What is the Next Step?

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Somewhere, a boy with freckles and hazel eyes, wakes up in a panic and sighs in relief after looking around. He emerges from the loft of a barn and climbs down a ladder. The boy is wearing patched khaki pants, a white shirt, and orange suspenders and gloves. Tucked into his pocket is an orange-based multi-colored cloth. He opens the barn door to a peaceful country scene with a rising sun and birds tweeting. White mountains are a background to a dirt road, grass, a few trees and a green water pump.

He smiles and pumps water into a blue bucket. As his gaze wanders the landscape, he becomes distracted from the pump and utters a quiet sound of surprise upon realizing he has overfilled the bucket. His shoulders fall with a sigh.

The scene cuts to the boy shutting and turning a green compost tumbler that is marked with a yellow crown bearing the initials CK.

While hoeing rows in a garden, he suddenly straightens up and looks out into the distance.

After the year of Beacon's Fall, a large group of hunters and huntresses are traveling in some sort of jungle. The teams are JNPR, RWY, Papyrus, May, Mecha, Penny, and Summer.

"I'm just sayin'"

Nora than spoke out, as she and Ren, along with the others walked out of the woods.

"If Ruby was the leader, of Pyrrha we're not with us right now, It just makes sense to go with that one.

Ren: "But "junior" isn't a color."

Nora groans and spoke out to him.

"How can I be more clear?"

Nora puts out her hands and the letters JNRR pop into existence. She points to the first three.

Nora puts out her hands and the letters JNRR pop into existence. She points to the first three.

Nora: "One, two, three. That's more than one."

She points to the R.

Ren: "But we're helping Ruby with her objective."

Ren holds out his hand and the letters RNJR pop into existence. Behind him, Jaune Arc is crouched and watching something.

"Wouldn't that make her the leader, should Pyrrha not be with us?"

Nora pouts a bit, and it got worse when Penny spoke out.

Penny: "I think it would make more sense with RNJR."

Nora groans, but may than spoke out.

"I only like JNRR, because of how silly it sounds."

Nora didn't seem to get any better than ever.

Jaune: "Guys!"

Ren and Nora turn their heads toward him.

Jaune: "We need to focus."

The letters pop out of existence.

Jaune: "Also, JNRR is way cooler."

Nora: "Exactly!"

Than, Papyrus spoke out, annoyed

Papyrus: "No. it sounds completely stupid."

Pyrrha: "I agree. We sound completely immature through JNRR."

Mecha: "Agreed on that one. RNJR sounds way more mature. JNRR only sounds so childish."

Nora and Jaune groaned a bit, before summer heard something.

There's a rumble.

Summer: "It is here."

All of a sudden, Ruby flying backwards from trees, firing Crescent Rose in the direction she came from.

A collection of floating boulders with a Grimm mask moves the trees aside, clearly chasing her.

Ruby falls, crashing against tree limbs along the way.

Ruby: "Bad... landing... strategy!"

Ruby lands on her feet on a big tree branch strong enough to hold her weight. She uses her Semblance to fly past the Grimm.

Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora look up. Penny, May, Papyrus, and Mecha got ready their weapons

Jaune: "Let's get that thing off her."

Jaune runs toward them. Ren jumps up into the trees.

Nora: "Don't forget me!"

Nora pulls out Magnhild and shoots it at the ground, propelling herself into the air with excited whooping. She lands right besides Ren in his branch.

Ren: "We need to draw its attention away from Ruby!"

As a stream of rose petals, Ruby flies past them.

Ruby: "Could use some help!"

Nora shoots the Grimm in the back. Ren hops around on branches. The Grimm tries to hit Ren. Ren runs up its rock arm, flies into the air, and comes down upon the Grimm, striking at it with StormFlower. It's ineffective.

Penny: "let me try!"

Penny than got out her swords and began cutting away at the Grimm. She used her swords to cut and slice so much Grimm.

Jaune: "Gotta get in closer!"

Ren lands beside Jaune.

Ren: "My blades don't hurt him!"

The Grimm turns, standing upright.

Nora: "Crap!"

Ruby: "How about this?!"

She loads a magazine with an image of a lightning bolt on its side into Crescent Rose and fires. Electric bolts encase one of the Grimm's arms. The red lines on the arm glow brighter, and the Grimm slams it into the ground. All are sent flying backwards, but Ren, Nora, and Ruby manage to land on their feet. Jaune tumbles along the ground painfully until he hits a boulder between his legs and falls forward. Jaune than did a mimick in a mocking tone.

"You'll be fine without a weapon. You're the strategist."

Nora than stood up, and is severely angry, but Yang is much more so than Nora.

Yang: "You know what...I am ready to break it!"

She runs forward, launches herself into the air and aims to where the tree arm is. She jumps into the air and punches it, breaking its arm apart. A large piece flies straight toward Yang , but Ruby gets between them and knocks it away. The Grimm uses its other arm to strike at the two girls.

Papyrus: "This is getting ridiculous!"

May; "Agreed."

Papyrus than began hacking away at the thing, but it only scratch it. May than shoots at the mask of the Grimm, but she only just agitate it. it prepares to hit them, but than Weiss intervened and stopped it from crushing both Papyrus and May.

"Be careful, you two dunces."

Both May and Papyrus: ""Sorry""

Papyrus and May than resumed to attacking the Grimm. Mecha than made a hardlight construct of a wrecking ball and a sword,

And used it on the Grimm. He than used the spiked ball on the mask, which had cracked the mask, and used a blade, along with Penny, and struck it on the arms. All this just agitate it. Summer than stepped in and used her speed semblance to strike it, before damaging the tough limbs that it has. It began to rebuild it, causing Mecha, Penny, and Summer to back up and regroup.

Jaune straightens and stretches and soon has to dodge a barrage of rocks.

Jaune: "Wha? Whoa! Wha? Ho!"

Jaune lands.

Jaune: "Hey! Be careful!"

A rock the size of his head hits him in the face and sends him into a tree. Jaune lands in a crouch and shakes his head to clear the pain.

The Grimm continually tries and fails to hit an evasive Nora.

Jaune stands up and looks up at the Grimm.

Jaune: "Ah..."

The Grimm's armless shoulder gains a glowing red circle with a symbol of an eye in the middle. The circle spins, and then a black, elongated arm with clawed fingers emerges from it! The arm rears back.

Jaune: "Uh-oh."

The Grimm shoves its new arm into the tree Jaune was leaning against and lifts it from the ground. Jaune than stood up and bolted.

"His arm is a tree! His arm is a tree!"

Ruby than got ready her Crescent Rose, and spoke out.

Ruby: "Big mistake!"

Ruby spins Crescent Rose and loads another magazine into it - this one with imagery of fire on its side. She fires, and the flaming projectile swings around to the tree arm. Jaune fist pumps. The tree arm swings around to him, on fire. Jaune loses his smile.

"Big mistake!"

The Grimm chases Jaune, swinging the flaming arm at him. It misses twice, but then Jaune falls. One of StormFlower spins through the air and makes a cut across the Grimm's mask. The Grimm falls. Penny's blades that cut through the arm, making it fall as well. Weiss than used ice dust on it, so that it does not cause a firestorm. Unfortunately, it is now growing a new one

Ren lands beside Jaune and catches his gun. Ruby and Nora come up behind their teammates.

Jaune: "Okay, how do we do this?"

Ren: "His body is too thick to break through."

Jaune: "It doesn't care about its body."

Nora: "Plus it can keep grabbing new limbs!"

Jaune: "But it keeps protecting its face."

Ruby: "We can't break it!"

Jaune: "Ugh, if we knocked all of its limbs off at once and went for the..."

Jaune's eyes light up with an idea and he turns to face his team. Behind him, the Grimm gets up.

Jaune: Guys, I got it! We hit it harder!

Reb than looked confused at Jaune.

"Is that it?"

Jaune than spoke out, knowingly.

Jaune: "No, seriously. It's trying to keep us from its face. If we kill the limbs, we'll have a shot to kill the whole thing!"

Ruby: "Alright! Come on, team, let's do this."

Papyrus: "Let's go smash it."

Jaune: "Ren, Yang, Pyrrha, left. Ruby Papyrus, Penny, right. May, Weiss, Mecha, try to aim and hit the legs."

Ren, Ruby, and the others depart as told.

Jaune: "Nora, ready to try out the new upgrade?"

Nora nods and runs.

Jaune: "Right. And I will—"

Jaune gets hit in the back by the Grimm.

Ruby and her group attacks the right side. Ren and his group attacks the left. May and her group all targeted and attack the Grimm's legs.

Nora activates a mechanism that generates a current of electricity across the hammerhead of Magnhild. Jaune runs around to make himself a target, waving at the Grimm.

Jaune: I'll take over here!

The Grimm goes after Jaune but switches targets as Ruby and Ren attack it.

Nora charges Magnhild even more and braces her feet.

Nora: "Ready!"

Ruby lands next to Jaune after another attack.

Jaune: "Use everything you've got!"

Ruby uses her Semblance to fly at the Grimm, taking both Nora and Yang with her, and the red, yellow, and pink swirls go right for the Grimm's mask. Ruby, Penny, Papyrus, and Pyrrha slices the soo to be remade tree arm completely in half, Mecha, May, and Weiss all detoured both the legs, opening the way for Nora to hit the mask with Magnhild, while Yang punches it hard with her Ember Celica, while also shooting at the mask, which had made Ember Celica double Yang's striking damage! The Grimm's rock body shatters and the ephemeral Grimm rises out of it and flies off.

Ruby aims a shot at it, and it turns its face right into the flaming projectile. Next is a wide shot of birds taking flight from trees. Jaune then breaths heavily, before posing with his hands on hips.

"Another victory for our Team!"


Jaune then deflected, and spoke out in a defeated type of tone to Ren.

"Yeah, okay. Ren, I think you're onto something. I-it's just not sounding great anymore."

Jaune walks away.

Ruby shakes hands with the town Mayor.

Mayor: "We truly can't thank you enough."

Ruby: "Just doing our job, sir."

Penny: "We are just glad to help out."

Mayor: "That Geist had been plaguing our village for weeks. We were beginning to wonder if we'd have to relocate."

Papyrus: "Well, we are on our way to Mistral. You could always come along with us if you don't feel safe."

Scenes of the idyllic life in the village are shown: people buy fresh produce from a cart, stand and chat on open balconies overlooking the roads, tend to their horses and generally go
about their daily lives peacefully. The village has plentiful trees and green spaces and cobbled roads. Weiss and Yang looked in shock, but Papyrus and the others looked amused.

Ha. I take it you're not from these parts. Anima is a large continent. I'm afraid our people would never survive the long trek to Mistral. It may be safer in the Kingdoms, but we prefer our way of life. I just wish we could pay you more.

Ren: "Our previous arrangement is more than sufficient."

The team bows respectfully.

A shop door closes. At a counter, a burly man with horns sets down a set of armor. Yang has her weapon upgraded so that not only does it shoot more powerful shots and using dust-infused bullets, the Ember Celica also covered her hands like arrows gloves. That way, she can catch any type of blade that is ready to cut her. Sans was the one that has given her that idea, and also infused her weapon with the crystal he has. The weapon now has come crystal features on the surface.

Blacksmith: "There you go, son. It's going to be heavier than what you're used to, but you'll thank me the next time you go up against a set of claws."

Jaune: "Wow. That-eh. I don't know what to say."

Blacksmith: "Don't gotta say anything! Just put it on! I'll go get the rest."

The Faunus blacksmith turns and goes out back.

Nora: "So, what are you waiting for?"

Jaune: "Oh, uh, right!"

Jaune takes off his old chestplate.

"Guess I was going to grow out of it eventually."

Ren: "A sign of progress."

Jaune: "Progress."

Jaune turns around, and both Ruby and Penny gasps then covers their mouth and tries not to giggle. Both Papyrus and Mecha snorts and begins to laugh.

Jaune: What is it?

Ruby points to the emblem on Jayne's chest and spoke out to him.

"What is that?"

A bunny emblem is on Jaune's chest.

Jaune: "What, my hoodie? I've always had this."

Yang than snorted and spoke out

It's got a cute little bunny rabbit!

Yang laughs and begins to roll on the floor, finding it so hilarious. Summer to began giggling.

Jaune: "It's Pumpkin Pete! You know, from the cereal?"

Ruby than began to laugh hysterically.

"What did you do?! Send in a box top for a prize?"

Jaune than turns away, looking embarrassed.

"Yeah! Fifty!"

Ruby continues to laugh hysterically, her head stylistically expanding, before she falls onto the floor. Penny than help her stood up.

Ren: "Well, I suppose we don't have to grow out of everything."

May: "Agreed."

Ruby chortles from the floor, feet in the air. The blacksmith returns from out back.

Blacksmith: "Can't have a Huntsman without his weapon."

A wide sword sheath is stuck into the countertop.

Blacksmith: "Made all the modifications you asked for."

The blade expands into a shield.

Blacksmith: "That was some fine metal you brought me. Accents the white nicely. Where'd you get it from?"

Jaune than remembered something. Before Beacon had fallen, Sans had given him some very sturdy metal. It is said to be more tougher than even the metal that is used by the Paladins, and of Ebott.

Jaune: "From a friend."

Ruby, Ren, and Nora wait outside the shop. Jaune comes out wearing the armor. He pulls out the sword and expands the shield.

Blacksmith: "He cleans up alright, don't you think?"

Ren: "He certainly does."

Nora: "I still think a grenade launcher would've really brought the look together."

Ruby: "Nothing's gonna stop our team now."

Penny than suddenly tackle hugs Ruby.

"Yay! We are always together!"

Weiss: "Yep. Nothing separates us. We always piece back together."

Mecha: "you bet ya, sweetheart."

Blacksmith: "You kids sure you won't stick around? You've been real good to this town."

Papyrus: "I hate to break it to you, sir, but we have another mission ahead."

Yang: "Make it to Haven Academy, no matter what."

May: "We've heard the next village over has a working Airship. And we need to get there as soon as possible."

Blacksmith: Mmm, no way to know for sure. Scroll signals were weak enough out here back when Beacon Tower was still up. Haven't heard from Shion Village in a while.

Ruby: Well, there's only one way to find out.

With a wave, Team RNJR turns and leaves. The blacksmith waves back and grunts.

Jaune : Food?

Note: "Check!"

Jaune: Water?

Nora: Check!

Mecha: "Repair tools?"

Penny: "Check!"

Mecha: "Weapons online?"

Penny: "Check!"

Mecha: "How is the weaponry, darling?"

Penny: "All slicing and upgraded! Thank to Gaster!"

Jaune: "Got the map?"

Ruby is looking down sadly.

Yang: "Ren's got it."

Ren: "No, I don't. Nora has it."

Nora: "Wait, what?"

Jaune: "Guys, please tell me you're joking."

Nora: "Uh.. heh-heh-heh."

Jaune: "Guys! Guys? Guys..."

Nora: "Nope."

Papyrus: "This is not a joke. This is being crazy."

May: "I agree. This is really a really wired situation."

Mecha: "Well, this is kind of what friends are like."

No one can argue what Mecha has said to them. Deep down, they know that Mecha is right about that.

Another location...Team SEAN...

Team SEAN than began to keep on moving forward. The whole entire landscape seems to be in no good condition. The conditions are harshly cold. As they kept walking, they found a type of city.

The city looks immensely damaged, and there is a flag of the Emblem of it.

This city is called Mantle, which is supposedly a type of defective version of Atlas. Due to a war, the city has been abandoned, and strangely, it housed both Humans and Faunuses living in here. It is one of the 2 places to allow both Human and Faunus coexisting here, with Ebott the first place. The houses are using fire dust generators in order to stay heated. They even see some soldiers walking around with fire dust infused weapons, such as swords, guns, and shields. Even armor has been infused with fire dust, and while it would have burned a person on the inside, due to some advanced technology, it allowed them the capability to only express a lot on he surface, and only a little bit inside the armor. However, due to the amount of metal used, the metal is not always fitted to stay solid, and on some occasions, it has been known to melt, leaving engineers to fix everything up for people. And obviously, it is annoying. But for the weapons, due to some form of regulators, it is not a problem.

They even see some of the Faunus and humans together, always helping one another, with some even making family's together. Emerald did not seem to like being in the city. But me...we are going to need a lot of help if we are going to best Salem. And I think that the Relic of Creation might help us out. Sans than spreads his wings, and flies around the city, with Amber following behind him. They just hope that the city has enough time to be saved by Team SEAN.

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