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Mantle Kingdom...Sans Person View...

Team SEAN have been wandering around the place. After me and Amber determines that it is safe, we all decide to go into the kingdom. The kingdom itself was so messy. There are broken buildings, with only some of them still intact and not damaged. I can even see the things that are heating and keeping the homes themselves warm.

They resemble high-tech incinerators. I can see that inside of the Mecha one, the Fire Dust powder is twisting and turning out of complete control, like it is a tornado, except without air outside.

As we walked around, one of the people actually noticed and spoke out to me.

"Hey, Kid. Do you mind helping me with the heat generator?! I am really having a little trouble with it! My kids...they're all freezing up. I need help.

I turned and saw that it was a female with dark blue hair. Next to the machine are to twins. One that is a male, the other, female. Unsure what to do, I spoke out.

"Ummm...Okay...I will try."

I went to it and decide to see the problem. When I look into it, I saw that the wires inside have melted inside it.

"The wires melted. It seems that the metal used for the wires are not really strong enough to withstand such such levels of high heat. Thankfully, I have just the materials needed to fix it."

I than put my right hand right above the wires, and made some wires that are entirely made of crystal. I than telekinetically lifted the burnt wires, and infused the crystal wires with lightning dust.

This cause the machine to be activated and running again. The children than looked in surprise, but than got out of their blankets and hugged me with gratefulness. As I separated from them, the female's was surprised at what I had just done.

" did you do that?"

I than spoke out to her.

"I used my semblance to create crystal and infused it with lightning dust. And also...I am very creative. That's all you need to know about me."

The woman than spoke out to me.

"Do you think can help the Mantle kingdom?"

I than blinked at her in surprise, my team did as well.


She than spoke to me, more descriptively.

"The Mantle Kingdom...everything has become ruin ever since the Fall of Beacon. The soldiers of Mantle have been trying to make weapons to combat Grimm, but they had overheated the machines. Our homes have also been broken down from the heat, that has melted the wires. My people...we need help. Can you...give us aid?"

I was surprised. Someone actually wanted for me to help out her people cold problem. After a bit of thinking, I than looked at her and nodded my head, which gave her the signal, 'yes.'"

She than smiled, and I prepare to go out, but one of the children than spoke out.

"Can you please...give me something for comfort?"

I looked at the female twin. I looked down, and I made a crystal, before using telekinesis to give her the crystal.

"Consider this a sign of good luck."

I than turned to go out with the rest of my team, and go help out. Emerald than spoke to me.

" know how difficult the task is. It could take us a year to go and help them out."

I than countered with my own statement.

"I know. But it would take us a couple, possibly a few years to go to Salem and possibly battle her, if we are not prepared. Besides, it would not hurt helping out. And also, as a bonus, we get to have a much better chance of fighting Salem, should we face her."

Emerald looked doubtful, but I smiled to reassure her that it will all be okay. This got her spirits up, and we continued on to go and help those people of Mantle with their fire. I just hope that we can do it quick enough.

Unknown location...Ruby's Group...Dream...

Ruby is having a nightmare. Right now...she is in pitch black darkness...and what surrounds Ruby...are voices. Voices of the abuse as kids.

Ruby: "You are so weak. I am way more greater than you!"

Sans: "Please...STOP!!!"

Ruby: "A stupid...worthless brother."

She than twist and turned, remembering the pain she felt when Sans had his own vengeance. And finally, to top it all off, the time when he is about to get eaten, which activated her powers.

With a gasp, Ruby open her eyes. She's lying in a red sleeping bag on a clearing in some woods. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren are also in sleeping bags around a long burned-out campfire. Magnhild rests beside Nora. Ruby sits up and looks around. Birds can be heard tweeting and all seems peaceful. Ruby, however, puts her hand to the side of her head and sighs as though she's in pain.

All of the members of the team are waking down a sunny road. Ruby is in front, looking at a map.

Ruby: "So the next town is... uh-huh... uh-huh... We're lost."

Jaune: "We're not lost. The next town is Shion. My family used to visit it all the time."

Ruby: "Oh yeah. Don't you have, like, four sisters?"

Jaune: "Uh, seven."

Ruby giggles.

Nora: "You know, that actually explains a lot."

Jaune: "Wait, what do you mean?"

Yang: "So, what did you guys do there?"

Jaune: "Oh, all sorts of stuff! Over here is a great hiking trail, and over here is where we went camping all the time. I got my own tent because I was special. Also, so my sisters would stop braiding my hair."

May: "And I guess you did not like the look."

Jaune: Yeah, they just kept doing pigtails, but personally, I think I'm more of a "warrior's wolftail" kind of guy.

Penny: "That's just a ponytail. It is not called a warrior's wolftail."

Mecha than laughed. Obviously he thought it was funny to hear this moment.

"Hahahaha...yeah...that is not what that style is called."

Jaune than huffed and spoke.

Jaune: "I stand by what I said."

Pyrrha than giggled a bit, before looking at the map.

Penny stops short, raising her hands to her lips as her eyes widen. Soon after, Ren stops, visibly tense.

Penny: "Uh, guys?"

Ruby: "Huh?"

Jaune: "What?"

Summer: "What's wrong, Penny?"

Pyrrha: "Has something happened now?"!

Jaune and Ruby look up from the map. Their eyes widen and jaws drop. In front of them is a desolated village. The sky is gray and two columns of smoke rise in the air. A gazebo has a broken tower and lampposts are askew from the ground. At least one dead body can be seen on the side of the road approaching the town.

The map is dropped and all members rush forward. They briskly move into the town, looking around. Ren tosses his backpack on the ground and moves ahead while the other three gather in the middle of a road.

Ruby: "There could be survivors!"

Ren than looks and saw someone

Ren: "Over here!"

The other members rush to where Ren is leading them. On the ground, sitting propped against a broken building wall is a young man in armor. He breathes heavily and holds his hand against a bleeding wound in his abdomen. Ren drops by his side and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Ruby: "A Huntsman!"

Papyrus: "What happened? Who killed all these people and the entire village?"

The huntsman coughed, before speaking out.

"(coughs) Some...strange people, with one...a deranged...scorpion Faunus. The whole tribe... Then, with all the panic...

The Huntsman can't finish and coughs repeatedly.

Weiss than spoke out to him.

"Don't speak. You'll only make the wound more worse."

Ren: "Grimm."

Ren stands and walks a few paces away, placing his hands atop his head. Penny stepped back and Mecha held Penny in his arms. Papyrus and May also went into their medi-kit and tried to stop the terrible bleeding. Ruby, Summer, Jaune, and Nora step away to confer.

Ruby: "Alright, we can get him to the next village and try to find a doctor there!"

Jaune: "Yeah. Ren and I can take turns carrying him there."

Nora: "I don't know if he'll make it."

Summer: "He will! He has to make it!"

Ren turns back and walks over to the Huntsman.

Penny: "If we get going now, our chances will be better. I can run ahead and look for help!"

Papyrus: "Guys."

The other three turn and discover that the Huntsman has already died.

Nora: Should we bury him?

Ren walks right past them without a backward glance.

Ren: We should go. It's not safe here.

Nora: "Ren..."

Nora turns and follows him. Ruby puts her hand on Jaune's arm. He is looking stressed and sad.

Ruby: "It'll be okay."

Jaune: "I'm just tired of losing everything."

Papyrus than comes and puts his hand on Jaune's shoulder.

"We all are, Jaune."

Ren stops and looks at something on the ground, his eyes widening. A cloven hoofprint is impressed into the ground.

Nora comes up to his side. She sees the same mark and her eyes also widen in recognition. The two of them silently make eye contact.

Back to the Team SEAN...

Sans is now at another house. Apparently, this house has suffered not only for a wire meltdown, but many of the pipes that makes the dust flow has been melted. Thankfully, he also used durable crystal that can withstand heat and infused it with lightning dust again. But that is not all that he did. He also used some of the ice dust in powder form and infused it to where the pipes are. This would make it cool down the fire dust on the outside, while making it nice and toasty on the inside.

"Thank you, sir. It was nice of you to help."

"Someone told me that I should help the town, and that is what I am doing."

He nodded and spoke out to Sans.

"What are you going to do after you help the town?"

Sans looked a bit surprised that he gave him that question, but then he look down, and obviously, he is unhappy.

" a personal matter. I do not want to talk about my business traveling."

He nodded a bit, before finally speaking out to Sans.

"We'll, wherever you are going, good luck out there. You'll need a lot of it."

He than look and spoke out to the man himself.

"Thank you for saying that. It is not often that people say those things to me. Often's mean."

Sans than stood up and went out of the house. Team SEAN is waiting outside. They were able to get something to eat, and when I went to them, it got out my own food and sit next to them. I bought sushi at a store. Apparently, there was a place that has it. And I bought it with a bit of my good fortune.

" was that person?"

Amber spoke out to me.

"He is fine...I guess. A bit wield, but fine. He is not bad, really. He even said good luck."

"Well...I guess that is a good thing, in someways."

Emerald than spoke to me.

" least that the person here I not bad."

I said, while taking a bite out of my sushi. But before I could take another bite, someone shoved ice cream inside of my mouth. I turned and saw that Neo has fed me it. I just closed my eyes and just accepted the treat.

"Still...I completely worry what Salem is planning right now."

Everyone looked at each other in this sort of talk. Obviously, they do not know what Salem is planning either. For all they could be one very disastrous.

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