day. Sans is removing the sweat, while Amber is thinking of what the outcome of the battle would be in the circumstances that they're in now.

"Well, Amber. I hope that you are ready to go up against Nightmare and his army."

"I really hope I am. But Sans...for once..I...I am so terrified!"

Sans than turned, and looked in shock at what's happening! Amber than had tears of fear going down her face, as she had a very terrifying thought crossing her mind.

"I-I'm so s-scared, Sans! What i-if that Sal-lem tries to takes m-my powers and use them to conquer the world?! Wh-Wht if she tries to get the re-relics and try to take away the hope that we always had to keep this world?! Sans I-I'm so terrified! I'm so terrified to die!!"

Amber was very, very much in a fragile moment right now. And Sans did not waste any time, went to Amber, and embraced her comfortingly. Sans than spoke to her.

"Amber...listen. I'm terrified to. I understand what you feel. But that's okay. It is a part of what humans have. If we weren't afraid, we would have been considered fools. But Amber, I can tell you...It won't happen. I will always protect you from whatever being is trying to take your powers. I don't care if they are immortal, powerful, or anything else in this sort of matter. I will not let anything bad happen to you. Okay? It is a promise that I intend to keep completely."

Amber was very surprised, but than hugged Sans in return, and she smiled very vulnerably.

"Thank you, Sans. Thank you. I love you so much."

Amber said. Sans than spoke out.

"Yeah, me to, Amber."

Both Amber and Sans looked at each other, before kissing.


Sans was now at the house with Amber, who is in her room. Sans is studying some history that could be realized to the combined Relic, but had not found anything that could help him just yet. While doing this, he than decide to ask for help. He turned upstairs, and Sans spoke out.

"Hey, Amber! Do you mind helping me with the research involving the Relic of Omnipotence?"

He waited for an answer, but it was only silence. Sans is getting rather suspicious.

"Amber, are you still up?"

He than put the book away, and goes up the stairs, and to Amber's room. He than opens the door.

"Amber, what are you...HUH??!!!"

Sans look, as she sees that she is doing something.

Amber was in her bead, without being in her pajamas. She than noticed Sans, and does a seductive pose to him.

"Hello, Sans. Do you mind sleeping with me for the night. I could really use some company right now."

She spoke to him. Her voice...it was as though honey was tricking down through the voice she is speaking in, which would attack bees, and not just for the honey, but for the beauty.

Sans was shocked and stuttered at the sight of what she is saying.

"Oh...ummmm...a-are you sure that you wa-ant me to-o do this with you?"

Sans spoke, unsure if he should get comfortable like this. Amber than stood up and winked seductively, as she spoke out.

"Do not worry, Sans."

She said, as she hooked her arms with her beloveds.

"It will not end horribly."

Sans was rather reluctant, and embarrassed. He was supposed to be brave at anything. But this part, sleeping with females...it is the one thing that he is vulnerable at. And even Amber knows if it to, because she is using her looks to take advantage of this thing that Sans is really terrible at. After a a little while, Sans have in, and walked towards Amber. The Fall Maiden realized that her plan worked. As Sans began to lie down, Amber came close to him, scoots closer to Sans, and hugs her boyfriend, with her head snuggling his shoulder.

Heya. Thanks for all the people who decide to read my book. I should also let you know that it is my birthday today. So umm gonna go celebrate it with my family. Goodbye everyone.

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