Chapter 18- Injured

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-Ty's POV-
When I shoved Anthony and Sky through the portal in front of me, Sky somehow ended up under me. We landed in the Aether, but I landed on top of Sky, and I tumbled over him. My knees had been against my chest, but when Sky got under me, I felt my knee go against his frail chest, and I heard the sickening crack of breaking bones. In seconds, I teleported myself to the house, grabbed Seto, and teleported back before he could react. He reacts alright, and drops to his knees in front of Sky.
He doesn't go to fix the bones, but he puts his hands on Sky's head, and I can faintly see a gray wisp leave Sky. He relaxes slightly, then winces in pain, and tenses up again. Now Seto turns to the wounds, and starts to clear them out. His ribs come back into place, but he's extremely thin. His clothes are practically hanging off him because it's so bad.
Sky releases his body tension when the bones have been healed, and I pick him up carefully. Seto holds my wrist, Anthony holds Seto's hand, and we all use our separate energy to teleport. We land outside the house as normal, and I rush Sky into the house. Grace hadn't left home for work yet, and neither had Josh. Grace followed me to Sky's room, and I set him down as carefully as I possibly could. Grace fussed over his figure.
She knew it was bad, and she knew what to do, so I was relieved. She turns to me. "Ty, get me a bottle of water, cold. Seto, get me a cut up apple. Go!" She was dead serious, so Seto and I ran for the kitchen. We collect what we were told to, and we run back to Grace, who is sitting on the edge of the bed, running her hand through Sky's messed up hair.
His ponytail was loose and the rial was practically gone, so I just took out the hair tie, so when he sat up, his hair would free fall. Sky is awake, but his breath is shallow, and frail. Grace force feeds him a bit of the apple, but he can't even move too well. I can see him straining to lift his hands to do it himself, but he's clearly frustrated, and he can't muster the energy for it. Grace pours some of the water into his mouth, and he drinks it.
He's clearly having a lot of trouble moving, and I'm just now noticing a metal sling on his forearm. There's a metal piece around his elbow, holding it at an angle, and then a metal glove fitted to his hand. In between these two bits of metal, are a pair of loose chains on either side of his arm. It's like a brace, but it's restricting movement. It's a restraining brace.
Herobrine has a restraining brace on his son, and he tried to starve and dehydrate him to death. Probably worst parenting ever. Well, considering Herobrine hadn't bothered with any of Sky's life except discipline, it wasn't the worst parenting, but wasn't even remotely close to good. Sky is in critical condition, and we can't take him to the hospital. It's in the city, and they'll expose him and take him straight to the Flower Queen.
My wing needs to heal at a regular rate, so I have to deal with minor spikes of pain now and again. Seto offered to heal it, but I knew it wouldn't work on Enders. My headset and sword give it the energy it needs to heal, but it'll be a while before it happens. The past two days I've gone deep into the woods with Mitch and Jerome. They practice with their weapons, and I'll stretch my wing, so it doesn't stop functioning.
Sky falls asleep quickly, so we close the door behind us and go outside. Anthony had passed out on the couch around 5am, because we'd been up all night to save Sky. I'm exhausted from the all-nighter, so I fall over the back of the couch, and roll onto the couch, already asleep.

-Grace's POV-  (Why not?)
I sat beside Sky for a while longer, before I followed Ty out to the living room. He fell asleep immediately, so I went outside to check on my boys. They were fooling around with their weapons, which made me nervous. I let them go though, and sit next to Josh. "How is he?" Josh asks.
"He's struggling. Malnutrition is something
that is very hard to overcome. He's malnourished, and dehydrated. I'll have to stay home from work until he's better. He's in hospital condition, but we know we can't take him."
"He'd be taken away, and he's still die. Grace, he needs professional medical attention. I know you're excellent yourself, but he needs something more. It's unhealthy to go without medication. Especially with malnutrition."
Josh puts his hands around mine, and he knew my heart sank when he said I couldn't do well enough. Being powerless to help a younger person in need crushed me, and I felt useless.
It's why I wanted to be a mother. It's why I have Mitchell and Jerome. If I felt I couldn't do it, I wouldn't have the boys. But I knew he told the truth, and I only feared they'd take off his damaged glasses and kill him on orders of the Flower Queen. I didn't want that.
I heed Josh's voice anyway, and I tell the boys to stay in the house, but be quiet around Ty and Anthony. Josh picks up Sky, and he carries him to the car. Then, I hear distant shouting. I turn to see Mitchell, running full speed toward me. "Momma! Can I come?"
I silence him before he wakes Sky, but I nod. Josh set Sky in the chair, and Mitch sat next to him, holding him steady. Josh drives us to the hospital in the city. Mitchell looks nervously at the spiral crack in the one lens of Sky's glasses. He's really worried it will give him away, just as nervous as I am.
Josh carries Sky inside, and Mitchell and I lag behind, nervous and torn between theories of what will happen. If they take him away, we'll be powerless to keep them from killing him. The nurse at the desk takes one glance at Sky, and I see her press a little red button on her desktop. She comes out from behind the desk, and asks what's wrong. Josh answers briefly.
"He's dehydrated and starved. We can't help him enough." The nurse leads us to a room and has Josh set Sky down on the bed. She asks for a name, and I can't tell her Sky. It would be suspicious. "Adam. His name is Adam." Mitchell says to the nurse.
She takes a clipboard from the door, and writes on it vigorously. I can see her jot down the name Adam in the name box. "Last name?" Mitchell answers again, prepared. "Hughes." I glance at Mitchell, surprised he took our name for Sky. Mitchell smiles at me proudly when he sees I'm looking at him.
The nurse writes it down, and scribbles other things along the page. "How did this occur?" "He got lost in the woods behind our house last week, and we couldn't find him until this morning." I watch Mitchell, fascinated by his on-the-fly answers. He seems so confident in his responses that he hasn't moved a muscle.
The nurse leaves, and instead, a doctor comes in. Sky is still asleep, so I try to be a little quiet, and so do Josh and Mitchell. We talk to the doctor about Sky for a while, then he leaves us with him while he gets a medication. Sky starts to wake up while the hospital staff are absent from the room, and he takes off his glasses. In his hand, the lens starts to fix itself. He mumbles something, and puts them back on.
He drops his head back to the pillow wearily, not even caring where we are. As he relaxes more and more, his jacket sinks into his chest, showing us just how thin he really is. His face is drawn and relaxed. He falls back to sleep. Several minutes pass in silence before the doctor returns.
He's holding a small blue pill, and a glass of water. He sets it on a small table next to the bed, and very gently wakes Sky. He hands Sky the pill and glass, and Sky ultimately refuses the pill, but drinks the water with a painful effort. Halfway finished with the water, the doctor stops Sky. He says, "Little at a time. Your system isn't ready for so much. You'll drown yourself."
Sky stops, and sets the glass down slowly. When he'd been awake before, I told him of our disguise name for him, so he was aware. Mitchell takes Sky's weakened hand, "Adam, you need to take this pill. It'll help, trust me." He heeds Mitchell's voice, and does as he'd been told.

-Ty's POV-
Well, things turned out to be worse than I'd thought. The next evening, I found Grace sitting at the table, tired and worn out with worry. "What's the matter?" She glances at me. "I left Mitchell with Sky, and I don't know how either of them are doing. But never mind that. What are you going to do today?"
I remembered that my mother hadn't seen Anthony in 15 years, so... "I'm gonna take Anthony to see my mom. He hasn't seen her in 15 years and she probably forgot about us before, so I wanna refresh her memory of him." I walk her to bed, because she's so weary and sick with worry. Then, I collect Anthony from his late sleep in. We both brush our hair, and Seto casts the spell on us. I'm used to it by now, but Anthony isn't.
He stumbles, but gets his balance, and we walk to the city. I'd memorized the address, so I find the house, and knock on the door. Mom appears in the doorway. She has a white pullover on, and some gray sweatpants. She waves us in.
"What would you like Tyler?" I step to my left, and she sees Anthony. Her whole body freezes, and she rushes to Anthony. "Anthony, my son! I thought you had died! Tyler, where- how-" She can't form her sentences through her excitement, so I stop her shaking hands, and hold her to me. "I never left him. He came to the End with me, Mom. But he's lost his ability to speak English. He's stuck with the language of the End."
"I've been teaching him though, and he's slowly picking it up. But progress is slow, and he's having issues with it. Go easy on him with the English." Mom nods, understanding his situation and respecting it. Anthony seems to recognize her, and he smiles. He seems very uncomfortable with her hug though, and he pulls away from her. She looks a tiny bit hurt, but she bounces back and forgets.
We talk for hours, and Anthony finally starts to pick English up more fluently. By the time Mom goes to bed and we go back to Mitch's house, Anthony can speak English just as fluently as Endertongue. He's ecstatic, and doesn't shut up until 5am, when he crashed on the couch. I laugh at him a little, and crash on the couch next to him.

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