Chapter 21- Thieves

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-Vikk's POV-
I was hoping the scary lady would not bring that up. She let our friends see us as we really are. But we'd been left to die when we were smaller. We had to live, and we only had two choices. Find our families again, or live on the run.
Sky is watching me, and I'm on Lachlan's shoulders. Lachlan will move his hands a few times, and I'll hold his hair to keep myself up. The mean guys take us to a hallway with iron bars and iron doors. Lachlan moves when I wasn't ready, and I fell. Inches from the floor, Lachlan spins and catches me.
He supports me in front of him, and he carries me in as the mean guys push Lachlan in the cage. But that changes. One of the guys pulls me away from Lachlan, and I start to cry. Ty and his brother are still asleep, and they get locked in another cage across the hall from Lachlan and the others. The guy carries me down the hall, and I start to scream and kick him.
The guy just growls at me, but I keep it up, and he puts me in the floor. I try to slip past him to get to Lachlan, but he blocks my path. He herds me forward, and I keep trying to go backwards. But he wins the war, and gets me trapped in a small white room. It's very bright in here, and the floor and walls are soft.
I can't think straight, because Lachlan is somewhere else. Without him, I- I can't. I'm a broke little 4 year old without Lachlan. He's glue to me. He keeps me going. When he's away, I can't live. That's why I cry so much when I'm taken from him.
Lachlan keeps me alive. He's my only family. If I lose Lachlan, I'm alone, and I'll die. This room is too bright, and my head hurts too much. I cry my eyes out, and my head just hurts more.
Lachlan is what makes me happy. There is no Lachlan here. Lachlan is somewhere I can't get to him. When I'm almost asleep, a small window opens at the bottom of the door. A small plate of food is pushed under it.
On the plate, is also a piece of paper. It has stuff on it, but they must've forgotten I'm 4. I can't read yet, and they expect me to read this? I shakily crawl to the door, and knock on it. A man's face appears above me as the door opens.
"What?" He sounds irritated. "I- I ca-can't r-read. I- I'm 4. C-can you... read it?" And I hand him the slip of paper. He reads it aloud. "You are being isolated because you are special. Don't ask why or how, but you need to stop crying, eat, and sleep. You will be retrieved in the morning, and you will not have any of your friends with you. Good night."
Then, the lights in the white room go dim, and the room looks like it's a dark gray room instead. I eat what I will, which is only the quesadilla that was there. The rest is inedible to me. There's a rotten apple, raw rice, and a moldy bowl of strawberries. I can't eat any of it, the quesadilla is the only thing that's still edible.
I fall asleep to a faint humming sound coming from above. By the next morning, I'm in so much pain, I can't see. My head hurts so so bad. But the door opens, and I see a woman step in. She's pretty, and she leans down, and picks me up.
I start to cry, still separated from Lachlan. I'm carried to another hallway, and the lady puts me down. "Walk, child. Walk, or you will never see your friend again." I start to walk, and I don't make it very far when my legs hurt, and I fall. My head still hurts, and now my belly hurts too. I can't move, and the last gets mad at me.
She yells bad words at me, and she stamps her feet. "Goddammit! Get up! You're of no use if you can't walk! If you really can't walk, I might as well dispose of you where your friends can't see or hear you." I start to cry harder, and pout, "Lachlan. Lachlan! LACHLAN!" My lungs hurt when I hear Lachlan's voice faintly. "Vikk! Vikky!! Don't make him walk! Please! He doesn't have the strength! Please!" "Can't walk, huh? Then you are of no use to me. Take him back to the white room. Starve him or shoot him, I don't care. Just make sure he dies. Don't let him back in my sight until it's his dead body."
She walks away. The guys following her picked me up and carried me back to the white room I'd been in before. One aims at my head with a gun, and before he can pull the trigger, Sky appears in front of me. He holds up his hands and body-blocks me. The guy lowers his gun and growls. He mutters something into his black walkie- talkie, and shuts the door after dragging Sky out.
I can hear as Sky is pushed down the hallway. The door opens again, and the guy aims a gun at me again. I shut my eyes, confused and upset with this. I've seen the damage a gun can do, and I know this one is meant to kill me. I may be 4, but I'm not dumb.
I open my eyes to see a tear in the guy's eye. He doesn't want to, but he was told to. He's seconds away from killing me on the spot, but drops his gun, unable to do what he was told. The tears in my eyes stream down my face, despairing for Lachlan. The guy steps into the room, and lifts me up. He sits on the floor, and puts me down in his lap.
He rubs his head, and his hair gets pushed up. It looks funny, but I'm so despaired, I can't smile or laugh. I'm just silently watching him as he sits here in the room with me. The door is wide open, but I can't walk there. I have no chance of escape without Lachlan. I don't even have a chance to keep living without Lachlan here.
The gun is sitting on the white floor in front of me, but again, I have no way of getting there. It's only accessible by someone who can walk. Then, I hear Lachlan. He's closer, but still far away. "No! Vikk! VIKK!!! VIKK!!!!!! Where are you?! NO!" I hear the echo of him banging on the bars of the cage as he gives up.
I scream, "Lachlan! I'm here, Lachlan! LACHLAN!!!!" "VIKK?! Yes!!! Vikky, we're gonna come for you! Trust me! I promise, I'll be there!" Pounding footsteps echo through the halls. When the steps reach me, I don't see Lachlan. I only see guys with guns. And they're aiming at my chest.
The guy sitting in the room with me is pulled out, and his gun is picked up by another guy. The sound of the gun goes off, and I recognize it from last year. A store owner had chased Lachlan and I out of the city with one, and he'd shot at us a couple times. My chest explodes into pain. I look down to see a small bleeding hole in my rib cage.
Other guns go off, and I can't bear the pain. Every shot hits me somewhere in my chest. The pain is so bad, and I can't hear Lachlan over the noise. I collapse on the floor as the shooting stops. I lay there motionless, trying to stop the pain.

-Mitch's POV-
Lachlan keeps banging on the cell walls, and the iron bars. We can all hear the gunfire. Lachlan keeps screaming and crying, calling for Vikk, but getting no response. All we hear for a straight 2 minutes is gunfire. It ceases, and Lachlan breaks down.
He crumpled to the stone floor, and Sky tried to go and comfort him. Lachlan pushed him away, and Sky looked hurt. I didn't want to, but I tried to go and settle him down. He flung himself to the corner, and wouldn't let anyone near him as he cried. His head was in his hands, and his knees were pulled up to his face.
We couldn't see his face, but he cried and cried. An hour passed before Lachlan moved again. He was emotion-dead, and had nothing left. His face was red, and his blue green eyes looked fractured like kaleidoscopes. He didn't look angry or sad, or happy. He was emotionless.
Losing Vikk probably destroyed his emotions. Then, knowing that his only family had just died, probably destroyed him even more, to the point where he's here, an emotionless child thinking there's nothing left to live for. Lachlan sits in the back corner, and stares blankly at the wall for another hour.
It wasn't until Ty and Anthony woke up that Lachlan spoke. Sky quietly filled in the twins on what happened, and Ty looked upset. He was in a separated cell, so he couldn't do anything to help but talk. "Lachlan-" Ty called softly. "I know it's hard. I understand he was your family. I miss him too, but you can't do this to yourself. It will only destroy you. You need to remember him as he was before all this, and live in honor of his memory. Don't tear yourself up."
"A-and ho-how d-do you kn-know? Vikk's gone. And I'm stuck here alone! You don't understand! He was all I had left! And now he's gone." Lachlan retaliated, and threw himself against the bars of the cell. Ty and Anthony were on the other side of the hallway, so Lachlan couldn't reach Ty.  Sky pried him off the bars, and Lachlan buried his head in Sky's chest. He started to cry again.
Then, if it wasn't my imagination, I heard Vikk painfully, and faintly calling for Lachlan. "Lachlan! Lachlan! It-it hurts!" I scream for everyone's attention. "Hey! Listen. It sounds like Vikk! Quiet!" Everyone shuts up, and Vikk cries out again.
"Lachlan!!! Help me! It hurts!!" Lachlan throws himself at the bars again. "VIKKY! I thought you were dead!" "Lach- Lachlan. It-it hurts." Sky pulls him off the bars again, and Lachlan fights back.
He swings his fists around, and tries to pull himself out of the death grip Sky has on his hoodie. But Lachlan is smart, and slips out of his hoodie. Under it is a white shirt, nothing special, just a regular white tee. As Lachlan hits the bars again, the one old section gives way under his brutal attacks on it. Lachlan tumbles to the floor in the hallway, and takes of fun the direction of Vikk's voice.
Sky teleports in front, and Jerome, Preston and I try to break out the twins. Preston and Jerome are humanized, so they're not as comfortable, and they don't know what to do. I mange to pick the lock on their door with the clip part of my dog tag chain, and they walk out. Their wings are bound by chains that I can't picklock. The chains don't have ends, and to get them off, I need to be a knot man.
I sit the twins on the floor, and start tinkering with Ty's chain. I slip it off in a few minutes, and turn to Anthony. His is easier, and it falls to the floor. Then the guards show up, and we bolt in the direction Lachlan ran. I literally bowl into Lachlan, who is standing in the middle of the hallway in front of the door to a white room, shocked.

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