The Robot Maiden

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This is a day that went very wrong. Winter Schnee was supposed to become a Winter Maiden, in order to battle Salem. But that never came. A Grimm copy of Cinder, who was made by Salem, barged in and attempted to assimilate the power for Salem. And to make matters worse...a large horde of Grimm is rushing towards Mantle, due to a panic of some sort.

And the Grimm...they all look more different now. Merlot was able to get a dose of Sans' Evolution Cells, and injected them inside of the Grimm. While not as strong, as they no longer have Sans' evolving power, they are strong enough to go and attack, even in the most coldest of environments. This caught the attention of Atlas and Mantle, who than went to battle with them. But the entire thing had gone wrong, on Salem's side, at least. The Grimm Copy attempted to get the power, but Fria fought back.

Winter can't go in, due to being drained of aura. But Penny can, and was able to go in and convince Fria to stop. At the same time, Winter and the Grimm Copy began to fight each other. As both Winter and the Grimm Copy clashed, Fria looks up at Penny, and only she was the last thoughts Fria every seen.

It was than that a miracle has happened to existence itself. Penny has become a Winter Maiden, a robot maiden

Needless to say, everyone was very astonished. Nobody thought that Penny, a robot of all people, would be able to become a Winter Maiden, through just her own aura alone. But the Grimm Copy was displeased. She attempted to charge at her, but Ruby came in at just the right time, and destroyed the copy.

But Penny...she was very terrified. Now that she was a Winter Maiden, it had made her a target of Salem. But it will be harder, due to the fact that...Penny is a robot, and not a human, which is something that Salem has never dealt with in her entire life, but will eventually figure out to take the power of the Winter Maiden from her. She than looked at her own hand, afraid of what might happen to her. But everyone...

Ruby...Weiss...even her boyfriend, Mecha. They all assured to her that she will help her through the burden she now carries. Penny was filled with gratitude, at seeing that there are people that are willing to help her with this thing, and are also will do everything they can in their power to protect Penny, who'a now in possession of both the Winter Maiden power, and the power of the Abyss .

However...another problem came here.

Salem has now arrived to where Atlas and Mantle reside. It is also bad, because there is a giant Grimm that she made, which is tall and large enough to crush Mantle, and easily grab onto the City of Atlas, as it is floating up. And now she is preparing an attack at both cities, which would have instantly destroyed the both of them with just one single blow. But thankfully, Mecha and Penny were able to conjure a shield made of Ice and Metal, and are able to stall them enough time to prepare. The Shield will be broke after about an entire week. So they need to act fast. Mecha and Penny are sparring little bit together, roughly. Thankfully, Mecha has an energy field, so he'll be fine. And Papyrus is also training with her. Due to Papyrus having been trained with Amber with her time as a fall Maiden, Papyrus opted to step in and take charge. Although...there is one small problem. Penny tends to be a bit, uncontrollable with the powers that she herself possesses, and tends to accidentally freeze things she does not intend. But thankfully, Mecha gave both himself and Papyrus Freeze Shields to protect herself against that. Penny, now feeling way more confident, due to the fact that they are here to help, was very, very grateful. They just hope that it does not cause bad consequences.

Penny is now in the Training Room with Mecha and Papyrus. Penny was now flying in the air, and has her Maiden Powers now active.

Penny's eyes flaires green flames, as she is beginning to generate water, which is now beginning to Freeze into frost.

Papyrus and Mecha took a stance, as they spoke out.

"Well...Penny. Are you ready to practice with this power?"

Penny than spoke out.

"Yes. I am now Maiden Ready."

Mecha than used the Hardlight dust in his circuitry, and made a sword made of it. He than spoke out to his girlfriend.

"Let us dance, Penny, my darling Girl!"

Penny blushed a little bit, but she did giggle cutely. Mecha is always a flirt.

Both Mecha and Papyrus charged at her, with both bringing their blade out. Penny brought out 16 blades. 8 are the original, and are aiming for Papyrus. The other swords are made entirely of ice, and are made for Mecha. Both weapons than chased with the other, sending both back.

Mecha than jumped back, and pulled out the Disco Gun, but Penny did something that was completely unexpected by him: Penny had than used her powers and manipulated Snow Flakes. This gave her power to conceal where her presence is, making harder to even know where to hit the Maiden.

But using his sensors, he was able to calculate and able to find Penny's position. He than aimed his weapon, and launched a blast of energy at her. But Penny than summoned a wall made of Ice and Abyss Crystal. This was able to protect her from the damaging attack.

Penny than began to summon water, and compressed them into balls, which froze to hail. She than pointed them at Papyrus, as it launched very fast at the Great Papyrus. Papyrus, reacting quickly, was able to cut through a bit of them, and defended against the others coming towards him.

But this was the distraction that she needed. She than flies full-speed ahead with the maiden powers, and used her thrusters to speed up. She than used one of floating array's swords, and grabbed onto it. She than swung it at Papy, and the 2 combatants both locked blades.

The 2 sword welders are struggling against each other's strength, as they are tying to over power one another. Will it be Papyrus with his training as a royal guard, or will it be Penny, due to her psychology as Android with an aura that she obtained from her father, as well as the inheritor of the next Winter Maiden?

The answer...don't use strength, use your other abilities instead. Penny than summoned a very strong snowstorm, which sent Papy to be blown away fast. Mecha than came up behind her, but Penny used the wind to blow Mecha back, despite being made of metal.

Mecha than brought out his Disco Bomb, and threw it at her. Penny, however, made an ice bomb made of her energy, and has an explosive Abyss Crystal inside it. She threw it, and the 2 Bombs exploded upon contact.

Mecha than flies and began to try landing a punch. But Penny got out of the way, and began to chase him. After a minute, Mecha turned back around, and began to charge at her.

Both robots than locked hands, and try to overt the other with their own strength. After a little while, both pushed each other back at tie opposite wall. Penny changed her sword to gun mode, while Mecha brought out 2 Disco Guns. As Penny began to fire at her, Mecha was able to shoot at each and everyone single shot that Penny fires at her.

Decide to try it a sneaky way, Mecha summoned lightning wings, and summoned a Disco Bomb, making smoke to obscure Penny's view. Penny than did an unexpected tactic. She than summoned ice shards, and fired all over the place. And was able to strike Mecha, making his aura deteriorate a bit. But than he launched a mace made of hardlight, and did the same to Penny. But they both took the same exact damage together.

Mecha than tried to use his Mecha Gaster Blasters, but Penny than used her swords for land her laser beam.

Both the attacks collided, with Penny using her extra mini beam, and Mecha using his Disco Gun, pushing themselves back.

But Mecha isn't giving up on the battle just yet, and neither will Penny Polendina. Mecha than jumped in the air, and at the same time Penny activates her Abyss powers, Mecha does the same. Than, the both summoned Abyss Chains, and when they both clashed together, they both exploded.


Well...that was a bit messy. An explosion was caused when both of the Abyss' powers had collided together. This was a bit strange, as that never happened before. But it was believed that the power of the Winter Maiden was infused with the Abyss Chain, giving out an explosive reaction that allowed it to cause the explosion here.

Luckily, nobody was hurt. Mecha and Penny put up a shield, with Papyrus taking cover, and was able to avoid the crystal shrapnel, although he did get nicked n in the left arm a little. But he is still fine.

But the 2 robots were a bit drained from the spar, due to the power of the explosion, and the fact that their defenses were barely strong enough to stop whatever that explosion was there, due to how powerful it is to the 2 machines. So the 2 robots opted to take a break from the entire sparring match now, but will come back soon.

As they had taken a break, Mecha looked and saw that she still had a very terrified expression still present. Mecha than held her hand, and spoke out to her.

"Worried that we'll lose, Honey?"

Penny turned, and shook her head.

"No! I'm afraid! What if...what if we do lose the battle?! What if Salem does get all the maiden powers?! What if she gets all the relics and bring out Remnant's total end?!

She spoke, as tears of fear began to come out, and her Maiden Powers activate.

"Mecha...I'm so terrified of this! Is there anything that you can say to me that can help me right?!"

Mecha sighed a little bit, before sitting down next to Penny, and touched her shoulder.

"You know, remind me of Sans when he was a before coming to Beacon. When his father had been killed by someone, he always wondered...what chance does have to do what it takes to be his successor? And more importantly of all, what does it take for him to truly become strong enough to protect the people that he loves very dearly. But throughout his times when battling against many enemies, including Adam Taurus and Cinder Fall, he stood up against all odds that recoils have killed him right than and there. You know why?"

Penny looked and shook her head 'no.' Mecha than took a deep breath..,if he has any lungs in his body, before speaking out the answer completely.

"Because he never gave up. Throughout his adventures, he went up against things that would have been able to break his mind completely. Even through all those that deeply despise him for no apparent reason, he never let that fear consume him in anyway. He got back up, and fight back against whatever evil stood in his way. He always stayed true to himself, and find a way to put a top to whatever evil is in his presence completely, and battles against all Odds. That is the thing about Sans. He always is ready to fight to the end, and he never gives up on fighting for those that can not help themselves anyway. That is what makes him one of the strongest people that I have every seen. If he can do can do it to."

Penny was very surprise, before looking down at her hands. She than thought of Fria, the previous Winter Maiden, who died from her old age. She thought of the amount of stuff that she and her friend had been through: battling against Tyrian, battling against Salem's henchmen, even battling a giant the Leviathan, which was very high for even her to stop all by herself. But the thing was...Mecha was always there for her. He always stood by her side, never lets her die, and always made sure that she always has a person that has deeply loved her. To her, Mecha is the kindest person every in life, and is the most human alongside her, the Robot Maiden. Penny than looked at Mecha, and spoke out to Mecha.

"Thanks, Mecha. I really needed to hear something like that."

Mecha smiled sweetly, and put a hand over her shoulder.

"I'm always there for you, Penny. All of us are."

Penny than grabbed Mecha by the shoulders, and kissed him. Mechan than held her arms and does the same, pulling the kiss deeper than before. Than, all of a sudden, Penny activates her thrusters, and began to fly out of the room, and into their bedroom, where Mecha fell onto of Penny, who's under him.

(Made by Dakimakura)

Penny than feel flat on her back, and held out to Mecha, as she looked at the fact that they are in the bed.

"Stay with me."

Mecha, smiling at this, than lied down with her, and hugged Penny's body to him, as the both of them went into a peaceful shutdown.

Penny may have thought that she was all alone, and had to carry the burden herself. But than...she realized one thing...

She's never alone.

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