Chapter 23- Notes

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-Lachlan's POV-
When Sky saw the paper the lady gave him, his expression grew serious, and angry. He crumpled it up, and threw it away. I was curious, so I took it, and read it the best I could. I think it said this...

You are welcome to come home, but you probably know the reentry cost. The twins and the fantasy creatures. The bacca and the lava creeper? I want them too. The other four may stay with you, if the one doesn't die.
I still can't believe you refuse to say your full name. They'll have to know sometime. Just because your name is what it is, doesn't mean you have to hide it. Be proud of your name. Bring the twins and fantasy creatures to the Aether castle by midday tomorrow if you wish to come home.
If not, you know the deal.
Your father,
"What?! You're dad is the scary man? Why didn't you say anything?!" "I did! You clearly weren't listening. I said like, last week. Lachlan... I can't do that to anyone, and I won't. You're safe." "What about Preston? And Jerome, Ty and Anthony? What about them? Are they safe?" "Yes. I can't and won't go back to my dad. He's already killed me a few times in my life. He's abusive, and hates me for what I've done by befriending you guys. I-" His voice broke. "I've dealt with him since my mom died, and I can't do it anymore, Lachlan. Going back to him means abuse, and abuse means getting hurt. I can't do it, and I won't get anyone hurt. I've had too much of it myself."
I throw out the note, and Sky just sits there, staring at the wall. "La- Lach- lan. Lach-lan?" I turn to Vikk, and he's holding out his hand to me. I go over and hold his hand, just to help him relax. I don't know what the lady said about Vikk's 'condition', as Sky calls it, but I think it has something to do with how he talks.
"Sky?" "What's the matter?" "What did the lady say about Vikk's condition?" "She said he'd have a speech impairment, meaning he'll have trouble talking. He's asthmatic, meaning he can't breathe well, and he still can't walk. Why?" "Oh. Because he can't seem to say my name anymore. I was just curious."
Sky steps up to the bed and puts a hand on my shoulder. "He'll be fine though. He's gonna live. Don't worry."

-Sky's POV-
A week or two passes before Vikk is even allowed to get out of the bed. His wounds are deep, and it still hurts him to move and breathe. Another week or two, and he's allowed to go home. Before we leave, the nurse gives me a new version of Vikk's old shirt, and a pair of jeans that should fit him. Lachlan carries him on his shoulders as always.
Just to be safe, and to prevent Vikk from any further pain, we walk to the house instead of teleport. Jerome was on the edge of the pocket, playing with Preston and Rob, and Jerome spotted us first. He yelled, "VIKK, LACHLAN, AND SKY ARE BACK!!" Two heads popped out of the underbrush.
Preston ran over and waited for us to cross the pocket barrier, while Rob full force ran into me. He knocked me over, and tackled me in a hug. "Woah! Let me in the pocket first! Jeez, Rob! You got bigger." He waits for me to stand back up, and bounces up and down. "It was my birthday yesterday! I'm 7 now! So is Preston! His birthday was last week!"
"Congrats! That's excellent!" Jerome and Preston look mad that Rob gets first dibs, because they can't leave the pocket for fantasy reasons. I cross the border, and I'm pummeled to the dirt with hugs. As soon as I'm standing again, they're dragging me home. I stop them, and tell them to wait for Vikk and Lachlan.
Lachlan looks kinda tired, so I offer to carry Vikk for him. They both agree, and Lachlan seems to be relieved from Vikk's weight off his shoulders. It was still impressive, walking almost 5 miles with a kid on your shoulders. When I get Vikk on my shoulders and situated, we finish our trek to the house. I'm met at the door by Grace.
Thankfully the ceilings are high, so Vikk only has to duck to get in the door. But soon enough, Vikk starts to fall asleep in the warm house. I gently pull him off my shoulders and into my arms. The second I'm holding him in my arms, he's asleep. I quietly walk down the hall to his room, and lay him down on the bed.
He curls up in the top corner of the bed, then shifts, flinching in the process. I cover him with a fuzzy blanket, and close the door. Grace body blocks me from the living room. "What happened to him? Is he injured?" "Yes, Grace. He's injured. He needs to sleep right now."
"How is he injured?" "Point blank gunfire to the chest. A lot of it. It gave him a speech impairment, and he's now an asthmatic. It was bad."
Whilst saying this, she covers her mouth, trying hard not to cry. "Will he be okay? Will he live?" "If he wasn't going to live, they would've kept him hospitalized. He wouldn't be here. He'll be fine." She lets me into the living room. It is kinda dark, and I hadn't noticed. It's around 10pm, and Ty and Anthony are getting up.
Most of the boys had already gone to bed, but Preston was still awake. "Hey buddy, what's up?" He looks up at me, "I don't wanna sleep." This concerns me. "Why? What's wrong? You need sleep." "No! Scary stuff comes when I sleep. I don't wanna!"
"Do you want me to stay with you tonight? Do you wanna sleep with me?" He looks at me pleadingly. "Yes please." "Okay. Come on bud. Let's go to bed." I take his little hand in mine, and I lead him down the hall. I open the door, and he climbs up on the bed.
I get him situated, and go to quickly check on Vikk and Lachlan. Vikk is okay, and Lachlan, just to be safe, had slept on the floor. I go back to my room to find Preston asleep. He'd curled up on a pillow, and had the blanket wrapped around him. I smiled, and fell asleep.

-Preston's POV-
So... the scary dream didn't go away. I don't like it. I can't sleep. It wakes me up at night. Even with Sky it didn't go away. It doesn't wanna leave me alone, and I want it to.
I walk forward in a dark corridor, and it's too dark to see. It gets scary when I hear a scream behind me. The dream me looks down, and it's me screaming. A sword is coming through me. Then I look back up, and the scary man called Herobrine is there, holding the sword.
He's smiling, and it's creepy. He laughs at me, and kicks me backwards. I tumble, and fall through lava. I swim, because I can, and an arrow falls on me. I die, and that's when I wake up.
Every night for 2 weeks. I'm getting scared of sleep. That means I'll die again in the dream. It makes me afraid I'll die for real. But now with Sky here, it doesn't go away. Instead, it gets worse.
This time, instead of Herobrine, it's Sky. His glasses are gone, showing glowy yellow eyes. It looks scary, and I try to back away. He slashes at me with a sword, and I have to leap back to not get hit. I fall into the lava, and the arrow kills me again, but this time, Sky shot the arrow, and I see him smile.
I wake up screaming. Sky jumps up, and tries to calm me down, but I jump away from him, afraid. "Preston! Preston it's okay! It's okay buddy! Relax... You'll be fine. It's just a nightmare. Come here, let me help." I start crying, and crawl into his open arms. I bury my face in his shirt, and cry.
He holds me, and hugs me. Grace comes in, and looks confused. "What's wrong? Is Preston okay?" "He's fine. He's got a reoccurring nightmare." "Oh... Okay. Sleep tight boys." "Thank you Grace."
I start to relax, and Sky pulls away a little. "What happened in the nightmare?" "It w-was diff- different to- tonight." "Okay... What happens normally?"
"He- Herobrine, stabs- me, and... he- kicks me... off a cliff. Into- lava. He- shoots me, with an arrow... and I die. That's it." "Okay. Then how about tonight?" "It was you. Not Herobrine." Sky sits up, and leans back. "Excuse me?"
"I said, it was you, and not Herobrine. And you smiled at me when I died. Make it go away." Sky looks mad, and a little hurt. "Bud, I'm not the one who can do this. We'll have to get Seto or Brice in the morning." "Can I still stay here?" "Of course Preston. Relax."

-Sky's POV-
I'd somehow been bound to Preston's nightmare, and I think it's because of my dad. I think he did it because I ignored his letter to come home. I also ignored the 'payment'. He's definitely not happy about it, but I don't see why he has to torture Preston for it. Maybe because Preston was part of what he wanted?
I have reason to believe my dad will come and get me. He did say I know the deal if I don't come home. And I do. He'll forcefully take me home. I've been waiting for a while now for it to happen, and now is my first hint.
Poor Preston is afraid to go to sleep now, and I'm afraid that he's gonna get hurt. Just as I was about to drift back off to sleep, I hear screaming in the next room over. Mitch and Jerome's room. I leap off the bed and run into the room. Jerome is screaming and crying in the top bunk.
I jump to the bunk's edge, careful not to step on a sleeping Mitch. I take his hand in mine, and he looks at me, startled. His fur is a bit mangled, but he holds my hand, and leans into me. I take him down off the bunk and into my arms. Ty comes down the hall, and looks confused.
"What's going on? Jerome? Are you alright?" "Ty, help me get him to my room. But don't wake Preston. He's asleep in there." Ty hesitantly opens the doors for me while I hold Jerome close to me. He's shivering, and won't let go of me as I walk back to my room.
I settle him into the bed, and he curls up at the bottom corner of the bed like a puppy. Ty closes the door, and I hear him go back to the living room. I slowly get into bed, carful not to disturb either boy. Preston is still clearly unnerved, but he's asleep. So is Jerome, so I can finally sleep without worry.
My only thought as I fall asleep: How do I confront my dad about the nightmare without getting caught?

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