Chapter 11- Arguable Home

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When we found Rob's mother, she instinctively stepped away from me. Her attendants were confused. They couldn't see my eyes, so they didn't know why she backed off. She grimaced and stepped closer. She half knelt in her gold and gray ankle length dress, and smoothed out her cloak behind her. "What's the matter Robert? What do you need?"
"Can I live with my friends?" She stiffened tremendously fast, and quickly shot down the idea. "No. And don't ask again Robert. Do you even know the name of your 'friend'?" A silence followed, "I didn't think so." She stood, and left poor Rob in stunned and upset silence.
He was so upset, he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside, away from everyone. Once inside, he let go of me, and ran to his room, crying. His mother had put him down too harshly, and too fast. I ran after him. I found him on his bed, sobbing into his pillow.
I sit on the edge of the bed, and put my hand on his back. He picks himself up, and he leans against my arm. He sniffles, and I hold him. His cloak is wrapped around him, and it's tangled up. Rob gets up, and the cloak tumbles to the floor.
He opens his balcony doors, and steps out. He leans on the banister, and fixes his crown. The chains on the back lay neatly at varied lengths in his hair, and the wire sits perfectly right behind his bangs. The pendant is shiny silver, and the rose on it is made of ruby. He turns to me.
"We're gonna go. I don't like it here. I can't live like this. Take me back to Preston. And your friends. Please."
I hesitate, thinking what his mother would do. To me, and him, if we left. She'd kill me, and lock him in his room forever. If we leave, I'd be in more danger than if I stayed. So, we left.
The guards let us out, and we ran. Once we were out of range, I held his hand, and teleported. We landed in the middle of Mitch's practice session with his sword. He was mid-swing, so he couldn't stop in time. So instead of getting my chest slashed, I summoned my sword with seconds to spare.
Our swords clashed, and Mitch froze. "Sky? Where have you been? We lost you last night." Rob shyly said, "I took him to my house. But I wanna stay here now." Preston came running out of the house, and stopped short when he saw Rob. "Rob? You left me. Where'd you go?" Rob looked down shamefully. "I was taken home. I wasn't allowed to stay."
Preston ran at us full speed, and tackled Rob to the ground. Rob still had my hand, so I tumbled next to him. I did a backwards somersault, and landed on my knees. Rob sat up, and Preston rolled off to the grass. Rob's cloak hood had gone over his head, so it hung over his face.
Preston helped Rob up, and I pulled myself up. Rob and brushed ourselves off, and Mitch pulled me to the house. "Problem" is all he said to me. Preston ran ahead, and beat us to the house. Inside, the house was wrecked. In the middle of the living room, laid an unconscious Brice.
Seto lay beside him, also down. Mitch explained what happened while I checked on Seto and Brice. "Ty went crazy, and attacked Brice. The Prince followed him, and brought Brice to the floor. He tried to defend himself with magic, but failed when the Prince took his teeth to Brice's face. He passed out after screaming."
I turned Brice from his stomach to his back, and found a deep gouge in his face. The Prince had taken Brice's eye and a lot of his cheek. He also had several slashes across his arms and chest. I heard an intake of breath behind me, and I found it was Mitch. He hadn't touched anything in this room.
Seto looks unharmed, except his cloak is smoking. He'd worn himself out. I put the steamed out Seto in bed, and went to work on Brice. I was able to heal most of his wounds, but the gouge on his face remained open. There was way too much damage for anyone to fix.
I then covered the open wound with gauze, and laid him next to Seto in the bed. Seto, still asleep, wrapped his hands around Brice's shoulders. Brice merely smiled, and curled himself around Seto's hands. I sat back, and Mitch smiled. He whispered, "I didn't know they would do that. That's cute, and weird at the same time." "Why is is weird?" "They're friends, they're not like my mom and dad."
I snickered at Mitch's ignorance, and pushed him out of the room so they could sleep. Jerome came out of his room, still tired, and helped us restore the living room. Grace and Josh had been at the store, and they came home to us finishing cleaning the room. Mitch, Preston, Rob, Jerome, and I had fixed the room in only 10 minutes. With 5 people, it was easy.
Grace came in the house first, and looked touched that we'd cleaned. But Josh saw through our act, and pulled us aside. "What. Happened?" Mitch answered. "Ty went crazy and attacked Brice. The Prince went after him as well, and they destroyed the living room. Brice got bit in the face, and Seto burned himself out trying to help. They're resting in their room."
Josh pulled me with him to check on the boys. We found them exactly as I'd left them. I quietly showed Josh Brice's bandages, and how his face looked under the gauze. I didn't touch Brice, but I used a mental picture, and made the memory into a hologram. Josh could see what it looked like without the gauze being touched. I didn't want to hurt him.
Seto pulled Brice closer, and we left. The 7 of us sat in the living room, and we tried to keep away from the topic of Ty. But either way, we all knew the conversation would boil down to that anyway. Josh brought it up. "Where is Ty? You say he was here, and yet he isn't."
"He took off soon after, and the Prince and Princess followed him." Mitch replied. "No one has seen them since. He took off into the woods."

-Brice's POV-
I woke up in an incredible amount of pain. My face felt like it was on fire, and I suddenly remembered. The Prince. He bit me. I couldn't feel the left side of my face at all.
I felt Seto's hands around me, and his slow breath on my neck. I was still tired, but I gently woke him up, and he sat up and pulled me to my feet. My chest exploded into pain, and I gasped as I stood. Seto held up my shoulders, and he walked me out to the living room. We were met by Sky, who lifted me up and carried me to the couch, where I laid painfully.
I still had no clue of what damage had been done. My face felt numb, and I couldn't open my left eye. Sky gently touched the left side of my face, and I couldn't feel it. Then I realized there wasn't skin he was touching. It was gauze. That's why I couldn't feel it.
Sky ran his hand over it, and told me the extent of the damage. "The side of your face is gouged out, and your eye is just gone. I couldn't heal it. The Prince did too much damage." Seto actually sat down next to me, and I noticed how burnt out he looked. I saw behind Sky, a little boy, about 6, with dark brown hair and caramel brown eyes. Then I noticed his attire. He had tall black boots, gray dress pants, a gray and gold suit jacket, and a gold and gray cloak.
Something glinted in his hair. I snapped to attention when I saw the pendant. I'd never heard of such a thing before. A 6 year old Flower King? He looked shy, but Preston hung on him like he was just a little normal kid.
Sky noticed my stiffness, and introduced us. "Oh! Brice, Seto, this is Rob. Rob, this is Brice and Seto." Seto waved, and I just said, "Nice to meet you. I wasn't expecting to ever see the Flower King." Rob backed up, and said, "I don't wanna be. Just call me Rob." "Oh. Okay Rob."
Rob seemed most comfortable around Sky, especially since he'd dragged Sky away with him. He grabbed Sky's hand, and Sky held it. "What happened to you? Are you okay?" He'd been talking to me, so I answered, "Fine. Only half my face is missing. I've seen worse." His eyes widen as he thinks of possibilities.
I look around, and see everyone except for Ty. He's just- gone. Preston came up to me and touched the gauze, only to jump back when I didn't react. Seto was sluggish, still tired, and I was too. I was barely awake at this point, but Sky noticed my fatigue, and took me back to bed.
Seto followed close behind, and we both curled up and fell asleep. I could faintly feel Seto's hands around me, but my main focus was the dream. In front of me stood my father. He stared at me angrily, and before I could react, he made a ball of angry energy, and it slammed into my chest painfully. An angry voice echoes loudly in my head.
"Did you think it would be that easy to get away? I will find you, and I will destroy you and all of your player friends. You will never see me coming."  The voice fades out, and I drift into a deeper sleep.

Sorry update is later than usual. Migraines suck. Have one still. Updated 6/27/15
I slept 2 days straight. Head still hurts. Love the support guys. Until the next!
               ~ Percabeth1Jackson

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