Chapter 12- Revenge

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-Seto's POV-
I wake up in the middle of the night, and only because Brice is shifting. He seems very uncomfortable, and he's flinching a lot. At one point, he growls, making me nervous. "Brice? Hey, Brice. Wake up. Come on buddy, wake up. Brice-" I whisper gently to him, gradually getting louder.
I grab his shoulders, and pull him up to a sitting position. He wakes up in panic mode, and scrambles away from me. "Brice? What's the matter?" He's still in full panic mode, and stares at me like a cornered animal. He falls off the bed and crawls to the wall, unfazed by pain, only by fear.
He stutters- "He- Hero- b- brine. Y- you c- can't get m- me here." I sit forward, concerned for my friend's behavior. "Brice. Relax, it's just me. Seto- your best friend. Herobrine won't touch you. I promise you that. Come here." He stumbles to me, and buries his face in my chest. I hold him while he cries.
(Quick A/N: SetoSolace for life! Am I right?)
Brice cries and cries, and I just hold him tightly to me, trying to help him relax. His body shakes as he cries, and his grip on my cloak is loose, and shaky. His body gives into exhaustion, and he falls asleep in my arms. I lay him down gently enough to not wake him, and I lay down myself. I fall asleep holding Brice closer than ever to me.
He shivers several times in the night, and I just hug him closer and he relaxes. Morning arrives, and Brice is worn down and exhausted by his initial outburst the night before. I hover by him, and he sticks close to me. Sky looks confused, but leaves us alone about it. Ty is still nowhere to be found, and Mitch and Jerome are outside practicing already. Preston and Rob are sitting on the living room floor, coloring together.
Rob looks up. I can see his crown in his hair. His cloak is still on him, and the gold silk lining is still shiny and nice. His boots have a little mud on them, probably from playing outside, and otherwise looks perfectly the same as yesterday. Preston's lava is still slightly drippy, but it disintegrates when it touches the floor, so it does no damage.
I can hear a fight start outside. I can hear growling, and roars. Everyone still in the house runs outside, to find Jerome and the Prince in a brawl, claws on claws, teeth on teeth. Mitch is having a serious sword fight with Ty. The Princess is sitting on a rock, watching.
I carefully get Brice to sit on the steps while I run to get Ty away from Mitch. Sky follows me. Rob runs to Jerome, and the Prince backs up quickly. Jerome limps away to his mother on all fours, barely standing. Sky had pulled Ty away, while I kept Mitch from collapsing in exhaustion. Ty was visibly tired, but he still fought against Sky.
"Let. Me. Go! Sky! I can't take it anymore. Please!" He begged, and started crying. His legs shook, and his eyes began to flicker dangerously. Sometimes plain human red, sometimes neon glowing green, and sometimes their glowing purple. They flickered continuously, and it was dangerous to be near.
In his eyes, I could see a desperate call for help. Then, flickering in and out of view behind Ty, was Ty, but this one looked cruel, and he looked exactly like Ty, sort of like a twin brother. Then, the real Ty's eyes and wings changed color, and stayed while the flickering image did. His wings and eyes changed to neon green, and his eyes glowed that color. The copy had purple eyes, and purple wings.
The copy had a small background. It was the End. This copy is in the End. Then I realized it wasn't a copy. He was completely real.
He laughed, and said, "You're welcome Tyler. I can't wait 'till you come home next month. Or did Dad not tell you? Come home, or I come to you and drag you home." Ty looked at us desperately, like, 'Help me.'
The image of the guy disappeared, and Ty's wings and eyes flickered back and forth. Purple to green, green to purple, purple to green, and 20 times over in a matter of seconds. Ty's expression was pained, and he looked miserable. Pain took him over, and he collapsed into Sky, who staggered under Ty's dead weight. Sky managed to finally shift and carry Ty inside to his own room.
He set Ty on his bed sideways, so his wings were free. Ty slept soundly for the rest of the day. Everyone else sat in he living room, doing various versions of nothing. We all discussed the image of the guy at one point. When no one could figure out what was next month, we gave up and went back to silence.
Everyone arose the next morning tired and puzzled. Only Ty was up and at it. Ty looked offset, but he seemed fine for the most part. His hands would occasionally shake, and his stature would waver, but he was fine.

-Ty's POV-
I can't believe he barged in on me like that. My own brother. He made me do that to Brice. Anthony has his own personal issues, but one of them just had to include insanity. Being twins, we were never discriminated by our looks, but our actions. The dragon focused on me more because I was more mentally and emotionally stable than Anthony.
Anthony was mostly locked up in his room, but when he was out, it was when people had come to slay the dragon for glory. He would send them running off the edges of the mainland screaming with insanity. Very, very few people made it 30 feet on the mainland. I barely ever saw my brother. He had the one idea that drove me over the edge. That we weren't real.
He kept insisting that he and I didn't exist, so he continually tried to commit suicide. And each time he threw himself off the mainland, I'd fly down and drag him back up. He'd yell and scream that we weren't real, but I know we are. I barely knew Anthony's main personality, because I never saw him. He was trapped and locked intentionally in his room under the one obsidian tower.
I never forgave him after he sent a sacrificed child over the cliffs of the mainland. That was a month before I'd left. Anthony and I had never trusted each other, but one thing led to another, and Anthony stayed in the End, locked up in his room. And next month was our birthday. We will both turn 17, and the dragon will give us the full extent of our powers.
Right now we both exist with the same amount of power as we had a children, but once our birthday passes, the dragon will raise that level, and we'd become more powerful than the dragon itself. Alone or together, we could both kill a creature with 2,000 health in one shot easily. And that's now. Next month, that stake of 2,000 will be raised to 10,000. Anything less is pitiful, including my friends.
I can see Seto watching me in the kitchen from the dining room table. He's judging how stable I am after Anthony did what he did. My hands are incredibly shaky, and my legs will wobble now and again. They don't know Anthony, and I don't intend to keep it that way. They need to know of my shared birthday, and of my insane twin brother.
I call everyone into the living room, and they all sit around me. Sky and Seto seem most interested, as they lean forward. "Guys, I have a confession. You may have figured it out, you may not have, but I have a twin brother. His name is Anthony, and he is he image you all saw yesterday."
"Anthony isn't well known by anyone, much less than I am, and no one knew about me. He's insane, and has attempted suicide hundreds of times. My rampage the other day was unacceptable, but I can tell you safely that it wasn't me. Anthony has the power to control people, and make them insane. That's how no one has ever killed the dragon."
Sky looks at me. "Then how is he still in the End? Why didn't he follow you when he had the chance?" "Because Anthony is crazy. The dragon and endermen keep him locked up in his room in the one obsidian tower, unless there are people who want to kill the dragon. That's the only time he's allowed out, and it's only to send them running off the cliffs of the mainland. He has no self control, so they keep him cooped up. I barely know my own brother for Notch's sake."
Preston looks up from his art. "But then, how did he send you that picture?" "He's not dumb, Preston. He can do simple magic. But on our birthday, the event next month he'd talked about, we both become 5x as powerful. Twice the power of the dragon itself."
"We'll both have our full powers, but mind you, I only have my childhood powers, and if I hit you hard enough, I can one shot you, even now. My limit for one shots on a creature is 2,000 health. Once I have my full powers, I can one shot a creature with 10,000 health. And I'm still considered a mere child."
"Can you imagine? If I'm a child, what do you think an adult looks and acts like? It's beyond he human mind. Only those in a pocket can even try to comprehend. The dragon doesn't even hit as hard I will. It doesn't have the capability to tank hits like I will. It's physically impossible. It's amazing."
"The one bad part- Anthony will get this as well. He'll manipulate it to assist his insanity, and he'll only get worse. If I'm not home by my birthday, he'll rip up everything to look for me. But it will be easy to tell if he's here. My wings and eyes will go from purple to green. I naturally have green eyes and wings, but the Aether turned them purple. Anthony's eyes and wings are the real natural purple."
I have several people staring at me, thrown off by the curveball I threw, and then there's Sky, Seto, and Brice. They get it, and everyone else fans out, and goes and does their own thing. The four of us sit where we were, and discuss the matter more. Here's how I conversation went- really.
Brice- "So... You're telling us you'll be indestructible?"
Me- "Pretty much."
Sky- "Isn't that impossible for a human hybrid?"
Seto- "No. It's just extremely hard to come by. And extremely hard to achieve."
Brice- "Since when did you have a twin?"
Me- "Since forever. We were taken together. No one will remember, but in the dragon's other claw at his banishment, was Anthony. The dragon had just enough heart to not separate us."
Seto- "Wow. Was Anthony always crazy?"
Me- "No. It started when we turned 6. He was playful before that."
Sky- "At least you have a sibling. I was raised alone with a father who didn't even raise me himself. I was raised by maids and servants. My mother died when I was 4."
Me- "I wouldn't consider an insane twin good company though. I had to fly after him and stop all of his suicide attempts. That's not brother stuff."
Me- "I need to go home, or Anthony will destroy everything. I need to bring him here to balance him after, or try to balance him out there. He needs to find peace in his life."

This chapter was fun to write. I wrote it all around 12 am to 1 am during an 8 hour car trip. Yeah! Barely awake to finish typing. Hands and eyes are slipping. Love you guys!

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