Chapter 39- Confusion

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-Ty's POV-
The dragon is gone. Anthony is gone. The players have disappeared with my brother. The death of the dragon created a portal, in a fountain made of bedrock. The top of the alter part of the fountain contained an egg, but that was long gone with the players and Anthony.
I wonder what he's doing... But I'm bored, and alone. The death of the dragon and Anthony's disappearance were at the same time, so I lost everything in a split second. My brother is most likely dead, captured by players, and the egg to respawn the dragon was also taken by the same players. It's all gone.
I've wandered the island too much, and it's always alone. The endermen are only useful with injuries, and they aren't much good at sparring. They suck at conversation, and they don't hang around like Anthony. And they call me Master Tyler.
I trundle down to the portal, curious. The last eye is in the chest at the foot of the steps. I pull it out, and lock it into its container. The lava beneath shines through the water of the portal. I step up, turn my back to it, and tip myself backwards into the portal.
I fall on my back, in the Aether again. A small black puff leaps on me, scaring the hell outta me. I mean, it seems nice enough... Then I hear a familiar voice. "Fox! Off!" It's Sky.
"Ty? How are you here?" "Sky! The dragon is dead. The End is in chaos, and Anthony is here, taken by the players who killed the dragon." "Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down. The dragon was killed? By players?" "Yes." "And Anthony is here in the Aether? Trapped by those players?" "Yes!" "Okay! Relax."
He pulled the black puff off of me. "Meet Fox, Ty. He's a puppy my dad found wandering the woods." That's what it is! A dog, or a puppy. "Anthony is top priority. They took the dragon egg too. I know what they're gonna do with it.
They're gonna try and tame the one and only Enderdragon before he can even process the fact that he should be in the End. And they have the power to change the dragon's type. If that egg gets anywhere near certain things, it will change the dragon. If he gets near lava, it'll turn the dragon to a fire dragon. Forest- forest dragon. River or ocean- water dragon. Bedrock... Well... Ghost dragon. Thousands of feet in the air- Sky dragon. It's all dependent on where it sits when you finally put it down. But if it's on or near Endstone, endermen, or Anthony and I, it will be a regular Enderdragon.
And that's what we need. If it's a normal dragon, it will process the world faster, and refuse any type of taming. But if it's changed, and tamed, the Enderdragon is no longer. So we need to hurry."
Sky jumped up and down, raving to go. "Let's move!" "Sky. I don't know where they are! They went through a different portal, one created with the dragon's death." Suddenly, as I say this, Anthony's voice explodes in my head. "Tyler! Oh my Dragon. Help. Now. Stuck in a damn cage near the Barn royal palace. Get me outta here!"
Managing to pinpoint Anthony's location, I realized how far we are. "We'll need to teleport. It's too far to do anything else. He's on the move." Sky sighed. "See you there!"
I teleported to the spot, and found Sky there, the puppy, and a path made by a cart and horses. The sides of the player made path were footprints. Player footprints. We followed the path, and found the players, Anthony, and the sight of my current biggest fear.
The egg was resting on a riverbank, and it had turned blue. But it was also next to a campfire that was still warm. Half of the egg was red. The other half was blue. The center line between the two was pure black like it should be.
The dragon was split between three reincarnations. But Anthony was my main concern. I shook the enchanted bars, and it made too much noise. Some of the players shifted in their sleep. But one woke, and somehow woke up the others, and all grabbed weapons.
But one snatched up a bow, and primed an arrow, but pointed to the ground instead of aiming at me. Sky froze, and Fox hid behind Sky. One player stepped forward. He asked, "Who are you? What do you want?"
I growled, loud and clear with my anger. "I want my brother and the dragon back. Now!" The archer seemed startled, and dropped his bow in surprise. It hit the dirt with the steel arrow shaft clanging loudly against the metal bow. All the others looked at him.
"What now, Christie? For cripes sake, Christian. Speak!" He shook his head no. "Goddammit, Christie. Fine! I'll kill him myself." The lead swordsman stepped forward, and I studied his movements. There's a hesitation in his sword arm, in the shoulder joint.
He takes an experimental swing at me with his sword, and instantly, I stop it mid-swing. I swiftly manage to take it into my hand without getting cut. I then crush it with my superior strength. The blade shatters under pressure, and the pieces fall to my feet. Taking the handle away, I toss the broken blade into the dirt several yards away.
He looks hurt, even though I have not touched him. Sky took a step closer to me. In a short rage, I slam the swordsman back into the dirt, 5 yards away. Sky takes a hand to my face. He doesn't touch me, but inflicts pain anyway.
My head explodes into sudden pain and confusion. Collapsing to my knees, I grasp my head, desperate to relieve pain. He pulls away. I drop to my side, breathing heavily.

-Christie's POV-
The boy with the sunglasses took his hand around the hybrid's sibling's head, and the boy started to react to pain. I thought back to the hybrid's original words to me earlier today about pain with his brother. "He has a lower tolerance." When the boy removed his hands from the other's headspace, the other one collapsed. I watched as his glasses slipped, revealing glowing golden eyes, seconds before he pushed them back up.
I know that story! The 'Devil's Child' that everyone in my childhood village hated so much, despised, even burned their depictions of him daily. But this boy looked nothing like the hand-made pictures. The pictures all had a weird set of white eyes, a blue shirt, jeans, black and gray shoes, straight and short dark brown hair, and a diamond sword. They created the pictures to look like Herobrine, the Nether God- his father.
But this boy has curly, longish, regular brown hair. He wears a black and gray outfit, with a black and gray jacket and pants. A gold belt that hangs loose, a white and gold t-shirt, and a gold and amethyst amulet hanging around his neck on a white cord. His eyes are gold, not white, and he wears sunglasses to hide his eyes. And he looks regal, proud, and not at all devilish like everyone always told me he looked like.
The hybrid in the cage- Anthony, could hear this, but not see due to the blanket. I can hear him smack the bars. "Tyler!" He called, "Tyler?" The boy on the ground lifted his head weakly. "Anthony? Where-" "Tyler, I'm in here." He turned to the covered cage, and ripped the blanket away to reveal his brother.
They both shot to their feet, and... I don't know his name... Well, he stood there happily yet awkwardly. He kept his guard way up, and watched us closely out of the corner of his left eye. Mark's fist was tight, and his knuckles were turning a ghostly pale white. His jaw was tighter, and I wasn't sure how his jaw didn't break under the pressure.
The two brothers looked like twins, yet they still looked different. The color on the inside of their wings were different, their eye color, and the glow of their headphones. The one is the cage was themed around purple, the other was all green. But they were definitely twins. No doubt about it.

-Sky's POV-
I was stuck between super happy, and super suspicious with the players. Ty had broken the one's sword, but he still looked ready to pop and attack viciously. The archer was stuck in a state of awe, and he seemed afraid. He may have seen my eyes when my glasses slipped. The rest stayed in one spot, holding steady for something big to happen.
I touched the bars, and one bar shattered under my touch. It scared me, and I jumped back. Ty and Anthony watched me intently, waiting for me to do it again. But I felt my energy drain. I can't do it enough to get him out. I would pass out before I got enough space opened.
When this happened, the lead swordsman popped, and leaped at me angrily. I teleported out of the way, and he stumbled, confused. "What the hell?!" He didn't get the hint, and leaped for me again. Just as fast, I teleported behind him. He got irritatingly close, but missed every time he tried.
He finally got the clue, and stopped. He was livid, and hissed, regaining his breath. The others were frozen, surprised by the teleportation. But the archer was not surprised. He looked excited instead, happy even.
I stand still, only a few feet away from every player present. Everyone stood frozen, and as day faded to night, the players got very tired, and some of them swayed. The archer finally moved, and stepped closer to me. "I thought you were a myth." I spooked, jumping back from him. "Are you-"
He never finished. The lead swordsman came forward, rushed the archer, and he fell silent, stepping back. Within minutes of the silently rushed archer stepping back, he stepped forward again. The swordsman glowered, but the archer ignored him. "Are you the person I'm thinking of? Are you the son of Herobrine?"
I blinked. "Yes. I am." "Oh. I was wondering..." He once again was cut off, but by another swordsman. "Christian!" He snapped. "Mark will have your head! Be quiet!" The archer then lowered his head, and stepped back again.
The archer clearly seemed more impartial to listen to the other swordsman, rather than the leader. But the leader spoke up. "So, son of Herobrine. What do you want?" "All I want is my friend's brother, and the dragon egg you wrongfully stole from the End." He laughed, and I didn't know what was funny.
"Wrongfully stole? It sat in the middle of nowhere, begging to be taken. No, it wasn't stolen. It was rescued from that god awful place called the End." Ty roared with anger. "It was not rescued! That dragon is so confused! Look at the egg. It's screwed up because of you! You've destroyed it! And you think you saved it?! Are you mad?!"
The swordsman laughed. "Yeah! I saved it. The End is boring and dull. In the Overworld, it can enjoy the sun! It- Oof-" He was cut off by Ty rushing him and shoving him a good 10 yards back. "How dare you! The dragon is in the worst state of confusion you can get! Give me this." He went over and lifted it. It turned black, from its multicolor stage.
It cracked open, and a small black dragon came out. The Enderdragon in a smaller, baby form. But its eyes were screwed up. One was fiery red, the other was cobalt ocean blue. I really could only hope it was okay.
It leaped into Ty's arms, letting the egg shell crash, empty, to the grass. It curled up to him, and shivered. Ty held it, and the archer took the risky move to turn around and walk. He pulled a blanket from a bag, and handed it to me, afraid. "Thank you very much." And I handed it to Ty for the dragon.
The dragon nestled himself in the blanket, and Ty held him like that. Anthony was getting agitated, and so was Ty. I was still on edge with these armed players, and the archer was tense and confused. To make it easier for myself, I teleported around, and took all of their weapons. I left the bow on the ground where the archer had dropped it earlier.
Ty relaxed just a tad with that, but the players went berserk. They looked around frantically, and froze when they saw the weapons in a pile at my feet. "Too bad, so sad, players."

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