Chapter 40- Players

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-Christie's POV-
The legendary son of Herobrine still had not revealed his name, so I couldn't call to him directly. But he and the loose hybrid disappeared, but the caged one stayed caged. Mark screamed, "Yeah! You better run!" Instantly, I was on top of him. "Are you INSANE?! You just INVOKED a legend to pretty much kill you! You're an idiot, Mark!"
Jonah came up behind me, and placed his hand on my shoulder. "We're not getting anything extra outta him. He's gone, Christian." He is gone. There is no such thing as Mark anymore. The Mark I knew is delusional. This is beyond delusional, so it's no longer Mark.
Jonah steered me back to our campsite, where Jason and Lindsay were pulling the fire together. We all sat around the fire, quiet, until Lindsay brought up one topic I'd been hoping to avoid. He asked me the one question I didn't want to answer. "Who was that? And how did you know him?" They all looked at me.
"My childhood village. Have you not heard the stories? They hated him, called him the 'Devil's Child'. It's said that the mother announced the child, only a few months before the birth to her village. She was normal, a regular human like us. But the village rejected it, and refused her any refuge.
She spent weeks alone, and the village spread rumors of the Devil's Child being born. The rumor spread like wildfire, and it reached Herobrine in a matter of days. He sent the mother to the Nether, his natural home, to keep the child away from angry, vengeful humans. But that wasn't enough for the people. They pressured Herobrine to kill the child and the mother. His child and girlfriend.
Instead of dosing out death, he combined his powers with Notch, and blinded the child. It's said that this supposedly made the village happy, and allowed his life to be spared. But the Enderdragon forbade it, and tried to kill the blind child himself, only managing to kill his mother. That is the blind child himself. My village, the one who so desperately wanted him dead, burned strange hand made depictions of him daily.
They burned pictures, anything that represented him, on a daily basis. They even set the mother's house on fire weeks after the child's birth, I know because I was there. I was 5 then, making the child now 19, because I'm 5 years older, and I'm 24. That was him. But I can't remember the name."
"Skybrine." A voice called. I turned around, and saw the same guy, standing there, with his glasses covering his eyes. "My name is Skybrine. But everyone calls me Sky." "Hello. Is your friend okay? We didn't want the egg. Only Mark did, but he was extremely delusional." "Ty is fine. He just needed a break from players hurting him."
"Players?" Jonah asked. "Yes. Players, mortals, humans, whatever you call them. You guys." "We're people. Not players. This isn't a game." "I don't know. It's what my dad calls 'people'."
"Your- oh..." Jason figured it out. It was Sky that was the son of Herobrine. "Well, Sky, how about you rest with us for a while? Explain some stuff?" "Sure. What'd you need explained?"
"What happened with your mom?" Jason blurted. Sky looked down. "What about her?" His voice was lower, and sad. "I don't mean to make you upset..." "It's fine. What about her?"
"How'd she die? Why?" "Her life was taken by the Enderdragon when I was 4, but he was trying to get to me. Which is stupid because I can't die. He swatted me out of the way with his tail instead of my mom being shoved away." "Oh... Wait. You can't die?!"
"No. I've been killed 3 times in my life so far. One- I got in trouble, and my dad's sword descended on my head. Two- I got in trouble, and my dad's sword descended on my head. Three- the dragon went berserk in the Aether two days ago and crushed my body underfoot. I'm still very sore from that."
He settled in one spot in the grass, and looked up at the stars. They're very bright tonight, and they sparkle. But I had a question of my own. "How can you see?" He glances at me, smiling.
"These sunglasses," He tapped his glasses, "are enchanted. They have a special custom enchant that lets me see. Without them I'm totally blind. I see nothing but black without these on.""Why?" "To appease my mother's village. I think they still hate me. Not sure..."
"They do. I'm from that village. They burn hand made pictures of you daily. I don't know why though. Their reason is just stupid." Jonah and Jason shifted uncomfortably. Lindsay laid back, and put his hands behind his head. "So... You seem powerful. So how is the hybrid still caged?"
"I don't have that kind of power. I'm strong and powerful, yes, but not enough to extinguish a very strong enchantment such as this." After a while of asking questions and listening to answers, the sun starts to rise. The loose hybrid- Ty, reappears with the dragon in his arms. He looks completely exhausted.
He flies onto the top of his brother's cage, and curls up like a dog, falling asleep with his tail hanging over the side. "Tyyyylerrrrr..." Ty, on top, mumbles back, "Anthonyyyyy..." "Hey! Stop it guys." Sky yells. They're whining at each other. It's legitimately funny. But Mark comes out of his demented state, and manages to tie up Sky.
Then before Sky can react, Mark has put a white cloth over his mouth, and Sky passes out as he inhales. Ty is asleep already, so Mark just ties him up and opens the cage long enough to toss Ty and the dragon in with Anthony. But he's not satisfied with just them. To keep me from interfering, he shoved the cloth over my mouth and nose, blocking any way of breathing. And I choke.
Not on anything but suffocation. I finally have to breathe, and I inhale the drugs on the cloth. The smell is unbearably good, and I pass out.

-Anthony's POV-
When I found Tyler in my cage the next night, I was extremely angry. He managed to somehow get Tyler in here without him waking up. Then another sight takes my breath away. Sky is in a separate cage, asleep.
The dragon curled up around me since I was awake, and brought its blanket with it. For a few hours I stroked the dragon's back, and ran my hand under his throat, and he relaxed in my arms. Tyler woke up, and looked around, confused by his surroundings. He leaned against the cage bars, and understood. "Why is it always us, Anthony?"
I shrugged. "How am I supposed to know? I don't know how either. I was asleep like you. And turn around. They got Sky too." Ty spun, and saw Sky. "No. Oh please god no. Not Sky. Sky?" He moved, but didn't wake, so at least he wasn't dead, alone in a cage.
He did look sickly though, and not much like Sky. His jacket was torn off, and his amulet was on the cage floor with his broken sunglasses. Wait. Broken sunglasses. Oh god. He's gonna be blind now.
The amulet glowed, and it brought Sky around. He picked it up when it made a faint humming sound, and pulled it over his head. He looked lost, without direction and confused. Tied to a tree a bit away, I could spot Christie, slumped against a tree with chains wrapped around him. The others laid around the fire, asleep.
Sky was very lost, and he couldn't see to boot. Ty was pacing and the dragon was curled up on my lap in the blanket. "Sky. Sky look in the direction of my voice." He turned. "Where are my sunglasses, Anthony?"
"Sky, they're broken. Someone snapped the lenses, and then snapped the frame. They're in pieces at your feet." I watched as he turned away. His head bent over into his knees, and I watched as he broke down. His glasses were broke, so he couldn't see, he was trapped in an unbreakable cage, and had a lunatic holding him- blinded in a cage.
When dawn rose, my eyes got heavy. Ty passed out first, and I barley stayed awake long enough to see the camp waking up. It was early here, but late night at home. I fell asleep soon enough.

-Sky's POV-
Great. I'm blind with a demented player holding me in a cage. This is ridiculous. Listening closely, I can hear footsteps approach the cage. And a voice sends a chill down my spine.
It's eerie, and thickly accented. Not the very noticeable type of accent, but it had a big effect on certain words he said. "You are now mine. I don't give a fuck if that's slavery or kidnapping, you're mine. And if you do something wrong, I will treat you as such, and you cannot utter a word about it. Kapeesh?"
I nod to myself, not entirely sure where he's standing. "At least tell me your name." "Mark. The idiot who spoke to you was Christie. Then we also have Jonah, Jason, and Lindsay. You disobey me, Jonah, Jason or Lindsay, and you are punished severely. Disobey Christie, psh. Who gives a fuck about him."
"I do. Got it?" I don't know his answer, because he probably nodded in shock. The footsteps move away, and the silence comes back. Horses are whinnying, so I can assume we're moving camp. Or, they are...
I can hear many players walking around and talking when we stop. Knowing I can't see them, I hear Mark step up closer to my cage. "Welcome, come see the Devil's Child! He is here, blinded and lost. We also have Enderdragon hybrids. They are stubbornly asleep, but you can still see them..."
He says some other stuff, like pictures are not allowed, no touching, and teasing is encouraged. But he didn't specify who could tease and who couldn't. So all day I'd tease Mark about little things, all auditory and vocal teasers, none visual. He got more audibly frustrated throughout the day, and I'd laugh.
Ty, Anthony, and the dragon were definitely asleep, as I could hear the whistle of the dragon's shallow breath. But one kid freaked me out. I couldn't hear her steps, too soft without a loud mark. She stroked my hand once, before I pulled back shakily and quickly, terrified. I heard her start to cry.
I stuck my hand out of the cage and found her head. I patted her head a few times, and apologized for scaring her. She sniffled, then perked up and laughed. Never have I been so happy to be blind. Because Mark had seen me touch the child, and was livid with me.
Something snapped, and my left hand exploded in pain. I tugged it back, and held it with my other hand. Warm, sticky liquid stuck to my right hand. He'd made me bleed. My body still hurt from the dragon, so this was nothing, but it still hurt like a bitch.
My brain went on autopilot, and I shrank back into the corner. I snapped my hand quickly, and the bleeding slowed. Little to no blood flowed now. But I could hear the crying of a little girl, and the complaining of an adult. I knew the adult was complaining about me touching the little girl.
The voices trailed off as they left. But I could hear Anthony, which means something woke him up. Which means someone's getting in trouble. "Sky." "Yeah?" "What happened? What what did you do?" "Me? Nothing!" "Then why'd he whip you?"
It was a whip? Why would this guy have a whip?! He's demented! "Well, a kid touched my hand, I panicked, apologized, and that's it! I patted her head to help apologize." "You idiot! You don't touch people outside. I learned that the hard way."

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