Chapter 5- Prison Break Plan

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As soon as I teleported out of the cell, I was confronted. I landed in my room, but the maid was there. She found the nerve to speak harsh words to me. For God's sake she found the nerve to speak to me in the first place. "Why did you have that creature in your room? You know it doesn't belong. You've disrespected the house master. How dare you."
I snapped,"How dare I?! How dare I? How dare YOU for speaking to me this way. Get out. NOW. You are not my mother, and you are below me. You are a rat to me." She fled, and my door slammed behind her. Immediately, my dad appeared. "What was that for? She just fled down the stairs crying. What the hell Sky?!" I had plenty reason to yell.
"She spoke to me like she was Mom. She tried to denounce me, and she had the nerve to even say 'How dare you,' to me. Is that not reason enough to yell?" He understands my anguish with this, and nods his head. "Very well. Do as you wish." He teleported away. As soon as he was gone, I teleported back down to Ty and the boys, but there was no one there.
Then I heard it. The screaming. I'd heard it as a kid, but now I realize it was real life screams, from real people. I followed the sound, and it slowly got louder, as I got closer. I stopped short when I found the source.
The door showed abuse, and quite a bit of recent usage. Behind it was the source of the screaming, and the voice was familiar-Mitch. I cringed, knowing I couldn't do anything to help. If I did, I would be severely punished. I didn't want any more than I'm already anticipating for hiding Ty in the house.
I go back upstairs, and I'm confronted again, this time by my dad. "I'm going back to the Nether castle for a while, Sky. I need to check with my forces. Stay or go, I'll be back in a week." He gestures for me to follow him. We walk in the direction of the house portal. We keep a leisurely pace, and he doesn't rush me.
"Ya know Sky, I will say it the way you like, but it would be better to just use your full name sometimes. Just so it's easier to identify you." I look at him, "So you're telling me- my amulet and eyes don't give you enough hints? Let alone the teleportation?" He glares at me, not in the mood for my sarcastic attitude. "Just consider how much easier it would be for those who don't know you, like that destructive creature you brought in the house."
He slips through the portal with that, and I head back downstairs to the cell block. I find all the boys and Ty back in the cell, but they've all clearly sustained whippings. Seto and Brice have bloody hands, Jerome and Mitch have destroyed shirts and deep whip marks in their backs. Ty has serious gashes in his forearms, and they all seem to have fallen asleep. Then I notice something.
Ty's wings have a chain around them. The chain is thick, and the material is black. I recognize the material. It's Kevlar mixed with molten obsidian. The chain wasn't going to break anytime soon, or maybe ever. As a small part of my payment, I manually pick locked the padlock, and the chain was pulled away. I set it on the floor next to Ty. The sound woke him up, and he jumped.
"Sky? What are you doing down here?" His voice is groggy and unfocused. I respond, "Getting this chain off of you. I freed your wings." He shifts, and his wings fall out beside him. They curl back in, but loosely. He sighs in relief.
"Thanks, but where were you earlier? Your assistance was very much needed. We got WHIPPED if you hadn't noticed." "I heard you, but do you want my dad to kill me? Like, literally? I'm already in enough trouble for bringing you in the house." Ty looks at me real startled, and replies, "What do you mean literally? And what kind of trouble are you in?" I laugh quietly, as to not wake the boys. "My dad has me under strict supervision, and I'm pretty much under house arrest, screwing with my plans. And yes, if I get into ANYMORE, I repeat ANY, more trouble, my dad will not hesitate to bring his sword down on me. He's done it twice before."
"He's killed you TWICE?! He's KILLED you? Like, you died? Your heart stopped?" I nod, and I hear a moan. Ty's sharp whisper screams had woken someone. Brice trundles over and sits in front of us, eyes closed. He frowns, and asks, "Sky? When'd you get here?" His eyes flutter open, and he summons his tiny blue flame in his palm.
I sigh, and Brice just watched me, still wary of me, even after I told him a 3 days ago I wouldn't hurt him. I get up my nerve, and tell Brice to gently wake everyone. He does, and before I say anything, I help Seto and Brice heal everyone's cuts and gashes. I personally heal Seto and Brice first so they can work without the pain of their hands. I heal Ty's arms, while Seto gets Mitch, and Brice gets Jerome.
I tell them my plan, even though I know it will have a delay. I'm going to break these poor kids out. First, I really need to know them. I never really got to sit and talk with them much because of my house arrest situation. We sit in a circle and go through what we all want to share.
Mitch goes first. "So, I never really did much in my childhood, but that obviously wasn't long, since I've been here since I was- 4? 5? I dunno anymore. My family lived in what is called a fantasy pocket, and that's where we found Jerome. He was my age, but he didn't always look like this. He's a natural bacca, but Herobrine cursed him, and he actually can't return to the pocket because of it. I've been here for 5 or 6 years now. Can't remember what the sky looks like."
Jerome went second- "I was found as a little bac when I was a cub of 2 by Mitch and his dad. On my fourth birthday- ya know, was cursed, and brought here. I was captured with Mitch. I was told why, and the guards always said it was because Mitch saw too much of the pocket, and I was too much of a fantasy influence on a 'player'. Don't know what a player is, but it was said like an insult to Mitch."
Ty went third- "Well, as far as I can physically remember, I was in the End my entire life, but glimpses of something before that have come through dreams. Either way, the main chunk of my life was spent in the End, just the way I am today. My wings, tail and fangs were there, and I really had no one to play with, so I spent my time sparring with the enderman using a spare obsidian sword I found. I haven't changed much. I left the End because the dragon started to physically beat on me, and ripped up my face. I went through the portal and Sky found me stumbling in the light. That's where my story ends because we've reached the present."
I went fourth- "Literally, I've died twice. Both times by my dad- Herobrine. My childhood was mainly just my dad beating rules into me, but before my mother died, it was different. My mother kept me from harm, but Ty, the reason the End exists, and why the dragon is there, is because the dragon killed my mother. That's why I was so frantic when you told me about a portal to here in the End."
"But still, the main part of my childhood was my dad yelling at me, and me running to my room to sulk. It was depressing, but I got to go outside. Which still wasn't fun, because it was in the Nether. I was so happy when my dad finally let me through the portal to the Aether- here. I've been going back and forth ever since. I'd hear screams down here when I was like, 5, but was always shot down when I asked to come and investigate. Now you know about me. Oh, and I've mainly been raised by maids, servants, guards, and rarely by my dad."
All the boys stare at me. Seto cries,"You were raised by everyone but your FATHER? Who does that?" Brice mumbles, "Herobrine, apparently." I smile at their reactions, and notice that Brice's flame is getting low. I snap my wrist and a gold orb materializes in my hand. I set it in the center of the circle like a campfire. We continue with our stories.
Brice goes next- "I was raised by both parents- Amelia and Chase Solace. My parents were raised into a family of murderers, those who hunted and killed dark magic users like Seto. They raised me like that, but I never took to it. I befriended Seto, angering my parents to the point they tried to kill him in front of me several times. That ended when Herobrine trapped us, and took Seto and I through my inability to kill. He took advantage of the weakness, and turned it against me. I was 6. I've been here for 5 years- I'm 11 years old starting last September."
Seto's last, but his story is eerily similar to Brice's- "My parents were executed by the Solace heir- Chase Solace. My sister was soon after slain by Amelia Cornelius Solace. I was an orphan, until Brice found me in the woods behind his family home. He took me into his home, and his parents flipped. They tried to kill me on the spot, but failed miserably as Brice body blocked me."
"The two of us were the inseparable, but that changed soon after when Chase tried to turn Brice against me. With Brice being their only child, we both understood that a five year old to them was a man. He was to be tested as the new Solace heir- he had to kill a dark user. It proved ineffective when they put me in front of Brice as the target. He refused immediately, and Chase and Amelia both scoffed, turning Brice away, and rejecting him from ever returning to the home. Herobrine trapped us in the woods a week later. I was 6 as well, and I turned eleven last week."
I realize that the two stories are similar, but Seto went into depth, while Brice stayed blunt. I notice why Brice was so blunt. His parents had disowned and abandoned him because he couldn't bear to kill his friend. That was harsh parenting, probably too harsh for a 5- maybe 6 year old kid. Way too hard to deal with.
Mitch and Jerome are both 10, Seto and Brice are 11, Ty is 16, and I'm 15. Okay, so that's out of the way. Brice and Seto have been here for about 4 years, and Mitch and Jerome have been here for 6. The screaming if heard as a little kid were either just Mitch and Jerome, or it was all four, and I'd never been allowed to investigate. My dad hopefully has no clue I've been doing this, and if he does, he hasn't brought it up yet. Thank god he left for the Nether today.
I tell them of my house arrest punishment, and that the escape will have to wait. Then I think about my dad's timeline, and realize it wouldn't work anyway. "Change of plans guys. My dad is gone right now and he'll be gone for the week, but the house arrest won't be lifted until he's back. Either way, I'll be watched, and nothing gets passed the guards, maids, or servants because they all report back to my dad, and my dad will easily kill me a third time without hesitation. If I die again with you guys loose, you're fucked. You'll die and not come back. I don't know about you, Ty, but who does?"
Mitch sits forward. "Then we go now." I shake my head. " I'm under house arrest. The guards won't let me leave the house, and I can't teleport because my dad has a damn shield he put up when he left." Ty sits up, " So fuck up his shield! Break it! You're his son goddammit," he turns to the boys, "and don't ever use those words until you're our age.  We're old enough. You aren't." Mitch goes, "Aw, fudge."
I sigh. "I'll try, but it's doubtful I can break it. Notch is my uncle for god sake. My dad has Notch level power." I teleported upstairs and out to my bedroom patio. I reached out my hands, and I connected with the barrier. It was invisible to the eyes, but once you touch it, a small section around the touched spot will become visible. I took off my amulet for a second, afraid of using to much power and destroying the precious thing. I pressed my fingertips against the small bare section, and it read my fingerprints. It recognized my prints as not mine, but Dad's, because our prints are so similar. The shield comes down soundlessly.
I excited teleport back down to the boys and Ty, and when the see my smile, they know I have good news. " I broke it. It read my fingerprints as my dad's, and the shield went down. If my dad gets word, we'll have 20 minutes before it goes back up. Let's go people! Lock arms in a circle. I need two of you holding my hands, and you cannot let go! Three, two, one!"
We teleport into the plains where I'd found Ty in the first place, out of sight of the castle towers. The boys are all blinded by the light after several years of darkness. Even Ty is blinded, but he adjusted faster. It takes several minutes for the boys to all adjust correctly. We start to walk the the south, toward the nearest village.
We arrive to find a small town, containing what my father considered, 'players'. And someone calls, "Mitch? Jerome?! Babies?!?!" Mitch and Jerome spin around, and they're greeted by an older couple, around their late 40s, early 50s. The two boys break out into tears and run over. Ty and I are bare, and exposed, in an area that doesn't welcome Herobrine or the Enderdragon.
The boys are hugging the couple, and I notice similarities between Mitch and the couple. These are Mitch's parents, and Jerome's adopted parents. But either way, my glasses are at the castle still, so my eyes are completely visible, and Ty had no way of hiding his wings, tail, or fangs. We both shift uncomfortably, and I can feel someone staring at me. The presence I sense is slightly angry, and mainly confused. I'm super afraid to turn around to see who it is in case it's my father. I do  not want him here.

Cool! This chapter is 2581 words! Took me almost a day and a half to complete. This is fun to write though. Hope you've enjoyed so far. Love you guys. Until the next!

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