How Could You Have Lied to Us?!

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Yang: "Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?"

Team RWBY all angrily glare down at Ozpin, whose head is still down. He looks up, with tears streaming down his face, although Summer was shaken up with so much sadness present, and Qrow himself was mad, Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose just looks away. Papyrus looked visibily enraged, and was ready to hit him. Mecha looked just as angry, but is to busy comforting Penny. Both Pyrrha and May was immensely shocked. Ozpin than looks back up, with his tears steaming down.

Ozpin: "I--"

But Yang, so enraged, cuts him off and demands an explanation

Yang: "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!"

Oz doesn't say anything, he just hangs his head back down in shame.

Ruby: "Professor..."

Ozpin looks up, and sees Ruby, while still angry, acted as calm as possible.

Ruby: "What is your plan to defeat Salem?"

Ozpin freezes for a bit, looking so upset, before putting his head, while upset.

Ozpin: "I... don't have one..."

At these words, Papyrus was unable to contain his rage, and punches Ozpin in the face with his crystal arm.

Papyrus: "RAAAAGH!"

Ozpin: "AGH!"

Ozpin was sent flying into a tree, and crashed into it, while everyone looked in shock at the act that Papyrus had done. Papyrus rushes forward, grabbed Ozpin by the shirt, lifts him up from the ground, and shouted at him enraged, greatly.


No response, than papyrus spoke out to Ozpin in a really shaken tone, as he dropped down Ozpin. Papyrus is shaking with rage.

Papyrus: "My father...he too may have hidden secrets from us, even ones up to this sort of level...but even he knows when to tell the truth to us. But what you used us like we are your pawns of your terrible schemes, fighting for nothing more than a lost cause, and only bringing us down to the path of suicide...WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS JUST AS TERRIBLE AS WHAT SHE IS DOING TO EVERYBODY, TO REMNANT RIGHT NOW!! HOW CAN YOU SAVE US IF YOU ARE GOING TO LIE TO US ABOUT EVERYTHING WE HAD DONE???!!!!! DO YOU NOT HAVE THE WILL TO ACTUALLY FIGHT HER???!!!!"

But Qrow puts a hand on Papyrus' shoulder, signifying him to stop. He does, but is so shaken ip, that he backs away. May Zedong goes up to hug him in comfort, in which he returns the gesture. Qrow than begins to shake, as Ozpin looked at him. He than began clenching his fist, while speaking this out.

Qrow: "No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good..."

Ozpin than began to tear up, as he began speaking.

Ozpin: "But, you are!"

But Qrow than says this that broke Ozpin's mental self, greatly.

Qrow: "Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life..."

Oz stares back in disbelief upon hearing Qrow say that, before looking down dejected, finally realizing what he has done made him realize one thing...he has lost everyone's trust, because he has endangered well as Remnant's people

Ozpin: "Maybe you're right..."

Ozpin's eyes glow as control is transferred back to Oscar Pine. He holds his cheek in pain from the effects of Papyrus's punch.

Ruby: "What happened?"

Oscar: "He's... gone."

Yang: "That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!"

Yang was sent into a rage and shouted to him. But Oscar shook his head, realizing that there's something wrong.

Oscar: "No, this is different. He's gone. It-- It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. Our head? I hate this! I want it to stop!"

He spoke, as he held his head in panic. Everyone else began to panic, unsure what to do now.

Weiss: "He just left us?"

Blake: "What are we gonna do now?"

Yang growls in anger. Papyrus clenched his hands, very enraged. He than puts his face in his hands in stress, seeing how hopeless it seem.

Maria: "Enough! We need to get move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity! There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere."

She spoke out, as she helps Oscar up with her cane. But Yang, in a very distressed state, shouted at her.

Yang: "Lady, I don't know who you think you are but--"

Maria than slammed her cane, effectively shutting her up.

Maria: "No buts! I understand that you're upset. Honestly, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the cold!"

Ruby: "She's right. Come "on.

Everyone grabs their belongings and whatever Dust they can carry with them. Maria sits on Bumblebee as Yang walks her bike. Penny finally stopped crying, and held onto Mecha's arm, cherishingly. Pyrrha than reloaded her weapon's gun mode, while Papyrus does the same for May's weapon. Ruby walks over to Oscar and hands over the handle of his cane.

Oscar than grabbed the cane, and was now very afraid

Oscar: "I'm just going to be another one of his lives, aren't I?"

Ruby than puts her hand on his in a comforting manner..

Ruby: "Of course not. You're your own person."

But Qrow decided to ruin the moment by speakng this.

Qrow: "Don't lie to him, Ruby."

He than drinks from his flask.

Qrow: "We're better than that..."

Ruby and Oscar looked down with a sad expression. But as soon as Qrow said that and began to walk away, a shadow fist punched Qrow right in the face, sending him flying back, hard.

Qrow: "GAH!"

Everyone took notice and Yang spoke out.

Yang: "QROW!"

As Ruby and Yang began to check on him, a voice they heard before spoke out to Qrow, hurt.

"Or maybe you are better off keeping your mouth filthy, dusty old bird."

Everyone than looked at where the voice is coming from, as they saw something that's unexpected. There was a tendril of shadows, and a being than began to come out of it.

When he was fully out, RWBY recognizes the person.

Yang: "Obscruo?! What are you doing here?!"

But 'Obscruo' than spoke out to her, saying.

" a false memory. That is not my real name."

He than takes off his hood, and revealed his face. Everyone, even Papyrus and Mecha looks in shock at what he looks like, hopeless.

His face was like, Sans. Except that his hair is black, and his eyes are yellow. He than spoke out.

"My real Kage Gaster. Sans' older twin brother, and the middle child of the Gaster family."

Papyrus, who was shocked, spoke to him.

Papyrus: "I had...another brother."

Kage nodded, yes, before speaking.

Kage: "Of course, Papyrus. But this is not what we are talking about right now. What I am talking about...Is Salem."

Now everyone was very confused. But Qrow spoke out.

Qrow: "Look, punk. Salem is unkillable, there in not any hope for us here."

In resonse, Shadow spikes appears in front of Qrow, ready to launch and skewer him. This shuts him up, as he spoke out.

Summer: " quiet. What is so special about Sans? My baby angel? And also, how is Salem actually capable of actually being defeated anyway?"

Kage than closed his eyes, before sighing and speaking out.

"That maybe what you all believe that to be...but you are wrong. There is a way to defeat her."

Now everyone looked in surprise at what he said.

"What? But I thought that Salem was unkillable!"

Yang spoke out to Kage. But Kage shook his head.

"In normal circumstances, yes. However, there is a way. But before we go there, I want to tell you something important, and it's about my twin brother, Sans."

Now everyone was confused. Why talk about him? Than Kage spoke out.

Kage: "Tell me. Do you know why has those abilities to transform whenever he gets his hands on one of those Elemental Orbs?"

Everyone shook no. Kage than spoke out.

Kage: " Sans has said before, he is half human. And when he came in contact with the Elemental Orb, he was able to awaken the power of Evolution from within his own body."

Now this caught everyone's attention.

Ruby: "Wait...when Kyo said about someone holding his essence...does that mean..."

Kage than nodded his head, while speaking.

Kage: "It is as you have guessed. But Sans isn't simply that...because of having this power. He inherited them."

Now everyone was confused.

Pyrrha: "What do you mean?"

Than...unexpectedly, Papyurs had spoken out.

Papyrus: "It is as he said."

Everyone than looked at Papyrus with a confused expression.

May: "What do you mean?"

Papyrus than sighed, while speaking.

Papyrus: "The secret that my father refers to involved this. It is about Sana'a heritage, and who his mother is. And his mother...isn't human."

Now everyone was getting interested, but at the same time...becoming very uneasy at this.

Penny: "Than...who's his mother?"

Papyrus sighed, and spoke out.

Papyrus: "Eve...The Mother of all Beings"

Now this completely shocked them! Sans was the son of a being that had made life here?

Summer: "My baby angel? He's a Demi-god, the entire time he's been born?"

As if an explanation, Kage spoke out to them all.

Kage: "Correct, he is both the son of the Primordial Goddess of anything that is living. The only reason I, myself, am different is because, since I am his twin brother, I have the opposite of Evolution. I have these thing called Regression Cells, which allow me to weaken beings to the point of killing them. But Sans doesn't just hope Evolution. He also holds the power of the Abyss itself. The second one to have it since the ancient times, as well as the successor of Kaz, although she was not a true being to inherit both of them, since she had her soul bound to Kyo. But because of the fact he inherited it from Eve, he is way more stronger than even Kaz. And because of this, he can communicate with the sprits of both Kyo and Soul Gaia, The God that has been mentioned to have rule the Abyss. And also, because of this connection with Kyo, they both can at times control the boys, either by force, or by sync with each other, by their own feelings themselves. When Sans absorbed the Water Orb, because Sans has Eve's cells inside of his body, he was able to reawaken Kyo. The form that Blake has seen, represents Sans' sadness, his depression of the people rejecting his very own existence. When he had the wind orb, the first one, it represents his desire to see who the person truly is, and cleanse them of what has corrupted them. When he has the Earth Orb,  he felt compassion to protect his friends, and all he held dear to his entire life. Each of the Orbs have Kyo more awake than before, and each one also awakens Soul Gaia and evolve him. Penny, when you absorbed the Abyss Crystal, it gave you the ability to access the powers of the Abyss itself, and Soul Gaia is connected to the Crystal you absorbed. Because of are able to see him, as you grow stronger with it."

This has reminded Blake of the story she had read of having 2 souls fighting for dominance, except that Sans has 3, and they all work together. For Penny, it explains why she was able to see Soul Gaia. When she absorbed the Crystal, she has access to the Abyss's powers, and is able to see Soul Gaia himself. Summer than turns and looks afraid at Kage.

Summer: "Why does this have to involve my baby in this nightmare?!"

Kage than spoke our, calmly. And what he says stopped their hears short, at just how he fits in this.

Kage: "There is a that involves the defeat of Salem. The prophecy says that the Abyss and the Evolving will come together. Unite the 4 Relics, 4 Maiden's powers, and the 4 Elemnetal Orbs.  When all 12 items combing with the one that wields the Abyss and the Eveolving, Kyo will be brought back to the lands of mortality. This will lead between the final battle between the Darkness and the Earth itself."

Now this confused everybody.

"The Earth...who is that?"

Kage sighed, before speaking out to them.

"Gaia...the Mother Nature, the Creator of Remnant itself, and younger twin sister of Eve."

Now this made them shocked as bad as Sans' reveal.

Blake. "Does Sans know this?"

Kage shook his head, no.

Kage: "He is unaware of this. If he is told, it would completely affect the prophecy. Resulting in Sans not doing his role. No...he needs to find out himself. And he is beginning to. As time goes on, he will begin to see the responsibility that he bares, and he will begin to understand himself, and what the world truly desires so long ago. It is when he realize who he's when he decides to battle Salem. But during the final battle, at the end, Sans will either destroy her from the world...or remove the immortality, and banish Gaia from this world, and seal her forever. Or...he can remove both of their powers, and Eve will be the one to come here and stop it. But what would truly be affecting is Sans. Sans will either live through it all, and become the Abyss's rulers, or he could die, and end the cycle itself, completely."

Now this completely realize how much Sans fits in this. He is the Son of a primordial Goddess that is destined to fight Salem, and his aunt. But it was the last thing that Kage said that made everything stump.

Kage: " you know why Sans has magic in this era?"

This actually began to confuse everyone. As a matter of fact, they did see him to magic. They had seen him heal other people with a green glow, teleport with a blue glow, and able to make portals, as well as the Gaster Abyss Blasters. What Kage said stumped them.

"It is because he is Ozpin and Salem's descendant."

This shocked everyone.


Even Papyrus and Mecha is shocked there.

Kage: "That is right. It turned out that not all of Salem and Ozpin's kids were destroyed. The eldest survived, as well as the youngest. You, Papyrus, at the descendant of the Youngest child, while Sans and I...are descendants of the Eldest child.

That is why me and Sans have the ability of magic. It was passed down to us. With Magic, we have the ability to combat Salem herself. The Shadow that I conjure, the Abyss Crystals, and the Gaster Busters, they're all magic. I know of this, it is because another entity told me of these powerful secrets. So now you know. Do not bring the relic to Atlas. Bring it to Sans. It is where we truly needed it to be in. But must unite Atlas, and than go to the last where the Relic of Destruction resides. Do that...and the battle will finally be over, permanently."

Everyone could not believe that this is happening. Sans is destined to put an end to the conflict, and he must gather all 4 of the Maiden's powers, the 4 relics, and the 4 Orbs in order to stop her. Everyone looked down, but they nodded, and they all began to head forward into the snow beyond. Kage than spoke to them.

"One more thing...I understand why Ozpin could not have a plan to defeat her."

Everyone looked at him with an annoyed expression. He than looked up and spoke out.

"It is because that...even after all this time...he still loves her. It is just that on the inside...he wishes that everything was back to how he wanted how he still loved her as much as he had in the past, and how Salem was before."

Everyone looked down...unsure what to think. But they ignored it, and still trudged away. Kage now that they would react like this, and continued onward alongside the large group.

Back at Castle...

Salem screamed enraged, when she heard that her plan failed, while her windows shattered at her sheer power being present. The Relic is now with RWBY, and now they lost 2 members of the circle. But as she is enraged, a voice than spoke out.

???: "Calm yourself, Salem."

She turns and sees Gaia now present. She than held at her hand, as a black liquid began to bubble and form.

Gaia: "I have brought the ally that I had asked. And trust me...he is a valuable one to us."

The liquid than plopped down to the ground, before it began to form a shape. As it forms, this is the appearance of the being.

Salem looked surprised, before speaking.

"Who are you?"

The entity grinned, as he spoke out.

"Me...I am called, Nightmare. I am the embodiment of all the negativity that exists. And with you...Salem..."

As he spoke, he shifted similar to how Abyss would look, minus the tentacles still present.

"...we will send the world to despair and chaos...together."

Salem looked and than smiled. Perhaps this is more suitable, and maybe not a failure.

Back with Ruby's Group...snow...

Back in the snow, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar and Maria proceed on the trail. The snow starts to pick up even more. Qrow sighed in immense frustration from what transpired. Obscruo is still seemingly fine

Qrow: "Doesn't look like this is gonna let up."

Blake: "Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas."

Weiss: "Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there."

Summer looked desperadoes, now knowing that Sans' life is now in very grave danger there. Yang than spoke to Maria in great sarcasm.

Yang: "I thought trails led somewhere."

Maria: "Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?"

Mecha than punched Yang in the cheek, which she yelled in pain. He than spoke.

"That's for throwing that snowball."

Penny than held onto Mecha's hand, who than calms down. Pyrrha is looking like she might pass out very badly. May is seen looking like she's aware that they are being watch, and is ready to shoot anything coming here

Before Yang could do anything, Ruby shouted out to them.

Ruby: "Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?"

Everyone stops in their tracks. A metallic squeaking can be heard. A large farm can be seen, one of the front gates swings back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance reads "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrives at the gate.

Blake: "Well, at least one good thing happened today."

Weiss: "It looks abandoned."

Ruby: "It's still better than this."

Qrow: "Come on, I think we could all use some rest."

Everyone proceeds through the farm's gates, with Qrow being the last to enter. The snow starts to pick up even more as the gate is heard closing with a metallic clang.

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