Vision of Ancestory

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Sans and Amber are seen flying fast from the woods.

The Grimm have a hard time getting to them when they are flying this fast. But as Sans and Amber kept on flying, they began to feel a big chill, crawling on their own backs. Not even Sans could describe what he is feeling now. But as they got to the edge of the forest, they encountered an unexpected place to see right before them. An army of Grimm that go on ground are now coming towards them. Seeing that they cannot get away, both Sans and Amber prepares fighting.

Amber and Sans than began to fire their attacks. Sans used his Abyss Crystals, while Amber uses her ice and fire abilities on the Grimm. But as they are firing, Sans saw that the flying Grimm are coming downwards, attacking. So Sans reacted, and used his Abyss Crystal to purify them. This caused the Grimm to shatter into small pieces. He than resumes to attacking the Grimm on ground again. As he attacks, he than sees that the situation they are in is very dire. There are so many is not known just how many are there to kill. Simply attacking them will waste their energy right here. So Sans than decided another thing to do to escape. He grabbed Amber and flied her to the sky itself. Thankfully, Salem used up her bird Grimm when she attacked. He than grabbed onto Amber, and flies as fast as he could to get away. Suddenly, Sans began to lose his energy. Normally, this would be usual when he attacks. But he is actually losing energy. He looks down and sees a strange horde that is under where they are.

Realizing that they are draining him of his energy, he used his powers and summoned Crystal Gladius to kill them.

He than slashed at them, and used his G.A.B on them to get rid of them. Amber, however, recognized them, when Sans' energy returns.


Sans looked at Amber, surprised.

"You know these Grimm, Amber?"

Amber nodded, before speaking out.

"They are a type of Grimm that is known to suck the will out of any human they're present to. While not powerful, they can suck your energy pretty silently. We are just lucky that we got away from them. How did they even get to where we are, anyway."

Sans looks away and spoke out to Amber.

"I do not know. Salem might have predicted our own travel pattern. She might have planted them to where they were at. For all I could have ended in disaster. We need to find a place to land without Grimm."

Amber nodded, before using her Fall Maiden powers, and went fast at where they are going. They just hope that wherever they are going to, it is one they will rest upon without the Grimm.

8 minutes sky...

Sans and Amber are still looking for a breathing spot. But Salem's Grimm made finding one immensely hard to do. But Sans was later able to spot one near them.

A cave that is made of nothing more than Dust. Really great to alert them when one of them blows. Sans than stopped both himself and stopped Amber really quick.

"I think I found one."

He points to the cave, and Amber's eyes had brightened.

"Wow, this may be a good spot for us to rest in, as long as there is enough room here."

Sans, thanks to the earth orb, can now detect the presence of a Grimm anywhere. And right now, he is feeling nothing from the cave.

"The cave is all safe. Let us go in there."

Amber nodded, and the both of them went inside it.

15 minutes later...making campfire...

Amber and Sans were able to make a campfire, quickly. They used the fire dust around them to make one on the fly. Sans was also able to block the entrance with his crystal powers, in case Grimm locate them. Sans was able to make sushi for himself, when he caught some fish. Amber was holding one on a stick. They both than began talking.

"You know...I really missed the times at Beacon Academy. All the fun stuff, all the dumb stuff...everything here."

Sans had spoken out, when he took a sushi bite. Amber nodded, before eating the fist.

"It was one of the greatest and fun times. But Salem has to come and ruin everything for us."

As Sans looked down, he began to wonder in thought.

'What...What is it that made me so special? I know I am not human...I just do not know the other half of me. Whatever I must be something extremely important here.'

As he is looking down at his food, he heard Amber beginning to bring out a cute yawn. She than looked out at the hole that is present at the Crystal wall, and saw that it was night time now.

"It is night now, Sans. I am going to put on my Pajamas right here. I think you should to the same with your own."

As she get up and take off her vest, Sans than got up and spoke out to her.

"Ummm....okay? But Amber...where is the sleeping bags for this thing?"

Amber than turned and smiled.

" it not obvious? You are the sleeping bag."

Sans, realizing what she means, than began to blush, greatly. This is not good for him to be in now.

'I just hope that she does not do anything weird to me when we sleep. This is a looooooonnnnng night.'

An hour resting...

Sans is prepare to sleep, with Amber in her P.J's.

As he began to lie down, Amber than went on top of him, and began to hit him, while his wings began to hug back. Sans struggled to stay awake, but is quickly fast asleep, while his head is in her...yeah, no need asking.

"Okay...I have enough of the third person view! Get me in my personal view!"

A/N: "Oh for the love of...Sans, get back in the story right this..."

"Sans Point of View, now!!"

"Wait don't you dare try..."

The Dream World...Sans P.O.V...

Huh? What is happening? There is this strange bright light that I am seeing now. Where am I even going? As I began to see it, I closed my eyes...until the light had passed. When I opens my eyes...I was surprised at where I am in right now.

"Huh...where am I now?"

This place looks like a type of hall of sorts. But everything here is...cold. It is the same cold I had felt from before. Just what is happening now? Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"I have been waiting for you to come here...Sans, my descendant?"

I froze. Who was that voice. I turned, and saw someone standing in front of the window here.

This completely surprise me. I felt like I do not know her. But at the same time...I felt like that I do know her.

"Who...who are you?"

The entity smiled, and put her hand over her own heart.

"My name is...Milady of the Winter. I am the daughter of Ozma and Salem, and I am your very own ancestor.

This completely shocked me.

"Salem's daughter?! That why are you-"

She than puts a hand over my mother, stopping me from finishing it. She than spoke out, kindly.

"I understand your aggression, really. But I have no intention to bring you to who was once my mother before."

I do not trust her. So I spoke out loud.

"How can I believe you?"

Than she smiled rather... mysteriously. I have no idea what is happening here right now.

"Because...if I had done so, I would have killed you in this very dream."

I was surprised. She could actually kill me in here? I didn't want to find out. So I spoke out.

"Okay...why are you here?"

She smiled less this time.

"I know of your desire to go to the Domain of Light. In fact, that is where I reside, alongside my husband, who's named Dream. He and I are still here, and I am alive. As both my parents are immortal, I am to. My youngest sister, your brother's ancestor, even she is still alive. But that is not why i am here speak of. I am here to speak of the purpose you have, when you go this domain."

Sans than began to squint.

"Go on. Speak up, now. What do you want to talk to me of, ancestor?"

She than raised her right hand, and magic began to circle above her fingertips, fast. Than a bright light, and I closed my eyes again. When I reopened them, I was very surprised at what I am seeing right now.

The Domain of Light is beautiful. The grass, and the leaves...they are all so...golden. They are so shiny here. I have no way to describe what I am seeing. She than walks to me, and speaks out to me.

"When you go there, there will be a task for you to do right here. It is a ritual to bring something that will combat the Grimm itself very greatly. They are known as the Lighthearts. They are entities opposite to the Grimm itself. You, however, must preform a special ancient ritual from a text. When you do this, Dream will have what he needs to fight against Mother herself. I may not want to fight mother...and I wish I had not. But if defeating her is what it will take to save Remnant...I will so do it. Sans of the Abyss...will you help me in this?"

She spoke, as she actually looked sad towards my face. I looked down. I am rather unsure and unease to help someone who's Salem's daughter. But when I thought about how everyone I had card about was separated from me, it made me realize something...I really want to stop Salem at any cost necessary. And besides...I sense no lying in her own soul. I look up and spoke out to her.

"Alright...I will do so. I just hope that this is not some trick of your own."

She nodded. But before she can sever the connection, she spoke out to me.

"Before you descendant, I have some important things to teach you. Something you may need in this important quest."

I was a bit reluctant. But I am growing desperate. I nodded, and spoke out.

"Alright than. Teach me something."

She nodded, and spoke out to me.

"As you wish. But I will warn will not be easy."

I looked up at her...unsure it I should believe it. But I digressed, and simply nodded my own head.

Now in the early morning...Third Person Point of View...

Sans and Amber are now in the track of sorts. With Amber in new clothing.

Sans' descendant, Milady, taught him quite a number of things. He was taught how to make a shockwave of magical. He was taught the ability to grant powers to anyone that he is close to. He is taught to summon magical constructs, like hands or shields, or even empower weapons. He was given the ability to change the scent of his own Aura, hide the Relic's ability to attract Grimm, and finally is able to gain the ability to utilize the magic of Astral Projection, when he floats up, meditating. These are some magical abilities that not even Salem possesses. Although, he is still unsure if he can use them in the real world, as he never tried it before.

But as they continue to walk on the path, Sans and Amber stop almost immediately.

Both Amber and Sans looked at the place they're seeing. This place before them is called the Bridge of Fears. It is one of the entrances to the Light Domain. It is called that, is because when someone crosses it, their greatest fears are brought to life, and the only way to get across it, is to fight the fears. The bridge also acts like a test. If you go across it, it will prove that you have defeated fear. Both Amber and Sans look at each other, as they spoke out with great worry.

"Are you ready to go?"

Sans nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes...let us go on."

Although, Sans' eyes are hidden, as he is weary of the fears that might be present and appear from this. But regardless, they must cross the bridge, in order to go and venture onwards, hastily. Grabbing each other's hands, they began to run through it. They hope that they are ready to fight their worst nightmares that could possibly exist.

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