Chapter 6- Finding Home

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-Mitch's POV-
My mom hugged me, and I nearly broke down. I haven't seen her since I was 4. We both look so different. There are so many things Jerome and I have missed, and there's no way to go back and fix it. The four of us sank to the ground, crying and hugging. Jerome had leaped for Dad, knocking him down.
I could sense the others behind me, but I was so happy, I couldn't think. I could hear Jerome and Dad laughing, but I drowned out most other sounds just as Mom started to talk to me. "Oh, Mitch. Are you okay? How are my boys?" Suddenly, I came back to reality, and remembered that she had no clue where I was. 6 YEARS without her boys, and she had no clue.
I pull away from her so I can see her face, and I smile. "You two have grown! You're so big! I'm so happy to see you boys in one piece! Thank Notch." Sky kneels next to us. "I can tell him if you like," he says softly. I sit in front of her, and she seems so out of it, I need to focus her onto me. I hold her hands.
"Mom? Dad? This is Sky. He helped us get here." Dad sits up, and Jerome sits next to me. They both look at Sky, and they look startled, scared even. I look over, and see that he doesn't have his glasses. I have to calm them down. "No Mom! He's not bad! He helped us get to you! Without him, you would never have seen us again."
She relaxes, but Dad doesn't. He watches Sky, wary of what he does. Then he looks behind me, and does a double take. I turn to see where he's looking. It's Ty, who's sitting on the sidewalk, uncomfortable and confused. I turn to Sky, who also looks very uncomfortable.
Dad seems to see their problem first. He snaps out of his trance, "We need to get them out of the city. Their presence in this city is dangerous. They'll be arrested and killed. We need to leave now. Like, NOW." Seto and Brice react first, and Brice runs and grabs Ty. They circle up, and Brice, Seto, and Sky teleport us away. We land in a field, near a big mansion.
Brice sees the mansion, and runs behind a tree, panicked. Seto does the same after letting out a squeak of fear. I study the walls, and find a shiny yellow gold banner. On it is a gold ingot, like Brice's shirt. Having never seen it, I can only guess that this is the Solace mansion.
A guard seems to have spotted Seto. I can faintly hear him scream, "We have a dark user on the south gate! Get the house master!" Brice squeals, and bolts for the gate. I can hear him scream as he runs. "Leave him alone! It's my fault he's here! Stop! Please!"
But the guard ignores him, and the gate opens to reveal a woman that looks very similar to Brice. She has the same bright golden yellow hair, and deep ocean blue eyes. Her black and gold cloak flies around as she strides over. Brice leaps in her path, and she stops short. "Brice? What have you done?"
Seto is still behind the tree, but he peeks out, and sees Brice's act of stupid courage. Sky and I walk over to help get Brice's point across. The woman I'm guessing is Amelia Solace, his mother, is clearly baffled. "B- Brice. What-? I thought you were dead. Where have you been for the past 5 years? Your father- he'll have a fit. You can't let him see you. Just curious though, who is the dark user I was called for?" Brice stutters a bit, "I-it's S-seto. Do- Don't hurt him Mom."
She sighs, and then nearly has a stroke when she looks at Sky. "What the-?! Who are- wait. I know you from somewhere. Um... Damn. Where was it? Yes! It was when you were little. Very little, maybe 3 years old?" Sky looks confused, visibly not recognizing this woman one bit. "I'm sorry, but... I- don't remember." He looks at her apologetically, and he looks down a this shoes.
"Oh! That's fine, I wasn't expecting you to. You were so little, and to have your mother die so soon, it was a sad time. You won't remember me because I had my face hidden when I helped you escape. Oh, you were crying, and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here."
Sky lights up, but then brutal memories visibly crash down on him. His face turns from smiles to emotionless. His hair falls in his face, and he pivots and walks away.

-Sky's POV-
The memory crushes my thoughts, and I need to walk away. Amelia Solace just brought my most painful memory to the surface, and crushed my emotions underfoot. I don't think it was intentional, but she said it like it was a chill day, as if nothing happened. But too much had happened that day. Too much. Here's what happened.
My mom had been with me on a walk around the neighborhood, through the city, and we'd been minding our own business. But, a little boy with reddish brown hair leaped onto the street in front of me. (I now recognize this boy as Ty, before he took on the dragon part of himself.) He jumps out, and stops me in my tracks. Then, he runs, and a roar is heard behind me.
Mom looks horrified, and our happy walk turns into the most painful memory of my life. I turned around to see a big black smudge blocking out the sun. It as a dragon, I understood that much, but why was it here? Mom's blue eyes hold fear. The dragon smashes into the ground, and it's massive feet dig holes in the street. Mom is petrified.
The dragon knocks into me with its head, sending me flying painfully into a building. I hear Mom scream, and then- silence. I sat dazed on the sidewalk, until a shadowy figure lifted me up. (I now realize this is Amelia) and the figure carries me away from my mother. I'm screaming and crying, trying to get to Mom, but the person won't let go.
I hear my dad, and the dragon starts to roar, but disappears, leaving the echo of it in my head forever. (Amelia) puts me down under a tree, and heads back toward the city. She comes back with my dad, and he picks me up. We teleport home, and dad puts me in my room, where I cried on my bed the rest of the day.
Now Amelia has brought back that horrific memory, and I'm stuck with it surfaced. After a few minutes, Amelia stops next to me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it would impact you this much. I didn't mean to harm you in any way. I hope you can forgive my actions." I nod, and shakily walk back to everyone with her. They all look very concerned.
Seto touches my hand, and his hand sort of glows. Amelia turns rigid, and steps back, glaring. He tells me, "Take my hand in yours. It'll help." I do so, and the memory is buried once again. I sigh, and relax once more.

-Brice's POV-
I know what my mom thinks of me, and she thinks I'm a failure, and my father thinks worse of me. He thinks I am a disgrace to ever have been born. My mother has forgiven most of my failed traits, but has not forgiven my friendship with Seto. As soon as he touches Sky, she steps back, a murderous glint in her eye. But something distracts me, and I know it's gonna be bad.
Coming from the south gate- is my father, and he's beyond angry. I watch him, and my mom doesn't see him yet. He snaps his fingers, and a fireball is manipulated out of the heat of the air. He tosses it silently, and I swipe my hand in a wide arc across its path, disintegrating it. His eyes are alight with rage.
Seto notices my motion, and yelps, once again hiding behind a tree. Sky jumps, and sees the problem. My mom streaks inside through the gate behind him. She leave us to fight my father alone. Sky teleports behind my father, and twists his hand behind his back.
A snap is heard, but there are no sounds after that. Sky teleports back to me, and my  father continues to approach, if not single-handedly. He shoots another fireball, but it's deflected. Not by a yellow or blue aura from Sky or me, but a royal purple one- Seto. Mitch, Jerome and their parents watch in fear and disbelief as we fight. But, while I check to see them, my dad sees opportunity to eliminate me from the family tree altogether.
He summons a ball of fire, but this one is bright red with rage. He shoots it at me, and I'm too slow to react. It slams into my chest, and I sink to ground. The pain is unbearable, and the anger in the blast eats away at me. Seto screams, "NOOOO!!!!!" And just as I black out, I see a giant purple globe envelop my father, and as it dissipates, so does he.

-Seto's POV-
I killed him. I killed Brice's dad. This thought runs through my head over and over as I run to my friend's side. Brice is on his side, and his face is ashen. The orb had carried rage within, and I can tell that it's eating at Brice.
I set my hand on his neck, looking for a pulse, and it's there. It's getting slower and fainter, but it's there. I lay my hands on his chest and back, and I let part of my energy go to him, and he coughs. He sits up, but his face and skin are very gray, and very pale. The spell burns me out, but I sit still and help him stay upright.
Sky helps Brice to his feet, and he gets me up with a little bit of energy. Brice is very weak, so he holds onto my shoulder, and Sky manages to teleport us to the address Mitch's mother gives him. We arrive, and Jerome starts to cry out. He leaps and bounds away, and Mitch chases him down. We'd all forgotten. Jerome is cursed, and can't return to the pocket. I run to help, leaving Brice with Mitch's mom.
Jerome is crying just outside the pocket. Sky and I both set a hand on his shoulders, and we lead him back into the pocket. He stops crying, and he starts to change. In minutes of reentering the pocket, he looks like a regular bacca, and Mitch is overjoyed.
Jerome hugs us both with his little fuzzy paws, and we hug him back. He bounds over to the little house, and runs in. When he comes back out, he's wearing a small tuxedo. I notice Mitch run in to change as well, and he comes out in a checkered shirt like before, but this one isn't ripped up with whip lashes. We all have scars still, but Jerome's won't show anymore because of his fur.
Brice is really awake now, and starts to cry. The pain of his father's spell hurts him, not because we hadn't gotten rid of it, but because his father had tried to exterminate him without a second thought. It was cruel and heartless, all because of his past 5 year old's gentle nature. I don't know how Brice could live with him even for the 5 years he did. I was never brought into the house after the first incident of our friendship. I didn't it mind though.

This chapter is exactly 2000 words. Unintentionally, but still. Ironic? I think NOT! Lol. Love you guys! Thanks for reading! Oh and thank you to killerRainbow04 for the first comment of the story, and for being so supportive. I've never done this before, and the support is much appreciated.

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