Chapter 17- The Nether

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-Ty's POV-
The cut in my wing is nothing to me. What has substance as an issue is what I see in front of me. It's Herobrine, and my brother. He'd duped us, and attacked from behind. He instantly took a knife to my wing and pulled downward. It'll take months to heal, like a broken bone, but I can deal with it. My problem is that my brother and I are trapped.
Herobrine is circling Anthony, who is chained down with bedrock chains. Anthony is sitting there, slightly defeated. He still can't speak English, so if Herobrine asks him a question, he's doomed. But so far, Herobrine has been silent. I've screamed curses at him, and Anthony has just plain screamed, but nothing makes him shift.
He just walks in circles around Anthony, and stares at him. He'll occasionally glance at me, but his main focus is on my twin. He's clearly never seen Anthony, because Anthony never left the End, and this is probably why. No, it's because he's still considered crazy. That's the one reason he'd never been allowed to leave his room, let alone the entire dimension.
It's only because he's an adult that he could leave, and it was still disapproved of. But Anthony is struggling. Not because it's all new, but because he can't even grasp the concept of the Aether language. He's stuck in Endertongue, and can't figure out the new language. He can understand it, but can't speak it.
I'd learned by listening to Sky. He can't get it, and right now, he's looking at me desperately. Anthony had tried to reason with Herobrine, and the conversation failed right off the bat. Herobrine doesn't even understand Endertongue. So Anthony has been silent, and simply watching me while Herobrine circles him.
Both of our wings have been disabled using bedrock chains, and he's also shackled our hands and feet with the same material. He's had us in this... room made of obsidian. He clearly doesn't know that obsidian heals us and makes us stronger. It's entertaining to let him be ignorant about it. I laughed a bit when I first noticed.
Herobrine stopped me pretty quick. He rushed me, and I backed into the wall, whacking my injured wing. I gaped, not wanting to scream. I knew Sky was here somewhere, because Herobrine said so. I tried to be as loud as possible for a while, and Herobrine didn't think too much of my shenanigans.
He probably thought I was just going nuts on him. But that's Anthony's job. I'm the level headed one of us two. Anthony is physically and mentally insane. It's proven by the dragon.
Finally, Anthony moves. It freaks out Herobrine, who backs up. But all Anthony did was growl and shift to a different sitting position. Herobrine, I learned, is super duper jumpy and skittish around Enders. How nice, he's actually afraid of us. It's amazing.
But Anthony has growled too deeply for me to let slip by. In Endertongue, I scold him, and he lowers his head shamefully. 'I'm sorry Tyler. The man is getting on my nerves. Make him leave now. I'll snap, and you know I will.' I most certainly can see it. His hands are shaking and twitching, and his left eye has sustained a slow, but noticeable tic.
In English, I snap angrily at Herobrine. "When will you leave us alone?! Can you not see how he's reacting?! Are you crazy?!" He rushed me again, but I stay well away from the wall. "Do you wish to test me Ender? Because it will not end well for you. My son will endure quite the same if you don't shut your damn mouth." I do as told quite quickly.
But Herobrine heeds my warning, and leaves. In the hallway, I hear commotion, and Sky bursts in. His glasses are mysteriously cracked and shattered. One lense is gone, with shards stuck in the frame, and the other has a circular crack with a tiny pinpoint as the epicenter. He looks frantic.
"We gotta get you two out. Now! I have 20 minutes max to save you both. What material?" "Bedrock. Sky, it's an impossible binding. We won't get out." "Oh really? I did just to get here." He smiles crazily, and shows us the movement to slip it. We both slip out, and Sky grabs our hands.
He bolts toward an open door. Along the hallway walls, I can see guards all unconscious or dead on the ground. We go through the door onto a small platform, and I can see the roof of the Nether above. Sky drags us through to the outside of the fortress. He pulls a flint and steel from his back pocket as we approach a broken portal.
Sky scrapes the flint and steel against the bottom of the obsidian portal. The center lights up with a purple water. I take Anthony and Sky, and start to pull to the portal. But Sky pulls backwards. I turn, confused and upset.
"What are you doing? Come on!" "I can't! My dad cursed me. I'm stuck here in the Nether. If I go, I'll die, or I'd just be teleported back, then beaten to death. I'll die either way. My dad will kill me for saving you, or he'll kill me using the curse. Go without me."
Sky lets go of my hand. "Go!" And he shoves me into the portal. Anthony comes tumbling with me, and we land in the same field I'd started in the first time I came to the Aether. I can't find the house by walking, so I grab Anthony's hand, and teleport.
I let go of Anthony as I collapse to the ground from exhaustion outside the house. We'd dropped in the middle of Mitch and Jerome's practice fight. Mitch started to freak out, thinking he killed me for a minute, then Anthony picked me up and his energy woke me up. Both our obsidian headsets helped me stand. Anthony had taken his off, and put them around my neck.
Mitch runs and gets his mother, who comes out and leads me inside. I'm exhausted from having no sleep, and seeing as it's our nighttime, when Grace points me to the bed to help fix my wing, I fall on my face and pass out.

-Sky's POV-
I felt bad for making Ty leave me, but I really wasn't lying to him. I'll be killed either way unless I hide in some distant corner of the Nether. I can't go the the Aether, and I can't go to the End, even if I wanted to. A) I'd be torn to bits by the dragon, B) The curse would kill me if the dragon didn't. Neither was too pleasing to me.
Soon after Ty and Anthony fell through the portal, my dad and the guards caught up with me. My dad forced me to the ground, and held my head down to the netherrack. He hissed in my ear, "You don't know when to stop, do you?" "No. I don't, and I'm proud of it. Now get off of me." I push myself up, which shoved him back. He stumbles, and growls at me.
"You need to learn respect. Pain doesn't seem to be enough for you." "It isn't. It's a temporary thing- pain, so it doesn't bother me as much." His expression gets darker and angrier with my every word. His fist came down of my head, and I stopped it with inches to spare. But he pressed, and I lost my grip. His forced fist came down on my head, and it connected, knocking me out.
I woke in my room again, but the chain was more complicated. It was a glove, a chain, and a sling. The glove was tightened and fixed to my hand, so that wasn't coming off. The sling part was to keep my arm bent. There was a piece of metal behind and under my elbow, and it was held in by a chain, which was fixed tightly to the glove.
My whole arm was immobilized, and the chain on the ceiling still kept me in the confines of my room. My bedroom window had been covered on the outside, so I couldn't see the Nether anyway, even if I wanted to, which I don't. Days passed by and I still couldn't figure out how to get out of this chain. But that didn't matter as much anymore. I'd been cut off from food and water.
I'd die of dehydration in a week. If that didn't work, I'd die of starvation. So I'd die painfully either way. I think sourly on how all my friends are doing. I know them enough to say that the older ones would rebel immediately if they were me. The younger boys may not, and they'd probably cry daily.
But the one day, maybe a day before I starved? I heard a commotion coming from the North Side. The front gate had something happening. I heard yelling and random sounds from the guards. Then what I heard next was unforgiving to my mental health.
"Anthony! Find him or I will kill you. He's been here too long. You dare do any damage to him and you know the consequences. Now go!!!"
I could hear wings, and a heavy thing land outside my window. The covering is torn away, to reveal Anthony's face. He smashed the window and wall in one blow with his fist. I can hear Ty screaming and hollering as he fought. Anthony bounced on the balls of his feet and clearly lost patience to wait.
I'm too weak to move as much now, and I'm incredibly malnourished. Anthony sees this, and somehow softens a little. He destroys the chain, lifts me up and carries me out. We fly over the front gate. I can see Ty below, his ripped wing confined in gauze, fighting with a pigman.
Anthony calls something down in another language, and I understand it's Endertongue. I don't speak it, so I don't know what he says. Ty glances up, spots us, and bolts for the front gate. He can't fly, so he weaves and bobs his way to the portal on foot.
Anthony lands in front of the portal, and Ty tackles him, taking all three of us through in an instant. Ty tumbles over me, and I feel an instant spike of pain in my chest. I know something's wrong. Not even the fact that I'm malnourished. Ty's weight did something, and it hurts.

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